The energy extraction devices of shuttle boats are in the same range. In most cases, no one will install the simplified energy extraction device of a super large space battleship on a single-person shuttle boat.

Yes, most of the time.

Yanxing...well, Luo Sha is that small part.

Then, the result of high-end technology is that this device can also absorb the energy sources of most shuttle craft and even small and medium-sized space battleships in the universe for energy supply.

Then mention something that shouldn’t be off topic.

There is a rule that is basically acquiesced in the universe. If both parties use small and medium-sized ships to track people without the knowledge of one party, it is acquiesced that the party has malicious intentions. Even if it is backhandedly bombarded, it cannot be used to provoke a war of forces.

"Report the coordinates."

Xia Tianyan, who had figured it out or no longer hesitated about whether to take action or not, said concisely.

"No, there is a neutral planet (Battlefield of Light and Shadow) a little closer. Just land there and deal with it."

"You're too anxious, Xia Tian."

Because he was robbed, he couldn't say what Xia Tian said, but after hearing Luo Shao's plan, Emperor Yan turned his head and winked at Xia Tian.


A huge palm stained with dirty paint slapped Emperor Yan's shaved head, and Yan Tian's expression did not change at all.

"Let's do it this way. Do you want me to give you a hand to practice on?"

"Leave, two. I have the task of testing the mass-produced diamond armor for the dean."

"what about me?"

Emperor Yan, who had just recovered from a slightly depleted state, became a little anxious when he heard that he was going to party without him.

"You are the person in charge of the test. I will record the data on the side, and the leader will be responsible for taking care of the Purgatory Horse."

Although there are reasons why I don’t use it well.

"Huh? Why are you assigning tasks to me? Shouldn't my position be that of a commander?"

"Who do you think the current situation is because of?"

Fingertips slid on the console, and the Purgatory Horse sailed towards the "neutral planet".

【216】Yandi (22)

"Mixed Element Drilling Method!"

Wearing diamond armor and easily knocking down several people who followed them to the ground, Emperor Yan fully demonstrated his efforts to become the strongest in his skills.

"Actually, I've said it before, this kind of skill can't snatch the enemy's weapon and then use it accordingly."

"Because the Diamond Armor was developed in compliance with the actual situation in the past, but because the performance was unexpectedly good, it was modified later and became what it is now. The Thunder Diamond is a kind of emotional sustenance, and the data has been retained, and Because it is not very dangerous, that mental energy weapon is also used for direct teleportation summons all year round."

Yan Tian explained.

"Hey - let me ask a little bit about what kind of situation does 'following the trend' refer to?"

"Oh, it's like this. At that time, in order to expand its armaments, Yanxing discovered special mineral veins by accident. However, the collection required extremely high precision. Excavation by one person was too inefficient, so..."

"Then why the double drill?"

"I heard that at first it was about the placement of equipment drill bits. Later, the designers who misunderstood the requirements directly made it the way it is now. Although it looks a little strange, it is good both for mining and as a weapon. ”

"This data is not very good. Even if calculated based on the data before Emperor Yan had the strongest Qi, even if he holds back his power, he should not show such combat data. Sure enough, the summoning requirements of the armor itself are too broad? It’s better to report back later and tell the Xingqi gene to locate the necessary transformation conditions.”

Yanxing's armor technology emphasizes a [self-limitation]. Generally speaking, the armor or weapons released after additional restrictions will show more powerful power than what was recorded at the time of creation.

For example, the God of War's Fiery Sword originally didn't have so many conditions. After being restricted, its unparalleled power has always been displayed as the Fiery Sword. It also allows it to ignore the user's lack of energy at the moment of release. Forcibly raised to the level of the one with the strongest will among all previous users.Of course, there is a time limit, otherwise this technique would be a bit too outrageous.

And it is precisely because of understanding the existence of this technology that for the three armors that Yan Tian mentioned were restricted from the Hell Fight evolution... Luo Sha couldn't say whether it was because Yan Xing's predecessors were trying to prevent excessive power from causing disasters or whether it was because of Pursue greater power.

"As for the Xingqi's not a very strong restriction."

"As far as I know, many races in the universe have three strange genes, and many even have two or even three kinds of three strange genes. However, in most cases, there is only one gene that is active or semi-active. Even if I also have some Xingqi genes. Yandi has inactive Yueqi and Xingqi genes, but this does not prevent us from using equipment that requires Xingqi genes. The reason is that the activation of this gene will only affect a little bit. In terms of preferences and tendencies, personal excellence depends more on one's own efforts. Of course, Yan Gang also mentioned that the Sanqi gene may also bring talents in certain fields. If you are interested, you can ask later."

