One of the only three demon gods in the world who is revered as the guiding god is the Xiaoyin of Jue.


This was the former name of the Guiding God, the Red World Demon King, and Jue Zhixiaoyin.

And now, his name is——

Pure white fire powder floated in the air, and the guiding god summoned by the divine power appeared here.

He is nearly three meters tall, with muscles all over his body, and his veins are bulging like a horned dragon. Under the blessing of muscles, his handsome facial features have lost the bookish air they originally brought when he was lean, and were replaced by the elegant style of an ancient gentleman.

"Lu Shi Chun Qiu·Lan·Shen Da" records the temperament of ancient gentlemen.

The white flame turned into the shape of a comb, which the man used to comb his broken hair, turning it into a slicked back hair.

"What, are you scared?"

Yang Wuqu chuckled lightly and looked at Qianbian Xiudenan who was making a defensive gesture.

"It's just a slight adjustment to the body shape. What's so surprising? The disciples of the Red World basically know this general and simple way of freedom, right?"

There was nothing wrong with what he said.Shudenan's former appearance was not like the chimera he is now, but closer to the appearance of a heavy armored knight in the Middle Ages in Western Europe.This method of changing one's appearance is like a skin with no bonus. What is directly proportional to its tactical value is that it is extremely easy to learn.

But this man obviously doesn't change his appearance like a skin with no bonus.

The warrior's heart told Xiu Denan that there was a monster like Emperor Yan on the other side.

The posture is natural and seems to be full of flaws. In fact, the semi-mobilized muscles can react as quickly as possible to kill the incoming enemy.

The eyes that seemed casual were actually glancing at weak points such as the joints in his neck and abdomen.

There is also the malice that is as continuous as a wave and as sticky and thick as grease.

Even if it wasn't Xiu Denan, who had many years of combat experience, no one would think that the other party was a kind person.

The Noble Phantasm Divine Iron Ruyi was lifted up, transformed into a steel spear, and aimed at Yang Wuqu.

"It's a gun-and-stick type weapon. I miss it a little bit."

Such words came out of Yang Wuqu's mouth.

The next moment, he came to Xiu Denan.

"Back then, I was often beaten with this kind of thing by my own boss, so I was almost used to getting close before my opponent even took out this kind of weapon."

When such words reached Xiudenan's ears, it was already after he had been decomposed.

Bellpeolu on the side witnessed the man opening his powerful arms, hugging Xiu Denan, and breaking him apart by strangulation. Like the most skilled butcher, Xiu Denan was painlessly broken into pieces. 13 yuan.

"how is this possible!"

Purple flames came out of his mouth as he spoke, his black sunglasses fell to the ground, and the aura of life began to disappear from Xiudenan's eyes.

"That's...three quarters of the way."

He raised his leg and rolled it up, and the 13-yuan piece of meat burning with purple flames flew to the front of Kaihuanglong, and was swallowed by one of the dragon heads.

"Strategist...or do you prefer the title of staff officer? Guess what three-quarters refers to, and what the remaining quarter refers to. There will be rewards for guessing right, and punishment for guessing wrong. "

A malicious smile appeared in front of Sanzhuchen, who was currently the only one who existed here. Pure white flames formed a delicate freeform in the air.

"It's best that your reward and punishment are not the same."

A somewhat tired voice came from below, attracting the two of them—to be precise, it only attracted Bellpeolu's attention.

"Don't you want to sleep a little longer, Pojun? I'm borrowing your body's ability to use it. From actual experience, the side effects so far are probably equivalent to staying up late for three days."

Yang Wuqu, who had always paid much more attention to his eldest nephew than a mere red demon king, asked with concern.

"That's why I woke up now."

He forcibly raised his body, and the feeling of being separated from the earthly world that was almost ascending to heaven ceased to surge all the time. Yang Weiwu was completely relying on things other than the human brain to think.

His slender fingers grabbed the corner of Bellpeolo's skirt and tore off a piece of cloth.

Before this thing completely turned into pale golden fire powder and disappeared, Yang Weiwu blocked his nose.

