Chen Duo shouldn't get much benefit from her hands.

But in other words it never hurts.

But he could get some information he wanted.

After thinking for a moment, he gave up.

His goal is to collect all eight magical skills.

Although it is faster now, it is still not enough.

Now that he is about to obtain the Divine Machinery, he will not waste time on things like this.

Chapter 152 Xia Liuqing’s plea

Xia Liuqing seemed to be in a sluggish state.

There was a sudden sound in Li Tong's ears. It seemed that they were coming soon, so he should enter Biyou Village in advance to take a look.

Then Li Tong looked at Xia Liuqing and sighed.

The next moment, Xia Liuqing's whole body suddenly returned to normal.

He still looks like a defeated general, but all the memories of Li Tong and the images of Li Tong who founded the country have disappeared. This is one of the powerful double-boxers currently used by Li Tong, Blue Hand!

Something that can control people's souls!

There are too many memories in the human soul, which just provides Li Tong with the opportunity to change other people's memories!

Plus his fists have been upgraded.

This situation is naturally out of the question.

It is naturally easy and effortless to get the other party into this state.

The next moment, Li Tong himself had disappeared into the night.

Not long after he left.

Three figures came one after another.

Xiao Zizai and the others looked at the fallen bodies on the ground.

There is still a lot of blood left, as well as many Gu insects that have been ground into powder.

The three of them walked by with different expressions.

Xiao Zizai's eyes gradually glowed red.

At such times, it is tantamount to stimulating the disease in his body.

As for Wang Zhenqiu, I just feel a little familiar.

It seems that this is the method of one of the old guys who I asked to teach me kung fu.

Lao Meng himself was a little scared, and started to complain again.

The moon is shining brightly.

Xiao Zizai had already stepped forward.

He looked at what was happening in front of him.

With an indifferent look and a calm expression, he took out his cell phone to confirm.

The old man in front of him was already living on his last breath.

"Quanxing, Xia Liuqing."

Xia Liuqing had completely forgotten Li Tong's whereabouts.

I don't even remember seeing that man.

His only impression was the sudden appearance of these men in front of him.

Who are they?

I first experienced these voodoo methods of that little girl.

Now he is besieged by this group of people again. It seems that he is with that group of little girls.

"Are you with that little girl?"

As soon as the other party made a sound, Wang Zhenqiu couldn't sit still.

It sounds so similar!

He hurriedly stepped forward and saw Xia Liuqing, who was already kneeling on the ground.

He couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

"Hey, what kind of day is it today? I actually see you, Old Man Xia!"

"When I heard Jinfeng's name, I should have thought of you!"

Xia Liuqing struggled to look up at the other party.

My head, which was already a little groggy, now wakes up.

"Qiu'er, why are you here?"

after hearing this.

Xiao Zizai turned to look at Wang Zhenqiu.

"Qiu'er, do you recognize him?"

Wang Zhenqiu stepped forward, jumping up and down.

"I used to look for interesting people and things when I was wandering around."

"Old man Xia's methods are very interesting."

"I had to grind him for a long time before giving it to me."

As he said this, Wang Zhenqiu casually dissipated the energy ball condensed in the air by the opponent.

This also supports his words.

He does know Xia Liuqing's methods in front of him.

Wang Zhenqiu walked to Xia Liuqing and helped him up.

"In order to get him to agree to teach me kung fu, I almost joined Quan Xing."

"Isn't it too much for me to call him master?"

Xiao Zizai looked cold and called Wang Zhenqiu over and over again.

At this time, Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan were hiding quietly in the grass.

Feng Baobao stared at the person in front of him.

"I've seen him. This old man showed up that night at Longhu Mountain!"

Feng Baobao had a photographic memory and remembered the other person instantly.

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu's reaction made Xiao Zizi unhappy.


Xiao Zizi was wearing glasses, and there was a glimmer of light under the moonlight.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

"Qiu'er, I don't want to get involved in your affairs."

"The problem now is how to deal with Xia Liuqing in front of us!"

The other party is Qiu'er's master, and the meaning of what he just said is very simple.

I will never touch him.

"I will definitely not do anything to him. After all, he is my teacher, and the target of this mission is not him."

"Of course, if you want to get rid of him, I won't be able to stop you."

Wang Zhenqiu has already stated his reasons and also given everyone a choice.

Although his words were affirmative, they were also unintentionally an attitude of choice.

He wouldn't take action if Xia Liuqing was eliminated, but he wouldn't care if it was anything else.

Anyway, he won't interfere in this matter.

This will neither make it difficult for them nor make Wang Zhenqiu feel depressed.

At this moment, Xia Liuqing, who was behind Wang Zhenqiu, was furious after hearing these words from his young apprentice.

"Wang Zhenqiu'er, what are you going to do now..."

Why did Wang Zhenqiu appear as soon as that little girl left?

And you brought so many people here?

Could it be something big happened?

Or is he and that little girl on the same side?

Are you here this time to get rid of half of his master?

What does the other party mean?

.What means do you have, and what do you want to do now?

Xia Liuqing, who is already in a coma now, really wants to know these things!

Of course, these are the most important things he did and wanted to know.

Just for Jinfeng's safety.

If something happened to Jinfeng like this, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

Wang Zhenqiu turned his head, still maintaining the same attitude and tone.

"Just stop asking."

Watching the other person slowly walking towards him.

Wang Zhenqiu spoke word by word.

"I can only say that I am not the same as that girl, and I am here to deal with her!"

After hearing these words, Xia Liuqing, who had been nervous all the time.

He also looked excited.

He immediately relaxed and looked at the little bastard in front of him.

"That's fine, that's fine."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his whole body showed an excited smile.

The next moment, under his gaze, this all-sex veteran figure suddenly knelt down.

He lowered his head, which could be said to be badly bruised.

"Qiu'er, I don't have a serious successor in my life."

"Even if you're half-assed, you still deceived me."

Then Xia Liuqing, a proud man, lowered his head at this moment.

"If you still have some conscience."

"Just repay me in return."

After hearing such words, Wang Zhenqiu turned his head with a solemn expression. He had spent a lot of effort to learn kung fu from this old guy, and now he was an arrogant and slightly arrogant old man.

He actually knelt down in front of him.

This matter of begging him so humbly was very important to Xia Liuqing himself.

And to a certain extent, it can even make him put down his dignity for this.

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