Having been sealed in the gap between the two worlds for a long time, the Ritual Snake Wei Wu really doesn't know much about many things in this world, not to mention the Tower of Four Evils that has nothing to do with humans in this world and the followers of the Red World.

"No need for persuasion," a silver-gray fragment "grew" out of the palm of his hand and sank into Niu Jian's chest, "As long as this is the case."

As he raised his hand, a dark, bat-like thing was "pulled out" from Niu Jian's body.

"This kind of thing... can hold back the Yang Po Army?"

"of course."

By deriving the power of the Shadow Emperor, he is forced to prevent him from waking up on his own until he becomes the true Emperor.

According to his understanding of Yang Pojun, this child should fall into a deep...perhaps confusion because of the memories contained in a certain set of ultimate armor in his body. Anyway, he will take the initiative to stay close to him until things are almost irreversible. come out.

Of course, he would not explain the twists and turns to the ritual snake.

After all, things like gods should be used as tools by people on their knees. Of course, it is not impossible to make a golden body and move it to a place like the Main Hall for people to admire.

After sealing Qiongqi's body into the Qingming Sword, Belupe Olu came.

"Alliance leader, the trapped Red World Demon Kings have been liberated."

"Thank you for your hard work, my strategist. Let's get organized and go to... the furry bear."

"Yes. What should we do with these humans?"

"Leave it alone."

"……I understand."

【226】Waiting for Caipiao

"You dare to stop me?"

The Red Demon King, who was liberated from the golden statue, looked at Qianbian Xiudenan who was standing in front of him with an unkind expression.

"The order from the Alliance Leader is...to leave these humans alone."

A silver-haired middle-aged man wearing sunglasses held a cigarette butt in his mouth, white smoke rising in the flickering light of the fire.

"What a joke!"

Behind the Red World Demon King, the Red World Disciple A, who had also just been liberated, shouted.

"These damn guys have sealed me for hundreds of years! Why should I let them go after I finally got out of trouble!"

"That's it!"

"In the final analysis, we have already endured a lot of hardship when we let that kid go. Not only have we not eaten humans for at least several decades, but we have also become their ornaments and used them to display in the main hall. Look at our ugly appearance after our defeat! At this point, we can no longer allow those hateful bald donkeys to live in this world!"

BCD, the disciple of the Red World, also started shouting.

"I should have explained..." Xiu Denan glanced at the boy beside him - Tiangong Ziyin, who was claimed by Emperor Yan to be his subordinate, in other words, his colleague - and then threw away the cigarette butt, "That is our colleague , if you do anything dangerous to him, you are provoking me and other masquerade parties."

The leader of the Red Demon King, the Thousand-Handed Icon Afan, took a step forward as he raised the precious phantom Divine Iron Ruyi made by the God of Creation.

"Qianbian, I am grateful to the Masquerade for their efforts in liberating us, so I have restrained these disciples of the Red World who have been sealed for many years like me."

"But, you must give me a reason not to harm those monks of Shenlong Temple."

"Otherwise, even if they don't plan to do anything, I won't be able to let these people go."

Afan thinks that he has made his words very clear. All he wants is a reason that is enough to stop the crowd. After all, without each other, they can only be reduced to props for human propaganda of religion. This request is not too much. point.

And Xiu Denan thought that he had made it very clear. It was the request of the Creation God and the Ritual Snake, not the request of Emperor Yan. It was as simple as that.

"...Xiu Denan."

Tiangong Ziyin, who had not spoken much since just now, tugged at the corner of Shudenan's clothes.

"what happened?"

"The Emperor Yan is here."

Following Tiangong Ziyin's raised hand, Xiu Denan happened to see Bell Peolu walking in.

Behind her was a person following Hecate... wearing a strange mask.

"Yo - Xiu Denan, I heard that there is a dispute here. This is not okay. We are all colleagues, how can we not get along well with each other."

A familiar young man's voice sounded, and Xiu Denan confirmed the other person's identity.

"...Alliance leader, I am...implementing your order."

"Why does it take so long to ask people to gather and leave? I remember that 5 minutes ago, someone used the Noble Phantasm with the magic of freedom and oracle to pass on my order, right? There is such a loose guy in the masquerade party ...Or do the people of the Red World also need to poop?"

