If it weren't for him, how could Wuhou Qimen be stepped on and get the upper hand?

Coupled with what he said to himself back then, he didn't have to take action at all!

The Heavenly Master will also personally deal with Zhuge Qing!

At that time, what difficulties will Zhang Churan have if he wants to advance?

It was precisely when he thought of this that many of Zhuge Qing's hearts became truly jealous!

I also want to kill Wang Ye.To avoid future troubles!

But they were all caught by him at the critical moment!

A lot comes to mind!

Zhuge Qing finally sighed.

These things can be thought about later, and now there are other things to deal with.

"Let me destroy them first!"

At this time, they were all immobilized by Wang Ye's chaotic golden watch. How many of them were capable of fighting?

Although it will cause great losses to the king, Zhuge Qing can take the lead at this time and win them all.

It was at this time that he heard two calls.

"It's finally here!"

Zhuge Qing looked back and suddenly found the two figures walking towards him.

"Liu Dang!"

In a daze, Zhuge Qing recalled the scene when they first met in the afternoon!

At that time, Liu Dang was at best an ordinary person with a strong body. In the process of sparring with Wang Ye, he almost had his backbone abandoned by Wang Ye and became a cripple.

But now, the other party actually has the aura of being a different person!

And the whole body is still filled with the same kind of light!

Is this the effect of the transformation of the slimming furnace they saw in the afternoon?

Zhuge Qing looked at the few people without any further hesitation.

At this time, Lao Li had lost his combat effectiveness.

In order to suppress the eight of them, Lao Wang naturally had no fighting power at all!

Therefore, the only person present who could move was Zhuge Qing!

I had actually had murderous intention towards Wang Ye before!

It was that feeling of guilt that forced Zhuge Qing to turn his head and look at those people and speak lightly!

Chapter 188 Test!

"Lao Wang, Lao Li, whether you find someone to save me or send someone to find my body, these will all happen after you two escape!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Ye became anxious all of a sudden, it was more like his last words!

When he said this, it meant that Zhuge Qing was going to risk his life!

What does Zhuge Qing's behavior mean?

Wang Ye understood instantly!

But now it seems that this decision seems to be the most correct!

He wanted to restrain these nine people.

Then he himself will also lack combat effectiveness.

After Li Tong made that shocking sword strike, he also lost his fighting ability.

Zhuge Qing, the only one with fighting ability, if he goes all out.

It is indeed possible to win, but the gap in numbers is a hard requirement and can never be made up!

Even after winning, it will be tragic!

But if Zhuge Qing is allowed to send the two of them out on his own!

That is the ultimate victory among complete victories!

But that would be bad for Zhuge Qing.

And the king will never allow that to happen!

He has regarded Zhuge Qing as his friend!

Seeing his friend in danger, he would never allow it!

"Old Qing, Old Qing! What are you going to do!!"

As for Li Tong on the side.

After personally witnessing the scene in front of him, he understood that everything that followed was about to end.

Needless to say, Zhuge Qing is still very strategic at certain times.

Although a lot of what he did was for himself.

But above the great righteousness of life and death, you can give up yourself for others.

But it's a pity that he has never lost since he was a child. He is immersed in the embrace of tenderness and will always stop moving forward.

This is the so-called boiling the frog in warm water.

Zhuge Qing obviously didn't react when faced with such a huge dilemma.

These situations that he could not calm down also led to the birth of his inner demon later. It is precisely because of these reasons that Li Tong paid special attention to Zhuge Qing.

Li Tong very much hopes that Zhuge Qing can get rid of the opponent's inner demons.

But no matter what, Zhu Heqing is always immersed in it.

But later he was able to see through himself, and in a real sense, he got rid of the control of Shenji Bailian and Fenghou Qimen.

He truly broke through his inner demons!

Who has found his own way!

In the end, they won the final inheritance of their Zhuge family, Samadhi True Fire! !

Samadhi True Fire is the skill that the Zhuge family dreams of!

Samadhi True Fire is an extremely powerful existence no matter how you look at it.

Moreover, no one in the Zhuge family has mastered Samadhi True Fire for three generations.

