In this case, it will also be of great help to improve his strength.

Not long after, Li Tong saw the two of them. Wang was also carrying a travel bag, looking like he was on the run.

Zhuge Qing looked calm from beginning to end. He had already known Ma Xianhong's plan.

As for Wang Ye, he is still like a dumbfounded fly.

For Wang Ye, as long as he can avoid any danger, it is best to do it in any way, but Wang Ye never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

The three of them fled all the way, but each had their own thoughts.

While escaping, Wang also noticed something was wrong.

Why are these two people so inactive?

"What's wrong? You two, do you still want to stay?"

Zhuge Qing looked up at Wang Ye and said.

"Old Wang, if Ma Xianhong worked so hard, would he let us go so easily if he wanted us to come?"

"Do you think Ma Xianhong will have no countermeasures based on his calculations?"

Li Tong spoke lightly, and at the same time, several shadows came quietly.

Chapter 182 The Eight Great Masters!

The moonlight is faint and the trees are quiet.

It was just about midnight.

There was silence in the mountain forest, and even the most common birdsong could not be heard in the ears at this moment.

The entire mountain forest was extremely quiet. Several figures suddenly appeared, and their figures swayed under the moonlight, which was nothing more than adding a bit of horror.

Each of these people is tall and powerful, and each of them has extremely strong strength.

Just by looking at them, you can tell that these people are together, just by the energy on their bodies.

They are all a group of masters who have been practicing for decades!

Each of these eight people has different skills and possesses completely different powers.

These few people, plus the man in white robes standing in the center, are the current top combat power of Biyou Village!

Ma Xianhong, the village chief of Biyou Village, the orthodox heir to the three-foot-tall Luban Ma Benzai!

One of the inheritors of one of the eight magical skills!

Plus 8 more people!

The 8 people who first entered Biyou Village were members of the Ma Xianhong clan.

This woman is tall and has long hair. She holds two daggers in her hands like a whirlwind.

This woman is very beautiful, plus she holds two knives in her hands.

There is a heroic spirit about me, I look extraordinarily beautiful, and I feel heroic!

This woman is Fu Rong.

She values ​​​​love and righteousness, and extremely hates heartless people.

But after all, the other side of her is a perfect love brain!

The biggest reason why she came to Biyou Village was because she spent too much money on her ex-boyfriend!

How could a weak woman bear that heavy debt?

Forced to have no choice but to hide in the deep mountains and forests to escape debt!

There is also a woman among the 8 people.

It is better to call her a girl than a woman.

Although the opponent is weak, his strength is indeed not weak!

Liu Wukui!

The aura of the girl in front of him was stronger.

No, it should be her breath that is different!

This is the legendary boy's life!

Children's lives are often contaminated by other innate things in their mother's womb when they are born!

Then something was born that kept growing with the body!

The impact of this kind of thing on people always depends on the situation.

Liu Wukui's idea was a good thing, and Wang Zhenqiu and others called it the Five Directions Revealing the Truth!

Among the other few, one is proficient in earthly immortality, the other is proficient in magical powers with the flick of a finger, and they also have powerful bodies and various abilities!

These 8 are the current representatives of Biyou Village against high-level equipment!

Ma Xianhong watched several people coming forward and slowly spoke.

"Three of you, if you don't want to join Biyou Village, you can just say so. What does it mean to leave without saying goodbye?"

"Didn't you take me seriously?"

Ma Xianhong was a little angry.

What made him the most angry was Li Tong, who had just joined the village and became the No. 13 top talent!

"Brother Li Tong, I kindly set up the 13th insertion position for you. What do you mean? Is it possible that you don't take me seriously?"

I have made an exception to set the location of the 13th root device for the other party, so what does this mean?

He just ran away with them, obviously he didn't take himself seriously!

"It's not interesting. I suddenly want to leave."

Li Tong didn't have any other expression, he only felt disdain.

To him, these people were too weak to stop him.

"I knew I wouldn't escape so smoothly."

"So, I want to test the strength of so many top-level tools in the village!"

As soon as he said this, everyone present was immediately shocked.

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing also turned around and looked over. What did Lao Li mean by this?

Is it possible that he wants to fight against eight powerful masters alone?

Hearing these words, the eight superiors and Ma Xianhong himself felt slighted.

What is this concept?

Is it possible that he wants to fight 9 of them! ?

"Old Li, you..."

Li Tong looked at them and shook his head, his eyes saying everything.


"I just want to test whether your level in Biyou Village qualifies me to join!"

Several people looked at each other and smiled.

"Leader, this person is too crazy, let me try him!!"

Hari Chagai is from the grassland!

Everything he believes in is based on strength, and he himself has a certain amount of talent.

At this age, you can start practicing!

Moreover, he has been practicing so far that he can win a position as a superior instrument in Ma Xianhong!

This is also a very powerful person!

According to the normal timeline development, he was finally defeated by Black Guan'er.

And that was the clarinet who used all his strength!

Looking at it this way, Hari Chagai is very, very strong!

It's definitely not as powerful as others can match!

This person has great, great abilities!

This also led to his violent temper.

Grandpa Bi looked at the man in front of him. A strong man should indeed be a strong man, but arrogant soldiers will be defeated!

This man is so proud!

Several other people also looked at the person in front of them with special emotions.

How could someone be so crazy?

This is clearly provoking them!

Ma Xianhong looked at the person in front of him.

"Brother Li Tong, do you have to think clearly?"

Li Tong nodded.

"I think clearly."

"Leader, I'll go meet him!"

"Leader, I'm coming!"

"Let me go!"

Suddenly, the emotions of several people were high.

Ma Xianhong drank lightly.


Ma Xianhong stared at Li Tong in front of him. The opponent seemed a little too crazy to beat nine of them with his strength.

Even if he is infinitely close to the ten guys, no matter how you look at it, there is no way he can be the opponent of the nine of them!

"In that case, let me meet your request, brother!"

"Let's do it together and let me see the strength of our Biyou Village!"

Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye looked at the scene in front of them and were in a daze for a moment. How much strength does Li Tong have?

The two of them still don’t have a complete understanding!

But they only know that every time they encounter a critical moment, Li Tong can always turn danger into disaster!

It can even reach an unprecedented level!

Such a person has so much strength that he might really be able to beat nine with one!

Ma Xianhong looked at the scene in front of him. Although it was a bit unexpected, the bet could be changed temporarily.

Regardless of which one of them wants to join Biyou Village in the end, he is already aroused to win.

Let this person see how powerful one of the eight magical skills, the Divine Machine Bailian, can be!


The sound of breaking wind came quickly, and in just the blink of an eye, it swept past like a cannonball!

The power and speed are far better than before!

At this time, Li Tong spoke to Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye.

"Lao Wang, Lao Qing! Let's go!"

Chapter 183 One wears nine! (one)

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