"Your vacation is a little overdue. But it doesn't matter. I have reported for you that you have taken on additional testing tasks. So..."

The big hand like a cattail leaf fan was spread out, and the thick palm covered with calluses was so close to Luo Sha.

The summoner, which looked like a video game console, was thrust into the opponent's hand by Luo Sha. She spread her hands, showing a gesture of disappearing.

"Tsk - you little girl, you took the initiative to give me extra benefits when I did this kind of action with you for the first time, and now you actually give me what I gave you. It's really... "

A gummy candy was placed on the wrist of Luo Sha's big hand with a pop.

Yan Gang showed a disgusted expression.

"Oh, little girls these days are really..."

"Okay, stop it! Now that Yan Fei is attracted by Yan Tian, ​​I plan to ask for a leave from you."


Yan Gang looked at her with an expression like "Didn't you already ask for leave?"

"I have a mission when I go out this time. According to Yanxing's regulations, this time I can't be considered a vacation."

“What’s the point of learning law so well?”

Yan Gang raised his head and sighed, hiding his slight guilt.

Then he waved his hand——

"Okay, I agree. I just plan to train Emperor Yan. The final decision on whether to mass-produce the Diamond Armor will have to wait for a while based on the data you collected this time."

This is not a lie, it is better to say that Luo Sha's initiative was in line with Yan Gang's wishes.

A lot has happened recently, and many things need to be adjusted.

After arranging the procedures and replacing the purgatory horse with a serious energy device and flying away from the Flame Star, Luo Sha summoned the Darkness of Xuanyin, which had not appeared in a long time.

"Take me to a world with advanced artificial intelligence technology."

The fierce battle for evolution was imminent. She had confirmed that the road ahead was a broad road, so why not take it?

【218】Yandi (24)

Don't just draw random things everywhere.

I have heard this sentence countless times.

He is a Yanxing person who was born with an active Richi gene, and has future vision that is triggered very frequently.

I don’t know whether it’s because of family factors or Ziqi’s genetic yearning for color art, but seeing the future is a rare form of expression.

That is, I cannot directly see a clear future, but my actions will clearly show a part of the future.

Fortunately for Tian, ​​this talent is shown in a form consistent with his own hobbies.


This is how he shows his future vision.

Even in Yanxing, this unique display method was discovered for the first time.

At first, Tian was very happy with his talent.

This is undoubtedly a blessing from God and a reflection of his talent.


"How do you educate this child!"

Angry neighbors roared at the emaciated parents.

"This... what happened?"

Some weak men and women asked this.

"what's going on?"

The neighbor was very angry and laughed.

"Look at how much graffiti your children have painted on the walls of my house?!"


"That's not graffiti, it's my work!"

God corrects the way.

"Work? Ha, work."

The neighbor just sneered.

“How dare you claim it’s a work even though the painting looks like a ghost?”

The neighbor is qualified to give him pointers. He is the most outstanding painter in this area.

Generally speaking, Yan Xing has abundant martial virtues and generally has a good physical constitution. However, the situation that is not necessarily the case in high-level martial arts novels where all warriors in the world are not necessarily present.

Based on various considerations such as personal preferences, aptitudes, and work schedules, every city in the Flame Star will generally be divided into a warrior area and an art area.

The warrior area is a place where many warriors who are capable of participating in the battle live. It is open and covers a large area per capita.Of course, many reservists also live here, and the noise caused by training is also a big reason to keep non-combatants away.

The Art District is where people without combat capabilities live with their children.

Generally speaking, even if one's body lacks the possibility of training to the extreme and then setting off on the battlefield, the artificial activation of Sanqi genes is a free benefit and a mandatory obligation in Yanxing's policy.

The Ziqi gene brings talents in color, light and shadow, and the owner has talents in painting and photography.

The Yueqi gene brings sensitivity to rhythm and sound. On many planets, it would be a shame and a great shame for people with active Yueqi gene not to have an absolute sense of sound that is unique in many planets.

The Xingqi gene brings talents in numbers and reflexes. Almost all Yanxing researchers have activated or naturally awakened Xingqi genes.

And because of the lack of talent in combat, these Yanxing people can only focus on arts or climbing technology trees.

He was angrily accusing his neighbor who was a famous master even in Yanxing. His parents were still pretty good painters and musicians, but they were incomparable to him.

Rather, it is impossible to refute the other party's accusations.

The neighbor brought Tian's parents to his "crime scene" and took them to personally point out the evidence of his crime.

"Look, here, I just painted it a few days ago. It was originally a very good picture showing the beauty of Yanxing. Now your little bastard has added something to it? Huh?! A A lot of black stuff was painted on it!"

