"I think it's more to my taste to teach people who teach without distinction!"

"So if I can exchange my magic machine and Bailian for two people to help me, then there's nothing to lose. On the contrary, I'll get a big advantage!"

After hearing this sentence, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing had different thoughts.

Wang Ye was surprised at the other party's method.

He even thought of using the ancient teachings of "education without distinction" to recruit talents for himself.

Such a person can be considered an extremely powerful existence in any era.

It's just that I don't know what the other party will do next?

But out of his heart, Wang Ye still gave the other party a thumbs up!

And praised it.

At the same time, he also understood that the other party had already explained everything clearly.

The meaning is also very clear, if you want to join.

You can get one of the Eight Magic Skills, the Divine Machine Hundred Refiners!

But the price is to join Biyou Village. After joining, according to Ma Xianhong, he will not restrict the freedom of the two of them!

But let them stay in Biyou Village!

Just step forward when necessary. Perhaps it was because of this consideration that Wang Ye was a little hesitant.

As a warlock, he always felt that there was no free lunch in the world.

There are too many other things behind Biyou Village.

So because of this idea, Wang Ye had no intention of joining from the beginning to the end.

He was preparing to escape tonight, but Zhuge Qing had other thoughts in mind.

Ever since he was defeated by Wang Ye at the Luotian Dajiao, it is impossible to say that Zhuge Qing did not feel a little disappointed in his heart.

Although he has always claimed that he has looked away from this matter, he knows in his heart that he is not convinced!

I have spent more than ten years practicing the Qi Men Escape Technique, but in the end I can't compare to a Wudang boy who has just started to practice the Qi Men Escape Technique.

It also ends with the Luotian Dajiao.

Zhuge Qing's heart was filled with inner demons, but he knew that after helping Wang Ye complete his family's commission!

Only then did he realize that there was something out there, and the Wuhou Divine Machine that his family was so proud of could actually surpass him in this aspect!

And it is also one of the Eight Miracle Skills, Shen Ji Bai Lian, but I just don’t know what Wang Ye inherited.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Qing looked at Wang Ye.

Why did he insist on going to BJ in the first place?

After all, he also has selfish motives!

What he wanted was Wang Ye's means, so his approach to Wang Ye was purely intentional.

It's just that he doesn't know what the situation is now. Although he looks harmless on the surface, he still has inner demons in his heart.

Wang Ye didn't even think about it at all, he got up and stalled with Ma Xianhong.

"Master, you really have a far-sighted vision. That's it. I'll go back to discuss it tonight and give you an answer tomorrow morning."

After hearing this, Ma Xianhong also nodded, and then spoke to the two of them.

"Then I'll just wait for the good news from you two!"

But as soon as the two people walked a few meters away, something sounded in Zhuge Qing's ears.

Among the Qimen Bagua, the character Xun has always been the most harmonious with Zhuge Qing!

Even without using the Qimen escape technique at home, he could still hear what Ma Xianhong was saying at this moment by relying on the sound of the wind!

"Assemble all the follow-up devices in the village immediately!"

Chapter 181 Interception

At this moment, Li Tong himself was leaning leisurely on the treetop.

Looking along his line of sight, I could just see the expressions of Ma Xianhong and others when they were drinking there just now.

Li Tong looked calm, and there was a thin light in his eyes.

All of this developed exactly as he expected.

Everything develops according to the original plot.

It's just that the nine superior weapons they faced back then have now become 10 including themselves!

Just don’t know what to do next?

Maybe I can have a good discussion with those nine upper root devices.

Maybe he can also help them stop Wang Ye.

But I’ll think about the rest later.

Because at this time Li Tong had already heard his phone ringing.

As soon as I took it out, I saw that it was Wang Ye.

"What do you think you have to do with me, Taoist Wang, this late at night?"

There was a smile in Li Tong's tone.

It was clear that he was pretending to be confused.

"Lao Li, I don't care where you are or what you are doing now, come with me quickly!"

Wang Ye's tone was very anxious, and he sounded like he was being chased.


"Where are you going?"

When Wang Ye heard this, he immediately started roaring like a cat with its hair blown off.

"You can go anywhere, just don't stay in Biyou Village! It's too dangerous here. I know you are not afraid of it based on your strength, but be careful of the ten thousand year ship! Lao Qing and I have packed our luggage. Waiting You go back and collect your luggage together!"