"talk later."

Seeing Emperor Yan undoing the fusion of the diamond armor and walking toward them with two people holding a little chicken, Luo Sha also put away the recording equipment.

"Do you want to torture?"

Emperor Yan asked.

This is an unpopular military study subject in Yanxing. Since it is not a compulsory subject, none of the people present have passed the exam. It would be better to say that except for Luo Shao, who studied for a short period of time in order to understand this technology. The other two's grades were very poor because they had never attended class at all.

"Forget it, the equipment doesn't support what we do (poor technology)."

Xia Tian's words reflect his basic qualities as a leader (big boo) - at least he is in place in terms of saving face for himself or reflecting his high emotional intelligence.

"So, rely on beatings to obtain information?"

Yandi is talking about a method of repeatedly applying heavy blows to destroy the enemy's will, but generally speaking, this ancient technique that only requires the ability to freely retract and retract strength also needs to be paired with corresponding efficient treatment devices.

So Xia Tian objects.

"Did you two originally care about who attacked you? I thought you just wanted to kill each other directly."

Luo Sha complained.

"Because if you know the origin, you can go to the opponent's lair and block the door. Guys who have the courage to attack me will always have someone to rely on. That means that as long as I can block the door, I can fight more and stronger opponents."

"Because there are a lot of people asking me for compensation for no reason, I have been taught by Yan Fei more than once not to drag a little trouble into a big trouble without a temper. If I ask the other party's information, I can still stab Yan Fei in the matter. Kill all these people before we get there to avoid future troubles.”

Luo Sha: "..."

Is it only in this matter that your brains will deeply reflect Yanxing's abundant martial virtue?

"Then it's up to you. If you die, I can't save you. Can you tell me what's your business? I'll go and remove the energy source from the other party's shuttle boat first."

Do whatever you want, I won't serve you anymore.

Luo Sha walked towards the airship in the distance with the things she had put in the Purgatory Horse just in case.

A few people who were thrown on the ground and had woken up from coma and regained some consciousness heard the last conversation. One of them, who was in the best condition, immediately got up and ran away, but was knocked down by Emperor Yan's transformation in front of him and a punch.

"Run what?"

The big guy, whose voice was still a little childish but whose face already looked anxious due to exercise, asked "kindly".

"Don't worry, Luo Sha's place should take quite some time." Xia Tian grabbed a person by the back of his neck and lifted him up. "We still have a lot of time."

The two big guys showed very similar "kind" expressions.

On the contrary, the four people who were knocked down and unable to resist showed frightened expressions.


"It's broken. We shot them down during the air battle and destroyed a lot of parts. If this device doesn't have parts of the corresponding type, it will be very troublesome to install the Infernal Horse as an energy source."

Letting out a sigh that had nothing to do with the word "lady", Luo Sha temporarily activated the cloaking devices of several shuttle boats, and used the summoner of the diamond armor to record the corresponding coordinates.

This is an ability that is more practical at certain times, such as now.

"Are you going to look for the needed parts on other shuttle boat wrecks?"

This is a neutral zone, a battlefield for the handover between the light world and the shadow world. There are many shuttle boats and even large battleships that have landed on this planet.

Although there is basically no need to consider the possibility that there is still usable energy in the wreckage of the spacecraft, you can still count on the possibility of finding the required parts.


"The so-called battlefield where the light world and shadow world meet is actually the overlapping of two universes in space, causing the invasion of life forms from the shadow world."

"This kind of invasion is usually divided into two types. One is that a few individuals with special transformation abilities invade the clear world at a certain node, and then find a planet that breeds life and set up a base here to start detonating troops or creating advanced Arms. The other is the emergence of a channel that is stable for a specific period of time, through which a steady stream of life from the shadow world can come to the bright world."

"Without sufficient supplies, the danger of going deep at will is too great."

But it's impossible to say that it doesn't go deeper. After all, you can't wait to die.

And Luo Sha also knew that even if she told the two fighting madmen of Yanxing's specialty, it would only make them happy about the possibility of fighting happily.

Whether it's Emperor Yan or Yan Tian, ​​who doesn't look like a strong man, they are both warriors produced by Yan Xing.

"Isn't there no choice at all?"

