The pale blue eye lenses flickered slightly.

The one who blocked his attack was not the Emperor, but the Emperor - it's a bit confusing to say that, the person who prevented the Emperor from being killed was Yang Weiwu who was [becoming] the Emperor.


An unceremonious greeting sounded, but both swords were invariably exerted with greater force.

In the end, the silver-gray sword was broken into thousands of pieces, as if its quality had deteriorated.

【The strongest spirit?It does have an astonishing increase in combat power. It's a pity that you lack the will to fight against me. Otherwise, you would have chopped the Extreme Shadow Sword to pieces the moment you clashed with me. In that case, you could at least leave some traces on my body. 】

"Don't tell me I can't do it now."

The silver halberd launched a sneak attack from behind and from the waist, and the purple lightning on the silver armor turned into endless fighting energy.

[Reconciliation has been reached... No, priority should be given to the outside world?Or do you want to deal with the guy who gets in the way? 】

"Every one is."

The golden armor reorganizes the long sword and shield into a halberd, directly sweeping the opponent.

Different from the copycat Extreme Shadow Sword, the weapon on the Shadow Emperor's chest...according to this naming method, it is probably called the Extreme Shadow Shield, which blocks Yang Weiwu's attack very well.

"The defense power is the best in the universe."

As the golden emperor praised him, the silver marshal used fighting skills from behind to attack the opponent's weak points such as his knees.

Armor does not have the same defensive power all over the body. In order to ensure flexibility at the joints, the use of hard armor will inevitably be reduced and more sheet-like links will be used.

[Let me correct you first. 】

[First of all, the armor in our world is generally idealistic. Even if the knee joint is attacked, it will not hinder the ability to move. It is better to say that at least the defense of the emperor's armor is to flatten the damage received anywhere on the whole body to the whole body. defense.So your attack target is actually inappropriate. 】

[Secondly, don’t think that two sets of ultimate armor can defeat me. You... no, you Yang Weiwu are not even qualified to chase me until your heart desires victory or wants to become the Shadow Emperor. 】

[Finally, the material of the Aurora Sword and the Aurora Sword are the same. Even if this sword is broken, it is still a good thing and will never be broken so easily. 】

[As you have already seen it, answer me, why did the Extreme Shadow Sword break? 】

The silver-gray fragments seemed to be held by invisible hands, and thousands of fragments were aimed at the two people from all directions.

"It's somewhat expected, but that's not important."

Yang Weiwu said.

[Then what do you think is important? 】

"It's important to understand why you chose to attack me now and to know the location of Chaos."

[I can answer one of your questions. 】

The Shadow Emperor looks very generous.

"What are you doing to cause trouble now?"

[It’s just for fighting. If the balance between light and shadow is reached, then it should be done.If you want a more humane reason, how about taking your body? 】

"It feels like there aren't many truthful words."

[With this distinction, my expectations for you have increased a little. 】

"Thank you very much then?"

The white dragon wrapped around the black emperor, and Yang Weiwu and Yang Pojun took their stances facing each other.

One person turned the halberd, the other removed the Aurora Shield, held the sword in one hand, and threw out the white snow mastiff symbol.

[God and Demon Extermination Cleave].

[Emperor's Thunder Cut].

Two absolutely powerful killing moves hit the Shadow Emperor, causing sparks and black smoke to be generated.

[But it’s still very low. 】

Two black emperors stood in the gradually dispersing smoke and dust, each facing an enemy.

[For example, you don’t know how to fight this way. For example, without the armored beast, you can’t use the ultimate kill. 】

[At the last moment, let’s use weapons to communicate. 】

[Let me see if you can convince me that the worst is made up of the remnants of the dead. 】

The power is withdrawn, and some kind of barrier throughout the body is weakened.

Even if you know that a snake is out, just let it be.


In a classical single room with exquisite decoration, the boy and the girl met.

"Long time no see, the flaming-haired and scorching-eyed crusader, Shana."

"Hmph, we obviously just met each other not long ago. Do you have Alzheimer's disease?!"

"Compared to fighting without communication, this kind of conversation may be called a meeting to me."

The God of Creation had no reaction to the girl's angry eyes.

He turned his head and looked at the short-haired woman lying peacefully on the double bed.

Wilhelmina Carmel is a woman who is like this girl’s adoptive mother.

"I'm sorry about that child."

"...What happened to Will Amina?"

"The magic spirit stone has entered the body, and the body is being polluted. Although I took out the [Dream Crown Belt] in the body first, it will not have any additional impact on this matter."

"What on earth do you want to do? Ritual Snake Weiwu?!"

"I have already said that I want to create an absolute paradise without any realm. To do this, I need your cooperation."

"Are you serious about making such a request of me after hurting the person I love?"

"You were the one who took the first step, and you were the one who didn't confirm with me in detail. I don't think I did too much in terms of counterattack."

"I won't help you."

"This is also my answer."

Alastair said.

"Heaven and Earth Tribulation, only this time, I don't care about you. I already have the method to deal with your power. Do you understand this?"

The God of Punishment was silent.

A few days ago, Shana and Wilemina cooperated with a large number of Fire Mist Warriors to successfully sneak into the Xingli Temple and face the God of Creation.

