"You can tell this kind of thing just by looking at your face."

The words that conveyed a sense of weakness were unexpectedly indifferent—or indifferent.

[I am referring to your attack just now...]

"The Five Elements Ultimate Kill used by the Emperor of Light and the Dragon is just a move corresponding to Mu Xing. After all, this world is still dominated by the power of existence and magic energy. Things like mental energy are not so legal, so that blow may not be enough. Able to kill the Armored Dragon that uses the power of existence and may even use magic power."

Of course, there is also the reason why the non-armor world emperor armor and armored beasts do not have the authority to fill in their own data with their feet like an administrator. Even if the basic value of the armor itself is high enough, the summoner is still an ordinary human being.

If armor is regarded as a muscle, and the stronger it is, the greater a person's strength, then the summoner is undoubtedly a skeleton.

If the bones are not strong enough, they will be injured by the force of the muscles.

[So, you probably won’t be able to defeat the opponent just by relying on the armored beast. 】

"The premise is that we only rely on armored beasts."

Yang Weiwu patted his face to make himself look more energetic.

In fact, it just makes the pale face that is as if it is too much cultivating a little more blood, but the pain can indeed make people feel more energetic.

Next, I have to give the old guy gold coins, so I have to dress up decently.

and so--

"Put on a plain black suit, a plain tie, and a black umbrella. I want to attend a funeral."

【? 】

No, are you really planning to send him down?

[I don’t provide the ability to create things here. Isn’t that the power of the ritual snake? You can’t use it now. 】

"It's theoretically possible."

"Although the power of the ritual snake is creation and realization, ranging from creating the world to making spicy sticks, after actual experience, it is just the use of energy. But in this case, it is not impossible for me to live without the ritual snake. Create things under circumstances.”

Yes, he has the means to break through anything.

Not in the armor world, the emperor's armor does not have the same authority as an administrator, and cannot freely borrow the energy of billions of stars to increase its ability values ​​without limit.Even to use it, you have to find a way to connect to the sun with your own power.

Without the Ritual Snake, the beautiful world where wishes—mainly in terms of creation—that could be fulfilled simply by making a wish in your heart would have become a thing of the past.

But ultimately, the root problem for both is energy.

If there was a way to easily obtain massive amounts of energy, and you could safely use it at will, then none of the above problems would be a problem.

Coincidentally, he has the highest specification [energy storage device] in his body.

"Core energy ball Otan, activate."

The low voice is like an absolute speaking spirit, giving instructions to the world's ultimate.It seems that some kind of restraint has been released in the chest, and in the alien space inside the body like a magic box, the core energy ball that has opened up an additional silver core space will release the energy stored in it.

The massive energy produced absolute force, instantly destroying the Noble Phantasm Zero Hour Mystery that continuously allowed the power of existence to flow into this space.

"The Emperor's Armor—"

Golden light emerged from the chest, turning into a shadow of armor.

The dark red jade appeared first in the center of the chest, and then the armor solidified and wrapped around Yang Weiwu's whole body.


The loud roar of the dragon sounded, and something happened to the Emperor of Light and the dragon.

The dark red jade on the top of the head changes between dark red and pale blue, and finally turns into the shape of a yin and yang fish.

Among the pitch-black shadows, another pitch-black armored beast with exactly the same appearance emerged.

The color of the jade on the head of the two dragons kept rotating. Finally, the jade on the head of the white dragon returned to bright red, and the jade on the head of the black dragon flashed in the shadow with a grayish blue.

In contrast to it is the emperor's armor as the main body.

A pure white hand stretched out from the shadow and grabbed Shining Armor's rhinoceros leg.

Yang Weiwu stretched out his hand, and his pure black hand was like dipping into the water, causing ripples in the shadow.

Withdrawing his hand, the black emperor was pulled out of the shadow.

"Although I learned how to use this ability from Him, it is really amazing after actually experiencing it."

Borrowing the Shadow Emperor's Dragon as his temporary external brain, the black emperor sighed like this.

"My other self who uses the power of shadow has exactly the same physical condition. I have to give it a bad review. In this case, taking turns will be purely a fantasy moment."

"Don't sound like an abandoned house where you have to sleep and play games 24 hours a day. This method is just a temporary solution to our current dispute."

"Ah, one of the ways to resolve disputes is to transfer conflicts. Just like the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty, there must be Poland. Then the one who wins LA is the winner."

The so-called LA, LAST attack, means the final blow.

Just like MOBA games always have to compete for people, the one who hits the final blow in the online game dungeon has more benefits, and achieving the LA as the condition to determine the winner is the most suitable choice for Yang Weiwu at the moment. .

The white dragon and the black dragon passed through the golden and silver light curtains respectively, and turned into two gorgeous imperial horses.

There is no countdown because there is no referee.

Yang Weiwu didn't need a referee to judge this kind of thing, because at this moment, the two emperors' perspectives were shared.

It also uses the armored beast as a temporary external brain, sharing the field of vision and possessing the magical four visions.

In meditation, he used his sword to hone his skills to an absolute "tacit understanding". At this moment, he was invincible.

The Imperial Horse roared, and two streams of gold and silver rushed into the sky. In the smoke and dust, the fully activated Armored Emperor Dragon responded to the enemy.

At high speeds that broke through the sound barrier, Yang Weiwu heard thoughts conveyed by power.

"Hehe, hahahaha, very good, Po Jun, that's it!"


This was Yang Weiwu's reaction.

【247】Memory, then divine power summons

The body of the dragon and snake that covers the sky is twisting, and the strong wind generated by friction with the air shows its divine power.