"No, it's the new guy who is confused about how you let the defeated generals here go."

Considering that the opponent was a master who knew how to play the ultimate insult, Xiu Denan still couldn't bear to put his new colleagues at risk of being poisoned.

"Puzzling? These ones behind you?"

[Emperor Yan] tilted his head and looked at the few disciples of the Red World behind Xiu Denan.

"He's just a Red World Demon King... Then why waste so much time? I still have to go talk to Caipiao!"

A feeling like a breeze blew onto Xiu Denan's face.


He opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly a chill came over him.

Obeying this feeling, Xiu Denan looked back and saw that all the original members of the Red World ABCD were reduced to fire powder of different colors and dissipated. Only the Thousand-Hand Holy Statue lay on the ground, holding his breath while breathing in. His wounds kept bleeding out of flames.

"This looks a little bit useful. What's it called?"

"...Thousand-Handed Icon, Thousand-Armed Icon Afan, is good at group battles and defensive methods, but I'm not sure if he can perform legion-style gains as a commander."

"It can block the mental sword wind given by Qiongqi, who is basically complete... The defense is not bad, and it can be used as a human shield. Pick it up and leave, the scum on the ground will make Ah Jin Disposed of.”

The golden retriever howled and ran to the place where the fire powder escaped, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Xiu Denan felt a little sad in his heart when he looked at the strange appearance of a disciple of the red world who was devoured by Surat who had completed his adjustment and education without even being worthy of his name.

"Are you planning to use the Thousand-Hand Icon as a human shield to charge?"

"I plan to use him to experiment with the freedom method. You will have a very heavy task now, right? I am a good boss who is considerate of my subordinates. I should allocate work appropriately. He will be my next training partner. You can make preparations for the attack on the outer accommodation in the Demonic City."

Putting away the Qingming Sword burning with black flames, [Yandi] seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked nonchalantly: "What do you think of my mask?"

“…has a certain artistry to it.”

"Yeah, I think it's pretty, too."

[Enti] touched the Ultraman mask on his face and made a happy sound.

This face is quite popular, but it doesn't look weird like that guy who has no aesthetics like the Ritual Snake.

In order to cover up and give these dear subordinates a small human shock after Yang Pojun fell asleep, [Yang Wu Qu] now wore this Ultraman mask.

Everyone likes good things that are all good, just like the actual value of diamonds depends entirely on one’s love. Otherwise, in his opinion, they are not as beautiful as stained glass. [Yang Wu Qu] For those who are very popular within a certain range. Ultraman recognized that he was a man wearing a leather mask that had a certain sense of beauty and wouldn't make people feel weird. It would be more interesting to use such a mask than a carved mask. He could also try a human skin mask in the future.

"By the way, Bellpeolu, has the news about the Zero Hour Mysteries been spread?"

"Yes, if nothing else, it has spread to half of human society. Although it is an inexplicable news to humans, the eternal lover - Caipiao himself should have been using loudspeakers at high intensity. I am searching for this Noble Phantasm by collecting information from a wide range. If nothing else, I even know about Xingliden’s entry into this country.”

"Then go back to Xingli Palace and wait for the good news. I'm looking forward to seeing her and having an in-depth communication with her - the so-called [love]."

【227】The God of Creation uses elemental armor

The wind blows across the earth and throughout the world.

[Wheel] conveys the location of your lover to yourself.

Fierce emotions surged in my chest, telling myself to go see him as soon as possible.


The lover's name flowed from his lips, and the long-green-haired Red Devil drove his freedom at all costs.

"I will definitely, definitely find you."

"Then we will never be separated again!"


The vibrations in the space destroyed everything around them almost instantly. If this place was not so uninhabited, this by-product alone would have been enough to cause huge casualties.

【How does it feel? 】

The magnetic voice asked in a somewhat frivolous tone.

"It fits very well, and the power can be exerted almost perfectly."

The boy who was wearing jet-black snake-shaped earrings came out with a male voice that was so thick and steady that he didn't even look like a boy.

