And no matter how ambitious Ma Xianhong is, he has great ambitions.

He couldn't afford it at all. Ma Xianhong had a low life character.

He already knew this before.

So now I really want to persuade Li Tong.

But everyone has his own destiny, it is destined by God.

That fool Zhuge Qing has no strength, but he doesn't need to care about it. Li Tong's strength is extraordinary.

No matter how hard it is, no one in the entire Biyou Village can stop him!

"It doesn't matter to me."

To be honest, Li Tong really didn't think it mattered.

He spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

For him, it is enough to get the magic machine in Ma Xianhong's hands.

As for the others?

He really didn't want to care.

However, he really missed the scene when he used Feng Houqi to defeat Xiao Zizai.

Looking back, it seems that Xiao Zizai noticed him when he entered the village just now.

Although Li Tong had been disguised during his time at BJ, he has now returned to his original appearance.

It was precisely because of this that Xiao Zizai recognized Li Tong at a glance.

And there will be a tacit understanding between the two of them as fellow patients.

In other words, Xiao Zizai felt sick the moment he saw Li Tong.

It was precisely because of this that Li Tong decided to go and meet Xiao Zizai later.

I'll go to Chen Duo's place on my way back.

After all, according to the development of the plot, Lao Meng will go to Chen Duo next.

At that time, I can have a good understanding of Chen Duo's past, since I want to give Chen Duo a way out.

Naturally, we need to understand it with emotion and move it with reason.

After thinking of this, he stopped talking and looked at the two people.

Seeing that they are all looking at themselves a little.

Li Tong spoke hurriedly and lightly.

"Don't worry Zhang Chulan, when people from your company come to Biyou Village this time, I think it's me who wants to deal with Ma Xianhong, right?"

"And I know something about your company's internal system. If I'm not mistaken, those who came with you are all temporary workers of your company."

"I'm a little curious. Are you trying to deal with Ma Xianhong or someone else? You actually sent out so many temporary workers!"

Zhang Chulan was stunned at first.

He didn't expect that Li Tong would know about the company's temporary workers!

But it was quick to respond.

When Li Tong was on Longhu Mountain, he already had an existence that was infinitely close to that of a ten man.

And now that so much time has passed, knowing these things is a trivial matter given his status.

However, Zhang Chulan began to think about how to answer Li Tong.

To be honest, he really wanted to bring Li Tong into their camp.

This would have great benefits, but he didn't want to do it.

On the other hand, he hoped that Li Tong would remain neutral.

But he was a little worried that he would not be able to regain Ma Xianhong and his group.

You must know that even if Zhuge Qing is removed from the top 12 weapons, there are still eleven people!

Plus Ma Xianhong.

In a camp of 12 people, how should 6 of them deal with it?

It would be a good thing to have one more.

Zhang Chulan quickly reacted, but where did the 12 people come from?

He had just heard what Li Tong and Wang Ye said. Now, in order to keep Li Tong, Ma Xianhong has actually set up the position of the 13th root weapon!

13 toppers, so many toppers.

It would be a good thing if he could instigate someone to rebel, and if Li Tong really stood in Ma Xianhong's camp.

It was a huge blow to them!

No one can guarantee that he has the absolute strength to defeat Li Tong!

Even if those temporary workers join forces, I'm afraid there will be great difficulties no matter how you look at it.

"But what does all this have to do with me?"

Li Tong suddenly said this out of nowhere.

"Zhang Chulan, let me tell you this, I have known you for so long, and I will not embarrass you."

"Don't worry, if people from your company want to take action against Biyou Village or Ma Xianhong, if they really need my help, just ask them directly."

Li Tong looked at Zhang Chulan.

"I can't guarantee anything else, but I can help you with this matter. Ma Xianhong's great wish is too big, and his own fate is too low to entrust him with other huge wishes!"

"And I can feel that there is something very strange about him. Even if no one from your company comes, I will find an opportunity to attack him!"

Chapter 198 The contest with Xiao Zizai

After hearing this sentence, even the king was stunned for a moment.

