"Should I call you Luo Sha or Lisa now?"

【That doesn’t matter. 】

Shura Xia and Yang Weiwu sat together and looked at the picture on the light screen together.

[My true body has long been transformed because of Luo Sha's talent, because the two summoners poured their will into it before they died, and because the darkness of Xuanyin forced me to pay karma but got myself instead. In the end, I didn't know it became Something. 】

"Have you not been able to reproduce one-eighth of the miracle of the spirit-melting method? And have you absorbed Xiaotian's will?"

[Luo Sha is not summoning people, is she? 】

"Generally speaking, I don't think of armor developers as summoners, although Toei's knight den is not lacking in this type."

[To put it another way, the consciousness of Luo Sha and Emperor Yan makes me have preferences and personalities that are inclined towards them. 】

"Like complaining?"

[I mean the desire to be strong and have fun, and why have you become a complainer now? 】

"You are the complete complainer who would complain about something like this at a time like this."


The two fell into a brief silence, which was quickly broken by LISA.

[What a surprise, you can accept one consciousness and two souls. 】

"The rules of the world are like this. The soul of my world is the carrier of consciousness, and the body is the carrier of the soul. Since you already know this, there is no need to get entangled in yourself because of the truth that the consciousness of the armor world is the soul."

[So, are you sure that the "amnesia you" who has lost the memory after the age of 16 rather than the "past you" who only has memories until the age of 16 can defeat Zhen Xingtian? 】

"I am very strong and have the pursuit of victory. Yantian is also very strong, but he was shaken because his opponent is Emperor Yan. In this case, there is no reason for me to lose."

[...You know, I originally planned to arrange for three bosses to defeat one and give you a quarter of the highest authority. 】

"Then because Emperor Yan actually didn't fight Yan Fei, he chose to give up, right?"

[Yes, not right. 】

[The deeper reason is that you are not a part of this story, you are just a bystander. 】

[Whether it is "Yang Pojun" or "Yang Weiwu", your reason for fighting is to finish the story and satisfy your... desire to "chasing stars" or something like that. 】

[Just because you are as pure as Emperor Yan back then, I am convinced that Yan Tian cannot defeat you. 】

[So, while your other soul, which has solved the external affairs, is currently attacking Summer, I will directly explain to you and describe what happened next. 】

[Now, you can directly ask what you are most curious about. 】

Yang Weiwu thought for a while.

"I remember that in TV, Emperor Yan was defeated by the Ares fleet led by Lufa."

[Yes, because he failed to defeat the "strongest" Xia Tian, ​​Emperor Yan thought that his road to becoming the "strongest" had stagnated. He fell into a low period of strength. Yan Xing's armored legion was cruel because of the leader...the former leader The two deputy leaders were seriously injured, so they temporarily chose barely qualified agents, Hiying and King Kong.In the end, faced with Lufa's various wars of attrition and the Ares Destruction Technique that sacrificed all compatriots except his flagship, Yanxing's energy crystal was captured.Emperor Yan tasted defeat for the first time. 】

"I originally thought that someone like him would be convinced by his failure, but he didn't seem to be very interested in Lufa on TV."

[Not to mention that the other party didn't dare to fight Emperor Yan personally. In the end, he just sat on the battleship and let the soldiers self-destruct before reluctantly letting him win because of lack of energy and the armor disintegrated.He felt hypocritical for a guy like Lufa who said it was a just act to fight for Ares.And Emperor Yan looks down on hypocritical people. 】


Yang Weiwu was speechless about the aliens from another world...well, the justice on his own planet.

Procedural justice and result justice, legal justice and moral justice...

There is no fixed formula for this kind of thing, and it is something he rarely discusses with anyone.

In Yang Lucun's words, rather than exploring what justice is, it is better to directly attack injustice.

Therefore, he did not have any approval for the method of helping King Peel, who decided on a cosmic and galactic law of justice that sounded even more outrageous than a certain lighthouse law because of his personal preferences. After all, he could not deceive him later and knew that he was neither righteous nor evil. .

Ah, the name of justice mentioned by Shan Zhi here is inconsistent with his evil behavior of killing indiscriminately and seizing the planet's energy crystal. In fact, Lu Fa is a big bad guy.

It just seems to Yang Weiwu that he lacks the charm of a villain.

