Why didn't even Sister Baoer notice his traces?

Although there are many doubts in his heart, Zhang Chulan has no intention to answer them now.

You'll know when you get there.

Zhang Chulan never dreamed that someone would be able to use electromagnetic waves to monitor or even follow up transmissions!

However, this method has been used extremely skillfully by Li Tong.

For example, he is currently entering Biyou Village through the Internet.

Originally, the two temporary workers in the Northeast District needed some media at least.

But he really doesn’t need this!

No one can discover such a powerful Yang Shen!

He can travel through any time, place, and space without any restrictions.

This feeling is so amazing and so relaxing!

It seems that nothing can stop his existence at this time.

At this moment, Li Tong was wandering around Biyou Village when he suddenly spotted a familiar figure.

It's that boy Zhuge Qing.

It seems that Zhuge Qing made his choice at this time.

At that time, you can see the rare picture of King Ye outing in the world.

Another good famous scene.

Thinking of this, Li Tong didn't care anymore.

He also walked around Biyou Village, and the furnace that Ma Xianhong wanted to build was about to be completed.

Next, just follow them to cause trouble.

Thinking of this, Li Tong suddenly stopped talking, and the next moment, all his strength was released!

Yangshen returned to his position instantly!

His Yang Shen can return to his position in an instant, it's very simple.

Even those magic weapons and magic weapons can't control him at all!

It seems that his Yangshen is so big that it can ignore all obstacles!

This feeling is so cool!

Li Tong was really excited, and his Yangshen had more than just this benefit!

His Yang Shen even allows the physical body to defend itself to some extent.

Once any physical threat occurs, his body will react quickly.

Even if it's just physical strength, few people can beat him now.

After all, he knows too many things, plus all these methods are available all over his body.

I'm afraid there are only a few people in the world who can stop him!

This is also the benefit of his upgraded Yangshen.

But at this moment, he didn't know that his Yang Shen was just meeting the second strongest Yang Shen.

Er Zhuang's body has actually been somewhat repaired!



Somewhere in the dense forest in the mountains.


There is a small place in the white snow, with a little gap, as if greedily peeking into the outside world!

And the interior light is not dim.

Placed in the center is a bottle, which is extremely huge and can fit a person inside.

At this moment, countless liquids began to flow.

There is a person lying among the bottles.

The broken legs and a broken arm looked extremely pitiful.

It seems that I can only spend the rest of my life in this healing bottle.

However, the next moment, the staff who were originally responsible for surveillance discovered something was wrong!

I don’t know when the data started to fluctuate on the screen!

This data is connected to the unconscious Erzhuang!

The leading staff member was immediately surprised.


No matter how powerful the two strong Yang gods are, they cannot affect the physical body!

And when her Yang Shen comes back, it is absolutely impossible for her to achieve such strange fluctuations!

Countless scientific researchers are now extremely panicked.

The only thing I can think of now is to contact my boss as soon as possible! !

After a while, the person in charge of the Northeast Region hurriedly came over.

As soon as he entered, he noticed that everyone seemed very solemn!

There are even some people who can't control themselves at this moment and are trembling.

Some even directly shouted for miracles.

The person in charge of the Northeast District was immediately confused.

What does it mean?

Is there something else wrong?

The next moment he also looked up.

His pupils suddenly shrank!

Only then did I realize that my daughter, who had been staying in the healing bottle, had changed her body!

The incomplete arm is slowly growing out!

The beating sound of data could not be heard incessantly, but his heart could no longer tolerate other shocks.

My daughter actually grew an arm like this! ?

No matter what the reason is, no matter how violent the data jump is, this is an unchangeable fact!

What can he do now?

The only thing to do is to wait!

Wait for the right time!

Under the attentive attention of many people, the data beats gradually slowed down soon!

Seeing this scene, the person in charge of the region immediately spoke.

"Check your health status with all your strength. If there is anything wrong or abnormal data, report it immediately!"

After the explanation, the scientific researchers have already left one after another.

To them, a person who has become like this suddenly grows hands?

This is so scary, but also curious.

If this technology is really broken, then they will all be witnesses of this miracle!

At this moment, the regional leader suddenly spoke.

"Tell me all the tasks that the temporary worker is responsible for. Is she performing the same task as Chen Duo now?"

He knew that Chen Duo's mission was a cover, and the company's focus was already on Biyou Village!

A force that is about to grow must not simply let it grow!

What must his daughter have seen in Biyou Village?

That's why there are changes now.

Then his eyes darkened slightly.

This matter cannot be reported!

Chapter 157 Chen Duo and her gang

But at this moment, even Erzhuang himself didn't know the changes in her body.

She is still tracking the whereabouts of Chen Duo and the others.

Li Tong himself had already appeared on the hillside.

There is nothing to do now, so just keep an eye on their methods and learn more.

As for Zhang Chulan who was in the car at the moment, she was extremely surprised.

This Northeastern weirdo.

It is at least 10 kilometers away from the city, and it relies on this ability.

They can also quickly locate the whereabouts of Chen Duo and the others.

It seems that this one from the Northeast has some tricks up his sleeve!

at this time.

Zhang Chulan's cell phone rang.

"Lu Bei, are you looking for me?"

"Don't worry, you will never find me!"

"Because I'm right behind you!"

When he saw these words, Zhang Chulan almost stopped breathing.

How could someone say such weird things?

What is the concept of never being found?

And behind him?

Now there were only Feng Baobao and him in the van he was sitting in.

How could there be anyone else behind you?

Unless he got in the car without anyone noticing.

If that's the case, wouldn't Feng Baobao have no secrets in front of him?

It just so happened that Zhang Chulan wanted to take a closer look at the methods of this temporary worker from Northeast China!

As Zhang Chulan turned his head, he found that there was nothing behind him.

The tense atmosphere that had gathered in my heart just now disappeared at this moment.

At this time, I also saw the message on my phone.

"Hahaha, you must have looked back, right?"


When Zhang Chulan saw this, he couldn't help laughing at his stupidity just now.


It seems to mean that the other party is not sure whether he has turned back?

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