If he continues to be suppressed like this, he is afraid that his body will not be able to bear it!

Thinking of this, Wang also made a plan in his mind.

In this case, let’s solve one first and then talk about it!

In the blink of an eye, he was already rushing towards the other party!

A ray of light suddenly drifted by!

This ray of light was so fast that it struck through the air like a flying sword!

In the blink of an eye, Wang Ye's attack was repelled.

He looked back and realized that it was Taoist Master Maoshan who had the magic power of snapping his fingers and was standing beside him!

Seeing this scene, Wang Ye knew that it was not him who failed to restrain them.

They will also take action on themselves!

The next moment, Wang Ye took a step forward and secretly shouted in his mouth!

In just the blink of an eye, the scope of Fenghou Qimen became extremely huge!

It enveloped the two of them easily!

Moreover, the power of Luan Jin Tuo was suddenly amplified!

This is the ability of Luan Jin Tuo and Fenghou Qimen!

The moment he displays this ability!

The two people were pulled closer. In this Qimen Dunjia, the king himself was the king!

What distance, space, and time are here for him?

He himself is completely the master of his own Qimenpan, it's just a matter of ability!

As soon as this ability is used, space will fluctuate!

The Qimen Pan was enlarged in an instant!

Wang Ye was really sweating profusely for a moment. This situation was too uncomfortable for him. He had never tried to calm so many people in one moment!

And these people are all masters, each one of their own!

By this time Wang was exhausted and he had just breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment the ground shook.

Wang also understood that it was the person who knew how to form an immortal who came out!

Then Wang Ye rolled quickly, and a light layer of frost began to condense in his hands!

In an instant, frost enveloped the other party, instantly!

The ice sculpture is ready!

Then the king was panting heavily, feeling extremely tired.

At this time, Ma Xianhong came slowly, praising him as he walked.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, I actually made an 8-bit rooting device by myself!"

Before he finished speaking, the king raised his head and roared.

"Chaos Golden Watchman!!!"

In just the blink of an eye, this powerful ability caused Ma Xianhong's raised leg to slowly stop in mid-air.

Wang Ye took a few breaths, and then hurriedly shouted to Zhuge Qing and Li Tong

"Lao Qing, Lao Li, let's go!!"

Just after saying this, Zhuge Qing suddenly raised his head with a sinister look on his face. At that moment, when he looked at the few people present, an extremely evil smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that you can't hold it anymore!"

"Old Wang, you have today too!!"

Ma Xianhong couldn't help but shake his head after hearing this. This man really looked like a treacherous minister!

Chapter 187 Self-choice!

Wang also obviously didn't expect it.

Zhuge Qing would actually look like this.

But he couldn't hold it anymore!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the last moment of a powerful attack will frighten the bowed bird!

Wang Ye was covered in sweat, both sweat and cold sweat from being frightened!

Zhuge Qing's aura and posture were completely different from before, and Ma Xianhong had been standing next to him for so long.

There was no guarantee that he would not be incited to rebel, but at this time he could only start shouting out of trust in his friends.

"What are you talking about? Old Qing! Leave quickly!"

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Qing raised his hand.

An extremely dazzling light began to appear in his hands, coupled with Zhuge Qing's ferocious expression now!

Zhuge Qing's whole body was bathed in bright light.

In his eyes and tone, it seemed as if he really had murderous intent!

It seemed like it was about to be slashed down in just an instant!

"Old Qing! What are you doing!?"

Zhuge Qing raised his hand to attack, and his arm was bathed in blue light for just a moment, and then his entire arm turned into an ice pick that was so cold that it ripped away bones!

As for the direction in which he stabbed, as long as it landed completely behind Ma Xianhong!

But his attack has not yet touched Ma Xianhong!

It was just a few inches away from Ma Xianhong's body.

Visible to the naked eye, a layer of purple light began to appear around Ma Xianhong!

This light is not only that, but there are things floating on it like mayflies!

This kind of thing feels more like a burning purple flame to Zhuge Qing, but it is extremely agile!

This thing also carries a shocking power!

Even after Zhuge Qing saw this, he couldn't help but be a little bit tongue-tied.

Good guy, this also has some protective weapons, right?

The moment these things touched Ma Xianhong's body!

It suddenly shattered!

And it keeps floating around!

And the unique purple light of Ma Xianhong's protective weapon is reflected in the air!

"Amulet of protection!"

Zhuge Qing just finished saying this.

His originally extremely gloomy expression immediately turned cold.

He returned to normal and looked at Wang Ye beside him.

There was a bit of disdain, teasing, and even playfulness in his eyes.

At the same time, he spoke.

"What expression do you have?"

Zhuge Qing spoke helplessly.

"Did you really think that I was going to kill you in an instant?"

When he said this, Zhuge Qing's eyes were slightly confused.

Ordinary people may not know it.

But Zhuge Qing himself knows it best!

This is a sign that he is lying!

Did he really not have murderous intentions towards Wang Ye?

This is obviously completely impossible!

In his heart since the trip to Longhu Mountain.

I’ve always had inner demons!

And the source of this inner demon is the Taoist Wang in front of you!

In the case of Wang Daozhang, he has practiced Wuhou Qimen for more than ten years!

Meeting an opponent for the first time!

It was also the first time that I was tortured completely! !

The methods shown by the other party, including the experience that Wang later invited him to experience.

For Zhuge Qing, this truly refreshed his outlook on life!

He has always understood the concepts that time is unchangeable and space is irreversible.

Under the Qimen Escape Technique performed by Wang Daozhang!

Completely changed!

A real change has been made!

In his words, Taoist Wang himself is the king of his strange family!

He can naturally use whatever position he wants to stand in to use his strange skills.

There is no need for him to perform the Earth River Cart like he just did when he was caught in the dirt by the person who knew how to travel to the earth, and then he stood in that extremely stingy position.

This is completely arbitrary, but that's why.

Why did Zhuge Qing feel jealous?

Wang is also a Taoist priest who became a monk halfway.

He only started to come into contact with the Qi Men Escape Technique after he became a monk, and the total time it took for him to do so did not exceed 10 years at most.

And what about Zhuge Qing?

He has practiced Wuhou Qimen since he was a child!

It’s been more than 10 years, but still can’t compare to such a dabbler in half-hearted practice?

To be honest, there was a reason why Zhuge Qing approached Wang Ye from the beginning to the end. What he wanted was the kind of methods Wang Ye had.

However, during this process, Wang Ya, who had been torturing him, had two thoughts in his mind.

One is to kill the king without sparing any effort to seize him with weird methods!

Another idea is to tell him!

The king is also his friend, and friends must never be harmed!

Those thoughts created by these two thoughts.

Constantly driving Zhuge Qing's heart!

His heart has gradually eroded and his mind is wandering!

It is precisely because of this that his fierce look just now was not an act.

In a real sense, at a certain moment, he really wanted to kill Wang Ye with his own hands.

This is his big worry!

The man who made him jealous!

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