He knew before that Li Tong would definitely know some extraordinary escape techniques, but now it seems that gentlemen have the same idea.

Zhang Chulan looked at Li Tong.


The two have known each other for such a long time.

I actually forgot the other person’s character for a moment!

It has to be said that I have been too busy during this period.

If you have the chance, be sure to treat them to a meal after the mission is over!

Then Zhang Chulan looked at Li Tong solemnly.

"Thank you very much! Lao Li."

Li Tong shook his head and waved his hands. The friendship with Zhang Chulan was really important to him!

"In this case, I still have to thank you two. To be honest, if I didn't know from you that there are so many things hidden in Biyou Village, I'm afraid it would be really difficult for us to deal with it then!"

Wang Ye naturally understood that people in the company would definitely take action against Ma Xianhong.

After all, Zhang Chulan, a little bitch, came running over.

But he really didn't know that the company had a temporary worker system, but now he knows it!

Then Wang also looked at the two people.

Now both of them have taken a stand.

Plus, that little bastard Zhuge Qing dared to abandon him halfway! ?

Now that you can experience him like this, how does it feel to be beaten by yourself?

After thinking about this, Wang Ye looked at a few people, and then spoke directly.

"Since you didn't deal with Biyou Village, then count me in!"

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. Now there are two people in Biyou who seem to have been incited to rebel.

But always be prepared!

It’s also difficult to find out what attitudes and behaviors the people at the company will have.

Therefore, under the intertwining of these two situations, he also had to take some countermeasures.

At this moment, Li Tong suddenly asked Zhang Chulan.

"Zhang Chulan, is there a tall man wearing glasses among you?"

Zhang Chulan thought for a while and quickly understood who the other party was talking about. Isn't that Brother Xiao?

"Can you please help me ask him out? I have something to do just now?"

After hearing these words, Zhang Chulan looked at the other party's expression.

Looking back, it seems that there is no possible connection between the two people.

But looking at Li Tong's serious expression.

Thinking about it now, it is impossible for them to take action at this time.

So he said nothing more and nodded.

He took out his cell phone and sent a message in the group.

"Brother Xiao, I have a friend who wants to meet you at the back of the village."

Xiao Zizai replied quickly.

After putting down his phone, Xiao Zizai looked at the screen in front of him and recalled the man he met when he just entered the village.

His face suddenly became excited.

Under the lenses, his pupils were shining with scarlet light.

He was the one who defeated him in the first place!

If that's the case, then it's better to let him test the opponent's strength again.

Then he immediately set off for the mountain behind the village.

As for Li Tong, he also hurried away after nodding.

But on the way, he made a phone call to Ma Xianhong first.

"Leader, I have a friend I haven't seen for a long time. He is a fighting maniac. We want to spar over there in the back mountain. That should be okay, right?"

His words seemed to be a question, but in fact they were just a warning to Ma Xianhong.

This is a disguised way of telling Ma Xianhong that people like this are not allowed in the back mountains.

At this moment, Ma Xianhong was watching Zhuge Qing still trying to crack the programmer trapped in the Qimen.

He nodded, and then immediately gave instructions to the other superior devices.

"By the way, brother Li Tong, if you go find Qiu Rang after your matter is settled, I have asked him to refine two Ruhua for you."

"You can just take this Ruhua. As for his skills, they are completely on the same level as mine. Although there may be slight deviations in other refining things, this basic one can still be forged very well."

"I won't talk about anything else. If you want to refine anything else, just tell Qiu Rang and I will consider it as appropriate."

Li Tong was a little surprised when he heard this.

I didn't expect that this kid Ma Xianhong was quite capable of causing trouble.

He knew that if he wanted to keep him, he would have to offer a lot of conditions. This kid was really fun.

To a certain extent, this kid Ma Xianhong is a proper technician.

But to some extent, this kid is very good at playing.

No matter what it is, I can accurately grasp it, and the conditions offered are such that I can't refuse.

This kid Ma Xianhong can play well!

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