"What kind of strange name is that? Forget it, tell me."

[This is a kind of life called the Heart Poison Soul. They have the ability to arouse the three poisons in the human heart...]

【217】Yandi (23)

"Three poisons?"

The so-called three poisons are greed, anger and ignorance.

This is a Buddhist term, which roughly means that the source of all suffering can be classified as one of these three.

Because of desire, I pursue it and then possess it, but my desire will become bigger and bigger——

This is greed.

Because they don’t follow their own wishes, they are rejected and disgusted, and then hurt and destroyed, but they can also hurt others and themselves——

This is hatred.

Because of ignorance, greed arises, anger arises, and in the end, one cannot be self-

This is foolishness.

To put it simply, Qiao wanted to live a peaceful life but couldn't get it. He was furiously killed by Kusi, his former companion who destroyed the beautiful future. An, who was in darkness and wanted to be in the light, was instigated by his father. Mi Xiu finally challenged the invincible enemy and died.

Or maybe Xu Tingfei, Wu Gang and Li Haotian replaced the above three and came to a similar conclusion.

It's a little bit rude to suddenly indulge in tokusatsu memories.

Yang Weiwu came back to his senses and looked at the emperor.

"Then what? As for the creatures in the shadow world, they shouldn't be able to simply influence them to this extent, right?"

After all, the [Shadow Realm] is an [accumulation of debris] where one [Bright Realm] ushered in the final destruction. Although it is expressed in a five-dimensional space, the [life] born from the [debris] belonging to the [past] within it is It shows the [traces] of the previous clear world in the same latitude as the clear world.

Therefore, even if you always encounter armored warriors who can kill them on TV, the danger of life in the shadow world cannot be taken lightly.

[Strictly speaking, the Heart Poison Soul is the species with the weakest individual combat power among the life forms in the shadow world. 】

[It’s just that the essence of their ability is to forcefully awaken the deepest emotions in the hearts of those who kill them through sacrifice, thus triggering the three poisons. 】

[For example, if you kill enough heart-poisoned souls, then regarding your death...]

The golden lightning turned into a spear in his hand and fell on the emperor.

The Aurora Shield, which was the absolute and strongest defense, blocked this swift blow. The silver-purple elemental elves and silver-blue elemental elves followed his will and launched an attack on the emperor of the bright world.

Amidst the saturation bombardment of the whirling elements and the sheer elements, the Emperor remained unmoved.

[Don’t be so excited. Look, I’ve also told you my experience after the thing I cared about most back then was revealed by the Heart Poison Soul. 】

"Then can you tell me what you were forced to recall by the ability of the Heart Poison Soul?"

[Hahaha, how could I possibly tell you such a thing! 】

[Forget about the dark history, who would like to talk to others about the past that they feel from the bottom of their hearts is unbearable to look back on? This is not how to sell misfortune. 】

Looking at this guy who was not so much the supreme ruler of the bright world, but more like an old dog who started to let himself go for fun when he was about to die, Yang Weiwu took off the six-winged summoner from his waist.

Instead, the silver belt buckled around his waist on its own as if emerging from his body.

【cough!Wait, let me explain first, this is no joke.If you really take away this power completely, then you will never have any chance to regret it. 】

Although the words were full of panic, the other party's tone sounded hopeful.

Moreover, his posture remained unwavering, and he didn't know whether it was because he was not afraid of his attack at all or because he was expecting his attack.

Maybe both.

In the end, Yang Weiwu didn't continue.

Now, he has understood that all gifts from fate have a clear price tag behind them. This principle is applicable even to the emperor's armor.

After all, he has not yet awakened, so there is no way he can talk about becoming the [Emperor].

Even if this emperor is different from the one he longed for, or it is impossible for him to become the emperor he longed for.

He also...

[Collect God, keep reading. 】

[Didn’t you look forward to seeing the story of Emperor Yan a long time ago? 】

[Although there is a high probability that there will be many deviations from the "Armor Warrior" TV series you have seen, but the missing scenes are not considered OOC, which means that you can "chasing stars" with confidence and boldness, young man. 】

[Let’s talk about the collapse of the house later. 】


"What is this?"

Emperor Yan frowned, and the thunder blaster in his hand fired energy bullets with a machine gun-level rate of fire, shattering a large number of shadow creatures.

It was a pig-like creature with broken flesh wings and snake teeth.

Purple, red, and gray suspicious liquid slowly dripped down from the dense cracks on this strange pig's body like corpse oil, exuding a terrible stench.

It is extremely torture to the eyes and taste, but this creature is unexpectedly weak.

Even without the use of armor, Luo Shao could kill a lot of people just by using the Shura Demon Dagger.

However, perhaps because of their weakness, there are too many pig-shaped monsters here.

"It will be too inefficient if this continues."

Xia Tian, ​​who had been watching from the side, probably got too bored and took out his red camera.

"Crack! Kick!"

After finishing taking photos of the enemy and authenticating his own identity with the summoner, Xia Tian took out two summoning cards from the card box on his waist.

【God of War Xingtian】

【God of War Flame Sword】

Luo Sha: Not really.

"Tian Lie Slash!"

The sword, known as the most powerful palace-level weapon, was stained with red light like fire. It was only swung in a small range, but it still left long-lasting slash marks in the air.

The Heavenly Fierce Slash is a secret skill of the Fire Sword Technique, which can be regarded as a special kill with a single target attack effect.

