"Just because you are unwilling to change your view of Lucun, you can't win."

Mingming pointed out the biggest reason for Yang Wuqu's defeat so far.

"The strong men in this world are always solitary, but you are only [God]. Maybe that is solipsistic in another sense, but -"

She stood up and stood between her child and Yang Wuqu.

"I don't want you to regard [God's] children as a symbol of [God's] corruption, and neither does Lu Cun."

"Children should be inheritors, relays, and the light of hope."

"Lu Cun forgives you for using Po Jun to save your third brother, but I can't."

"If you can't do Ai Pojun - no, it doesn't need to go to that point, it's enough to regard him as your [nephew]. If you can do this, then I won't do anything. But If you can't do that, I'd rather kill him now."

Yang Wuqu looked at this woman.

It's a very magical logic. It's obviously to protect the child's happiness, but it will use the child's life to threaten people like him.

Yang Wuqu doesn't care much about morality and life.

Lao Yang's family's three-view education is actually pretty good. However, he was born rebellious and didn't care much about most things. The death of old people, young people, and children was nothing more than that in his eyes. He originally chose to become a forensic doctor because it was compared to Trying to love some people who he cannot love, and respecting the deceased as a by-product of observing professional ethics is something he considers meaningful.

It's probably a case of rebellious psychology. He has an unusual concept of "cherishing life."

Ordinary people cherish life because they want to live well. If someone has an accident, they will find a way to help prevent the person from dying.

Yang Wuqu is just as long as he doesn't die, saves someone who is about to be killed, and can just stand by and watch others die, whether they have a heart attack or are accidentally involved in an earthquake or fire.

In other words, what he denies is that [people] are killed by [people].

"Where do you get the confidence that I would think he is a human being?"

Yang Wuqu did not accept the threat, but instead used such questions to counterattack.

"I remember you said that you are the youngest person in the world to awaken your ability, right?"

"It's one of them."

he corrected.

It's as if his ability is just the highest level of plagiarism based on the answer. The time period when he awakened his ability is exactly the same as the peak of this record, which is exactly three years old, every second.

"Then if..."

"There are no ifs. This is the safest time for human beings to awaken. The soul will cause irreversible damage to the body earlier. If you want him to become a fool and survive, just give it a try."

"...I say this because I care about him, or..."

Seeing Yang Wuqu's unchanging eyes, Mingming didn't say any more.

"Then, let me ask directly, what kind of person can you regard as the person you [have not yet fallen in love with]?"



"I said, genius."

"It's not that I didn't hear clearly, but don't you think this request...forget it, do you have a [Heir] that you [love]?"

"This does not."

"There is no one in this world who has inherited both you and Lucun, right?"


There is no denying this.

But the problem is not the spread of his heavyweight ideas. At a certain period in human history, he was just ordinary. The focus is on the inheritance of [Yang Lucun].

Perhaps there has been more than one person with a similar personality among human beings, and perhaps Yang Lucun is not the most genius among those people, but there is only one [god] that Yang Wuqu believes in, Yang Lucun.

"Repeat to me what you said before about Yatales."

"...The essence of Yatales is not thunder and lightning and the four elements, but the will of the earth, which is [the justice of the planet]. Because the armor world [magnetic field] is a special force and has a very high priority. , so the core power of this armor is expressed in the form of thunder and lightning by the earth's magnetic field, and because the four elements are forces directly controlled by the earth, they are imposed on this ultimate armor in the form of auxiliary thunder and lightning and human beings' efforts to save themselves."

"Originally, as long as you stand firmly on the side of the earth, you can directly apply the ultimate armor regardless of the strength of the summoner - of course, if you don't have the ability, you won't be looked at, which is another thing. And because the energy supplier is the earth, as long as If the body can bear it, the output on the earth can be almost unlimited. But because of our original experience, this thing will first judge the summoner, then judge the qualifications and then give power."

"Well, I'll let the kid summon Yatales. If it succeeds, you can agree that he and Lucun have the same justice, right?"

"I must remind you that Duan Muyan has also used this thing. Lucun and Duan Muyan are completely opposite existences in a sense, and even if the trial adjusts the power according to its own crimes, the basic value is not that of a one and a half year old The child can bear it. You are just letting him try..."

Before he even had time to say the word "kill", Mingming picked up little Pojun and said with a smile: "Pojun, follow me and say -"

The lightning that engulfed everything made Yang Wuqu realize from the bottom of his heart that he had a nephew named Pojun.


Of course, he knew very well that he did not agree with Yatales to identify with Pojun, it was just a piece of armor.What really made him make this choice was the possibility he saw in that kid.

But the fact that he couldn't fight the Sunpo Army wearing Yatales made him regretful.

