Most of all, I just think that this woman has a strong figure.

Then the jade Ruyi in his hand kept waving!

The attack range and degree of attack are also gradually increasing!

And the power is even more powerful, just between lashings.

For a moment, Feng Baobao seemed to be faced with a dragnet that enveloped her in an instant.

The other party launched attacks one after another!

And the huge noise caused by their attack instantly covered the figures of several people!

"There are accomplices!!"

Zhang Chulan was shocked!

At this moment, the man did not expect that none of the many attacks could hit the little girl!

The strong attack he caused wrapped around the entire bridge like a bandage in an instant!

The bridge also faced huge impact, and it tightened instantly!

The bridge continued to shatter, and then the fragments continued to fall to the ground!

It looked like it had been under a huge attack.

Then he angrily gathered all his strength!

And as soon as these thoughts gathered together, the gilded Ruyi in his hand suddenly turned into a huge lightsaber!

Not only is it huge, but it looks even more powerful!

At this time, the man was already aiming in Feng Baobao's direction.

The gilded Ruyi in his hand actually swung towards Feng Baobao like a giant sword!

Suddenly the wind roared and roared, like a wild dragon rushing over the waves, and it kept trickling.

The wind continues to stir, becoming more powerful!

And the sensation caused by this huge attack is far more than that.

Just for a moment, the huge golden lightsaber emitted a dazzling light in an instant, especially bright in this night!

Then when he slashed with the lightsaber, the bridge in front of him was instantly cut like tofu!

It even caused countless dust!

Feng Baobao didn't realize that such a huge attack could be concentrated in this place!

The whole person rushed forward in a bit of embarrassment when he dodged the attack.

Before I knew it, my forehead was bleeding!

But to Feng Baobao, these problems are nothing, she can automatically recover from the wound!

Naturally, he can resist more easily!

The ability Feng Baobao realized is second only to Wu Gensheng, one of the original 36 thieves!

The relationship between him and Wu Gensheng should be more similar to that between father and daughter.

What Wugensheng realized was not one of the eight miracles they originally had.

The ability realized by Wugensheng is the ability that is most suitable for him!

When Wu Gensheng first became friends with them, he was already in his 50s, but in his photos, he was still in his 20s when he was the youngest!

This is the miraculous ability of Wugen!

For him, the traces of time will continue to shrink!

The body’s metabolism is much faster than that of ordinary people!

Because the ability that Wu Gensheng realized at the beginning was the most suitable for him, it was ranked last and needed last. It is precisely for this reason.

So Wugensheng, his ability was not betrayed by Feng Tianyang.

This is also one of the ninth magical skills that has survived. Of course, Li Tong has already obtained this ability in Feng Baobao.

Therefore, this ability is simply difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"This little girl is quite resistant to being beaten!"

Looking at the bridge in front of me with such a big ravine carved out by my own gilded Ruyi.

The man didn't expect this little girl to be able to bear it so well.

Its attack speed and agility are not inferior to him in any way.

As expected of someone sent by the company, worthy of being a temporary employee unique to the company!

Feng Baobao looked at the person in front of him blankly.

Although Feng Baobao is bleeding from his forehead, he still doesn't feel any pain. For Feng Baobao, these things are nothing!

The man raised a smile on his lips, and then raised the jade ruyi in his hand.

"My gilded Ruyi attack is unpredictable!"

"You can't stop it!"

At this time, the man looked at the ring on his hand.

His eyes flashed with excitement, and the jade ring also shimmered slightly!

"My jade ring finger is definitely not comparable to ordinary protective magic weapons!"

"As long as I encounter danger, he will withstand any degree of attack for me!"

Just after saying this, a black light suddenly exploded!

The black light roared in, almost passing through the hall at such a speed!

And just when this black bead was about to touch the other party, in the blink of an eye!

A thick layer of golden light protection began to spread on the man's body!

This layer of golden light protection is no less powerful than the Zhuge family's Eight Divine Powers Liuhe!

But the man's eyes showed shock!

Because of this attack!

His proud finger-wrenching defense was slightly damaged!

The attack that I was proud of suddenly showed many signs of fragmentation!

Ever since his magic weapon was successfully refined, this has never happened before!

And this is a high-end magic weapon, definitely different from the low-end items Chen Duo and the others have!

But he had just blown it out, and it turned out like this!

At this moment, while he was shocked, another black light suddenly flew over!

Still in the same position, this accuracy is simply extraordinary!

The damage caused was also more intense, and the golden light's protection was suddenly shocked again!

Even now you can clearly see the traces that were broken into spider webs!

These spider web-like fragmentation marks look too terrifying.

This shattered not only the defense, but also the fear in the man's heart.

He had never seen anyone be able to defeat his defense like this in two seconds.

This is a protective weapon that he is proud of, his true source of survival!

These two sounds were too violent!

It also caused the biggest reaction!

However, at this moment, the man's mouth opened wide.

The last howling wind suddenly came!

The sound of the wind was too harsh, like a cannonball!

In the silent night, this attack came like a cannonball!

The artillery shells suddenly descended, causing terrifying fluctuations and accompanied by a harsh whistling sound!

In the darkness of the night, this attack had already drawn an extremely beautiful arc!

Finally, he suddenly landed at the location of the first two attacks!

This is also the third attack!

As soon as the attack landed, it was like a hammer!


In an instant, the nails formed by these three black beads were driven into the protective cover of this self-proclaimed high-level magic weapon!

Black Guan'er: I heard that you are very resistant?

Chapter 169 Interception!

Seeing such a scene in front of him, the man's jaw dropped in shock!

He doesn't believe it!

The man felt unbelievable in his heart!

What is the concept of this jade ring?

This is a magic weapon that their village chief Ma Xianhong successfully refined himself!

Village chief Ma Xianhong is the heir to the three-foot-old Luban!

The direct descendant of the god-level Hundred Refiners!

The high-level magic weapons he personally refined, especially the high-level protective magic weapons!

The horror contained in this is even more extraordinary!

Ever since I started working with him, I have never been in a situation like this!

How could it be possible that the high-level protective magic weapon that the village chief personally refined could be so easily smashed into pieces in three swoops!

You must know that this jade ring will take a certain amount of time even if the village chief wants to break it!

But in just three seconds, the high-level protective magic weapon given by the village chief was beaten into this state!

Moreover, the person who took action should be the person behind him! !

The man and woman in front of him have their own abilities, but at such a long distance, this person is not only powerful, but also has strong investigative capabilities!

Thinking of this, the man became extremely panicked for a moment!

What I'm afraid of is not these two people in the light, but these people in the dark!

The man suddenly remembered.

What I am facing is a temporary worker in the company!

His heart tightened!

He had noticed just now that the jade ring on his finger had some signs of being broken.

In just three attacks, his protective magical weapon was shattered!

His protective magic weapon is a high-end product that can be destroyed so easily!

Wouldn't that be very shameless?

"No, let's go!"

The next moment, Chen Duo and the others quickly got into the car and drove towards Biyou Village.

After watching them leave, Zhang Churan and Feng Baobao were about to take action.

At this time, the fourth attack suddenly floated over, its power was slightly weaker than before, but it was exuding bursts of golden light!

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