Well, a very common sense statement, just like a normal person would.

But, there is something special about it.

It is true that only one messenger is enough, but if there are more hostages, the gold content can be greatly increased.

As long as the other party believes that they are serious, then whether they plan to hold the God of War Cup or not, the double-digit demons should be ready, right?

What Yang Pojun wanted was not the Fighting God Cup, but a simple strong enemy.

It is something that he must solve now to get rid of or temporarily solve the interference of the Shadow Emperor, who is like a shit-maker. Of course, he does not deny that after getting so many magic stickers, he has the idea to make a 4K high-definition version of Emperor Man to kill everyone. The idea for the video (I acted as the actor in the leather suit, and the supernatural beast played the role of the supernatural beast).

But on the one hand, he felt a bit ashamed to speak directly about his private desires, and on the other hand, considering that his current persona was that of the arrogant Emperor Yan, his explanation was a bit embarrassing.

So, his answer is this -

"Do you just have to do it, or are you saying you can't do it?"

"...The subordinate understands."

"Then retreat first and get someone to deliver the message as soon as possible. The remaining members of the Red World will rest temporarily and prepare to attack the outside world."

The Outer Hostel is the logistics department of the Fire Mist Warriors and a temporary place to stay. The main staff are humans and some Fire Mist Warriors with talents in business logistics management.

The meaning of attacking the outside world...is mainly to attract hatred.

Although most of the Fire Mist warriors signed contracts with the Red World Demon King for revenge, basically as long as they did not lose their burning hearts due to successful revenge for too long, they would spontaneously fight against the Red World Demon King.

But there is a problem.

Most Fire Mist Warriors are too solitary.

They gave up everything in pursuit of revenge and power. They were often paranoid or became paranoid during the long journey of revenge. In addition, the contract partner was the Red World Demon King who had crushing power over ordinary Red World people. The work of subjugation was basically Can be done alone.It also resulted in the phenomenon that most of the Fire Mist Warriors were lone wolves, and their teamwork skills were not good enough.

This situation is fatal to the war, so the Yangpo Army plans to add fuel to the fire and let them unite as soon as possible, so that they will have more time to adjust.

Of course, the running-in process always requires actual combat. In that case, many Red World disciples and even Red World Devils who act alone will probably suffer.

This is also a strategy implemented to increase the combat effectiveness of the masquerade.

Of course, attacking the outside world does not mean killing people. Yang Pojun has no intention of doing that kind of thing. He also plans to control the Fire Mist Warrior and use it for other purposes.

But these are things that will happen later. For now, let him sleep for a while.

His consciousness began to sink, and the mirror-like bottom of the water lit up with purple electric light.


"Is this a big crisis?"

Looking at the Fengxing staff in front who asked to check their identities, Emperor Yan looked troubled.

There is no other reason. This year’s Storm Cup explicitly prohibits people from Yanxing from participating.

In order to ensure the implementation of this rule, they even added equipment to detect specific genes for registered players.

I have to mention here that the native residents of Yanxing have three strange genes.

The three strange genes are the genes of the Heaven (Ri Qi) Dao, the Earth (Moon Qi) Dao genes and the human (Xing Qi) Dao genes.

In fact, most civilizations in the entire galaxy have these three skills, but they often cannot activate them.However, Yanxing has the technology to activate Sanqi genes, and the only civilization in the galaxy that has mastered the technology of accurately activating Sanqi genes is Yanxing.

After using this technology, Sanqi genes will be easier to detect than naturally activated Sanqi genes.

Unfortunately, Emperor Yan's Zichi gene was activated by this technology.

"Luo Chao, use your invincible skills to think of a solution!"

"Are you kidding me? What I have learned can at best be used to transform silicon-based organisms. What nonsense can you, a carbon-based organism, say?"

"Damn it, do we have to go in directly? If so, wouldn't many opponents be unable to fight?"

"Why is there no option to go home directly?! And how many do you want to fight?!"

The suddenly raised volume attracted the attention of people in the distance, and Luo Sha lowered her head with some guilt.

And a muscular guy who didn't care about his words being heard said carelessly, "Of course I'm going to fight them all."

Theoretically, this is not impossible.

