The case that poured into her brain along with the knowledge was the Emperor's Armor of Light.

That pair of armor is not so much armor, but something closer to the essence of this world that contains the rules of fierce battle evolution. The will involved is the Origin Armored Beast, the Emperor of Light's War Dragon, which is one with the armor itself.

The law itself cannot be fully controlled by an individual alone, but multiple individuals connected from heart to heart can.

If she achieved that gesture according to this method, then for Luo Shao, the existence of Emperor Yan is probably indispensable.

She could not imagine a pure person who was more obsessed with being the strongest than Emperor Yan.

If Emperor Yan is made into an armored beast...what if he can reach that state and witness the [Strongest]?


Xia Tian felt that he needed to take back his previous evaluation.

Luo Sha, whose focus is no longer on human life but on the possibility of armor, should not be counted among the good guys.

Fortunately, he is not a good person either.

"So, do you have any other proposals?"



【215】Yandi (21)

The subsequent battle in the Cup of Storms was far less interesting than expected.

In a word, it was a one-sided beating.

The strongest Qi means that an individual with extremely powerful will has reached a state where he can recover his own will very quickly, that is, from a peerless general who can defeat a hundred with one to a mythical general who can stop three armies with one man's sword.

From a practical perspective...if the strongest Qi like Emperor Yan does not fully define the types of good and evil, a higher foundation is needed to reach this state.

The recovery efficiency of the strongest Qi is probably a percentage recovery between each breath.

The recovery speed, which ranges from [-]% in one breath to [-]% in one breath, makes combat unnatural.

If it weren't for the fact that the summoner's muscles of the armor [skeleton] would still feel fatigue, the wheel battle would be nothing more than a boring and repetitive behavior.

"In short, we can definitely make a profit this time without losing any money."

Sitting on the driver's seat of the Purgatory Horse, Luo Sha mentally calculated the gains from this trip, deducted the remaining value that she had used up and planned to bribe Yan Gang, and classified it into a Heshen-style small car. earn.

There is nothing wrong with this, because from a practical point of view, the remaining materials can only be used for some cosmetic decoration of the next weapon she expects to make.

In Luo Sha's plan, Shura Armor was the "strongest", and there was no reason why she couldn't use it.

But unlike Emperor Yan, Luo Sha doesn't have such exaggerated melee talent.

In other words, the Asura Purgatory Knife and the Asura Purgatory Halberd are not suitable for her, so even if one day she possesses the strongest Qi, there is no doubt that she will not be able to defeat Yan Emperor.

If [Victory] cannot be grasped, [Strongest] is just a delusion.

Although he is not the type of Yan Gang whose knowledge is power (referring to the strongest muscles among the three strongest people in the Flame Star), Luo Sha has also tested her adaptability to weapons.

The most suitable weapon for her is undoubtedly the floating cannon type weapon.

There is no need for strong physical strength. The requirements for this kind of weapon are only extremely high micro-manipulation skills and deep mental energy.

It just so happened that Luo Sha was also talented in these two areas, and the design drawing she named LC-I was completed in this time.

"Let me tell you, Luo Sha."

The voice of a certain fighting maniac who only wanted to challenge the strong came out with a slightly childish voice.

"Since just now, has the flying speed of the Purgatory Horse been a little slower?"

"I'm using the Purgatory Horse's Intelligent Brain System here. When will Yanxing's Intelligent Brain System be improved? The energy consumption is so high and the efficiency is often not enough."

Yan Tianxin, who was squeezed into a single seat with Emperor Yan, said that being able to retain as much power as possible and put it into a small shuttle boat was already a reflection of Yan Xing's superb technical ability. It was originally installed on a large space battleship and consumed very little energy. That's not normal.

"Is there anything you want to design? If possible, it would be better to do it again."

Having said that, Xia Tian, ​​who can be called a good brother who is a scientific research madman, actually knows that once a genius like Luo Sha is inspired, he will not care about the consequences and concentrate on doing his own thing.

In the end, her answer was in perfect line with Xia Tian's expectations.


Yantian and Yandi looked at each other, and finally chose to continue sleeping sideways.

The original design of the Purgatory Horse was actually a single-person shuttle boat. Later, Luo Sha made some improvements to this, mainly in terms of reloading the energy device and the brain system.

In terms of space... because I went out with Emperor Yan, I tried my best to create a semi-lying position without affecting the function. Even a muscular man like Yan Gang can be very comfortable. Lying on the ground.

But if it were changed to two big men with a slightly "thinner" body shape than Yan Gang...even if they both turned sideways, it would feel crowded.

"Why don't you consider buying your own ticket to go back in the summer?"

Not giving any face to Yan Tian, ​​who was his father's best friend and his immediate boss, Emperor Yan raised a rather rude question.

"Because there is no money."

Xia Tian is confident about this kind of thing.

Although he often paints around, he will still pay compensation if his paint falls into certain public facilities or he paints directly in certain public areas because he runs out of canvas.

It is precisely because of this behavior that so far he has not used armor to leave any record of being the leader of the Flame Star outside the Flame Star.

After all, no one would think that such a fool with some moral qualities but not much would be the leader of the Flame Star who dominates this galaxy with force.

"Then when you used the vending machine in my house to buy snacks, did you pay?"

"Didn't I use your account? If you pay, I will pay."

Emperor Yan would sometimes wonder what the leader should look like.

Later, he tried his best to find the strengths and weaknesses of this man, and finally confirmed that the leader only needed to be strong.

In other words, Emperor Yan will become the leader.

and so--

"Xiantian, I will challenge you as the leader after I fully recover."