However, if he is bound by moves, it will be impossible for Yantian to become the strongest Yanxing.

The golden-red armor lowered his center of gravity, and the God of War Fiery Sword remained horizontal and parallel to the ground.

After twisting his waist, a round of circular slashes broke away from the God of War's Fiery Sword, almost invincibly cutting off the hit target.

Luo Sha quickly assembled the Shura armor and jumped into the air, landing lightly. Looking at the tragic situation on the ground, the corners of her mouth under the armor twitched slightly.

"Chief, you just planned to include me in the attack range, right?"

"Huh? Don't worry, I can hold it back to some extent. According to the defensive power of your Shura armor, nothing serious will happen to this level."

“Isn’t Yanxing’s serious injury caused by something serious?!”

"You have to go to the emergency and intensive care unit," Xia Tian corrected, "After all, they tie people up and treat them with things like electric saws, hand axes, steel hammers, and nail guns that don't look like medical equipment. Damn place."

"You know that place is outrageous! Why don't you close it?!"

"Because it's easy to use," Xia Tian replied seriously, "and I've never been there personally, so it's not my turn to suffer. By the way, how do you know so clearly? What's going on in the emergency and intensive care unit."

"Oh, I was the one who brought Yan Emperor out last time. During that time, he was in a trance for three days."

"Sure enough, I am right to be careful when fighting."


Luo Shao looked at the other party with disgust. Even though it was covered by the armor, the emotion contained in this sound was fully conveyed to Xia Tian.

"By the way, where is Emperor Yan?"

"Were we still here just now..."

Xia Tian turned his head and saw a bunch of pig-shaped monsters that had been cut in half and were pulling something on their upper bodies.

"King Kong Shanhaiquan!"

Huge golden gloves rushed out from the pile of broken bodies, and the powerful energy used the glove-shaped weapon to smash all the broken bodies in one breath. A diamond armor with an obvious slash mark on the chest crawled out from the pile of flesh.

Taking off the summoner casually, the excited Emperor Yan looked at Yan Tian with fiery eyes.

"Is this the power you have when you hold the God of War Fiery Sword? Sure enough, it is completely different from the usual sparring! Let's have a game later! It just so happens that Shura Armor has new equipment, and I also have the strongest energy. "

"I'm not summoning the God of War's Fiery Sword here just for fun."

The long sword was waved, and the fire burned away the three-color aura that floated out from the wreckage and tried to get into the three of them.

"When facing an enemy with unknown capabilities, you must be extremely vigilant. The Shadow Realm is an extremely dangerous and absolutely hostile enemy to us. The battle with the opponent does not give you any room to enjoy the battle. You can only fight with all your strength. "

The unexpectedly serious words made both of them feel slightly stunned.

It's not that Yan Emperor and Luo Sha have never seen Yan Tian's serious look before, but this seriousness...or a kind of anxiety that can only be detected by familiar people is really the first time they have seen Yan Tian in him.

"That breath...does it have any effect?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know."

Xia Tian, ​​who noticed that his short-term mood swings were too large, adjusted his mentality.

Maybe it was because he had been lazy for too long, or maybe it was because he was reminded of the past and lost his self-control for a moment.

"Go on."

After the three of them went deep, the scorched remains on the ground seemed to have had all their essence extracted. In just one or two breaths, they turned into a shriveled layer of skin and then shattered.


"Xia Tian! You fucking bitch!"

The furious Jiden Hiei took the Jueying Cyclone Knife and rushed towards Yantian who was knocked to the ground.

"I told you not to wander around, don't wander around? You wander around all day long without knowing where you are going!"

The Yanxing Fighting Technique Qingtianding was activated instantly, and the blue electric current laid an attack surface on his knees, mercilessly hitting Yantian's lower abdomen, beating the unarmored leader into a shrimp.

"Made Yanxing just had a small-scale firefight with Fengxing's troops, did you know that Hundan!"

Skillfully taking out the Xingtian summoner from Yantian's body, Yanfei took photos of the other party for identity authentication.

A black card box and belt with a red On the belt.

After being forced to merge, Yan Tian skillfully hugged Yan Fei with his backhand and locked the opponent with sleeping skills.

Yan Fei, who had only one hand left to move, couldn't touch the Jueying Cyclone Knife that fell to the ground just now because it was locked.

But he could just touch his card box.

[Jue Ying Cyclone Lock]

The summoning card was ejected by his fingers and fell into the flying shadow summoner.

The pincer-type weapon was pointed directly at himself, and Yan Fei used his special move without hesitation.

"Flash Town!"

A strong electric current rushed over the two people's bodies in an instant. The ferocious sight made Luo Sha silently pull Yan Emperor back a few steps.

"Pull me for what?"

"Use you as a human shield."

Luo Sha, who was hiding behind him, said calmly.

It took a second for Emperor Yan to accept the fact that he had been reduced to a different kind of shield, and he concentrated on watching Yan Tian get beaten.

Yan Fei is the most serious of the three leaders. Even Emperor Yan rarely sees him so serious about beating people to death.

"I'm home!"

A voice with a tone like a weasel trying to steal a chicken but a voice reminiscent of Wu Gang who conquered Gui sounded from behind.

Luo Shao turned around and saw Yan Gang as expected.

Old Bidden rubbed his hands like a fly and looked at her with a smile on his face.

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