With a soft sound, the real Fire-Xing Tian Lie Sword was unsealed, showing the honor of the God of War Fire Sword.

This magic-attributed palace-level weapon, which Yanxing only had in three possessions, showed its true form at this moment.

"Want to try using it?"

"Of course!"

The emperor excitedly grabbed the hilt of the God of War's Fiery Sword.

Then he was blasted away.

"...I forgot to mention it just now, this kid will directly attack unqualified users."

There was no apology in his belated words. Xia Tian watched Di get up from the ground.

"You did it on purpose!"

Wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth, the emperor looked at this palace-level weapon with burning eyes.

"So, what does it rely on to determine user qualifications?"

"The strongest energy."

Yan Tian replied.

"And it needs to be the strongest righteousness, because the one who uses this weapon is the God of War Xingtian."

"Is it because of the wrong fierce fighting evolution?"

The emperor knew about the armors of the three chiefs through his parents.

Due to the wrong exploration of fierce fighting evolution, the power of God of War Xingtian, Jiden Feiying and Explosive King Kong did grow by leaps and bounds from the original three-body basic form, but that power was too dangerous, so the three leaders could only use Semi-sealed evolved armor.

Among them, the God of War Xingtian is the most brutal and brutal armor, which will endlessly let the summoner engage in the most intense death battle.

According to Yanxing's ancestral teachings, the leader who uses the God of War Xingtian must have the strongest Qi.In other words, only the strong man with the strongest Qi can become the leader of the Flame Star.

The most violent armor uses the strongest weapon, and the result of the trade-off is naturally to add a restriction to the God of War Fiery Sword that can only be unlocked by the strongest righteousness.

"But the mental weapon is self-aware, right? So it shouldn't directly attack me who has a good relationship with you."

"Yes, but the God of War Fiery Sword is usually a weapon that lacks fighting spirit. Without the strongest energy and strong fighting spirit, as well as the violent will of God of War Xingtian to fight to the death, he would be happy to be sealed. Because you want to see You will definitely be disliked if you reveal your real body."

Yantian thrust this palace-level weapon into the ground, and a powerful invisible energy field emanated from the sword.

"But strictly speaking, there is one restriction made by the ancestors of Yanxing that I have never been able to say whether it is a restriction or not."


Emperor asked.

"If..." Yan Tian said after thinking about it, "If a person has the strongest righteousness and possesses the Riki gene, as long as he can resonate with the magnetic field of the God of War Fiery Sword, he can summon this palace-level sword. Projection of weapons.”

"This is also one of the main reasons why Yan Gang has considered making mass-produced replicas of the three major armors."

"If one day the strongest energy appears in a warrior other than the leader, then it may be possible for two identical palace-level weapons to confront each other."

"Although Yan Gang is like a researcher, he is still one of the three strongest people in Yanxing. It's just that researchers can't get the Explosive King Kong."

The emperor thought for a moment and asked: "In other words, as long as it can resonate with the God of War Fiery Sword and has the strongest righteousness, can I also use this weapon?"


Summer patted his head.

"And I believe that day will come."


"Hey - it turns out that the purpose of mass-producing the three major armors is this."

Luo Sha made a sound of unmotivated surprise.

"You don't look very surprised."

Yan Gang took a sip of a refreshing drink similar to coffee.

"Well, after all, judging from the data, the standardized armor used by Yanxing's armored army is not weak. In fact, the overall data is far higher than these mass-produced products that are still being planned."

"If there is no special reason, I can only understand that you plan to waste money in vain."

"But looking at Yan Fei's behavior, adding more financial problems will only make him even more violent."

"So what's left is the possibility that mass-produced goods can serve some special purpose."

Facing this student's excellence, Yan Gang gave his praise without hesitation.

"Very good! There is no doubt that you have excellent thinking ability, and you are not just a fool who can only make armors."

"Then...thank you for the compliment?"

Luo Sha didn't have any special reaction to such praise, so she looked at the information in her hand.

The two fell into a temporary silence.

"The palace-level weapons corresponding to Hiden Hiikage and the palace-level weapons corresponding to Explosive Kong... do we need the strongest evil energy that is completely opposite to the God of War Blazing Sword?"

Seeing the unexpected information, Luo Sha looked at Yan Gang subconsciously.

"Why do you let me see this kind of thing? This shouldn't be something I can see, right?"

"Theoretically, it is true. After all, even according to the laws of Yanxing, your observation period is still about ten years. Before that, opening up such confidential documents to you is considered a dereliction of duty by the manager - provided that the manager Not a leader-level figure."

Yan Gang smiled and finished the refreshing drink.

"What do you want me to do?"