"Then there is no virtual armored beast like Shura Armor in the TV. It would be better to say that this thing and the Light and Shadow chapter actually never thought of connecting with the world view from the beginning. Do you have any say?"

[ Emperor Yan took the initiative to complete the second spirit-melting method, and only exhausted his consciousness and strongest energy to complete the Shura Armor. After the battle with Xingtian, I entered a dormant state due to sublimation.The few times you use me are when you are truly alone. Shouldn't my presence be taken for granted that you can't see? 】

"Then... what happens next?"

[Xiaotian is no longer interested in power, and there is no need to fight anymore. However, because of the modification of the past, Lufa and the others finally have the possibility of resurrection. He beat them with the Shura Purgatory Halberd until even the genetic code exploded. The Gengdan Vajra and I were sealed together in the Demon Suppressing Tower in a courier box. 】

"Although I kind of want to complain about the last one, should I say it's still in line with Xiaotian's character? Didn't you give it to them to welcome them?"

[The old woman used words to prevent him from changing the fact that his parents died, because in fact, things that violate the rules are not that cannot be changed, but the second change will make the first change a paradox, and thus become a parallel world.Later, after I figured it out, he had no contact with Yang Yingying and the others. Yuzi and Wu Gang seemed to have more frequent contact. As for Xu Tingfei... it seemed that they had less contact because of company affairs. I don't know how much more they had, because at that time I have completed the autopilot and drove the Purgatory Horse to the Shadow Realm to kill the Shadow Emperor! 】

"And judging from the current situation...you succeeded, right?"

【So be it.I haven't fought it before, and the crystal energy scattered everywhere on the road can't withstand the consumption. In the end, I used the world travel ability of Xuanyin's Darkness to banish the Shadow Emperor.Fortunately, although the opponent has all kinds of abilities, the rules don't seem to allow for high subjective initiative. Otherwise, he would probably ride the emperor's horse and beat me to death halfway through.Although I was beaten up by the Emperor of Light who sensed the problem later, I thought that the debt for borrowing the Darkness of Xuan Yin ability could not be repaid and became the other party's property. 】

LISA lamented her experience.

And Yang Weiwu’s evaluation is——

"Do it yourself."

【? 】

"Let's talk about the last quarter of the supreme authority."

[Wait a minute, please explain to me clearly what you mean by self-inflicted pain. 】

Some angry voices shouted for a while, but finally became quiet.

In the Storm Cup where Emperor Yan awakened his strongest energy, Yang Pojun indeed relied on his own ability to penetrate it, and half-awakened his strongest energy, gaining a quarter of the highest authority.

The brief but hidden crisis of life and death with Yan Gang allowed Yang Weiwu to obtain the highest authority in the second quarter by virtue of his truly ultimate skills.

Now, the fight between Yang Pojun and Yan Tian will determine whether the third quarter of the highest authority can be in his hands.

"How do you plan to handle the last part of the authority assessment?"

[...Your other soul is now almost exactly the same as Yandi at that time, both in terms of reaction and the force used in each blow. I will regard this as you possessing Yandi-level power. 】

[Then in the final battle, I hope you defeat not the data, but the living "Emperor Yan". 】


Yang Weiwu stared at LISA without saying a word.

[Accept or reject? 】


【...Accept or reject? 】


[Let me explain first that I did not peek into your memory, so the uniqueness of your other soul was discovered by my ability.Including your true talents is also guesswork. 】

"Since you have guessed it, you should understand how stupid it is to fight yourself. And this is not at all like fighting [Fire Emperor]."

[ Emperor Yan is a guy who constantly surpasses himself in battle, isn’t Yang Weiwu the same?Since Emperor Yan can do it, why can't "Emperor Yan" do it? 】

Yang Weiwu: "Do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

[Okay, I'm going to show my hand. After having most of the highest authority, it's just a matter of time to get the remaining few. I made this request just to see how much fun you have. Who makes you less interesting now than before. 】

"You mean, it's my fault?"

【who knows. 】

Yang Weiwu's expression gradually became ferocious, just like the expression under the armor of Yang Pojun who was using Hell Face Shura to fight Xing Tian on the light screen.

【225】Qiongqi’s second death

Niu Jian noticed something was wrong.

When he first met the boy who called himself Yang Weiwu, he had a feeling of being attracted to something.

