The black flames turned into fire bombs and hit the Tower of Babel.

In the fierce sparks, complex patterns appeared instantly, absorbing all the flames.

"Aiming at the flame... no, is it an arrangement for the power of existence? If you feel it carefully, the tower itself has the feeling of a Noble Phantasm. Is it made by using the power of some red world disciple?"

[It may also have an effect on magic power, but that kind of thing is of little significance to us. 】


The ritual snake Wei Wu can understand what the other party means.

No matter how far these humans have studied magic and the power of existence, or how targeted they are, facing forces outside of this, it will be difficult to construct effective countermeasures in advance.

An amethyst-like brick appeared in his hand.

"Is it okay if I use this thing?"

[Ah, if you use it well, the guy who knows how to interfere should have no time to care about you now. 】


"The cool thunder of the cliff——"

After the silver-purple armor appeared, it hit the huge Absolute Element on the Tower of Babel, destroying the cement with a base thickness of at least ten meters with almost one collision.

In the heaven-like scenery, the God of Creation glimpsed the unexpected ending.

【228】Cai Piao arrives

[This is a bit troublesome. 】

Having said that, [Yang Wuqu] had a gloating tone.

"Why is this happening?"

The ritual snake Wei Wu frowned.

Where the Tower of Babel breaks, nothing exists.

That’s right, [nothing].

"Where did the Evil-Eating Tower that was supposed to be here go?"

[Hen, you have to ask the fur bear people. 】

Well, it wasn't like he had no idea where the tower was, but if it was as he thought, he might not be able to find it if he looked for it.

[Speaking of which, is it difficult for the ritual snake to travel from this world to the red world? 】

"It's very difficult. There is a gap between two different worlds with no sense of direction and distance. If a person from the Red World wants to pass through, he must have a strong will to call the other person in order to go from the Red World to the real world. Returning is easy. A lot, but that’s because the red world itself has a coordinate-like attraction for us. Why do you ask this suddenly?”

[Expand your knowledge. 】

"I see."

Sacrificial Snake Weiwu has no doubts.

Then, if nothing unexpected happened, Chaos should have brought the entire tower into the red world.

So how does it do it?Relying on those Fire Mist Warriors that were killed by it?

Although he knew that after the death of the Fire Mist Warrior as a container, the Demon King had two options: to directly appear temporarily and then die, or to return and wait for the next container, he had not actually tested it, and he could not say whether this approach was feasible.

But no matter how uncertain he was, he had no intention of explaining the details before the ritual snake noticed it himself.

After all, at the end of the day——

Now he is the only one who is being beaten mentally!


"are you an idiot?"

【Hum! 】

The white armored beast bit into [Yang Wuqu] who was in a mental state. The opposite of his divine appearance was the violent and vicious aura on his body.

It was very pure malice, just like seeing the dog that was beaten by his little master.

[Yang Wuqu] commented in his heart.

Then what greeted him was the light bullet shot from the mouth of the Emperor of Light's battle dragon.

"Can you even telepathize? Wait, stop fighting. You don't want me to turn around and confront Po Jun..."

Siyuan's armored beast was like the old man who found the cow chapter in a collection marked as pure love. Although his face didn't change much, [Yang Wuqu] felt a strong desire to hunt.

"Hahaha, do you already have this kind of knowledge? If the knowledge of the summoner is obtained based on importance, the order should be the bottom line or deep desire, then common sense knowledge, and then personal XP...the last two Maybe the order should be reversed."

"Hey, hey, hey, if you keep doing this, I'm going to die! After all, I'm still Pojun's dad. If I die, that kid will still be sad, okay?!"

What he responded to was the flick of the tail of the Emperor of Light and the battle dragon.

According to the bits and pieces of information collected from the Demon Spirit Stone, armored beasts - especially those of the Emperor's Armor and the Emperor's War Dragon will correspond to the amplification of a certain side of the summoner.

So [Yang Wuqu] is now a little worried about the possibility of being beaten up by his great nephew in the future.


After waiting for a long time without receiving a response, Wei Wu, the ritual snake, decided to go and have a look in person.


Hecate, who was just watching from a distance just now, saw her creator transforming into an earth element and flying towards the break of the Tower of Babel, and immediately followed after giving out a call.

"Hecate, can you tell anything?"

He did not dissuade his family members from going back. Wei Wu, the ritual snake, was just asking what the other party could do.

"The leader just interrupted the tower, and there was nothing inside."

"Well, it may be a little embarrassing to ask you this. Inform Bellpeolu and ask her to find a few people from the Red World who are proficient in the freedom method. We need to analyze the detailed situation here."


Hecate used the free law and oracle to convey the creation god's order to the masquerade's advisor.

"Can I ask what this place is used for?"

"It really surprises me. Do you have any desire other than fulfilling your orders, my throne?"

"No, not really." The Top Seat denied His words.

"I just hope to chat with you a little more."