It was clear that the man in front of her belonged to the ranks of human spirits. Luo Sha rubbed her temples, feeling slightly better from the pain of being dizzy due to the experiment.

"I remember, you made a pair of armor for Emperor Yan, right? It's called... Rakshasa Armor?"

"It's Shura. Who would directly use their own name as the armor's name? It's so narcissistic!"

"Actually, I don't think so."

Putting away the cup, Yan Gang handed her a piece of information.

"What are above are three special magnetic fields corresponding to palace-level weapons. Theoretically speaking, as long as the summoner is added with a program that can simulate the corresponding magnetic field, the summoner without the three major armors can also summon palace-level weapons. Moreover, because of the summoning Due to the limitations of the weapon itself, the mass-produced armor plan for palace-level weapons requires three specific genes: Richi, Yueqi, and Xingqi as one of the necessary conditions, so there is no problem even if this kind of thing is spread. After all, The strongest Qi blocks most people’s possibility of using this thing.”

"So... what do you mean?"

"Add magnetic fields corresponding to the three palace-level weapons to the Shura Summoner."

There seemed to be a thunderstorm flashing in Yan Gang's brown eyes.

"I want to see if it is possible to break the measures of our ancestors."

"...Can't you just do that kind of thing yourself?"

"I did."

"It failed, right?"

After all, there is no need to let yourself try if you succeed.

"No, it worked."


"So, what I want to see is whether there are more possibilities for cracking. Researchers can't pursue too narrow a path."

"...Does adding that kind of program to the Shura Summoner count as a crack?"

"No, at least it has to be able to ignore the presence or absence of the Sanqi gene."

Yan Gang said with a smile.

"I'm still looking forward to your talent breaking through the genetic limitations and summoning palace-level weapons."

"Then I'd better consider adding the basic summoning program first."


"...Fire fire fire fire..."

Such a voice rang in my ears.

Yang Pojun shook his head and took a deep breath.

It seemed like I was hallucinating something just now.

Focus on me, I can’t just let Shura Armor go out of print!

He opened the flip of the phone and rested his fingers on the fire button.

Remember...it's a cannon, right?

The enemy did not let him go and rushed over directly.

Fire fire fire fire start button.

The energy field seemed to come alive and was reshaped in another direction.

In the red firelight, the long sword with a wide blade was pulled out of the void.

【God of War Flame Sword】


The energy was completed in an instant.

"God of War Slash!"


There are classes in the evening, plus Cavan, but no one seems to be watching these two days.

I have to get up early for another morning run tomorrow morning.

Why do you still have to run in the morning when you are in college?

If you have any plots you want to see, you can suggest them. I haven’t even posted a single post during this period and I feel very lacking in writing motivation.

You can also mention your dissatisfaction with certain plots or dissatisfaction with certain plots.

【212】 Emperor Yan ([-])

Xingli Temple stopped not far from Shenlong Temple and slowly landed on the spot.

Thirty-six monks over fifty years old, carrying various weapons, looked up at this scene with serious expressions.

Xingli Temple, which was originally falling with the power of Tathagata Buddha's slap to suppress Sun Wukong's air, decelerated instantly, and soon turned into a slow-down fall as slow as a turtle crawling.


"Suddenly, Lord Ji, why do you want to slow down?"

"There's someone down there."

"It's just a mere human being, not a monster like the leader."

"Shut up, you'll be in trouble if the next few hear it."

After stopping his men's remarks, Liebezar suddenly used his superb eyesight to see a familiar face among the bald heads below.

He looks down on weak humans, and like most of the Red World's followers, he hates the Fire Mist Warriors who are the Red World Demon King's crusade against his compatriots.

But that doesn't mean he looks down on the devil.

Unlike many demons who consider themselves to be in the human camp, Liebezar never thinks that those monsters can be called humans.

Tear the flames to pieces, destroy the Dharma of Freedom, and in turn eat the people of the red world to increase your own magic power.

That kind of monster shouldn't be called a [human] at all.

Among the bald monks below, there was a man named Puzhi who once said, "Amitabha, my Buddha does not commit the sin of killing" while tearing the dozen or so followers of the Red World he led into pieces and eating them alive.

If it weren't for another member of the Red World who used hostages to delay time, it would be a question whether Liebezar could escape.

And until now, he was not sure whether the man from the red world who delayed him for time was dead.

After all, the last scene he saw was of a person being stuffed into the ground from the neck down by the bald man opposite.The monk, who was not that old at that time, hit the poor compatriot on the head with a thick stick like a wooden fish while reciting scriptures and other words.

In short, although it is embarrassing to say it, Liebezar, as a red devil with a bright mind in combat, believes that he still needs to consider these comrades.

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