"After all, I don't want to drink my own nosebleed."

Because the torn piece of cloth was large enough, it disappeared slower than I expected. In short, the bleeding stopped.

Only then did he look at the man with pure white flames at his feet, one bright red and one blue.

"Wearing contact lenses?"

"I'm not wearing it. I told you I hate putting foreign objects in my eyes."

Gently rubbing his temples, Yang Weiwu continued: "I just reached a temporary reconciliation with my other self. It can also be said to be a non-aggression treaty between the Soviet Union and Germany."

"I must correct your wording. From the perspective of metaphysics, which can also be called mysticism, the rules of our world are that only consciousness determines a person's self, and the soul is just the body of consciousness. Even if you have two souls, the essence Even if you actually have a conflict with yourself when you have only one consciousness in the world, it would be just like wanting to kill yesterday's self after Double Eleven."

"From a scientific point of view - to be precise, from a medical point of view, your situation is not even a split personality, let alone a split personality. Of course, if you are willing to have another person accompany you, Split personality is only a matter of time, but as a doctor, I still hope you find friends other than yourself. Don’t feel like you have fallen into a shadow that you can’t get over for a lifetime just because you failed to make friends once. You must know that many people have been deceived by more than one friend. If you have done something wrong or hurt someone, how can you become the person who hurts others if you don’t try to make friends.”

"Would you like to hear what you're talking about?"

Yang Weiwu twisted his neck, and the silver-purple scorpion and the silver-blue swirling sea octopus fell on his shoulders.

"Don't teach this to your children."

The 42-yard kick went straight to the Yangwu curved door, but he blocked it with a brick.

It was personally refined by Yang Weiwu to convince people with virtue.

"If you don't show respect to your father, you will be beaten."

A flying brick was thrown, and white flames formed freely in mid-air, increasing the acceleration to a level that normal humans could not throw.

The white-gold slash fell on the bricks, and the blue dragon eyes of the thick-fingered Emperor War Dragon stared at the guy who attacked the summoner.

Looking at Yang Weiwu, whose face was getting stinky, and the dragon who was eyeing him eagerly, Yang Wuqu showed a smile that was one part disdain, two parts indifference, and seven parts arrogance.

"You are smiling crookedly because half of your face was beaten to death by your friend who drove a tank with you."

The smile froze.

"What about that, Po Jun, I don't remember raising you to be such an aggressive child...well, maybe my expectation is that you do develop in an aggressive direction, but I don't want you to develop in this aggressive direction. Ah!"

"You can treat people with a mental age of over 20 as children. Are you on the same level as those giant babies in their 30s?"

No curse words were used, but the insult really stepped on the line in Yang Wuqu's heart.

People of his age despise the so-called top-notch people who are shameless in their thirties and have no acting skills. Fans don't know how they got it. To compare him with that kind of person is a huge insult in itself.

So Yang Wuqu's face turned dark immediately.

"Po Jun, Dad, my original plan was to let the staff member choose one of the two, and then after admiring her expressions of fear, calmness, or any other emotion, I would throw it directly to the Kaihuang Dragon."

Ignoring the subtle change in Bellpeolu's expression, Yang Wuqu continued: "After that, the global live broadcast I will start on time will start, and then we can have a good match worthy of the ultimate armor. The famous theatrical version of the battle."

"At that time, the whole world will know that there is a hero named Yang Pojun who saved the world."

In response to this, Yang Wuqu’s dear nephew responded -

"Why should I save the world?"

"...Because the world is in crisis."

“Why is the world in crisis?”

"Because the Kaihuanglong I made has the power to destroy the world after devouring enough people from the Red World, and I released it from the three laws of robots. As expected, after it is fully activated, the Kaihuanglong They will start destroying the world starting with Japan."


Yang Weiwu nodded and began to smooth it all out according to his own understanding.

"So, the reason why the world is experiencing a devastating crisis is you. And according to what you said, the Armor Emperor Dragon has not been activated yet."