In this way, after hiding the enemy shuttle boat and their own shuttle boat as trophies, Luo Sha and the two explained the current situation.

"As for this planet... its number is QTE-123456..."

Xia Tian showed a solemn expression.

"you know?"

"I don't know. I basically don't remember planet numbers. That kind of thing is handled by the brain system on my exclusive battleship."

"Are you asking for a beating with this expression? ###"

"Just... I remember that there are several neutral zone planets on the road between Flame Star and Wind Star. One of them is a planet with a regular and stable two-realm passage that needs to be cleared constantly, but it's hard to say whether it will be this one. "

I've considered that situation.

But people can have bad luck, but it can’t be too bad, right?

"Whether it is or not, going deep is what must be done now. But what to do with those few people? Should they be tied up and left here, or should we deal with them directly? If we keep them, we can justifiably cause trouble for Feng Xing later."

Emperor Yan, who had obtained the opponent's information from Wind Star through beating and torture, asked this.

He himself is inclined to keep it, or he is not interested in killing the other party. After all, these people have malicious intentions towards him, but they are "weak" who will collapse after being knocked down by him once. For someone like him who likes to challenge the strong, Even for a martial artist, it would be bad luck to kill him.

"Get rid of it, we can't feed these people without supplies."

Yantian merged with the God of War Xingtian, and neatly summoned the fire gun to give these people a good blow.

"And you have completely destroyed the spirits of these people with that Wuji...whatnot ability. It is beyond our power to take care of them in this state."

"Wuji commits suicide." Emperor Yan corrected, "It is an efficient self-healing ability that breaks down the whole body to adjust the life energy and then uses the power of mind to restore it. I often use this solution to solve the problem of disability during battles."

"Are the sequelae serious? I heard that your neurological data is not very good. It seems that you are frequently suffering from severe pain. If this continues, it will affect your reaction ability."

"It's good enough."

Emperor Yan doesn't care about that kind of thing at all. This is the self-confidence brought by youth. It is also the self-confidence that a strong person believes in the world that can make him have to use this ability again.

"Let's go when you're ready, we don't have much time left."

After installing some auxiliary tools on her body and some spare tools in the alien space owned by the Shura Summoner, Luo Sha called the two of them to set off.


What is the existence of the shadow world?

[It is the corpse of the "past". 】

Why do beings from the shadow world want to invade the light world?

[It is the unwillingness to fail, and also the despicable mentality of eager to put the other party into the same situation as oneself. 】

Yang Weiwu sat on the golden ground, with the soles of his feet touching the ground and his legs slightly spread apart, facing the emperor who was sitting in front of him and talking to himself.

This is a very rude gesture, but it doesn't matter, he worships the Emperor Man, not the Emperor of Heaven.

Although he can be regarded as coming from a wealthy family, he has not paid much attention to etiquette due to his career since his father's generation.

So he didn't feel inappropriate at all about his lack of etiquette.

"Don't you want to continue sitting on that golden throne in a daze?"

[It will be boring, and if you sit there, you will have to keep fighting with the old-timers on a conscious level. 】

The Emperor expressed his "laziness" tactfully...or perhaps not so tactfully.

[Are you looking at yourself from another soul’s perspective?It seems like you are starting to take advantage of it. 】

"It can't be called... maybe it's an advantage, but rather than using it, it's better to say that I'm escaping now."

[Because you haven’t gone out to stop them yet? 】

"The Ritual Snake wants to create a happy world for the Red World disciples. The royal tyrant Star Lord wants to help the Ritual Snake complete the creation of the world and then use all the Red World disciples as materials to recast his body. He wants to help the Ritual Serpent." The snake completed the creation of the world and then planned to slaughter all the Red World gangsters before they entered the new world... What position should I take to stop them? Who should I stop first? Am I not Should we stop certain people? These are all questions that still need to be thought about.”

"But according to my father's thinking, indulging in thinking and not completing what needs to be done most at the moment is just an escape."

"That man is the person closest to [the ideal hero] in my mind, so his way of thinking has quite a big impact on me."

"It's just...even if we are father and son, it is impossible for us to perfectly adapt to each other's way of thinking, nor does it mean that his way of thinking is absolutely correct. In the end, as the chooser, my thinking is the decisive factor in making the choice. .”

[It’s actually best if you’re not confused.Do you want to relax by listening to the Emperor's "Little Popular Science Lecture on Creatures from the Shadow Realm"? 】

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