Xia Tian said seriously.

"Let's take the simplest example. The strongest person who rules the bright world, the summoner of the Emperor's Armor of Light has an anecdote that he became the strongest before [possessing] the Emperor's Armor."

"Do you think that the Emperor came to the Ming Realm because he had the Emperor's Armor of Light, or did he come to the Ming Realm because he was the strongest?"

Facing this problem, Luo Sha's heart moved.

There was no reason, she didn't really want to face this problem directly.

"You said it was an anecdote."

"Indeed, anecdotes may be true or false. But many times the truth or falsehood of a thing is not that important. What matters is what the people who hear it think."

Xia Tian did not criticize Luo Sha for this obviously evasive answer.

This man actually has a gentle personality that is completely inconsistent with his title as [the strongest leader in the history of the Flame Star]. In non-combat situations, if he puts on clothes that can cover up his strong muscles, he will even give people a good impression. The feeling of being bullied by an honest person.

Of course, if you really treat him as someone easy to bully, you will be taught different levels of lessons based on his background and your mood.

"Tell me a story."

"There is a child who works hard because he admires his mother as a warrior and wants to surpass her to gain recognition."

"But the child's health is not good and his talent is average. It is considered impossible to even catch up with his mother who is highly regarded in Yanxing... in the military."

"The child's father is an excellent researcher and he loves his child very much."

"For the child's vision, the man hopes to help him realize his dream as much as possible."

"So, after confirming the child's wishes, the man took the child and rushed to the most hellish Shura field."

"At the junction of the light world and the shadow world, there are some planets in semi-peaceful areas."

"It is said to be semi-peaceful because there is generally no life activity there, and from time to time, warriors from the light world and shadow world regard it as a battlefield for small-scale fighting."

"In such a place, the forces of the two universes converge, forming an extremely vicious special magnetic field and energy."

"The warriors who train and even fight there will be able to break through their limits and surpass themselves under the influence of the special magnetic field and rich energy."

"Even I...the previous leaders of Yanxing would not...basically would not go to that kind of place to try to surpass their own limits, but that man did that for the sake of his child's wish."

"The most stressful and extreme training method, the most complete training nutrition intake, and a dangerous environment where father and son will die on the spot if they are unable to escape."

"Under these various factors, the child touched the threshold of breaking through the limit. At least the possibility of becoming an excellent warrior was already available at that time."

"But a lot of times accidents happen out of the blue."

"In the end, the father and son met the warriors of the Shadow Realm, and there was no possibility of escape."

"That man - the man who didn't choose to become a warrior because he was afraid of fighting. Finally, in order to protect his children, he showed the Flame Star in the most ferocious manner... showing the power of a warrior."

"In the end, the man stopped the enemy and died of exhaustion. The child was lucky to survive because of his mother and father's friends who arrived in time."

"The death of his father finally gave the child a reason to transcend. He was obsessed with his father's last sword dance as a warrior before his death. He no longer trained to surpass his mother, but made a vow to become the strongest. The choice couldn't be more pure. With his martial arts, he finally truly achieved transcendence and had the possibility of becoming the strongest."

"At this point, you should already know what I want to say."

Xia Tian's eyes stared at Luo Sha with an inexplicable meaning.

"Yandei's father died of exhaustion as a warrior, so how the hell did Emperor Yan die?"

"Oh, I participated in a great battle with the Shadow Realm and then was crushed by the opponent's number of people. In the end, I couldn't fight and blew myself up. No, I clearly didn't tell whose story it was!"

Luo Sha looked at him like a fool.

No, if you are so straightforward, what else do you want to hide?

"...I mean, Emperor Yan...no, that child finally achieved that level because he really had a clear path of his own because of his inner yearning, and he was on the right path."

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Yan Tian's gaze turned slightly upward and did not meet Luo Sha's gaze.

It just looks a bit like rolling your eyes, which is a bit off-putting.