Yang Wuqu felt his demon body being burned into energy by the consumables used for activation, and his consciousness transferred to Kaihuanglong.

In fact, his rich time travel experience includes the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, and even allowed him to get a lot of elves. Unfortunately, there is no elf from the Electronic Dragon deck, which makes the bond not enough, so it was considered his first favorite at the beginning. It’s the Electronic Dragon series and I’ve basically never used it.

But he is always lucky, and opportunities to realize his dreams always come to him one by one.

Although he was probably dead for some reasons, he was not completely dead after all.

Relying on mortal wisdom and will, he once again achieved the achievement of killing gods, stabilized his condition, and even met his great nephew.

He looked a little thinner, but the Lucun incident still had a negative impact on him.

As a reliable adult male, Yang Wuqu has the awareness to solve the psychological problems of the other party.

In fact, although he is a forensic doctor, he also has knowledge of psychology and other medical knowledge, and there is also a guy in the family who has serious psychological problems.

But that fact is not very important in the current situation. What is important is that his dignity as an elder has to be stood up now.

There are still 3 minutes left before the satellite's preset startup time. By that time, he must achieve the achievement of [Yang Po Army Killing Gods].

There is always something to look forward to in life, and Yang Wuqu's only hope now is to see his eldest nephew surpass him, so he has to try what he has done.

Yang Wuqu killed the Guiding God in a single challenge, so the [Young God], who was more talented and talented than him, should be able to kill him three times (Xiu Denan was just a nuisance in his eyes).

Some people may think that he can't do it himself or that he thinks things too simply and puts all the burden on his children, but Yang Wuqu doesn't think so at all.

Unlike him, [Po Jun] is talented.

Yang Wuqu has always felt that he is mediocre.

Creativity and breakthroughs have never been a thing for him. With his innate advantages, he has done things time and time again that others seem to be unable to do, but in fact they are not that amazing.

Humanity's collective unconscious contains too much knowledge.

Combat includes close combat, swords, spears and halberds, and various martial arts.

Arts include painting, music, writing, sculpture, etc.

Ideologically, there are hundreds of schools of thought, ancient philosophy, modern communism, etc.

Every time he reads these things, he will marvel at how noble and powerful human beings are.

At the same time, the more he absorbs the knowledge, the more he will understand his own mediocrity.

All I can do is repeat the past as others do.

Throughout the ages, people have continued to pass on knowledge and then introduce new knowledge.

A lot of creation is based on a lot of repetition of basics.

There are countless wrong swings of the sword.

The correct swing of the sword is far less common than the former, but it is far better than a billion swings.

There are countless battles that people have accumulated in order to survive. The winner finally survives and calculates the "correct answer".

Of course, compared to most people, he seems to be the kind of genius who can learn everything.

The secular definition of genius is almost in line with Yang Wuqu's definition of mediocrity.

Maybe it's because the naturally rebellious guy naturally thinks differently from others, or maybe it's because he's someone who doesn't think highly of guys he's not interested in. In short, he doesn't recognize his own mundane talents.

The dragon and snake high in the sky "saw" the figure obscured by the smoke and dust in a way that was not visual.Looking down at the other party, the inorganic dragon head seemed to smile.

But that illusion-like thing disappeared immediately.

He didn't see the lightning he expected.


Yang Wuqu looked at Xiao Pojun, who was already one and a half years old, holding his chin, as if he was in a state of wandering mind.

"Don't you have to work? You are so busy every day."

The annoying woman sat next to her and watched her second son playing with the model of the Tianting that she had just made.

"If a forensic doctor has a heavy workload, it would be a complete joke from hell."

"What does it matter? Didn't you like this very much when you were young?"

Mingming looked at her child tenderly.

"What about you? Didn't you say you found a painting outsourcing job? Why do you look so idle?"

"The world is in an era where there is no market for painters like me to make a lot of money. Now I can only continue to work hard to practice my painting skills. When Two-dimensional becomes more popular, I will be able to make a lot of money. ……should."

"Then aren't you just being a rice bug?"

"Please let me be free and unemployed. If that doesn't work, I can also be a housewife or full-time wife."

"If you don't speak human language, you don't have to say it. If you really want to keep jumping around where I'm unhappy, I can't guarantee that I won't do something now."

"Let me tell you, Wu Qu."

Mingming turned her head to look at him, and the tenderness in her eyes turned into an indescribable emotion.

"Isn't it time to [believe in] one's own brother as a [god]?"


"I know that you are dissatisfied with me because you think that I am a mortal who is "similar" to you, and what you, as a mortal, failed to do - pull [God] down from [the altar] - was I did it."

Yang Wuqu was hurt by the poke, and met Mingming with angry eyes.

"Don't act like your class is getting lower and lower. At least you still had the temperament of a villain boss back then, but now you look like a little old man who gets angry all the time."

"In terms of the years I have actually experienced, the two of them combined are only a fraction of mine."

"So don't just travel through different worlds. No matter how strong you become, the power you get from most worlds is useless here. The few useful ones that make you stronger will also make Lu Cun stronger."

In this world, power follows will.

As long as you successfully stimulate your own power once, then the person with a strong will will definitely be strong.

There is a special rule that can subvert the willpower gap between the two parties and determine the strength of both parties.

【Idol Rules】

When a person with abilities worships a person with abilities from the bottom of his heart (at the level of a religious fanatic), his own power will be exerted on the other person in proportion to the degree of belief. As long as the other person can resist the mental pollution caused by this power, And the worship of [believers] can reach the realm of [saints], then theoretically it can be achieved that the strength of the worshiped believer = own basic strength + the strength of the believer.

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