The smoke and dust began to dissipate, and two streams of light approached him at great speed, triggering a large number of freeforms that had been arranged in mid-air.

Restraint, dizziness, shock, hallucination, destruction, increased consumption...

All kinds of effects were exerted on Yang Weiwu in a shockingly huge way.

Even a demon who can evade cause and effect cannot completely save himself from such a large-scale debuff.


Yang Wuqu's opponent is not just the devil.

The emperor's horse was clamped tightly between his legs, and five golden light posts were arranged in front of him, with the five-color symbol shining brightly in the center of the light posts.

On the other side, five illusory light stickers with the five main colors and the words gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are scattered and lined up.

【Five Saints Must Kill】

【Five Shadows Must Kill】

Yang Wuqu also struggled with this (full health).

"The sky is broken!"

The divine summons of the God of Punishment was activated at this moment.

【248】Victory, so it ends here (4K)

In ancient Greek legend, the Chimera is a monster with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a python.

In Greek, the original meaning of this word is "female goat."

"Homer's Epic" calls it the son of Typhon and Echidna, and "Theogony" regards it as the son of Gaia and Tartarus.

In modern times, because of its weird composite posture, it has become synonymous with synthetic beasts.

Synthetic Beast or Chimera, this name is actually very suitable for Yang Wu Qu.

It was probably for this reason that he wanted to build a set of electronic dragons.

Combined fusion, that is, a piece of body pieced together like an undead creature's abomination.

It's unclear whether it was because he insisted on this form or for some other reason, but Yang Wuqu chose the form of combining a large number of separate parts to create the Armored Emperor Dragon.

This was also the reason why he was not killed immediately.

"How many clones did that guy use?"

"Who knows? Anyway, killing the last core counts as a kill."

Thoughts were exchanged between the two Emperor Knights. The golden long sword and the silver long sword crazily destroyed the electronic dragons that disintegrated and fled.

After more than [-]% of the body was destroyed at once, the remaining remains disintegrated in time and scattered, thus escaping the two-dimensional seal.

Out of his own understanding of the other party, Yang Weiwu judged that Yang Wuqu was stalling for time.

If you use a large-scale attack rashly, the opponent will probably use some troublesome means to achieve your goal.

That's how that man is, always using methods that require follow-up treatment.

For example, to act cool in front of my eldest nephew, I would put the cigarette that I had only taken one puff on on the wall or somewhere, and throw the cigarette butt directly on the ground.

After he left, he would come over to clean up the traces and throw away the cigarette butts.

For example...

Forget it, a lot of it is not normal behavior.

Therefore, what that man was procrastinating for - the global live broadcast should be about to begin now.

How much time will be left for Yang Weiwu?

3 minutes?

I'm afraid it's shorter, so let's calculate it in 1 minute.

"LISA, activate the phantom ability of Shura Armor to search for satellites."

[There are a lot of them. How do you determine which one it is? 】

"Determine whether they are new or old, and then check to see if there are any satellites that have been sent up recently. If they are not important, just shoot them all down."

[Is this a crime?Let me think about it, what kind of crime is destroying public property...]

"Zhang San still cares about this?"

[You can’t pretend to be someone if you don’t understand. After all, prohibited things are usually quite profitable, in a financial or psychological sense. 】

"I need to re-evaluate your moral level. If it is too high, I will feel guilty."

After silently counting to 50 seconds, the golden and black emperors dispersed.

The light and shadow horse under him rushed through the light post and transformed into the posture of an armored beast.

They sheathed their swords and took a stance.


Yang Wuqu is not happy at the moment.

The eldest nephew plans to kill him, which is good.

But the eldest nephew doesn’t use Yatales, which is not good.

The eldest nephew understands him, which is good.

But therefore decided to defeat his purpose, which is not good.

The eldest nephew is going to use extraordinary measures, which is too bad.

"Hey, are you kidding me!"

Witnessing his posture, Yang Wuqu knew that his purpose was probably dishonest.

"No one would use such unworthy tactics in such a bloody battle, right?"

The words used to persuade are spoken, but as for the result...

Obviously, it's useless.

【Zen Dingyin】

The two figures used this ability at the same time, and with just one glance, Yang Wuqu gave up the struggle.

If there was only one, he could bet on the space-time force resistance he had developed. If the two were so far apart from each other, in his current state, there was no way he could resist.

Is it called Jin Zhi Ge Su?

The miserable golden light killed all the electronic dragons.

[Yangwu Qu] Death is ushered in.


【finished? 】


Overlapping voices came from the two figures.

【Not even killed?Is your exercise during this time fake? 】

"The reason I didn't kill him wasn't a matter of output."

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