Then the God of Creation, who used the boy's body as his temporary substitute body, used his purple armor to ignore all the attacks of free magic created by Shana based on his imagination combined with Alastair's power, and captured him alive.

From that battle, Alastair understood how much of a disadvantage they were in.

The authority of the God of Punishment, which is only valid for the disciples of the Red World, cannot interfere with the God of Creation inside because of the armor. In other words, the other party has nothing to worry about.

【239】Jian Zhang·The Shadow Emperor looks on coldly

As the swords collided, the Shadow Emperor recalled the first time he saw Yang Wuqu.

That was a rude person who maintained a false form due to strong obsession and rashly broke into his palace.

The Shadow Emperor has never had such an impression. Someone's first reaction when seeing him is to forcibly carry the Emperor's magnetic field up, hug him and cry, instead of trying to kill him.

Then, I noticed something familiar about the other person.

Extreme Shadow Sword.

In other words, fragments of the Extreme Shadow Sword.

The Emperor's armor is not invulnerable to damage. No matter which set it is, its defense can be broken.

But due to the nature of this armor, it cannot be dismantled or permanently damaged.

The fragment held by Yang Wuqu can only mean one thing. The other person has seen his future self, and for some reason, he handed the fragment to the other person.

This is something that is theoretically possible.

The Shadow Emperor will only have two states -

One is the period when he was defeated as Emperor Man and still retained most of his consciousness.

The other is the pseudo-consciousness in which the armor chooses the general direction and bottom line after its self-consciousness is destroyed by the endless consciousness on the armor.

If the other party has seen a shadow emperor reborn in the future, and has a relationship with the other party that can obtain a fragment that will not be recycled, this kind of thing is possible.

In other words, has he found the Emperor of Light in the future?

There is no possibility of not finding the Emperor of Light who is equivalent to his half body. The Shadow Emperor has no position and reason to hand over the fragments of the Extreme Shadow Sword to the other party, and will not do so.The only person who is able and possible to make this choice is [human].

That's okay, you just need to do what you need to do step by step, and then wait for the time to come.

After crying, the man realized that he was not who he thought he was. He wiped away his tears and slumped on the ground looking at the Shadow Emperor with an expression that said, "Life is meaningless."

It felt like I was being targeted by something very evil.

But the Shadow Emperor didn't care.

You are the Shadow Emperor, right?

With such a sentence as a starting point, 60 years of harassment began.

From "Do you need to eat?" to "Can you defecate in armor?" From "I have researched that the armor on your body should contain a huge amount of information" to "can can need."

After a long period of being harassed, the Shadow Emperor finally chose to respond to the other party.

What exactly are you trying to do?

And the other party’s response was very simple——

I wanted to make a movie, a movie where the main character is a staunch human supremacist and has unrivaled power to crush all non-human beings.

The Shadow Emperor knows about movies, but the question is what does it have to do with him.

Yang Wuqu explains that he needs a villain, but he doesn't have any more villains on hand.

This vicious and aggressive race is a member of the Shadow Realm. Its strength... can only be seen, but its survivability is excellent, as is its explosive speed.It can be said that if you need output, you need output, and if you need strength, you need cannon fodder.

The other party was chattering there, saying something like, "My great nephew will definitely get you. Why don't you just bite the bullet and let me operate it?"

The Shadow Emperor only felt the noise on the other side.

However, without the Emperor, He had no reason to restrain himself, so he gave it directly.

Later, the other party also told me that he should send some ancient supernatural beasts and those "warcraft" into the red world, because the earth could no longer tolerate the existence of so many guys.

The Shadow Emperor didn't care, let him go.

Then Chaos and more than half of the animals and plants with magic stones in their bodies were sent away.

About three years after the human clock passed, Chaos contacted him and said that he had prepared a new Shadow Realm base and asked himself if he wanted to go to war with the non-Shadow Realm forces here.

The Shadow Emperor didn't care, let it go.

And until now, a steady stream of some kind of energy has been sent over, as well as a lot of broken authority and a seemingly complete [guidance, guidance] authority.

It might work, but it might not.

Miracles and an ideal future are the products of life creation, so the Shadow Emperor gave this ability that was of no use to him to Yang Wuqu.

The other party patted his chest and told himself that he would definitely send his great nephew over to blast his gold coins and make him his heir.

Let's not talk about exploding gold coins. The heir...oh, that's right, he did come over to explode his own gold coins.

After letting the Shadow Emperor and Dragon find each other, the Shadow Emperor immediately recognized that the other party was indeed related to Yang Wuqu.

The very similar faces also have a slightly gloomy look in their eyes.

In fact, if Yang Wuqu had a body, he wouldn't be able to do a paternity test, but when he confirmed that the other party had the Emperor's Armor of Light, that kind of thing was no longer important.

Let this man become the Emperor's Man, and then fight—

This is the purpose of the Shadow Emperor.

In the end, he was killed, so if the light is not destroyed, it will just change to a simulated consciousness and repeat the process. If Emperor Man loses, he will become the new Shadow Emperor, and then go to find the new Emperor Man, and then again Engage in a battle of light and shadow.

It would be better if he could return to the armor world, but the nearly infinite consciousness attached to the Emperor of Darkness, in addition to being jealous of the beings in the bright world who [really] live on his behalf, is more about hoping to survive.

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