Of course, it was not that he had not considered the possibility of Emperor Yan taking action for him.

Judging from the will he felt in Emperor Yan's attack, he should be a proud king with a great tolerance (Sacrificial Snake) and an extremely ego (Star Lord).

But a certain premonition made him subconsciously reject the possibility of causing trouble without asking the other party's will.

"Remember, we are meeting with each other on behalf of the alliance leader at this moment. Our words and deeds represent the alliance leader's face. Put away your unnecessary arrogance, the opposite side is a real monster among humans. If you take it lightly, you will only die."

Under the influence of the Freedom Law, such sounds reached the ears of the surrounding Red World disciples.

This was not an act of transgression. Liebezal was already a member of the Masquerade’s [Riders], that is, a high-level combat force.

For the Red World members who do not pursue strong class distinctions, the value of force is a major factor affecting the right to speak. Moreover, Liebezar's record is actually not bad. Even if he was easily defeated by the Yang Po Army, for As far as the members of the masquerade are concerned, it has only increased the gold content of Emperor Yan, not that Liebezar has become weaker.

After maintaining a landing of one meter above the ground for nearly half an hour, Liebezar was the first to jump off the mobile fortress.

"I am Sudzee Liebezar, a masquerade itinerant."

"Recently we sent a messenger to request your temple to hold the Fighting God Cup."

"I wonder who can discuss the details with me."

One of the monks standing at the front responded to him.

"The poor monk Pu Ming, under the orders of the abbot, is responsible for arranging the daily life of the contestants."

"Please bring the 120 eight contestants with you and the poor monk. Our temple is simple and it is not convenient to receive too many pilgrims. Please stay here for the rest of the guests."

Such words immediately made a red-blooded person dissatisfied.

He knew from the compatriots around him that Shenlong Temple was the largest temple in the Celestial Dynasty, with thousands of monks. It is said that each Dou Shen Cup would receive thousands of contestants, how could it not be able to accommodate more than 500 of them? Disciples of the Red World (a considerable number of Disciples of the Red World joined and returned during the journey).

But it was obvious that this man of the world did not listen to Liebezar's previous warning.

In other words, as a member of the Red World who has only been in this world for more than ten years, he does not understand what the attitude of powerful humans will be when facing alien races that are inferior to themselves and can devour their own compatriots.

The so-called Jie Dao is a knife worn by monks. It is usually extremely sharp and has no fixed shape.

In this world, as a monk, if the sword-slayer's inherent spiritual equipment is a sword-type weapon, then it can be called a Jie Dao.

According to the precepts, this knife can only cut off three pieces of clothing or shave and cut claws, but cannot kill.

However, that is a relatively common rule of conventional temples.

As a place with the nature of a training institution for warriors, Shenlong Temple is equipped with weapons and fully advanced treatment methods.

There are everything from technological healing warehouses to Bladers who are good at using Blade powers to perform cell-level repairs.

As the head of the Discipline Academy, Puming relied not only on his profound Buddhist knowledge, but also on his [non-killing] sword skills.

The blade, which was less than half a meter long, completed 32 cuts in the blink of an eye, completely disintegrating this sizable man of the world.

The pain started in the fingertips and feet, and then cracks spread from the point where the pain originated, all the way to the torso.The fire powder transformed into the power of existence gushes out from the cracks. The strong premonition of death and the loss of the power of existence that maintains the appearance make this man of the world want to shout, but he finds that his tongue has been chopped off and blocked. his own throat.

when? !

Pu Ming, who did not care about the tragic situation of the Red World disciples and was still holding the sword, repeated his words.

"Our temple is simple and inconvenient to receive too many pilgrims."

"Of course, bad guests are another matter."

"It's just that Shenlong Temple is not a completely public tourist attraction after all, and the ticket fees may not comply with the national tourism industry regulations."

Faced with the other party's obvious attitude of using their lives as tickets, the group of celebrities who were originally scornful calmed down a little.

"Please wait a moment, we... still need a little time."

Liebezar looked uneasily at the place located at the highest point of Xingli Palace, surrounded by three high platforms.

There is the throne where the current leader of the Masquerade, Fire Mist Warrior of the Ritual Snake, Fire Emperor, is temporarily sleeping.


"Haven't you woke up yet?"

Seeing Yang Pojun sleeping on the throne with a somewhat obedient appearance, Bellpeolu, who had just arrived, was a little anxious.

She couldn't help but feel anxious. Half an hour before she came here from Xingli Palace, more than one energy locked her.

Just this feeling brought back very bad memories for her.

People who also suffered such treatment were Xiudenan and Hecate, who were three pillar ministers like her.

This kind of thing can only mean that multiple powerful people have directly discovered their existence and completed an almost perfect blockade and siege.

If Wei Wu, the snake worshiped as a god of creation, had not said that there was no need to worry, she would have already arranged for her subordinates to take countermeasures. At least, she could not continue to be frightened like being aimed at with a cannon.

Bellpeolu was indeed good at strategizing, but when her immediate boss was a troublesome person who asked her not to operate on these points, no matter how good she was at strategizing, it was of no use.

That's right, no matter how much she respected the God of Creation who created her, Bellpeolu's brain was telling her that it was just an idiot's order and that doing so was seeking death.


Again, the purpose of the masquerade is to sacrifice the snake. Even if all members of this organization, including the three pillars, are killed, it is just a necessary sacrifice.

As long as the ritual snakes have the will, they will definitely go through fire and water or break into hell without any plan.

However, the fact that someone came to inform that there were multiple demons waiting below still made Bellpeolu subconsciously think of countermeasures.

"My military advisor."

A powerful voice came from the dark snake-shaped earrings, and the sacred instrument conveyed the will of the creator god.