The Storm Cup has twelve battle arenas that serve as arenas for initial battles. If the challenger wins ten, he or she will be promoted by default. If the challenger wins, the challenger will be considered unbeatable. That is, each player must fight at least ten or even eleven people. To advance.

In the subsequent finals, all the qualified personnel will fight in the ultimate melee on a giant venue where twelve battle venues have been spliced ​​together. The last one standing will be the final winner.

It's very rough and I don't know whether it should be said that it depends on luck or strategy. However, Fengxing recognizes strong players in both resourcefulness and hard power, even if someone finds a way to bribe all the contestants to win or deceive people into lameness in the end. It's not impossible to reap the benefits by yourself.

As for this competition system... if there is an idiot who can attract enough hatred, so that all the contestants choose to beat him in the preliminary round, and the other eleven arenas are automatically promoted because the preliminary round time ends, then all the contestants can be defeated. Everyone was beaten once.

According to the previous history of the Storm Cup...well, such an outrageous situation has never happened, it is just a theoretical possibility.

But even if he told Yan Emperor that martial arts lunatic reality was not a theory, based on Luo Sha's understanding of Yan Emperor, he would most likely choose to beat up all the guys who looked like contestants outside to attract hatred or in order to attract hatred. Block the door outside and come out to beat each one.

When she thought about the gloomy future of toothache, Luo Sha felt the death star above her head flashing.

"How about... I wear the Shura armor and sign up? Anyway, they don't have the requirement to disassemble the equipment. It's better to say that they don't care about whether there is someone to fight for me. When the time comes, you can apparate in from the audience and swap identities with me. ?”

Strictly speaking, this idea is against the rules, but the venue prepared by Fengxing is special.

The twelve splicable venues are equipped with strong magnetic fields and special protective shields. If you want to break in, you must have the strongest energy, or you must have the consciousness to peel off a layer of skin if you pass unilaterally.

This information is recorded in the promotional brochure of Windstar's Storm Cup. The official even openly welcomes players who use this method to participate halfway, and expresses that whether such strong players are playing on behalf of others or they feel that the previous preliminary rounds are a waste of time and want extra The number of places doesn’t matter.

What stands out is the simplicity of the folk customs, which is like a burning star.

So since there is this method, why do they still try to find a way to enter through formal means here?


Emperor Yan directly rejected Luo Sha's plan.

But that's not because it breaks the rules, but because...

"In that case, I will meet less people who may be expected to become strong or are already strong. I feel that this time the Storm Cup will be incomplete, so I want to enter formally."

Yes, that’s the reason for being such an idiot. The problem is that martial arts idiots with similar personalities are not uncommon on Fire Star, and when their own leader is wanted or even hunted down in Wind Star, he is so arrogant that he dares to come to participate in the Storm Cup. Qing, I'm afraid there is only...

"Let me go! Why do you say I'm from Yanxing! I'm from Yanxing!"

A muscular man was picked up by two staff members wearing armor and walked directly outside.

Luo Sha: "..."

That guy looks familiar.

"Hey, isn't that Yan Huo? He's also coming to participate in the Storm Cup. Ah, by the way, is that his military emblem on the ground?"

?Is there anyone who would even bring the military emblem to participate in the Storm Cup? !In times like this? ? ?

She never expected that someone even more outrageous than Emperor Yan actually existed. Luo Sha just felt like she was holding her breath there, unable to get up or get down.

"Should we pick up some military badges for Yan Huo? He's been in a tight financial situation lately, so he only relies on the military badges being discounted to keep him from getting rich."

"If you pick it up, you won't be able to participate in the regular competition. Isn't it the discounted one..."

"Oh, you're talking about this. In the past few months, it seems that spaceships coming to Fengxing can enjoy a [-]% discount with the Yanxing military emblem. Yanhuo also said before that he would find a way to make extra money. I originally thought he was planning to go out to collect interstellar bounties. , I didn’t expect to come to the Storm Cup.”

"Okay, stop talking."

Luo Shao, who was so stupid that Yan Huo, who was considered half of her colleague, raised her hand to stop Emperor Yan from continuing to speak.

"Do you mind if I hack into their device to let you through?"