That feeling made him act unconsciously for a time——

As the only tower guard guarding the Tower of Violence, he allowed a young man of unknown origin to stay alone on the floating island and left directly to check on him.

But the reasonable operation should be for him to write a letter to confirm, and then there is no need to hide secretly, but he can directly monitor the other party openly.

Rather than observing in secret, I felt that there should be no problem, so I moistened it immediately, and then personally ran all the way to the imperial capital to find an acquaintance for details.

Even if there was a problem with the magnetic field near the floating island and conventional communication methods were useless, couldn't he make a phone call from a farther location?

But he failed to realize that something was wrong with his condition at the time.

Because he was [attracted].

In other words, Niu Jian [something in his body] was attracted.

The tower owner of the Tower of Violence is a very strange being.

Different from other tower masters, this one seems to be looking for something every time he goes out, rather than just going on a killing spree.

After his birth, he possessed a total of five humans.

Niu Jian is one of them.

Among the four people in front of him, the first two committed suicide in order to prevent themselves from being manipulated, and the third one tried to seal the opponent with a sword skill, but then failed and blew himself up.

But the fourth one, the swordsman who was half of Niu Jian's master, succeeded in expelling the tower master from his body by breaking through the demon realm, and made him return to the violent tower.

After a large number of people participated in researching this phenomenon and conducting related tests, China came up with a confidential guess.

Assuming that this possession ability is unique to the owner of the Tower of Violence, then according to the situation of the only swordsman who peeled off the opponent, within a year (this one took approximately [-] years from possession to breaking through the demon) In the past year), if you break through to the realm of the devil, you may be able to actively peel off the devil by virtue of the devil's characteristic of being independent of cause and effect.

Judging from the actual situation, the stripped tower owner will fall into a calm period, will not have a strong tendency to attack, and will return to the tower on his own.

It is precisely because of this semi-speculative theory that Niu Jian was not killed by his classmates and comrades after he was possessed. Instead, with the help of many people, he successfully broke through the demon within half a year. realm.

As a result, the tower owner was stripped as speculated.

No, this statement is not rigorous.

Judging from my current clear thinking, it should have been an illusion that the other party [actively acted out and was passively expelled].

And behind this illusion, the tower master hid something from everyone's eyes and ears and stored something in his body.

And now, Niu Jian knew what it was.


"This is really..."

A magnetic male voice with a frivolous and flamboyant tone came from Yang Pojun.

But he didn't open his mouth, and the one who spoke was not the God of Creation, but the [Xingjun] who called himself [Yang Wuqu].

"What's wrong with this man?"

A rich male voice came from the snake-shaped earrings called Shengting, and Wei Wu, the ritual snake, asked his collaborator.

"There is nothing wrong with people, but everything in the body is the problem."

Under the cheerful tone, the face without any change in expression looked like he was smiling.

"I see, unlike Yaozhu who is developing the [Army] route, Qiongqi is following the split life-preserving route."

"Tell me more about it."

"That is to say, Yuzhu took out part of the magic stone in the tower and spent a lot of time eroding the whole of Japan bit by bit, turning everyone into reserve supernatural beasts, or maybe alienated. Sexual [Knife Slayer].”

"And Qiongqi used the method of cutting himself to create a sub-body, but the price is that its ability will be significantly lower than the others. Of course, because we have not actually seen the other three ancient supernatural beasts, we will temporarily We still don’t know how far this will lead to the division of strength, and what the time cost of recovery will be.”

"But for now, it seems that the daughter body will survive as the next main body after the death of the main body."

"I think he has considerable latent ability and a certain degree of control over the host, but the speed of power recovery seems quite impressive at the moment."

Some kind of black gauntlet with a texture of flesh and blood climbed onto Yang Pojun's right hand.

"What's the use of this thing?"

"Let's put it this way, we still need to conquer the Four Evil Towers next. The purpose is precisely to let these... tower owners sacrifice themselves to hold back the Po Army."

He tore Niu Jian's shirt casually, and his right hand, which looked bloody and beautiful, pressed on the strong pectoralis major muscle.

"Although he is probably letting you and I use his body for some reason that I know more or less, it is only a matter of time before he wakes up. If nothing else happens, when he wakes up, we can now The little tricks he made are no longer useful. So what we can do now is to find ways to extend the time he [falls asleep]."

"Tower Master... I don't know much about these things. How can I convince them to sacrifice?"

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