Therefore, it is not unacceptable for the Shadow Emperor to establish a new shadow realm here.

However, Yang Wuqu had a proposal before the emperor's armor summoned people to this world——

Summon the God of Creation, the Ritual Serpent, and use his power of creation to create a smaller universe of shadows. Then you can prepare some troops in it, and then travel across the world to find the Emperor of Light.

The last item is no longer necessary, but the shadow universe of the trumpet is not impossible.

This time, the person summoned by the Emperor's Armor has something core-like in his body that is not located under the Emperor's Armor.

The feeling of a shrinking universe made the Shadow Emperor feel that he should do something to balance the strength of both parties.

Therefore, He removed the blockade on the ritual snake here and fought with Yang Wei.

Should we call Chaos?

The supernatural beasts that combine the Demon Spirit Stone with the Red World disciples, as well as those "warcraft" that can possess magic power, should have made a lot of progress, and there should be no need to worry about their survivability.

The Demon Spirit Tribe cannot reproduce normally, but as long as there are enough high-quality elite monsters, it can at least "survive". Let Miracle survive.

This time, the Shadow Emperor still didn't intend to care about anything.

【240】Dragon and snake body

Space is shaking.

It is not just limited to the level of one city, but has a far-reaching impact and is a shock that only some "people" can detect.

From the Celestial Dynasty to the Mao Xiong, from Hezhong to Britain, the Red World disciples, Fire Mist Warriors and Demons all over the world felt this shock at this moment.


Tandan Qiuchi let out an excited roar.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!! Professor, my head is a little dizzy now because of the shock just now - it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

"How many times have I - said this? No - I have to keep saying stupid things that I don't know the meaning of! You are the crystallization of my knowledge created by me! Record the data for me immediately!"


The professor stayed in his room in Xingli Hall, looking directly at the figure in the sky outside through the window.

The silver-gray metal reflects an icy glow.

A huge snake body coiled up like joints.

The bright silver wing blades stretched out, showing off their edge like a military formation.

But the most oppressive thing is the head of this behemoth.

Or rather, heads.

The eyes of the three silver-white snake heads flashed with green, blue and red light. The mechanical and inorganic beauty and some kind of inhuman ferocity showed a kind of sacred beauty.

The thing at the top was closer to a monster's head than a snake's head or a dragon's head, with its eyes blazing with dark flames.

That is where the consciousness of the great leader of the masquerade, the noble ritual snake, currently resides.

Although I don't have a good impression of the man named Yang Wuqu, I have to admit that he does have talents beyond ordinary people.

At the very least, he still has no idea of ​​creating something that can replace the demon god's body.

"Professor, you can begin."

The dark snake scales in his arms conveyed the oracle of the God of Creation. The professor glanced at his creation and grabbed the other person's face with pliers.

"Mino! How long are you going to keep whining?! Hurry up and activate the altar form of Xingli Temple!"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Professor, I just finished recording the vibration data of the space! And the shape of the altar needs to take some time to adjust again, otherwise... it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

"That space earthquake was recorded as a skyquake! And - I remember I asked you to complete the debugging before, right? Domino!"


While the Red World Demon King and his subordinates were noisily preparing an altar for the god, the boy took the girl and his three subordinates to the top of the dragon and snake body that had just appeared.

"This is really... quite an exaggerated feat!"

"It's unbelievable that just one person could do something like this."

Xiudenan and Bellpeolu did not hesitate to express their admiration for the grand scene in front of them.

"It's truly a great achievement."

said the Creator God.

The essence of His creative power is to realize the wishes of those who have accumulated to a certain extent. Although it sounds like a power that can be omnipotent as long as it has enough power of existence, its fatal flaw is that the result is actually not It cannot be left to His control.

Simply put, the God of Creation is a Holy Grail with a relatively high upper limit. It can directly realize a certain result without the process, even if the specific method is not known, even if it is to create the world, as long as it meets the concept of "can be created" and has enough The accumulation of wishes can logically be achieved.

But not only does God fall into a slumber every time in proportion to the size of the things he creates, but wishes also require different accumulations of wishes according to their size.

For example, Yang Pojun often rubs a car or a piece of clothing. Such a wish can come true if a few people want it, or if one person has a strong enough belief, it can come true.

However, if the desire to directly create a divine body that can be used by oneself is not as great as the great vision of creating the world, it is definitely not enough for a mere human wish.

In fact, when Yang Wuqu made this dragon-snake body, he did not use his creation power to make many things.

There are only two things that Yang Wuqu can make using the power of creation.

One is a long, thin stick.

The other is a special space within the body of the dragon and snake for His consciousness to reside.

After that, the dragon-snake body was constructed bit by bit using the power of existence in the alien space within Yang Pojun's body - incorporating the first two things.

"I will help you create a new world."

After this sentence was spoken from the other party's mouth, the ritual snake did not believe it until this moment.

Although he could be called innocent, he couldn't understand the man after he glimpsed the man's behavior through Yang Pojun's memory.

He says he likes kittens, puppies and rabbits, but will use them for experiments and turn them into hideous monsters.

Speaking of Aiyang Pojun, he asked him to help complete some dangerous experiments that even in his opinion, a child should not be allowed to cooperate with.

He said he loved his brother, but he always treated him with visible malice.

He would give a few coins to the homeless, and he would also kick away the cups, bottles and washbasins they were begging for and laugh out loud.

It was as if this man was born evil, and his desires simply exceeded the level that others could understand.

But everything must be about the results and the present.

Although the other party had done many immoral things in the past, it was a fact that he helped him now, so Wei Wu, the ritual snake, also felt at ease and truly trusted the other party.

"Do you know why I brought you here, the fire of heaven and earth?"


