And judging from his tone just now and his current actions, everything he did was just a trivial matter.

After seeing this scene.

Lao Meng couldn't help but be stunned.

What does the other party mean?

"Brother Xiao."

Xiao Zizi spoke.

"The truth is, I'm not belligerent."

"I'm just a little cruel."

At this time, Xiao Zi stood up.

His back stood upright, looking particularly different under the faint moonlight.

"He who gave birth to me cannot do it."

"The rest is all right!"

Xiao Zizai glanced at his hands.

Then he quietly wiped his hair and looked at everyone present. He knew that there were many people hiding in the dark.

Today is a reminder to them.

"It's a disease!"

"I was almost cured by being immersed in Longhu Mountain. I don't know if he is one of your temporary workers who has not shown up yet."

"But I have to warn you."

"There is no cure for my disease."

"So please remember."

"I'm a patient!"

Chapter 151 Chen Duo’s final outcome

After hearing these words, Wang Zhenqiu didn't have the slightest fear when he came up and put his hand on the opponent's shoulder.

"What a coincidence, I'm sick too."

"But I'm benign."

The meaning of this is naturally very clear, Wang Zhenqiu also wants to kill people.

However, the symptoms are much less than those of Xiao Zizai, and the gap between the two is also reflected here.

The difference between the two is naturally huge.

Seeing Wang Zhenqiu's reaction, I thought of all the strange behaviors the two of them had behaved in each other since they met.

Now he understood that Wang Zhenqiu was indeed sick as he said.

It's just that compared to Xiao Zizai's killings, he is much better.

Xiao Zizai didn't expect Wang Zhenqiu to be so eloquent.

He let out a breathy sigh.

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu spoke instead.

"You said you act like an enthusiastic big brother on the Internet."

"When it comes to reality, it's cold."

"Look if you had told us earlier."

"We will stay far away when the time comes."

"Right, Lao Meng?"

Wang Zhenqiu was already looking at Lao Meng when he spoke.

Lao Meng nodded quickly, and the other party could agree to his request.

Then naturally I can't refuse the other party's request.

This is a win-win situation that helps each other progress.

Besides, we have to perform tasks together next, so there is no harm in doing so.

Lao Meng nodded quickly.

Among the trees on the side.

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao saw this scene in front of them.

The expressions vary.

The former's expression was solemn, with a touch of sadness gathering in his eyes.

The latter was still looking at everything in front of him in a daze, not knowing what was going on, but Feng Baobao knew that he had to keep the secret for the temporary worker.

"Miss Baoer."

Zhang Churan suddenly spoke.

His tone seemed particularly excited.

"Maybe we are here this time."

Feng Baobao turned around and looked at him in confusion.

At this time, several people in the jungle were already preparing to leave.

Their goal is to find Grandma Jinfeng.

I have been delayed here long enough now.


"I didn't expect Chen Duo to have so many tricks."

At this moment, Li Tong was leaning against the tree quietly.

He looked at the people in front of him.

Granny Jinfeng is already beside Chen Duo.

As for Xia Liuqing, she was still persisting.

But in the end, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't bring Jin Feng back.

After seeing this scene in front of him, Li Tong himself looked calm.

Nothing will happen to Grandma Jinfeng in the end.

He has also thought about Chen Duo's final outcome.

If it weren't for the damn Medicine Fairy Club, Chen Duo would still be a happy girl now.

It's a pity that their human nature has been wiped away from them since childhood, and they can't follow them in this colorful world.

Perhaps it was for this reason that they chose this path.

It is precisely because of the inability to adapt to the rules of this world and the ending that they are about to face.

Chen Duo finally chose to commit suicide and killed the company's boss Liao.

Speaking of which, what Chen Duo lacked was support after being chosen.

Perhaps her status as a temporary worker can really protect her.

But to some extent, it is also a shackles for her.

This girl Chen Duo is very smart.

It is completely impossible for a person with this kind of personality to appear among such a group of old, passionate, and young-minded people.

That guy Zhang Chulan is really a scheming old fox.

Who would have thought that Zhang Chulan would have such ability?

If I hadn't learned about his character on Longhu Mountain and in the original work.

I'm afraid I still think that this is just a fool walking a bird in the middle of the month.

Zhang Chulan’s scheming is very deep.

Although Chen Duo in front of him was smart, he couldn't compare with them.

This is why Zhang Chulan expected from the beginning that Chen Duo would definitely choose suicide.

Now it seems that is indeed the case.

But maybe I can give the other party a choice.

But those are for later.

Then Li Tong looked excited and looked at the airflow floating on his hand.

Now he can quickly gather everything.

With Chen Duo, he has gotten too much of what he wants.

This is enough for now.

Perhaps these things can help him suppress the poison in Chen Duo's body.

His idea can be said to be unconstrained!

But it is possible to try anyway.

Xia Liuqing was still insisting, but at this time, he could only kneel on the ground weakly, bleeding all over his body.

Only he knows what he has gone through.

But should I say that the old man Xia Liuqing is a pure and pure love now!

But it's a pity that Grandma Jinfeng's heart is always with Feng Baobao and her father.

Xia Liuqing can be considered a clown to a certain extent.

Xia Liuqing looked at the figure gradually disappearing and became angry.

He concentrated the attack with all his strength and threw it towards Chen Duo.

At this time, the Gu insects began to sense and began to attack him crazily.

These Gu worms were very fast, no matter how he looked at them, he would never have thought of them.

After seeing such a scene in front of him, Xia Liuqing was already in despair, and now his whole body could be covered with blood.

It looked really miserable.

However, he still wants to save Jinfeng with all his life. There is absolutely no good thing coming to Jinfeng!

At this moment, those Gu insects had been sensed and followed his orders to attack him, while he just breathed his last.

At this moment, the attacks of those Gu insects suddenly dispersed, as if they sensed something.

began to flee one after another.

Xia Liuqing's eyes fell into darkness, and he vaguely saw a figure standing in front of him.

Before he could ask anything, he only saw the other party exhaling towards him.

It seems to be exactly the same as the method used by the girl just now.

But the strange thing is that Xia Liuqing suddenly became sluggish, and the distance between his pupils gradually shrank.

Seems to be in some strange state.

Li Tong stood there and looked at the two people who had left in the distance.

The thought in my heart may be that this is the best time to reveal the truth of the Jiashen Rebellion.

No, in other words, it should be the best time to reveal who the original 36 thieves were and the inheritance of their respective techniques.

Mei Jinfeng is a veteran-level figure, so she definitely knows more.

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