"I tell you this story because I want you to understand that being the strongest is not achievable by someone like you who is so uncertain and unclear about his purely personal wishes."

"The strongest in this world has a clear direction."

"Excluding the armor factor, the strongest individual has two items: the highest level of intentional energy, the strongest energy, and the jump in one's own genetic level."

"Including the armor factor, the first two items cannot reach the pinnacle or even become invincible. It is still impossible to reach the strongest level."

"I don't understand the reason for your pursuit, but if you say that you will become the strongest, but in the end you just blindly perfect a set of armor that you don't know what level it will reach in the future without improving yourself in other aspects, then It’s just a joke like people with the strongest righteousness doing things like aggression, robbery and theft that have nothing to do with justice.”

Xia Tian looked at Luo Sha while saying words that would be extremely ironic in the future.

Whether it was out of concern for Emperor Yan that he wanted to find a rival for his old friend's son on the road to peace, or out of the mentality that his good brother Yan Gang regarded Luo Sha as a half-successor and felt that Luo Sha could be considered one of his own, Everyone hopes that this child can go on the right path.

Or even if she is not on the right path, she has gone through enough thinking, and finally the path she chooses based on her own wishes is not bad. At least she can find something to be proud of in life before she dies.

Although in that case, the regrets in life may be more intense.

In the end, Luo Shan walked into the toilet without saying anything.

Are you going to calm down a little bit...

He was a little disappointed, but Xia Tian could see that the other party had indeed thought about his words.

Although she has not undergone genetic surgery, Luo Sha's age is still considered a teenager among her own race, and Xia Tian is still aware of this kind of thing.Give a child time to think calmly, he will understand this kind of thing.

After 10 minutes, Luo Shan did not come out.

It's okay. I heard that women think more emotionally and take longer to calm down. It's not incomprehensible.


Half an hour later, Luo Shan didn't come out.

Maybe... someone is touching up their makeup?

Xia Tian has seen the culture of makeup on some planets. Although he doesn't understand it, he still knows about taking the time to do it.


An hour later, a message was sent to the communicator he carried.

[I have entered the scene, you can continue to stand there. 】

Xia Tian:?

【Luo Sha?Wait where is my ticket? ! 】

[I don’t know, you haven’t seen anything before. 】


Already knowing her position and sitting down, Luo Sha turned off the communication function, activated the pointing transmission ability of the Shura Summoner, and sent the silver flip phone to a certain soldier who was itching for his hands.

It's not like she doesn't know the truth, but bringing it up in Xia Tian still makes her feel nosy.

In a completely unqualified revenge state of mind, she did such a thing.

The worst he could do was get beaten up.

Luo Sha, whose way of thinking after getting into trouble gradually developed towards the characteristics of Yanxing, thought this way.


Yang Pojun lost the perspective of bystander.

But he didn’t quit the meditation, nor the view.

On the top of the snow-capped mountains, an enemy over five meters tall stood in front of him wearing heavy armor and holding a giant sword.

And myself...

The gauntlet on his left arm told him that the God's perspective had been changed to the No. 1 perspective.

It's time to spread the fire to the embers.

Inexplicably, Yang Pojun remembered such words.

The enemy on the opposite side also raised his giant sword and launched his force to chop Huashan.

[Shura Armor Assessment Task: Win the entire Storm Cup. 】

Such words appeared on the armor display screen, causing Yang Pojun to fall into a brief brain freeze.

Is it true? Is there such a thing?

The giant sword missed Yang Pojun.

Heavy weapons are indeed powerful in head-to-head confrontations, but it is inevitable that their movements will be affected by mass and volume, causing inevitable sluggishness. Yangpojun relied on super acceleration to avoid any discomfort at all by grazing the edge of the weapon.

"Are you using Yan Emperor's physical fitness, or are the side effects of super acceleration not that strong at this time?"

Unexpectedly feeling at ease, Yang Pojun began to criticize himself - or, in other words, Emperor Yan.

