"From the Northeast? Are you afraid that we will see you or that you can't see us at all?"

The temporary worker in the Northeast quickly sent an emoticon, as if he wanted to beat Zhang Chulan.

The meme was quickly withdrawn.

Zhang Chulan was a little confused when she saw this scene.

Just when he was about to ask something, Wang Zhenqiu preempted him.

"From the Northeast? Are you a girl?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Look at your chatting habits!"

"Don't mess with that Lu Bei's general knowledge."

"He is a big fool!!"

After seeing this sentence, Zhang Chulan immediately cursed.

"Damn you sissy, Erweizi! Who are you scolding!"

Just after saying this, Feng Baobao spoke.

"I think this ball is very smart sometimes."

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised and was about to ask something when the news came again.

The one who spoke was the one from the Northeast.

"I don't blame Lu Bei's comrades."

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have performed a mission with others since I joined the company!"

“I really want to meet you all if possible!”

"But by far, the one who knows me best is Brother Xiao."

"He is a kind brother."

When he saw the words "kind brother", Wang Zhenqiu pushed Xiao Zizai who was driving.

"A kind brother?"

Lao Meng behind him couldn't help but laugh.

Xiao Zizai himself was a little embarrassed, his eyes narrowed, not knowing what to say.

However, Zhang Chulan was worried at the moment.

How could he possibly evaluate Lao Xiao as a kind eldest brother?

He is completely murderous, and there are very few people who can say that.

But Fanfan from the Northeast has seen him before.

That’s what you’ll judge when you hear what he says.

But those from the Northeast rated him as a kind brother.

In other words, this person in the Northeast seems to have never seen Lao Xiao.

I have never heard Lao Xiao speak, only the few words he said in the group.

This is strange.

How did such a person monitor the whereabouts of Chen Duo and the others?

How do you know the thoughts you just had?

Zhang Chulan didn't think it was a coincidence.

As soon as I turned around and returned to Northeast China, I sent a message.

There can be no such good time interval.

The only possibility is that the other party has been looking at him, and he has no idea where he is.

It seems like the current crop of temps are all interesting.

The comprehensive reserve army Wang Zhenqiu.

Lao Xiao, who is addicted to bloodthirsty.

Lao Meng, who is a bit afraid of society.

At present, it seems that the most puzzling thing is the one in the Northeast!

At this time, Zhang Chunan turned to look at Feng Baobao.

"Miss Baoer."

"I remember that Fourth Brother said that you can't lie. So if I give you a designed lie, will you follow it to the truth?"

Feng Baobao didn't know what Zhang Chulan meant by asking this question.

She was too lazy to think about it.

For Feng Baobao, those things only consume her few brain cells.


There is a pile of trucks from the Laodu Tong Express Company posted on a thoroughfare somewhere.

Already galloping forward.

Their direction was exactly where Zhang Chulan and the others were performing their mission.

There are too many of these cars, and there is not even the slightest sound from the cargo bumping inside.

Instead, there was the sound of even human breathing.

Northeast at this moment.

The person in charge of the Northeast District looked at the healing bottle in front of him to beautify his daughter's body.

How much time has passed since my daughter could have been said to be in dire straits.

An arm has grown.

This is too fast and all indicators are normal.

At the same time, he also reviewed the mission briefing.

The above means that Chen Duo's matter is a trivial matter.

The biggest one is the powerful Biyou Village that is about to be established by the private sector!

Biyou Village has come into the company’s sights very early.

But no one cared.

Until Chen Duo's incident happened, the spy assigned by the company reported it.

Almost everyone in Biyou Village has magic weapons!

It seems that this situation was not expected by them at all, so they sent temporary workers.

In order to be on the safe side, the company will naturally arrange for other personnel to go there. These are the origins of those trucks of the Nadutong Express Company.

Look at my daughter's body.

He only has one thought in his mind now, no matter who his daughter has interacted with after the mission is over.

Be sure to tell him!

Because that person is very likely to let his daughter grow back completely!

Then there will be no need to show off the Yang Shen over and over again.

A certain amount of body cells and brain cells are lost due to the Yang Shen.

In the night, he looked at everything around him, his eyes gradually becoming cold. If anyone leaked his daughter's whereabouts, don't blame him for being ruthless.


Wang Zhenqiu, Xiao Zizai and Lao Meng have arrived at this abandoned factory.

As soon as he entered it, Wang Zhenqiu felt that there were a lot of mosquitoes here.

But he didn't know that their whereabouts were actually in Mosquito's sight at this moment!

The mosquito also began to transform, and even appeared with a special light that only machines can have!

Chapter 158 Into the soul!

Yet at this time.

In the warehouse of the warehouse, a man suddenly opened his eyes.

After sensing his belongings and seeing those people, he immediately turned to look at Chen Duo.

"Someone came in."

Upon hearing this, Chen Duo, who had been resting quietly with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Under the long eyelashes, a pair of emerald-green eyes were revealed.

These green pupils were filled with a different kind of light.

Under the night, it is really like a gem, dazzling and bright.

A murderous intent began to appear in Chen Duo's eyes.


Just at this time.

The three people who were still outside and approaching the warehouse suddenly had their own reactions.

Lao Meng began to try to use his abilities.

However, it was the moment when his ability was revealed.

He was suddenly surprised to find that he could not communicate with the mosquitoes in front of him at all!

His ability has been developed into cells, and any life form can be affected and communicated by him, which means that these bugs in front of him are not life forms!

"Not good! Run away!"

"These are not bugs at all!"

The moment these words were spoken, the mosquitoes seemed to react and began to gather crazily.

In just the blink of an eye, these mosquitoes have formed an overwhelming network.

Suddenly he rushed towards the three of them!

In the distance on the hillside.

Li Tong's eyes were fixed on Lao Meng's methods.

His Yang Shen gradually emerged from his body and began to covet these energies.

The next moment, a voice came from Li Tong's ear.

[Congratulations to the host for understanding the Beast Master! 】

[Has been automatically upgraded to become a top beast master! 】

Feel this fluctuation in yourself.

Li Tong felt surprisingly comfortable in his heart.

This is different from the feeling of Yang Shen.

If Yang Shen's power is too simple, the power he possesses now seems to be several times stronger!

next moment.

He began to manipulate the surroundings, just as his thoughts came to him.

Countless tiny shaking sounds immediately sounded across the entire hillside.

In an instant, the soil, tree stumps, and countless creatures gathered together!

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