If you want to know what the Zhuge family is capable of, it is the authentic inheritance of Wuhou Qimen.

The reason why Zhuge Kongming used 15 sacrifices to seize the opportunity was that the time, place and people were favorable.

It’s all because I want to get the true fire of Samadhi!

The power of Samadhi True Fire is so terrifying!

The birth of Samadhi True Fire depends on oneself, like Zhuge Kongming, the founder of this ability!

In the end, he helped the Han Dynasty and realized the true fire of Samadhi in a desperate situation!

Zhuge Qing also said this in his previous monologue.

The last remnant of their Zhuge family depends entirely on themselves.

As long as Zhuge Qing knows it, he can inherit the true fire of Samadhi.

Speaking of which, he finally thanked Wang Ye and Ma Xianhong.

If it weren't for Wang Ye, let him see his inner demon.

He is probably going to inherit the powerful secret skill of the Zhuge family - Samadhi True Fire!

To describe the horror of Samadhi True Fire, it can only be described as terrifying!

This ability is so remarkable!

From ancient times to the present, there are only a few people who have perfected it!

And not many people in the last three generations of the Zhuge family have been able to learn it!

It can be said that there are many difficulties, and the degree of danger in practicing it is no less than that of today's Eight Wonders!

The True Fire of Samadhi is a flame that can burn everything if it is used in cultivation at the cost of burning one's own lifespan!

It is hurriedly destroyed with the power of flames, and the true fire of Samadhi is taken from here.

The real fire of Samadhi is so dangerous that it can even burn the soul. Once all things are touched, how many can survive?

The last secret skill of the Zhuge family is this Samadhi True Fire, and Samadhi True Fire is difficult in the true sense no matter how you look at it!

The Eight Wonders can be passed down, but the True Fire of Samadhi cannot!

It is precisely because of various reasons that Samadhi True Fire is difficult.

It can be said that the Eight Magic Skills are equal or even better!

And many of the eight magical skills are aimed at the soul!

From restraining the spirit to dispatching generals, to using both hands, these are all soul methods!

The true fire of Samadhi can burn the soul!

You must know that among the eight magical skills, no one's ability can reach this level!

And things that have been burned by the true fire of Samadhi.

Although it leaves no trace, it leaves lasting scars.

Many people fail to discover that Zhuge Qing recognized himself at the last critical moment!

Only then can we get their Zhuge family as the last resort!

Thinking of this, Li Tong glanced at his hand, which was now in a space that ordinary people could not observe.

A fire was also lit.This is the true fire of Samadhi, which represents the heat and purity of everything in the world, and can burn away all evil spirits in the world!Burn everything in the world!

Li Tong looked at his Samadhi True Fire.

Although for others, the true fire of Samadhi must be paid for by life span.

But for Li Tong, his Zhuge Wuhou Qimen has been upgraded in all aspects.

The display of this Samadhi True Fire can even be similar to the unfolding of the Qimen Escape Technique. As long as there is energy, it can be released continuously!

The real fire of samadhi is really terrifying!

Li Tong looked at the Samadhi True Fire in his hand, with many thoughts in his mind.

Finally, Zhuge Qing's roar was heard.

"Among the eight Qi Men Escape Methods, the character Xun is the most suitable for me!"

"Even if you don't stand in any palace, you can easily perform them all!!!"

After saying that, Li Tong felt a strong wind!

"Xun character!"

“Eight Gates—Transportation!!!”

The next moment Li Tong felt a strong candle, which seemed strange.

But it can have a big effect on him.This is the human tray transportation of one of Zhuge's four trays among Zhuge Wuhou's Qimen!

In an instant, Li Tong still appeared 10 meters away, with Wang Ye standing next to him!

Just when the two of them were surprised, Wang Ye suddenly looked shocked. He had left the best range!

At this time, the 9 people who were immobilized just now will use their 9 kinds of attacks!

Standing in the center of them at this moment is Zhuge Qing, who teleported them over, which means that Zhuge Qing will bear everyone's attacks!

All this is said to be slow, but it is only a matter of millimeters. The next moment, there is the sound of knives, laughter, buzzing, and the sound of breaking through the air.

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