"And this one! Was this one painted with a mop? It's still a mop stained with feces and urine. I can tell you the smell even from five meters away!"

Look, look, what kind of mess has this beautiful panorama of the planet been ruined by this kid?

The neighbors' complaints made Tian hang his head in frustration.

"It's... to be honest, brother, our children usually don't graffiti regardless of where they are. It's just..."

"Just what? Is it just that he is particularly unhappy looking at my wall or is he particularly unhappy looking at my works? You can mess around with unfinished works, right?"

Although the neighbor is a master in this field, he has a pretty good temper. At least he doesn't speak too harshly for the sake of being a child.

"What do you want to express by making a painting with a beautiful and peaceful image look like Yanxing has been exploded? Are you trying to express that Yanxing will be ruined by some shitty guys in the future?"

"This...Actually, you also know that my child is Ziqi. We took him for a checkup some time ago. This child's future vision may be quite good."

"What does this have to do with him ruining my paintings?"

The neighbor's tone was still angry.

"His future vision is expressive, so if nothing else, it should be the scenery he sees when his ability is activated."

"Painting expression? This is the first time I've heard of it."

An explanation was given, but the neighbor was not satisfied.

"This example has never happened before. Just tell me what kind of future he sees. I will judge after listening."


Tian's father couldn't bear it anymore. He was Yueqi and was not really good at appreciating paintings.

Fortunately, Tian's mother is Riqi.

"You were originally planning to paint Huahuanglin, right?"

She said, reluctantly judging from the areas that were not graffitied.

"Yes, I think that is the most beautiful forest in Yanxing, and it is also..."

The neighbor chattered for several minutes.

"...If I'm not wrong...this may be saying...do you think the most beautiful things will have a tarnished future?"

"That's right. Unless my most beloved pet is killed by some beast, otherwise I..."

Hey——[Silence]!I just saw that your pig was being used as a monument to Fiji!



When the neighbor came back again, he was holding a miserable little pig-like pet.

"Okay, I admit that I am ignorant, but this matter will not end easily. We will discuss it in detail later."

He apologized and made a claim - asking the child to learn painting from him.

"I cannot accept that such a beautiful ability is expressed with such crude technology. It will make me feel that my beauty has been even more seriously ruined."

So Tian began to learn painting at the age of five.

...About five years from now.

"Okay, kid, you can get out."

The neighbor, no, the teacher's face was as gloomy as water.

"...Have I left the army?"

Tian asked anxiously.

"You have been expelled from the division."

The teacher... or rather the neighbor replied indifferently.

"No matter how much you study, you can't show even a shred of skill in the works you create from the future. It's just a mess that's worse than a child's graffiti. Then what's the point of me accepting you as a disciple? Corrupt my work. Reputation?"

"The fire sword cuts off the electric knife, the fruit man chops up the straw, the woman stuffs herself into a small box, and there is a man crying next to her... Why do you like that, and regret it for the rest of your life? So the future perspective Such abstract things all day long?!”

Tian has always felt that the teacher...the neighbor is very powerful, because he himself cannot understand what his future works look like, and what kind of future he expresses is like nonsense but is inexplicably convincing.

"Feel sorry……"

After all, Tian chose to apologize.

The old man who had begun to age... the neighbor probably saw their master-disciple relationship, and he had the strength to draw with a mop since he was a child, so he gave him the qualification to choose to become the Flame Star Reserve Army.

This qualification, which is readily available to those with sufficient talent, is a rare thing for Tian, ​​because his talent is not good.

They are born with a slightly worse physique than those children in the warrior zone. After all, none of their parents are warriors, and they do not pay attention to physical training during the fetal and infant stages. By now, children of the same age have been exercising for two years, and I will only go there on my own. Perhaps he could become an ordinary Flame Star warrior only by actively joining the Purgatory Military Camp, where it is said that even trash can become a strong man.

Oh, by the way, this place is known as a hell that humans cannot climb out of. Those who can come out alive are all monsters.The conditions for participation are that you have the qualifications to become the Flame Star Reserve Army.

Tian, ​​who lowered his head, didn't look at the sad eyes of his neighbor. He took the certificate of qualification and left with disappointment.


"Your name is Tian, ​​right?"

"Looks so weak."

"But he was assigned to our team."

"Isn't it said that the team's strength is evenly distributed? Doesn't this mean that our team is the strongest?!"

"Idiot, you mean a team of people of the same level. Otherwise, would you go out to fight with a burden?"

"Obviously, I mean that my strength is average, so don't create memories for me that don't exist!"

The girls and boys who were teammates were playing around, which brought a little comfort to the weakest Tian.

That's great, everyone is easy to get along with.


"Hey, do you have any hobbies?"

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