"The strength is excellent, and the reflexes are also very good. The muscles are trained a bit too much, and some delicate movements are not easy to do."

Of course, the last one is still due to the size difference between Yang Pojun himself and Emperor Yan. In addition, now he feels like he is playing an excellent VR, and it is a premium account.

It is worth mentioning that the total amount of mental energy seems to be almost 1.2 times that of Yang Pojun himself.

Stepping on the giant sword with one foot, the giant force prevented the enemy from pulling out his weapon.

Instead of clinging to the sword, the enemy immediately lowered his center of gravity and faced Yang Pojun (Emperor Yan) to fight with both hands.

Yang Pojun's fist, which was literally the size of a clay pot, was stepped on under his feet. As if stepping on a fulcrum for strength, he excitedly rushed up along the opponent's arm.

【Qingtian Impact】

Purple energy gathered on his knees, Yang Pojun found the opponent's front door and launched a fierce attack.

【Promise Ray】

On the forehead, the purple electric light turned into a ray from the vermilion jade, directly penetrating the enemy's helmet and hitting the inside.

【Win: 1/1919810】

Yang Pojun:?

How many games?

【209】Jian Zhang·The body cultivated as a container

The forces of this world are voluntaristic.

Yang Wuqu has confirmed this fact countless times with personal experience.

No matter how much he strengthens his Oxel form, it is meaningless when faced with Yang Lucun's ability to ignore all gaps.

[Lucun], the ability to adjust according to the state after being injured by someone.

To put it simply, when Yang Lucun's 100% health value is reduced to only 1% by the opponent, the enemy's health value is still 100%. At this time, if Yang Lucun activates his ability, then he will be restored to In the state of 1% health, the opponent's health changed to [-]%.

Reality is not a game after all, let alone one percent. In theory, if the so-called health value falls below half, it is basically seriously injured. If the rescue is not timely, it will rise to heaven on its own.

Of course, the Violence Bug's vitality is very powerful, and it is actually surprisingly friendly to its host in some aspects. In theory, Yangwu Qu can suppress the blood to the extreme and then injure the enemy.

The premise is that Yang Lucun's ability named after himself has no additional effects.

The so-called Lucun means that those who are owed must be paid, those who have suffered losses must be accompanied, and those who have been killed must be compensated.

[Lu] was first deposited with Lu Cun, how to pay it back...

We all know that the so-called percentage requires looking at the base to determine the size.

If the two sides are digitized again, Yang Lucun's health is 100 and Yang Wuqu's is 1000000. When the 1% and 100% situations described above occur, the final calculation result is that Yang Lucun's health is 100 points and Yang Wu's health is 10000. Qu’s health is [-].

On the surface, it seems that Yang Wuqu still has more remaining health points, but unlike Yang Lucun, who can complete a perfect recovery even if his limbs are broken by vomiting blood, what kind of [injury] Yang Wuqu caused to him before, this time It will be returned every moment.

That is to say, it can withstand various debuffs such as severe injuries, disabilities, excessive blood loss, and confusion.

At the same time, the overflowing health provides a short period of additional high-speed recovery, and even missing arms and legs can be reborn.

In addition, Yang Lucun was not without the ability to drain the last 10000 blood. In fact, apart from killing the opponent immediately, Yang Wuqu had no possibility of victory.

But the problem comes again. What he wants is to [win] Yang Lucun, not to kill him. So even if this possibility is possible, what is the use to Yang Wuqu?

So let's talk about the previous topic again.

Yang Wuqu persuaded Mingming with the reason that he wanted to create the possibility of [Yang Wuqu defeating Yang Lucun].

On the surface, there is no problem, because in Mingming's view, who doesn't know the specifics of Yang Lucun's abilities, Yang Lucun is just normally strong, and she doesn't like him because of his strength.

In fact, this is completely an excuse to dismiss the other party.

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