The God of Punishment said nothing, and his Fire Mist Warriors looked directly at the God of Creation like burning eyes of burning flames.

"Do you know why I didn't completely restrict your Fire Mist Warrior so that she could still use a little bit of your power to show off the attitude of a crusader with flaming hair and scorching eyes?"


"Because I need her."

So says the Creator God.

"A man named Yang Wuqu asked me a question after he heard that I planned to create a paradise for the Red World disciples."

"Those Red Devils who create tools to massacre our compatriots, do I think they are compatriots who are qualified to enter the realm of Wuhe?"

"This is a very interesting question."

"No one has discussed this issue with me for many years - whether I should accept you too."

"And I also came to my own conclusion while thinking about it."

"Wuhe Youjing will be the paradise for all the followers of the Red World. So naturally, there should not be any followers of the Red World staying in this world, but they will all go to my Wuhe Youjing."

【241】Persuasion to surrender is about to be completed

"Even if the world you want to create is a paradise for all the Red World followers, what does that have to do with Shana?"

"Of course there is."

The ritual snake Wei Wu said.

"Yu Gong, now that Wu He You Jing has not been completed, your judgment power still has the ability to destroy my spell. As long as I activate the Foundation Sacrifice Ritual, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, I will have to activate it a second time. It can’t happen that fast.”

The God of Punishment knows the reason. No matter which demon he is, if he wants to launch his divine summons in this world, he needs living sacrifices, just like his divine summons, Sky Breaking and Ground Shattering, requires his own contract. Only by sacrificing himself and paying the price with his life can Alastair gain temporary divine power.

The activation of the power of the God of Creation is actually more stringent than that of the God of Punishment, because Alastair needs the contractor as a consumable, and the Sacrifice Snake needs the Top Seat as a consumable.

The so-called top seat is a special sacrifice to the God of Creation that was born as a harbinger of the fulfillment of the wishes of many people in the Red World.

As long as there are still people in the world who have their own desires, theoretically the top seat will continue to be resurrected in due time.

But after all, it won't be like dying and coming back to life immediately.

Opportunities don't just come by chance.

Taking the simplest energy as an example, the power of existence that created the world (on the scale of the Earth) would have almost no way to accomplish its great deeds using conventional means unless the ritual snake exalted all mankind.

A slightly less conventional method is to use the regular Noble Phantasm - Zero Hour Mystery.

The effect of the Zero Hour Mystery is to restore the user's power of existence to full value at zero point.

The Seat of the Top, Hecate, had the largest specifications as a container—before he saw Yang Pojun.

Theoretically speaking, as long as there is Hecate-level capacity, using the Zero Time Mystery is enough to gather the power of existence to create the world, and if it is at the level of Yang Pojun——

Even taking only a small part is enough to expand the intended target by more than ten times.

Of course, the creation does not need to be so big. The Ritual Snake is currently unable to find the zero-time mystery that has nothing to do with itself from the endless alien space like the universe.

Therefore, the energy he can use is essentially the Yang Po Army. Unless he is willing to risk the masquerade and try to kill all the demons in mankind, he may not succeed.

And when Yang Pojun can let him use his energy... it may really only be now.

The Ritual Snake doesn't know how long the three tower masters can maintain the blockade of Yang Po Army, but judging from the scene in Yang Po Army's memory of Emperor Xia beating four with his bare hands, I'm afraid it's best not to expect anything. Next chance.

"In private, I hope that as a member of the Red World, you can also agree with Wu He You Jing."

It's not that he has any attachment to the Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire itself, nor does he have any special emotions because of the relationship between the demon gods who only have three pillars.

What the God of Creation, the Snake of Ceremony, really only wants is for his realized wishes to be recognized by more objects of his affirmative desires, and for them to be satisfied.

Speaking of which, Yang Weiwu looked moved when he first heard about his idea.

Although I later confirmed with Him that as long as it appeared in this world, it would definitely consume the life of one or more people, so I was very ruthless.

"...Do you understand that for some people in the Red World, devouring human beings is their desire in itself?"

"Of course I know."

"Eating humans will cause distortion of the world, and sooner or later it will affect the Red World."

"Because of this, I decided to create Wuheyoujing at the gap between the two worlds. Where there is no concept of time and space, neither the current world nor the red world will be affected."

"If the followers of the Red World are allowed to devour humans in the paradise you are about to create, distortions will occur sooner or later. Devouring humans does not cause damage to the world in itself, but the impact of a person being transformed into the power of existence on the world. [Change] has caused distortion. At that time, what are your plans for letting them do this?"

"In the Wuhe Realm where endless power of existence can be obtained, not all the followers of the Red World need to devour human beings, and the distortion itself will be suppressed to a minimum. Under such circumstances, as long as my masquerade can suppress those small amounts If we correct the distortions, there will be no problem. What's more, the fact that the distortion of the current world may harm the Red World is just the nonsense of some people in the Red World."

These remarks are the answer given by Yang Wuqu after research.

According to what the man said, the distortion that is enough to affect the Red World on the other side of the gap between the two worlds is enough to destroy the entire world before it hurts the Red World. Even if the worries of some of the Red World's followers really exist, there is no need.And it’s not like I’m doing nothing here.

——Although the Ritual Snake, which initially only cared about large-scale creation, had no intention of doing such trivial and troublesome things at all.

"In this case, you have no reason to refuse, Tian Ti Jie Huo, and Shana."

"...Let me say it first, I have no intention of stopping my duty of judgment, nor do I think that your creations will have no impact on this world."

Tian Ti Jie Huo said.

"But I think it's Shana who should decide whether to take the initiative now."

"So, what's your response?"

Black eyes looked at the girl with black hair and black eyes.

That was the original hair color and eye color of this flaming-haired and scorching-eyed crusader.

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