Can kill!

It was precisely because of these three words that he gave up the good thoughts in his heart!

That's why when facing the omnipotent person, he will try his best to do whatever it takes.

I just didn't expect that the other person was not only not a straight man, but actually looked like a temporary worker in one of their regions!

In this case, he has nothing more to say.

But now in this mission, he clearly requires that the only person who can be killed is Chen Duo, if he kills other people.

It was difficult to explain to Lao Dou and the company, so he naturally restrained his murderous nature.

Xiao Zizi calmly raised his glasses.

The moment he lifted his glasses, the red light in his pupils suddenly dissipated.

The whole person seemed to have regained his composure, and at the same time a faint energy began to emerge from his body.

His eyes were full of plainness, and he waved to the other party, with a clear meaning.

However, while the two were fighting each other, Wang Zhenqiu was standing on the other side above a cloud of dust.

Touching his hair, he acted like a fool.

He didn't expect it to reach this level.

"Ball, ball, you love to play with people."

"But it won't be good if you become disabled."

Wang Zhenqiu looked at his yellow hair. He didn't know when his hair had been beaten into this weird shape.

What he values ​​the most is his hair!

Wang Zhenqiu looked dull, and a little murderous aura began to burst into his eyes.

Then he looked at the person in front of him whose hair was like this, and a golden light began to appear on his body.

It was burning like a flame, and gradually a huge shadow appeared behind him.

At the same time, Wang Qiu also put on the gloves that Old Man Xia gave him.

He started talking to himself. The gloves on his hands were shining brightly like a bright galaxy!

"Can't you see it yet? This time, the goods are all on the pole to get rid of them!"

The next moment, a huge Qigong ball floated out of Wang Zhenqiu's hand!

This huge Qi ball contains terrifying abilities!

At the same time, Wang Zhenqiu also turned to look at this person. His face and the expression in his eyes were completely different from before!

It's almost like two people.

Lao Meng kicked the man in front of him away with one kick!

When the other party is still frightened.

I saw this 40-year-old man walking forward.

Lao Meng thought in his mind, and he understood Lao Chenduo's original intention of setting him as a temporary worker!

After sighing, he soon understood.

Maybe they all think about morning reading, but their starting point is themselves!

Chen Duo may not want to live such a life.

At this time, the man in front of him also stood up and looked at the other person. Now Lao Meng also lost interest.

The next moment, Lao Meng's whole body began to be bathed in black brilliance, and the power of the biologist suddenly exploded!

And when Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao were chasing Chen Duo, in addition to the temporary worker from Central China District, Li Tong was also following them.

Li Tong was very fast and reached behind several people with just a few steps.

Chapter 165 Chase!

Li Tong's eyes focused on a tall young man in the jungle.

The other party is a temporary worker in Central China.


Temporary workers in Central China are good at using the black tubes on their arms for long-range sniping.

However, this clarinet restricted the opponent.

In fact, the clarinet is just a prop for practicing basic skills.

It will seal some of its acupuncture points and extract its power, and it will not be able to withstand its full power.

The maximum endurance limit can only inject three consecutive shots of power!

His boss, the person in charge of the Central China District, has considerable influence in the circle.

Therefore, the clarinet can have access to information that ordinary temporary workers cannot.

As for the final purpose of these tasks, he definitely knows!

But unfortunately, they are always temporary workers and have nothing to do with me.

Counting the time, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing have been living in Biyou Village for some time now.

It seems that I can compete for this No. 13 root device!

Thinking of this, Li Tong raised a smile on his lips.

Why are there twelve of the four superior root implements set up by Ma Xianhong?

It is taken from the heavenly stems and earthly branches.

Twelve is an extreme number, a round.

It’s even more of the twelve zodiac signs.

It was impossible for him to steal Zhuge Qing's position.

And other root tools in Biyou Village.

Ma Xianhong will not let them give up their position easily.

So what Li Tong wants to see now is Ma Xianhong's sincerity.

Will he allow himself to become the No. 13 player before? !

If Ma Xianhong really makes him the No. 13 rooter!

Then you can fully access the divine machine Bailian!

The three-foot-tall Lu Ban’s magical skills and hundreds of refinements are by no means a wasted reputation!

The ability to mass-produce magic weapons and magical weapons is quite explosive wherever you put it!

There are currently no more than 10 weapon refiners in the world combined!

And everyone is registered with the company!

This shows how superb it is to have a divine machine and a hundred refinements.

Coupled with Li Tong's top-notch magical machine, if coupled with the ability of Bailian!

Maybe it can fulfill Ma Xianhong’s long-cherished wish that has never been fulfilled!

Forge the most complete self-cultivation furnace in the world!

Let everyone be qualified to practice!

The origin of the Slimming Furnace has always been a mystery!

No one can know.

But the only thing that can be determined is that the core of the self-cultivation furnace was completed by Qu Tong!

The origin of this woman Qu Tong is really not simple.

But in her memory, Li Tong had already extracted the forging method of the self-cultivation furnace.

Although Ma Xianhong has tried many times, he has never thought of imbuing Feng Baobao's ability into the self-cultivation furnace.

Teaching without distinction is the principle he upholds.

No matter how you look at it, there is no problem, but the people in the company dealt with them directly.

They have reached the artist's red line.

What Li Tong wants now is to absorb all these people and make them his own power!

Since the company won't let them show up.

Then why don't you take them all away as your own power?

Now his strength is even equal to that of the Heavenly Master.

In this case, why doesn't he create a force of his own?

By the time his power has taken shape and the internal personnel's combat power has increased, what will the company be able to do with him?

Eight magical skills, now if he can get the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, he will have one more.

If Qu Tong could be at Biyou Village, he could kill two birds with one stone!

At that time, he will spread these things and add stricter regulations.

Maybe they will become the Three Heroes by then.

Thinking of this, he could only look excited, and then continued to follow them.

Black Guan'er has many tricks, but he doesn't bother to learn them.

Using his most basic ability, the black tube, it would take three shots to shatter those things.

Now Li Tong can easily break even a random stone with one blow by adding all the strength in his body.

Then he can follow them to Biyou Village.

Let's discuss the conditions with Ma Xianhong. Can he become the 13th top-level device?

How sincere is Ma Xianhong towards him?

However, judging from the previous invitations, it was not possible to invite Zhuge Qing instead.

It's obviously a 2-for-1 decision.

If he succeeds, he will not invite Zhuge Qing again.

If he doesn't come, he will invite Zhuge Qing to come according to the original plot development.

Ma Xianhong himself was also extremely curious about the prince's extraordinary skills.

While he was thinking about it, Li Tong didn't think about it in detail.

At this moment, in other places, Li Tong's coverage area has discovered that a van is approaching rapidly at this moment!

This is the man who took Chen Duo to Biyou Village.

The high-level magic weapon on his body is in great danger.

The defense power is also extremely high among ordinary people.

Li Tong found a place where they would definitely drive by and waited.

It is best to wait and see what happens.

At this moment, Chen Duo was answering the phone.

"Okay, let's meet at the bridge."

"What's going on with you now?"

Hearing this, Chen Duo glanced at the rearview mirror.

In the mirror, there was an extremely fast lightning that suddenly struck through the mirror. It was so fast that it still followed closely.

Chen Duo looked solemn after seeing it.

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