Originally, they could indeed gain eternity, but due to an incident, Phyllis could only seal John into the Zero Time Mystery to allow him to escape.

And speaking of the similarity between the Red World Disciple and the Torch...

Probably humans and bananas.

"Who are you anyway? Where is John?"

【Isn't he right in front of you? 】

Felice stared closely at the boy opposite.

His eyes were as gentle and loving as John's.

But that was never John.

"That's not John."

The Red Demon King asserted this.

The young man's expression turned sad, which made Felice, who was looking at him, suddenly feel inwardly.

[If you really don’t think that is your lover, why not kill him? 】

[If you kill him, I will tell you what happened to the guy named John. 】

"Is what you said true?"

[Of course, I can guarantee that my words are not false at all from beginning to end. 】

Felice looked at the sad expression of the young man in front of her, gritted her teeth, and finally chose to raise her hand.

"Don't do this, Phyllis. You won't be able to look back."

That sad look was something she had never seen on John before, so it must not be John.

The air flow tore apart the opponent's body, and wild laughter echoed in Caipiao's mind.

【231】The essence of the torch and the so-called continuation of existence in this world

The so-called love refers to the emotion one person gives to another person.

Well, there's a problem here.

There are many objects of love, but they are clear.

Even if you just like one person, there are many different kinds of love.

For example, if you love something about the other person, such as money, talent, personality, or appearance.

For example, love for a certain kind of existence that is based on the other person as the main body, such as a low-level idol who actually has a lot of faults but is still a "child" in the eyes of fans at the age of 30.

Another example is its existence itself.

These three are three progressive levels.

And this is also the standard by which [Yangwu Qu] evaluates each other - loving a part, being distorted by love, and pure love.

[Before I tell you about John, let me ask a few questions. 】

[What do you love about John? 】

[Talent, character, appearance, soul...or is it all? 】

"Of course it's all!"

Phyllis answered without hesitation.

The boy named John was the only person she found after coming to this world who could always make her heart beat. He was innocent and beautiful, and he was willing to sacrifice everything for her, and she was willing to sacrifice everything for him.

Therefore, Felice said the word "all" easily.

【How decisive. 】

It was like he was sighing, but there was a mocking smile in his voice.

[So, what if your John wants to kill you?If he thought he would be happier if you were dead...what would you do? 】

"That's not going to happen."

The Red Devil's answer was extremely firm.

She knew everything about the boy who had been watched by her since he was born, so Felice was extremely sure that the other boy would never do this.

【reason? 】

"Since John was born..."

She began to talk endlessly about her past with her lover.

From the beginning, she met a man who was good at bragging, to fulfilling many of that man's wishes out of interest, to finding that man a beautiful and stupid princess as his wife, and finally giving birth to a child named John.

The interest she felt in that man, who was full of wild imagination at the beginning, also disappeared when the man wanted to sacrifice his child to an unknown person in the world because of his longing for life.

After that, in a state of mind that she didn't understand, Phyllis spent a long time with John, and was eventually confessed to by the other party.

This is where the eternal vow begins.

If it had a body, [Yang Wu Qu] would probably yawn.

No, even in his current state he wanted to yawn.

Not only did he already know the story, and he had even experienced it from the No. 1 perspective, but also because the other party's speech was full of "what he should take for granted".

How should this be explained?

It was similar to the second level of love. There was something about the other person that moved her. Then, under factors similar to self-hypnosis and sunk costs, Phyllis fell in love with John.

Of course, he would not say that this kind of love is fake. After all, many people's love is almost like this. Rather, it is better to say what kind of situation proves that the mental state of the Red World disciple is similar to that of human beings.

According to the views of many peaceful people who are friendly to different races, as long as they can communicate and their existence does not harm humans, they can be regarded as friendly races.

Of course, for many keyboard warriors who are just talking about it, even if they want to eat people, as long as they look decent, they can still use the excuse that what they eat is the corpse of an accidental death to blame others.

For [Yang Wu Qu], the fact that the other party's mental state is close to that of a human being does not bring any benefit to the other party.

It should be said that on the contrary, the things that worried John and even decided to kill him personally became possible.

[Thank you for telling me this. 】

[In return, I will answer you as to where John is as promised. 】

[Just now, John died. 】

【Killed by your own hands. 】

"...you're lying to me."

[Let me tell you the process of how he became a disciple of the Red World. 】

[The existence of the so-called torch has been proven after I completed the analysis. 】

[The essence is the individual unconsciousness and the extended consciousness, under the influence of the special energy that can carry the spirit - the power of existence, like a stone tablet engraved with words. 】

[Just like a stone tablet will be worn away by the blade of time, and the words on it will gradually disappear, the torch will make the last traces of someone who was originally "alive" disappear as if they never existed due to the lack of power of existence. net. 】

[According to this logic, from the moment the boy named John became a torch for you, he had already died of self-immolation. 】

"What a joke!"

