"I'm almost being caught up here."

Just as Chen Duo finished speaking, a bolt of lightning passed directly past Chen Duo and arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye!

Chen Duo's heart sank when she saw this. She didn't want to have too much interaction with those people right now.

She knew the company's methods and she would not get any benefits.

Thinking of this, Chen Duo turned the steering wheel and rushed towards the hillside.

Otherwise, it has to be Wuling, which is fast and durable!

With this temporary turn and the terrifying slope, the car didn't even dare to speak when it came.

Now this one is so fast that it can fly!

Zhang Chulan frowned when he saw this, and the next moment.

His body began to merge into the thunder and lightning, and in the thunder and lightning, his body emitted a bright white light.

The human form disappears.

Thunder and lightning roared out!

in the forest.

The slope is steep.

The two of them were like this, one driving the car, stepping on the accelerator and flying.

One person uses all his power to cast thunder!

The two reached an eerie tie almost at the same time.

Zhang Chulan's thunder method is the orthodox of Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion!

The Five Thunders are correct!

It has not been modified by future generations!

Therefore, his thunder method is pure!

But because of his grandfather, Zhang Chulan had no contact with formal and serious cultivation methods.

Therefore, for Zhang Chulan, these skills he practiced can almost be called wild ways!

Ye Luzi’s practice method!

But despite this, under the influence of Zhang Chulan's tirelessness and strength, he has reached an extreme speed at this moment!

Thunder and lightning kept flashing, and Wuling kept roaring!

Just then.

Wuling is already on the road!

As soon as Chen Duo turned a corner, a powerful force came! !

Chapter 166 Instant Understanding

This huge force actually caused the car to stop suddenly!

Then a bolt of lightning flashed suddenly!

Before Chen Duo could react, he saw a figure rushing over.

The other party is just a small body, but exudes powerful power, just a face-to-face.

It completely overturned the van she was sitting in!

This feeling is so weird, such a small human being can actually make the van stop suddenly!

Chen Duo felt unbelievable, and how could he act in such an unconventional way?

What surprised Chen Duo even more was that she saw only one person just now!

How could another person come out in such a short period of time? Let’s put it another way to understand.

This person has been following behind him, but Chen Duo has not found any trace of him at all.

The other party always had a calm expression and even pulled out a knife, which shone brightly in the cold wind.

I could hear the sound of the other party using a knife to cut the van continuously!

Chen Duo reacted instantly, and then jumped out in a flash.

Just as Chen Duo jumped out, her van broke into two halves in an instant.

Feng Baobao dived down from such a high distance, and the kinetic energy he carried exploded like a bomb at this moment!

It only took a moment for the van to suddenly fly away.

The two vans were cut in half, but that was said slowly.

In fact, it just happened in a split second. The van flew out, broke into two sections, and landed under the bridge!

The resulting noise hung in the air for a long time,

Chen Duo had already flown over and hid.

My feet are flowing in the small stream in front of me.

The stream was gurgling, and Chen Duo could barely hold himself steady.

She always looked at the scene in front of her calmly.

I couldn't help but be a little surprised, what on earth is this?

At this moment, Feng Baobao took his knife in the air again.

Swoop over in no time!

Upon seeing this, Chen Duo subconsciously spat out a mouthful of black phlegm.

Her whole body was covered in poison, and Chen Duo's body fluids had to undergo special treatment in the company.

Therefore, even a mouthful of saliva contains strong poison!

At this time, the poison had just been spat out.

Feng Baobao also reacted immediately and suddenly threw the dagger in his hand.

Chen Duogang turned aside and dodged.

Zhang Chulan jumped out of nowhere, lightning surged from his body, and his thunder method was suddenly unleashed.

The intense lightning struck and came close in the blink of an eye!

But the moment the thunder and lightning touched Chen Duo, it had no effect!

A layer of blue and emerald green ripples rippled all over Chen Duo!

This thing is Chen Duo's magic weapon for self-protection, just like what Wang Zhenqiu and the others said before.

This thing is too low-end and has no meaning!

However, Zhang Churan was able to successfully neutralize the attack.

Blisters suddenly appeared behind Chen Duo.

As soon as these blisters appeared, a figure suddenly appeared!

There was no trace of wetness on the opponent's body. He was just slightly wet. He came up with a sweeping kick!

Although Chen Duo had already reacted, the opponent's attack was too fast.

She could only passively retreat sideways!

Because there was too much movement, the water splashed to both sides.

Then the other party rushed over again.

The two women were fighting in a spray of water.

Feng Baobao's speed is too fast.

Before Chen Duo could stand firm and step forward, she cut her throat with a knife!

The knife in his hand drew a graceful arc in the air.

The fight between the two gradually became more intense.

During his time in the company, Chen Duo also received a lot of martial arts training.

One of them is a Gu-body holy boy who has lost his humanity since childhood.

The other is Feng Baobao, who has a pure nature and does not know what human nature is.

The fight between the two can be said to have its own merits.

But no matter how you look at it, it is too strong.

As soon as they met, Chen Duo felt something was wrong.

I am no match for the woman in front of me!

No matter which aspect you look at, the other party can be said to have killed you instantly!

Moreover, Chen Duo's current state is not suitable for close combat!

After all, she is also playing poison.

Although you can do close combat, some of them cannot be considered proficient.

So Chen Duo quickly ducked back and kicked out a huge wave, temporarily covering the opponent's sight!

Just when Chen Duo dodged backwards, Feng Baobao had already predicted her behavior.

All of a sudden he jumped up.

Just in the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Chen Duo!

Sweep out with one kick!

Although Chen Duo was surprised, he still reluctantly bent down for the first time, and then one person held a short dagger and the other fought hard!

Chen Duo was surprised to find that every move he made was gradually analyzed by the woman in front of him!

No matter what she does, she can respond immediately!

And Chen Duo couldn't see any fatigue in this woman!

It's as if the other party is simply a tool!

Is it possible that the other party is also a person like me?

While he was still thinking wildly, Feng Baobao's fierce attacks followed one after another!

Although the opponent's attack was fierce, Chen Duo could still find a way to break it.

The battle between the two gradually became more intense.

Feng Baobao has already forced the opponent back deeply.

And gave her a kick in the air.

Chen Duo did not admit defeat.

She didn't feel how embarrassed she was, but she still kicked him back.

Both of them suffered a loss.

When Chen Duo stepped back and looked at each other again.

But I found that the woman in front of me was surprisingly calm!

There seemed to be nothing else in her eyes.

There was calmness from beginning to end!

This feeling of calmness is very strange!

It was as if nothing in the world had any impact on her!

What could be a burden to such a person?

Or is there anything that can worry the woman in front of me?

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