"Huh? What's there to mind?"

Emperor Yan looked at Luo Sha strangely.

"If there is such a convenient method, shouldn't we use it early?"

Luo Sha: "..."

You...forget it now!

Being looked at by the idiot Wu Chi with confused eyes, Luo Sha felt her blood pressure rising.

But fortunately, in terms of mentality adjustment, she already has a solid foundation in knowing Yandi for many years, so the problem is not that big.

She took out the Shura Summoner and began to operate it.

So far, this summoner has added the ability to monitor the time system in the past in addition to the basic functions of combining armor and summoning energy weapons. Of course, due to technical problems, it can only go back up to one hour.

But for Luo Sha, this was enough to accomplish what she wanted to do.

[Projection system preset... The scheduled start function is completed, the fixed time screen has been intercepted, and the setting is successful. 】

"Hurry in within 3 minutes."

After setting up a high-fidelity continuous long-distance projection function called Taixu Phantom that will be upgraded in the future, Luo Shan said angrily.

"Watch me take first place!"

The pure martial arts idiot dropped these words and excitedly stepped forward to take the test.

【208】 Emperor Yan (fifteen)

Thanks to the projection effect that is indeed worthy of the extra-ordinary investment, Yandi easily entered the contest as a contestant.

Luo Sha took the tickets for the auditorium and walked to the ticket check-in area.

A gust of wind blew up someone's ticket, and it hit Luo Sha on the face with a "pop" sound.

"Sorry sorry."

came a voice that sounded particularly familiar.

As he took off the ticket that blocked most of his field of vision, a sturdy man like a painter with old clothes stained with paint trotted over with an apologetic look on his face.

"...Chief, aren't you squatting in your own home and drawing?"

Luo Sha looked speechlessly at Xia Tian, ​​who was dressed in a way that would not make people other than acquaintances think that this guy was the strongest in Yanxing. The hand holding the ticket was half raised, and it was neither handed over nor taken back.

"Ahem, Yan Fei was a little angry. He poured out most of my paint. It made a big fuss. I couldn't even paint well at home. I think there seems to be a discount on the ferry tickets to Fengxing recently, so I came directly. I continue to finish the work here. I can also watch the Storm Cup."


I seem to have heard this reason somewhere.

"No, don't you need to register your identity when flying to the Flame Star? Logically speaking, the deputy leader should know about it immediately and beat you up, right?"

"Oh, I'm taking a one-way one-way spaceship that you can get on by just showing your military badge. After all, the relationship between Fengxing and Yanxing is not very good now. You should know this too."

Don't make it sound like the current dangerous situation has nothing to do with you!

"And because of this reason, many spaceships that went back and forth became unusable. For this reason, I used my privilege as the leader to issue a special wartime order, allowing the use of disposable spacecraft with a little risk."

This person is using power for personal gain!

"Of course, I know that Feng Xing dislikes me, but I have never shown my face in front of them. To be precise, except for people like Yan Fei who are directly responsible for handling most of the diplomacy. , most of Yanxing’s top executives give the impression they look like when they are wearing armor. So you don’t have to worry too much about causing trouble.”

Maybe it's because he's a little bit complacent about his behavior, Xia Tian comforted him.

"...Although I have some speculations, let me ask you, what are you going to do if your true identity is discovered?"

"I have a Xingtian Summoner."

With just one sentence, Luo Sha, who was already familiar with the simple folk customs of Yanxing, suddenly fell into despair.

?Yeah, haven't these big guys who only train muscles ever considered a plan that doesn't involve fighting? !

"Speaking of which," Yan Tian's voice sounded, "shouldn't you be doing experiments with Yan Gang? Why are you here?"

"Emperor Yan brought me here."

Sold Emperor Yan directly, Luo Shao said without any psychological burden.

"That's it."

Yan Tian nodded.

"I thought you were finally going to take action to become the [strongest]."

"……What's the meaning?"

"Huh? Didn't you say that what you desire is [the strongest]? I thought you wanted to be the strongest."

"Aren't I working hard to become the strongest? For example, perfecting the Shura Armor or something."

"The power of armor does not mean that the user himself can become the strongest. Rather, the [strongest] armor is the strongest."

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