"I originally wanted to say that it might be a good thing if you have more desires... After all, whether you are a member of the Red World, a Fire Mist Warrior, or a human being, they are all powerful beings because of their emotions. If you can, I I also hope that the new world I will create will contain more of your wishes, Hecate."

"I have seen the power of this body to completely seal and drag me out of the gap between the two worlds while embracing strong emotions."

The God of Creation pointed to his chest.

"Emperor Yan? Is he such a powerful being?"

Hecate originally thought that the God of Creation and Yang Pojun had a more equal relationship. After all, although the other party seemed to have a bad temper, the Ritual Snake was a very tolerant god, and even such a fanatic was not without mercy. May acknowledge the other person's desires.

But unexpectedly, the cooperation between Emperor Yan and the Ritual Snake was actually brought about under such circumstances.

"What he showed in front of you before was just the tip of the iceberg. Just like the armor I am wearing now, he has never used it in front of you. As for these two sets of armor and when he fought with me..."

The thick male voice stopped speaking, and his dark eyes looked to the side.

The wind has turned.

The flying snow ignited an amber flame, and under the influence of the rotating airflow, it showed its power in a regular airflow group.

"Let's leave the explanation for next time. The guy who is considered a secondary target came to the door."

"Leave it to me, leader."

"I need you to capture me alive. It's a little troublesome, but it's necessary."

"You don't need to explain to me. I'm asking you just to communicate with you. As a noble god like us, I will always choose to follow you."

Holding a triangular tin staff, water-blue flames rose under his feet.


As if singing a psalm, the witch of God whispered.

Dozens of aqua-blue flame light bullets gathered in an instant and shot out in the same direction as this group of tin sticks.

"Cai Piao Feilisi? Will you choose to be my helper or my enemy?"

"The choice is yours, but I still hope you won't do anything stupid."

Through the steep armor, the Creator God's gaze passed through the air flow group and saw the red demon king who controlled the free law.

【229】False reunion

Pheles is a red devil with a body shaped like a slender woman.

Her clothing is a dark brown tights with strange-style epaulettes on her shoulders.

Using the armor's built-in observation system, the God of Creation saw the air jets from the opponent's epaulettes, and strangled and annihilated Hecate's light bullets.

There was something surprising about this armor.

It is an almost fool-like auxiliary operating system, an auxiliary combat system that automatically builds enemy target combat models, and has a unique emphasis on airflow (wind element) and the flames (fire element) of the Red World disciples.

Maybe it can be used as a way to deal with the God of Punishment in the future.

But still have to look again.

While the demon god was thinking, the battle between the two red demon kings had already entered a fever pitch.


At Felice's call, the freedom method called Ifiluna was activated to its maximum extent.

This special free method, which means the wind of the lower world, is strictly a free method used to assist combat. Its function is to generate and control the wind with its own breath from the epaulettes on the body.

Wind has the effect of being aggressive and misleading the enemy's judgment. Even if Hecate has the attack power to completely defeat her with a few hits, he can only fight with her.


A little anxiety appeared on Hecate's originally expressionless face.

Why so tenacious?

It was obvious that he was facing the leader of the alliance.

What he was doing was obviously disobeying his orders.

Felice surrounded the entire battlefield with storms and launched constant near-surprise attacks, reminding this miko lady who had experienced failure before, of bad memories.

That was thousands of years ago in this world.

Disciples from the red world follow the dark god.

The Great God responded to the wishes of his followers and decided to create the Great Binding, a paradise for followers of the Red World.

God is great and forgiving.

Also naive.

He allowed the Fire Mist Warriors, who were regarded as props by the Red World disciples and were trained by some of the Red World Demon Kings who could be called traitors, to join him, hoping that they could also find happiness in that paradise.


The ending is that God was exiled by the props, and the paradise collapsed before it was built.

And now, in the eyes of Hecate, the top seat, the figure of Caipiao Felice gradually overlaps with the group of props who want to destroy the royal life at the expense of their own lives.

Free Method: Star of Esther, this is strictly speaking the only offensive free method mastered by the top seat, and it is also a free method that can fully exert her power.

The performance is just to create dozens of water-blue light bombs, and then launch them to attack. It is no different from the fire bombs that almost everyone of the apostles will use, but its essence is that after compression, its properties are closer to those of flames. An energy bomb of something.

However, no matter how powerful the attack power of this free method is, it is indeed difficult to hit Felice with high mobility. This is a fact.

Although powerful, Hecate is not very good at fighting. Hecate is obviously slower than Pheleis in thinking of ways to deal with the enemy.

Therefore, she failed to notice that the air flow field surrounding the two of them gradually involved the ritual snake Weiwu who was originally in the "spectating seat".

Of course, I have noticed this, but whether it should be said that I want to test the power of the armor or that I don't like the other party's tricks, the ritual snake Wei Wu doesn't care about the other party's little tricks, and even takes the initiative Close.

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