It's time for you old man to get out of here. From now on, the most powerful name in Yanxing will be mine.

"Hahaha, then you may have to wait a few more years before you can succeed."

You little bastard can't understand your own weight, right? With your level, you think you have the ability to compete with me if I'm not waterproof?Yan Fei Yan Gang and the other two Jiefang Armor can beat you to death!You're wearing armor that can't even evolve in a fierce battle, and you still want to compete with me on the same stage?

This man who usually looked gentle and courteous narrowed his eyes, and his mental field was driven by the strongest evil spirit and crushed him towards Emperor Yan.

Xia Tian was able to possess the strongest Qi purely for his own selfish desires, and there was no trace of it - at least he thought it was all based on selfish desires, without the element of justice - justice.

Therefore, his strongest aura is undoubtedly evil.

Of course, because the nature of the strongest Qi is not so single and absolute, some people can transform it between righteous Qi and evil Qi at will due to their own reasons for using power and their self-identified stance.

Therefore, the God of War's Fiery Sword, which must be summoned with the strongest righteousness, can still be used casually when he is protecting the Flame Star or "guiding" (physical) juniors.

Emperor Yan used his own energy field to push back without hesitation.

Even if it is the strongest Qi you just possessed, it is still the strongest Qi.

[The Strongest] is more than just good-looking!It's just summer, let's see if I can stand up and go back!

Two energy fields that distorted the air and even revealed unique colors began to collide in a form visible to the naked eye.

The lavender mental energy field and the golden-red mental energy field erased the electric sparks, allowing incandescent brilliance to shine in the shuttle boat.

The strong magnetic field affected the intelligent system inside the shuttle boat. Luo Shao, who was immersed in improving the design, watched as her design drawing was automatically saved, and then the prompt "Residual energy is less than 5.00%" popped up.

Because of this, she withdrew from her own world and noticed the two martial arts idiots who were about to compete with each other in this place.

Luo Sha: "..."

His slender fingers opened the flip cover of the silver phone and gently tapped the buttons.

Wind wind wind activation key.

The silver gauntlet-type fighting weapon was equipped in her hand. After Luo Sha adjusted the output power, she angrily activated the set skill.

"Let me know where this is, you two idiots who don't want your life!"

"Asura Claw Slash!"

The wind-like energy waves hit hard on the two opposing mental energy fields.

There is no conscious protection, and the three parties have no armor amplification. Luo Sha's superior energy field strength is converted into an output power of up to 300 (God of War's Fiery Sword is 500). After the amplification of Shura's Wind Splitting Claw, the special move is directly given to these two people. It's as sour and refreshing as if the brain was exploded by the powerful MUSCLE of the base four.



After making strange noises, the two people calmed down. Knowing that they were in the wrong, they stood back to back and looked like they were taking a good rest.

Yanxing's technology popularization level is quite good. Even Yandi, who basically doesn't care about cultural classes, knows that using high-intensity energy fields to shock the interior of a shuttle, especially a single shuttle, will cause damage to the energy system of the spacecraft. Extreme pressure.

At least it's like a cell phone that loses dozens of batteries just after being left out in the cold wind for a while in the middle of winter, or at worst like nitroglycerine being stirred up so hard that it makes them rise to the sky.

Oh, a correction, according to the strength of Emperor Yan and Yan Tian, ​​it shouldn't be a problem to change scenery to the nearest planet. Luo Shao should also be able to survive relying on the extreme climate adaptive system of Shura Armor.

But it is another matter to be able to return to Yanxing in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Luo Shao looked with a headache at the energy system that was leaking due to the residual energy. The data above showed that there was less than [-]% of the energy left, and it was recommended to stop it as soon as possible.

"We need to find a place to continue our battery."

The problem is that she doesn't have a detailed star map of this area.

The rough star map only provides the locations of a few extremely prosperous planets, and the rest can only tell which side belongs to which territory.

The worst solution was to use the idiotic manual charging design that was added to the Flame Star shuttle boat and she once thought it was useless-using the pilot's own will for slow charging.

It's just that the efficiency is really not high.

But there is no other choice now.

Afterwards, let the two guys who caused this bad consequence handle it and be responsible for adding enough energy to the Purgatory Horse to return to the Flame Star - anyway, the strongest energy will bring an unparalleled recovery speed.

Without reflecting at all that she was using an overloaded intelligent system that consumed more energy than the shuttle itself, which was also an important factor in their current situation, Luo Sha turned on the life search radar.

This is a system used to obtain nearby planets with life, and the energy consumption is... not low.

What if you can't find a suitable location or find it but don't have enough energy left to spend it...

She began to wonder if the materials on hand were enough to add a device that could fly in outer space to the Shura Armor.

Well, the amount of calculation is too large, and the time required for the human brain to come up with the answer is not available now.


Glancing at the radar, Luo Sha discovered something unexpected.

"There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

The classic speech made the two men who were pretending to be dead raise their heads.

"Bad news."

Emperor Yan said.

"Indeed, as long as you ask about the bad news first, you will feel better when you get the good news later."

The affirmation from the grown-up Xia Tian showed that his experience still has merit.

"The bad news is that we are being followed. There are a minimum of three shuttle boats following us."

"Do you know who it is?"

"do not know."

"Is that so..."

"What's the good news?"

Unlike Yan Tian who seemed to be struggling with something, Emperor Yan continued to ask.

"The good news is that we are being followed, with a minimum of three shuttle craft, and we have less than one percent remaining energy."

Good news that was almost the same as bad news fell into Emperor Yan's ears, and in just a moment he understood what Luo Sha meant.

"Understood, let's grab their energy!"

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