However, at this moment Chen Duo also glanced at the man on the other side. Now Chen Duo was very strange. The protective magic weapon on his body had a great effect on that man!

But it has no effect on this woman, so what is going on?

The protective magic weapon has always been used to defend against people with malicious intentions!

The woman in front of me was full of killing moves, but the protective magic weapon didn't notice her malicious intent.

Zhang Chulan watched calmly from the side.

Recalling that my thunder method was touched by the other party just now.

He understood in an instant.

Sure enough, as he thought.

Sister Baoer, you don’t even know what malice is.

How could Chen Duo's protective weapon be able to withstand her attack?

Although it is very simple for Sister Baoer, it is much more difficult for him!

At this moment, Chen Duo rushed out again, and Zhang Chulan understood that his attack could not have an effect on Chen Duo.

So he changed his mind.

next moment.

Zhang Chulan's palms began to gather bright thunder and lightning!

Chapter 167 Colleagues!

Chen Duo lowered his hands, and the next moment, black viscous liquid began to pour out of Chen Duo's trouser legs.

These black viscous liquids emit bursts of stench!

The viscous liquid begins to spread when it touches the stream.

The range gradually began to expand, and her own eyes were shining with gem-like emerald green light!

Zhang Chulan stared at the scene in front of him with a solemn expression.

When Feng Baobao saw that the black viscous liquid had spread all over her body!

The steps moved slightly, and in an instant, the overwhelming Qi surged out!

It spread crazily around, just for a moment.

The Qi around her was already rising into the sky!

Form a small barrier!

This dirty poison spreads through streams. Now that it is cut off, nothing will happen.

When several people were at a stalemate and were about to fight.

A car suddenly drove up from the bridge, and a young man got out of the car.

He wears an emerald green ring on his finger, and what he holds in his hand is a finely crafted Ruyi.

It seems that one can only be rich or noble.

With a little contempt in his eyes, he looked at the three people in the river in front of him with solemn expressions.

At this moment, a hundred meters away from them, a man had quietly arrived on the treetops. This was Black Pipe.

He stared at everything happening in front of him, and he could take action directly only when the time was right.

The boss of Black Guan'er is the general person in charge of the Central China Region.

The identity of the other party is too great.

In the company, there are also many people among the senior management who want to give her a bit of a thumbs-down.

Therefore, the information obtained by the black supervisor is much more detailed than that of other temporary workers.

He also knew that the target of this operation was not Chen Duo.

The ultimate goal of this operation is to establish third-party civil forces outside the company.

As of now, the little-known Biyou Village!

In other words, it is the New Jiejiao!

Once you arrive at Biyou Village, you will see any signs of strange people in the village.

After reaching a certain number of red lines, they can be killed!

To a certain extent, they are considered bad guys!

But now based on previous statistical population.

The number of aliens has reached a critical red line.

However, Biyou Village is still creating a steady stream of aliens!

When the number of aliens reaches a certain number, the consequences will be serious!

Such behavior undoubtedly exposes the alien's image to the public.

There were the witch incidents that occurred in the Middle Ages in Europe, and the extermination of Buddhism in ancient China.

These are all the aliens exposed to the public.

The company is trying to resist the development of these things, so it lets these temporary workers perform this task now.

Regardless of any gains or losses, the final outcome of temporary workers is likely to be directly under the jurisdiction of the unified company.

If it is under the jurisdiction of a company, naturally there will not be a regional person in charge who is as easy to talk to.

The board of directors will also pay special attention to them and implement them specially.

Although the reward will definitely be much more than that of the regional leader.

But many of their temporary workers have worked with the person in charge for more than three to five years.

The more the district leaders take care of them, the more grateful these temporary workers will be.

And the board of directors will definitely send them some dangerous tasks.

Who would want to go there?

While thinking this, Black Guan'er had already quietly observed everything in front of him.

He had no idea what would happen next.

But he understands that when the time is really right, he will take action himself!

We have been able to detect that the man who just got off the car was carrying at least two magic weapons!

This is in line with the information his boss received. Everyone in Biyou Village carries at least one magical weapon!

The magic weapon on the man in front of me is more high-end than the cats and dogs that the three temporary workers encountered before!

At this time, Chen Duo had already rushed out!

The thunder method on that man didn't work on her, so now she can get rid of the woman in front of her!

Zhang Chulan knew that his attack would not work on Chen Duo.

So he chose another path, the thunder method condensed in his palm.

It no longer hit Chen Duo himself, but moved slightly away.

Blast straight towards the gap between the two of them!

Feng Baobao should know better than him about the situation caused by this.

You can also cooperate with him.

This is the bond between the two!

From Lao Xiao's attitude, there is a limit to how to protect the body magic weapon, although Zhang Chulan can break through it.

But seriously, in today's situation there is no need to break it into pieces, that would be a waste of energy!

Chen Duo didn't react at first, until the lightning flashed so hard that she couldn't open her eyes, Chen Duo couldn't help but exclaimed!

"It's so shiny!"

At this time, Feng Baobao already understood what Zhang Chulan meant.The dagger in his hand kept waving!

The dazzling cold light has turned into a stream of light!

Swipe down!

At this time, Chen Duo didn't know how to react.

But I felt a burst of golden light floating over!

This golden light actually hooked Chen Duo's waist like a silk ribbon.

At the last moment, a strong pull came!

The next moment, Chen Duo himself was dragged along.

When she reacted again, she was dragged from the stream to the bridge in the blink of an eye!

Chen Duo glanced at the man next to him.

What the other party was holding was the jade like jade that he had thrown her out just now!

Although it is small, it glows golden like a ribbon on its head!

In this bright night, it is like a golden whip of light, especially powerful.

"The protective weapon is of no use to that woman!"

Hearing this sentence, the man looked dull.

"It's normal. What I'm giving you is just low-end products with automatic protection!"

At this time, Feng Baobao had jumped into the air again.

Feng Baobao jumped up!

Kicked out in the air, this kick was very powerful!

Feng Baobao is simply an all-rounder!

Speed, attack, agility, all the ruthless man!

I can't even feel the pain, and my whole body's innate energy movement is more profound and complete!

What could be a burden to such a person?

However, Feng Baobao kicked it down and hit the golden crystal solidly!

The power of this kick actually kicked the huge crystal into pieces and shattered some powder in an instant!

But compared to this giant crystal that is three meters tall, it doesn't even have the slightest effect!

This ability is actually a bit similar to Liuhe, one of the eight divine powers of the Zhuge Qimen that Wang Ye fought against back then!

Feng Baobao did not expect that his attack would not work!

However, at this moment, Feng Baobao watched helplessly as the huge defensive crystal in front of him suddenly dissipated!

It turned into golden ribbons, waving around like a whip of light!

Chapter 168 I heard that you are very defensive?

The changes only happen in the blink of an eye!

It is precisely because of this huge attack range and extremely fast speed that the man does not think that the woman in front of him can easily resist it.

My own Yu Ruyi can mobilize attacks and transform into various forms at will, how can she stop it?

Although the man is very fast, Feng Baobao is a ruthless person with all the attributes perfected!

Far superior to others in speed and agility.

Feng Baobao kept dodging and dodged the attack in the blink of an eye!

After seeing the scenes in front of him, this man didn't think anything happened.

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