"You bastard! If it's just for my entertainment, get out of here! My John is alive! He has lived with me for so many years!"

[Very good, you are willing to agree that this "John" is your lover. 】

[Yang Wu Qu] did not directly deny the other party, but rather, it was exactly what he wanted to see.

Just like when talking about cross talk, there must be someone to support, otherwise some of the laughs will not be so easy to show.

The best way to defeat a person's reason is not to destroy the other person's body, but to let him torture himself.

The disciples of the Red World have similar mental states to humans, which means that the methods of destroying each other are the same.


[Since you think that if all the traces of a person are carved on a stone tablet made of "limestone", this stone tablet is your lover, then why after carving all the traces of a person on another stone tablet made of "basalt"? Isn’t he your lover anymore? 】

"……What's the meaning?"

[I said, the existence of the torch itself is not because of some soul residing in a ball of energy that operates with a fixed logic because of its freedom, but in a way similar to carving, carving the individual's individual unconscious into in.The "sculptor" as a sculptor is not the dead person, but "humanity" itself - or, in other words, the collective unconsciousness of mankind. 】

[According to this logic, if a person’s individual unconsciousness is carved into the body of a Red World disciple whose consciousness has been basically destroyed, then it will be carved into the human unconsciousness that contains the individual unconsciousness of all mankind. Resurrection can be achieved to a certain extent. 】

[Then, guess what——]

[As the experimental subject to demonstrate this concept, what is his name? 】

【232】 Divine Grace Pregnancy

A shrill, inhuman wailing sounded, and the slender Red Demon King tore at his face.

"not like this……"

"It shouldn't be like this..."


Like a pig's head that shouts "Swallow, how can I live without you?" Felice's whole body exudes the aura of a loser that makes [Yang Wu Qu] happy.

He is neither a defeated dog nor a licking dog. He is his favorite loser who tried his best but could only end up unsuccessful. This reminded him of the possibility of victory that he had been defeated time and time again. The miserable look of sex.

How do you say something?Watching other people's misfortune makes you feel that your own misfortune is less unfortunate.

Although it is a fallacy, it is very true based on personal experience.

【How does it feel? 】

"Bad taste."

There is no color of approval in the words of the Creator God.

[Tsk, tsk, are you willing to affirm the wishes of the followers of the Red World, but regard my appeal as a bad taste?Ritual Snake, I can't tell you have double standards. 】


The ritual snake Weiwu, who is revered as the God of Creation, actually has an unexpectedly high degree of recognition for human beings, beings other than the disciples of the Red World, and he is also willing to admit their desires.

Just like when He created Paradise and the Great Binding thousands of years ago, He also added some humans into it and allowed them to become members of that great new world.

However, this guy in front of him, even if the other person's desire to destroy beauty and create misfortune is not very rare among the people of the Red World, some feeling is telling the ritual snake Wei Wu not to acknowledge the other person.

"What are you trying to do by doing this?"

The topic must continue after all, the ritual snake Wei Wu asked.

【Um?The main reason is to see her current regretful and ugly look.Well, because it’s not the kind of novel that details the scenes of the other person being in love with the person she likes, or even some FLAG scenes like “I will recognize you no matter what you look like”, all I can see is that she looks like With the same ending as a dog, the pain still tastes a little worse, but it does not prevent me from "quenching my thirst". 】

[Let me introduce you to her current situation——]

As soon as he finished speaking, the Creator God and His witch witnessed an astonishing scene.


Compared with the original despair, there was a scream of more pain.

Flesh and bones are growing, breaking through the limitations of the skin.

The slender Red Devil lost his female form and turned into a ball of flesh more than three meters high.

Something like a heart, like a petri dish, was beating with vitality.


【It’s beautiful, isn’t it?I call her the blessed fetus Caipiao, which can not only commemorate Caipiao Felice, the devil of the red world, who dedicated her life to this, but also look cool. 】

"What...is that thing for?"

Even when many Fire Mist warriors sacrificed their lives and used the secret method of non-return to be exiled, a sense of crisis that had never been experienced before came to my heart, and the God of Creation asked in a deep voice.

[Give the disciples of the Red World and the higher-level Red World Demon King a training chamber that allows them to stay in the world and exert their power without consuming the power of existence.Ah, by the way, after using this thing, there should be no problem in using the free method, but the power in the body will become something between the power of existence and magic power.After all, in this world, magic is basically spiritual power, and the power of existence is the special spiritual power of the unconscious.Do you need me to explain to you what the unconscious is? 】

"The reason why you did that to Caipiao...is it because only in that state can she become what she is now?"

Without asking for knowledge that he didn't know, the God of Creation was keenly aware that the change in Felice just now might not be as simple as it seemed.

"First rely on John to beat the opponent hard, leave a medium or something in the opponent's body, and then destroy the spirit...or meet other conditions. In short, Felice just lost her ability to resist, so you became like this?"

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