Li Tong began to think deeply after hearing this. This was undoubtedly a choice for himself.

If you don't go with them, then you will fight Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing together with the eight superiors.

If you leave, you will have to fight against the eight superiors with them!

This feeling is extremely exciting!

Although he knew that Ma Xianhong and the others had no ill intentions, but...

Thinking of this, Li Tong's eyes lit up and he felt particularly excited.

Since the battle at Longhu Mountain, Li Tong has not fought much.

I have gained enough abilities along the way!

He really wants to practice it!

How many abilities can he have acquired so far!

Li Tong looked excited!

If that's the case, then go with them!

"I won't accept it anymore. I didn't bring any clothes. I bought them all now."

"If you want to leave, then I'll go with you. It's a pity that Brother Ma takes such good care of me!"

Ma Xianhong probably expected this and has not called him until now.

All the monks in the village should have his name on them.

Now this situation can only be said to be expected.

Li Tong stepped lightly and quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests.

"Old Wang, we are meeting at the head of the village."

Li Tong hung up the phone and felt excited when he thought that he was going to face eight top players next!

The Fenghou Qimen practiced by Wang Ye can shock the eight superiors.

I wonder if this aspect of my own practice can suppress everything?

Chaotic Golden Watch can affect time, and suppress it based on people's contributions to the world and existing conditions!

Although Wang Ye's Feng Hou Qi Sect is an orthodox inheritance, he is only half-skilled in it.

Although Wang is already very serious, he is not proficient in the real Fenghou Qimen!

Among the people in the world, apart from Wang, he is the only one who knows Fenghou Qimen!

What's more, his Fenghou Qimen has been upgraded and is far more powerful than before.

He could easily suppress Qu Tong, whom Wang couldn't suppress at first.

As for Feng Baobao, this freak, no matter how you look at it, you can't stop it.

The scope of his own chaotic gold development has now become larger and larger. He once tried to put the entire Biyou Village into a special timeline.

As a result, although his body was somewhat damaged, he could indeed be easily stabilized.

It was precisely with this in mind that Li Tong wanted to conduct an urgent experiment.

It won't be long before all nine temporary workers will fight against the powerful superiors of Biyou Village!

Then he can have a good fight with Xiao Zizai!

As for the other temporary workers in the company, they have no choice but to fight!

But the most important thing now is to have a fight with Ma Xianhong and his superiors.

See if their standards can meet your expectations.

What’s more, it’s the means they want to learn!

Grandpa Bi’s Ghost Gate Needle is a good thing!

Even the Ghost Gate Needle learned by the brand new acting head Gong Qing is only at the entry level.

No matter how you look at it, Grandpa Bi's Ghost Gate Needle is an extremely powerful existence!

It can be used as acupuncture to treat acupuncture points, and it can also be used as an attack method!

Although Grandpa Bi is less powerful, he is still a strong man of the older generation.

There are too many strong men who have followed Grandpa Bi. Counting them alone, many of them are his disciples!

In addition, he himself is quite popular, even Quan Xing and the older generation in the company have many people who want to sell him a favor.

It is precisely because of this that the people here have great respect for Grandpa Bi.

As for the company, the same is true. Grandpa Bi is also a frequent visitor in the company.

But no one dared to embarrass him. With his identity there, who would dare to touch it?

This is one of the two heroes in the world today, the first teacher of Ding Shigan, the top combat power in the world!

With this status alone, who in the world would dare to touch Grandpa Bi?

In addition, people never cause trouble and just take things as they come, who wouldn't think of it? It's a combination of the above two reasons.

Grandpa Bi’s ghost gate needle must be learned!

The Ghost Gate Needle was extremely powerful, and he even suspected that it was vaguely related to the acupuncture technique used by Grandma Prince Zhong.

If it can be learned, then the system can be upgraded.

I will get a super powerful acupuncture skill second only to the Eight Wonders!

Although I am not injured, I can’t say that I will be injured in the future!

And acupuncture can complete all of this faster, so I have the urgent idea to learn Guimen Acupuncture.

If it is a ghost needle, combined with Chen Duo's poison, its power will only be even more extraordinary!

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