"Any deck will be filled with three fantasy gods. No matter how many decks the opponent has, you will choose to summon it first and then fight it. Judging from your playing history, you specially made such a thing and kept it until now without activating it. It may be that there is not enough energy or the setting requires four Red World disciples, the Red World Demon King, to be activated."

"So you fucked me..."

He was stuck for a while because he forgot Bellpeolu's name.

"So your mentality of engaging her is purely out of a fun mentality. The more there is a risk of overturning, the more excited you are, because the difficulty is the fun."

Yang Wuqu just clapped his hands and planned to shout "Correct Answer" and explain his intention, but was interrupted by Yang Weiwu.

"Then, things like saving the world have nothing to do with me."

The golden light curtain spread out beside him, and the Emperor's War Dragon of Light, which was as thick as a finger, passed directly through it and turned into a giant dragon with a thickness of more than two meters.

"Subjectively it's a cleansing process."

"From an objective point of view——"

"Things won't happen at all, so there's no need to go to the step of saving the world."

"The Emperor of Light Battle Dragon!"

Following the order, Siyuan's armored beast let out a long dragon roar towards the body of the dragon and snake entrenched in the sky.

A golden light post with a cyan wind eagle logo unfolded in front of the dragon's mouth.

"You, you, you, you... you can't ride on the horse, you can't do this, it's not allowed!"

"Po Jun, the remaining will of my eldest father has been working hard for so many years in another world, and this time he wants to make a living. Are you not even willing to let me satisfy such a small wish?"

"War Dragon Wind Piercing Cannon——"

Ignoring the man at all, the silver-purple elemental spirit bent its barrel-like tail needle, and the high-concentration absolute element bombarded Belupeolo's body in the form of a cannonball, turning it into a purple rocky hill. Then it sank into the ground.

Seeing that the eldest nephew was preparing to pull the "Italian cannon" with one hand to hit his eldest father without giving any face, and with the other hand he was holding the few "keys" to start the toilet and "flush the toilet", Yang Wuqu......

Showing joy.

"Okay, okay, daddy is very satisfied with your attitude of not being like an old guy at all."

Most people would indeed feel annoyed when the next generation of relatives they raised did not obey their requests or opinions, but Yang Wuqu did not.

This rebellious man has always felt that after his second brother changed his child from "afraid of violence in school" to "indifferent to violence in school", the eldest nephew was like a shackled Icarus.

Even though he has the wings (alien soul) given by Daedalus (Yangwu Qu), he cannot even fly into the sky.

Is this okay?

This is not good.

Fortunately, Icarus (Yang Weiwu) still yearns for the sky after all.

So he has broken his chains and is spreading his wings.

Then, what Daedalus (Yang Wuqu) wants to do is obvious——

Shoot it down with your own hands.

Is it weird?

Daedalus was devastated after the death of his son, and died in Sicily in grief during his last life. Didn't he think that he would save his life even if he prevented his son from flying into the sky?

Expecting the child to fly to the sky (to express oneself), and then pulling down the child's wings because of his flying to the sky (succumbing to one's own desire to dominate) -

Just like literati like to force good girls to become prostitutes and persuade prostitutes to be good people, they seem to be contradictory, but in fact they can live in harmony.

Therefore, Yang Wuqu never felt that the decisions he often made just because of his rebellious impulse were so important.

As an adult, knowing that you can't put all your eggs in one basket, Yang Wuqu naturally has backup means to activate the Armored Dragon.

It's just devouring four red world demon kings.


The Emperor of the First Light and Dragon's attack took one step, and Yang Wuqu activated his free method.

The golden light cannon passed through the light post and turned into thousands of light cyan light bullets, blasting towards the Armored Emperor Dragon.

The explosion swept across the sky, and the pale blue and crimson eyes half-opened stared at the smoke.

【246】If it is not turned off, is it turned on?

[Is that really your family? 】

LISA expressed a little doubt about Yang Weiwu's behavior of beating the opponent to death.

With his noble computing power and enemy detection system, he directly confirmed that a certain man had directly moved through space, and his target was inside the armored emperor dragon on top.

Regarding this, a man who directly borrowed the Shura Armor Summoner as an external brain is clear.

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