On his handsome face that still has a bit of boyishness, he reveals a self-confident but not arrogant smile.

"Although it is a primitive free method, Shenmen's performance is better than I expected."

The biting cold wind blew the flying snow wildly, and the Xingli Palace gradually began to turn white with frost.

This is the territory of Mao Xiong.

A few minutes ago, they were at the Shenlong Temple located in the southwest of the Celestial Empire.

What allowed war fortresses such as the Xingli Palace and nearly a thousand people of the Red World to cross such a distance in a very short time was the creation god's free method.

"Open a temporary passage in the space and let Xingli Palace squeeze through it. Because the spaces themselves will not overlap without special treatment but will be backlogged together, and "shocks" will occur. If you want to consider If there is a factor of harming the members of the Red World who may join us, we still need to make some modifications before we can use this free method as a regular method."

[That is just for transportation.In the middle of a battle, the free method, which takes more than a minute to prepare, is completely meaningless. 】

"So as a means to fight the enemy, we need a free method that is faster and can teleport smaller individuals."


The child wearing a thin gown was there with a camera to capture his figure, but the sudden drop in temperature obviously had a great impact on his weak human body.

Weiwu, the ritual snake, is silent, weaving the Dharma of freedom.

A black winter coat formed in his hands, shook off the snowflakes on it, and put it on Tiangong Ziyin.

"Thank you, Emperor Yan."

After tightening her coat, Amangong Ziyin said gratefully.

Without explaining his current situation to the other party, Wei Wu, the ritual snake, waved his hand and asked him to retreat.

"Let's get back to the main point. You said you need scientific researchers, right?"

[Yes, you have to be creative. No matter how bad it is, you must at least understand the mysteries of modern technology and know how to use the free method to make certain improvements.It's not possible for a guy like you to create directly with your power. 】

"Then, Dantario Dantalio has been dedicated to researching and analyzing the [Royal Fate] I left behind for thousands of years since I was exiled. His talent should be the most outstanding among my subordinates. "

Without showing any sign of the other party's offensive address like "you guy", Wei Wu, the ritual snake, proposed a candidate.

[Then where is this subordinate? 】

"We are being recalled. According to the intelligence we received before, I should be at Hezhong's place. Based on the current situation, we can definitely inform him to go to the Tower of Corruption. After we have solved the Tower of Evil-Eating here, we can go directly there to rendezvous. "

Looking up at the spectacle-like scenery in the distance, Wei Wu, the ritual snake, sighed with a complex expression that was difficult to express: "Humans are really wonderful creatures."

The scenery that is like a wonder is the Tower of Babel that reaches the sky and the earth and needs to be kilometers high.

[Use a huge amount of cement to pour down bit by bit from the top, and then pour out such a tower of Babel... Mao Xiong's simple and crude operation is really eye-opening. 】

This is such a stupid operation that it can be called a senseless operation. It is purely a waste of money to use a huge amount of cement that can renovate the cement roads of the capital several times to physically seal one of the four evil towers that humans have not yet discovered. -No other country would be able to do this kind of thing.

But...according to the information he obtained, physically stopping the floating island and isolating it from the existence of native creatures is the best way to shield the fragments of magic stone transmitted from the Four Evil Tower.

Mao Xiong seems to have a special talent here. I don't know if it's the ability to see the essence, or it's simply future vision or something like that.

Well, anyway, those are unplanned things, and they won’t be a disruptive factor.

But this may be a bit difficult to do——

The consequence of physically locking the tower constructed of the magic stone or even the floating island itself is that the supernatural beast inside may make unexpected actions.

Is it a terrifying number of explosive troops, or is it turning the power of the magic stone into a mist with an exaggerated concentration, waiting for the hole to open and eroding everything in one fell swoop?

The existence of Chaos itself has gone out to kill people. There is no telling what it will get in the process of killing. The magic stone itself is also a record. The worst thing is that the opponent may also have spatial abilities. , and this guy seems to have swallowed the Fire Mist Warrior, and he may have some free methods.

Thoughts circulated in Xingjun Yang Wuqu's heart, but they could not affect the Creator God's actions.

"Then, I'll do it directly."

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