[Please help the other side get down, I'm ready here. 】

The words [Yangwu Qu] echoed in my mind.

Ready?What's ready?And by knocking the opponent down, does it mean asking me to pretend to be knocked down, or does it mean that I want to defeat the opponent directly?

Although she was entangled because of the profoundness of Chinese, it was an obvious fact that Felice's target of attack had shifted from Hecate to herself, which confirmed that the God of Creation would not ignore the desires of her compatriots.

The battlefield created by the wind filled with its own aura is like a bush that greatly improves the stealth. Felice, who is always hiding in it, can launch a surprise attack at any time as an assassin with aura blocking A.

And because of my ability, I still use long-range magic stabs.

Of course, the defense is also very consistent with its positioning and is very fragile.

A strong sense of restraint came from the body surface, and the purple-gleaming fist hit Felice's chest hard.

The attack, as heavy as a siege hammer, broke through her in an instant. She lost consciousness for a short time, and Zizaifa Ifiluna stopped on her own, and the whole person fell from the mid-air like a kite with its string broken.

"In terms of strength, it's pretty good. It should be improved if I use the freedom method to support it. But did I strike a little too hastily? Would it be better to be knocked down?"

I still don’t understand the meaning of [Yang Wu Qu], but I’ve already reached this point and the atmosphere is in place. It would be rude not to take action.

The extreme elements gathered in his hand, and he punched down with a powerful and heavy punch.

The amber flame ignited, and a strong storm swept across, but it did not attack the ritual snake Wei Wu, but swept away Felice.

"You woke up and escaped at the critical moment... No, were you rescued?"

In front of the purple armor, a short-haired boy held Caipiao, who was seriously injured and dying.

A certain sense of security engraved in the soul surged into her heart, and Pheleis hugged her.


It was just an almost instinctive call, but it got an unexpected response.

"Well, I'm here, Phyllis."

There seemed to be something surging in his chest, and the remaining power of existence in his body quickly created purifying flames to restore the injuries on his body.

Felice's eyes gradually focused, and soon she saw the lover she longed for.


Once again, she called out the other person's name.

"I'm here, Phyllis."

Tears welled up at this moment.

The Red Devil embraced her lifelong lover as if embracing the whole world.

"Great, great...I've been...always looking for you."

"I know, Phyllis. Because our hearts are connected to each other."

The young man hugged [his lover] tenderly and met the eyes of the God of Creation.

The Ritual Snake Wei Wu felt an inexplicable chill.

Because of those eyes—

There is nothing in it that can be called love.

The one holding Caipiao Feileis is a [monster] with the appearance of his lover.

【230】Let’s start exploring love

What kind of guy is Yang Wuqu?

In a word, he is a scumbag of extremely high purity.

The unlimited use of non-human beings and the limited use of human beings are a matter of course.

What is restricted use?

All means other than poison are allowed.

All items under the age of 14 are consumable.

Apart from his younger brother, even he himself is not a price that cannot be paid.

So what are Yang Wuqu’s hobbies?

Destroy the good and give pain.

He knew a long time ago that humans are not the only ones in this world who have wisdom and three views.

And as long as there is wisdom and three views, there will inevitably be a collision of ideas.

He is a very evil man.

He is also a guy with [rebellion].

Destroying and subverting things that others have always believed in can bring him far more pleasant feedback, just like letting a gambler sink in a casino. Even if rationality tells him that he will not be able to look back sooner or later, his sensibility will still say fuck you. reason.

Therefore, even if he understands that his great nephew now has quite a lot of leverage, [Yang Wu Qu] will not choose to directly transform Felice.

Are non-human beings worthy of love?

Come and give it a try.

Let’s see if it’s your [love] that moves me, or if I completely crush that boring fake thing.



Feel it——

The passionate and warm scent of a lover.

Feel it——

The passionate and pure love of a lover.

Feel it——

John (the world) is in his arms.


He called his name.

"I hope you can finish listening to the ideals of the Ritual Serpent."

He expressed his request to himself.

"How to deal with the purpose of the ritual snake - that is the decision that will determine our future."

He was discussing the future with himself.

"Yeah, I'll hear it out."

So I responded myself.

No matter they are human beings or followers of the world, what they pursue are their own desires.

In other words-

All they pursue is peace of mind.

At this moment, Phyllis felt as at ease as she had with John in the past.

It's great, everything is the same as before.

That's great, nothing has changed.



The hand that was originally caressing Felice's back and comforting her reached all the way from her back.

The "heart" made of flames disintegrated on its own and turned into amber flames because it left the owner's body.


Perhaps because the free method of changing postures was more advanced, Felice vomited blood due to her injuries.

And after the blood dripped, it turned into amber fire powder.


The Red Devil's response was the lover's loving eyes and emotional confession.

"I love you, Phyllis."

Phyllis felt unprecedentedly confused.


There was no doubt that the person in front of him was John.

It's obvious that he loves her just as he did before.

Obviously the feeling of peace of mind has not changed.

Why would John treat himself like this?

[Won’t you listen to the request of the Creator God? 】


[My name is Yang Wuqu, and I am the person who continues John’s existence today. 】

"Did you do something to John?!"

Yes, that's right, how could John hurt himself? He must have been manipulated by bad people.

[If you are asking about what John did to you just now... I can only say that it was a sign of his love for you. 】

"Love me? How could my John hurt me?!"

[He did this to you out of love.By the way, I am not manipulating him mentally or physically in any way.In other words, every move he makes now is of his own will. 】

"No, I don't believe it!"

Felice hugged her lover.

"John, wake up and stop being manipulated!"

"Felice, I have not been manipulated. You know, whether it is a Red World gangster or a Swordsman, if they want to manipulate someone, they will definitely leave marks on the other person. The Swordsman will leave marks on the other person. Under the influence of magic, the disciples of the Red World will leave traces of freedom. Do you think I have that kind of thing on my body now?"

The young man opened his arms, and the blood on his right hand kept turning into fire powder and flying away, making him look like a beast with its belly exposed.

He is ferocious, but he shows his fatal weakness to the person he absolutely trusts.

"how come……"

After hesitating, Felice chose to explore her lover's condition.

turn out……

"You... are not John..."

A strong feeling of nausea came from the depths of my soul.

The hug that can only be given to John, the love that can only be given to John, just now... was actually given to a popular man disguised as John! ! !

That's right, the boy in front of Felice is a member of the Red World.

And John, who she loved deeply, was originally a human being, but in order to accompany her forever, he was voluntarily turned into the "residue" of a torch.

Every time at midnight, the regular Noble Phantasm Zero Hour Mystery will restore the power of existence to its most perfect state. The meaning of its existence is to allow John, as a torch, to exist forever.

As long as they have the power of existence, the Red World disciples can stay in this world forever.

So we need zero hour fans.

But human lifespan is limited, so John has to become a non-human being.

The torch can always exist as long as it has enough power of existence.

So he chose to be the torch.

In order to live proudly and for the eternity between the two of them, John became the Mystis (treasure house) that sealed the Zero Hour Mystery. Phyllis relied on absorbing the power of his existence to survive, so she no longer had to eat humans.

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