"I'm here, leader."

"Carry Entei and the throne together."


Bellpeolu agreed to the request.

"But...will this be considered a provocation by the other party?"

"It doesn't matter, they can't defeat Entei. Moreover, in this state, I am willing to send Entei over, which should be regarded as respect."

"...Can't you wake him up directly?"

"That's dangerous."

There was a little helplessness in the voice of Wei Wu, the ritual snake.

According to [Yang Wuqu], Yang Pojun is killing people in his dreams.

Direct contact will definitely kill you, but indirectly by moving the throne, you can still operate it if your movements are small and don't be malicious.

The Ritual Snake Weiwu has confirmed the power of the Emperor's Armor with his own eyes and even in person. If the Yang Po Army will fuse the armor on its own in this situation... No, that set of armor has this function, so it will definitely fuse. .By that time, the masquerade will probably be emptied out all at once, leaving aside the devil underneath.

Of course, [Yang Wuqu] has said that it can provide a little help, allowing him to control Yang Pojun's body when it loses its ability to control the body. However, the more this move is used, the weaker the subsequent effect will be. .

He is relatively simple, but he is not a fool. It is clear that there is no benefit or meaning in going against a bunch of demons in Shenlong Temple.

Naihe [Yang Wuqu] said that this is the necessary process to truly liberate Him.

For a certain [reason], Wei Wu, the ritual snake, accepted this matter.



The man breathed a sigh of relief.

The creation process of the Tyrannosaurus from scratch was very difficult, but with the help of a certain star god who didn't care at all and the emperor who let him operate and even injected evil factors, an original ecological product with great potential was finally completed.

Thanks to Yongzhao, there is a large amount of analysis data on the nature of magic power inside the Tower of Naughty Pride, as well as barely enough analysis data on the power of existence and the flame of the Red World disciple.

Using these things, a virus has been created that is completely designed to target the magic owner and the life form composed of the power of existence.

It is airborne and blood-contact and has an incubation period of at least twelve hours and at most one month.

Of course, he didn't plan to spend so much time. If the red demon king of the masquerade named Tandan Qiushi came back early and really had scientific research capabilities, he could complete the project to launch the virus all over the world in as little as three days. Satellite, if the other party is not capable, he will only need less than ten days to complete all the processes.

"The countdown to the destruction of the world is about to begin. If you don't hurry up, you will become the biggest sinner who will kill all mankind in this world."

The slender palm touched the golden thunder light.

The man endured severe pain and grasped the corner of the lightning as if praying.

"Or do you think it would be better for your past self to solve all this?"

"Pojun, I believe you."

"The meaning of life lies in inheritance and continuation in the form of civilization."

"The so-called civilization is just a collection of people who have inherited their ancestors one after another."

"You who inherited my heritage, you who inherited Lucun's heritage, you who inherited the name [Pojun]——"

"——Have long had a perfect and normal outlook on life and the paranoid character unique to the Lao Yang family."

The man knew that the child inside could hear his words.

"There is a saying... There is no destiny in the world. If there is, it is just a modification of the decisions made by people based on their own personalities. Let me think about it, the first time I heard this sentence , seems to be at your grandma’s place.”

"Speaking of which, her old lady has already passed away."

"Time is so cruel, it only takes away the fragile length of life."

"How cold fate is—"

"I didn't even have a chance to save my brother."

"Now, come out, Pojun."

"I know you're thinking."

"After witnessing my past, Lucun's past... Lao San's past, most people will think about the meaning."

"But ah—"

"Now is not that time—"

"I already……"

"I can hardly accept the days when I can't see that thunderous and dazzling light of soul..."

The man prayed that Yang Weiwu would defeat or even kill him in the future.

The so-called [Yang Wuqu] was originally a complete madman. As a [villain] defeated by a [hero], he was undoubtedly the most suitable person.

The lightning flashed and shook the man away.

He stood up calmly and sat in front of the purple electric light.

"Since you in the future have rejected me because of [your own will], then I have no choice but to find the [past] that is [not self-selected]."

【213】 Emperor Yan (nineteen)

The meeting place with the organizers was the trial venue.

Located on the back hill of Shenlong Temple, this is a very large venue that can accommodate thousands of people.

Several elderly monks took bamboo brooms and swept away the fallen leaves and branches that had gathered at the edge of the field.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Liebezar did not feel the pressure from these old monks similar to those of the demons, which seemed to tear them apart and devour them whole.

He was relieved for the time being.

But the premise is that among the hundreds of people on the opposite side, there should not be only single-digit non-demon people.

Here, even including Sanzhuchen, the Red Demon King has almost no chance of winning.

Not to mention, quite a few of them are guys who escaped from other continents.

Since a few days ago, due to unknown reasons, a large number of humans have recalled the past when their relatives and friends were devoured by [monsters], and even the traces left to the world have disappeared.

And what comes with the recalled memories is the ability to observe and distinguish people from the red world.

The disciples who can no longer rationalize their identities by abilities similar to existence substitution are being hunted by all mankind.

Of course, the destructive power of the followers of the Red World is there, and the free law of sealing, which can cut off all cause and effect within the envelope from the outside world, and those who do not understand the free law, will stop time, has been popularized in modern times. Human beings should be helpless against the disciples.

The premise is that human beings are afraid of "paying".

A large number of humans with a vengeful mentality either took action brazenly with the idea of ​​​​revenge with their own hands, or they held the thought that it doesn't matter if they do it with their own hands or not, I just want those beasts to die, and launched what can be called a suicide attack without regard to their own lives. attack.

The survival of the followers of the Red World requires the power of existence, and the power they bring from the Red World also requires the power of existence.

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