Li Tong immediately felt that this kid was really ordinary, and he didn't say anything in the end!

Instead, he waited quietly, because he had already arrived at the back mountain.

Waiting is the guy who claims to be his fellow patient, you know.

Once Xiao Zizai gets sick, the consequences will be serious.

How did Zhao Guizhen die back then?

Half of the flesh and blood was eaten alive by him!

His head was ripped off!

Xiao Zizai is a person who has demons in his heart and no demons in his heart.

Totally just two people!

The image of big brother mentioned by Er Zhuang is just right!

While Li Tong was having random thoughts in his mind, he suddenly turned his head and looked over.

He had already felt someone approaching, and then a figure slowly walked out of the shadows of the woods.

The other person was tall, wearing simple sportswear, and had a bit of a smile on his face.

Scarlet light flashed under the lenses, and the whole person actually looked like he had the temperament and charm of a middle-aged handsome guy.

This person is definitely Xiao Zizai.

Xiao Zizai suddenly became excited after seeing Li Tong.

Although he was not yet completely sure that Li Tong was his patient.

But judging from the current situation.

He already wanted to wash away the original shame.

If Xu Si hadn't arrived in time when he was beaten like that.

I'm afraid it's not an exaggeration to call the consequences unimaginable.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Zizai looked at the other party and slowly spit out four words.

"Long time no see! Should I call you Li Tong or something?"

Li Tong looked at the other party and spoke in the same way.

"How should I put it? There may not be any connection between you and me, but I also like the feeling of beating you up."

"If I'm not wrong, you seemed to have fallen into a state that could be said to be possessed by a demon. I just want to try it out. How much strength can a so-called possessed person have?"

After hearing these words, Xiao Zizai's face turned completely cold.

He is always a rational person. If he can be driven into a state of madness, it will be unless he meets a fellow patient or someone who truly provokes him!

"In that case, let's try it?"

"I haven't asked you your name yet?"

"Xiao Zizai."

Chapter 199 Xiao Zizai’s Buddhist methods!

The two looked at each other.

At this moment, the night wind was quiet.

The scenery is just right.

The two looked at each other without saying anything.

There was some extra turmoil in his eyes.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, and the two people seemed to have reached some strange moment.

But in the next moment.

The two figures swayed at the same time, touching each other in the blink of an eye!

And it was so powerful that the sound caused by the collision of the two shook the air deeply!

The shock caused the air waves to turn!

Countless ripples oscillate!

In an instant, there were bursts of sound like ripples in water.

After seeing such a scene.

Li Tong showed no other emotions and acted very calmly, and then waved again!

What Li Tong is using now is simply his physical strength.

Or maybe he is using the power he has inadvertently upgraded and improved!

This is the power that Barron's Liuku Immortal Thief Saint Thief had when he was upgraded!

To say that it is terrifying and powerful is an understatement.

As for Xiao Zizai, he obviously didn't expect that the other party would be so powerful!

Although he was hit and made his first reaction.

They had already used their Buddhist golden bell, but they were still pushed back a few steps.

It was in these few steps that he suddenly realized that the person in front of him had become stronger again!

But this made him even more excited anyway!

Finally, Xiao Zizai rushed forward again. His speed was also very fast, and he was in front of Jin in the blink of an eye. At the same time, he also used his finger.

His fingers seemed to have some kind of magic power, even though they didn't look very strong.

But he was able to catch Li Tong within an inch, and Li Tong had already prepared a countermeasure.

When Xiao Zizai found out that he had captured Li Tong, under the lens, his eyes revealed a bit of boredom, and more importantly, a bit plain.

"Is it an afterimage?"

Finding that the things in his hands were empty, Li Tong, who was caught immediately, began to gradually dissipate.

Suddenly, a fierce sound of wind exploded in my ears!

The next moment, his body's instinctive reaction drove him to dodge forward.

As for where he was standing just now, Li Tong's body flashed past him.

It left a trace in the air, and then it actually achieved a strange fluctuation!

The next moment, there was a sudden explosion in the air, and a series of explosions sounded one after another!

Then a sharp sword edge flew out and cut through the treetops not far away.

Extremely sharp, this is sword energy!

The sword energy after being upgraded by Li Tong's system!

Xiao Zizai still looked calm, and the eyes under the lenses were extremely wise, with a hint of surprise.

"What a sword qi!"

"What a sword spirit. It seems that your strength has improved a lot compared to when you were on Longhu Mountain."

Hearing this, Li Tong nodded.

"Xiao Zizai, I didn't expect you to be from the company, and you look like you have a lot of fighting power."

Xiao Zizai raised his glasses.

Under the lens, a red light suddenly appeared.

The whole person's face looked a little thinner and even a bit like a snake.

"You are also very powerful. Until now, I can't figure out what methods you use. You are very powerful. Which sect do you come from?"

After hearing this.

Li Tong stood up and looked at him.

"My sect doesn't seem to matter, but someone from your company actually uses Buddhist methods."

"And I have seen this method before. If I am not wrong, it is very similar to Master Jie Kong, one of the ten men."

"But later I heard that Master Jiekong had lost all his cultivation. I wonder if there is any connection between you and that master?"

Of course Li Tong knew what he was doing, he was deliberately irritating Xiao Zizi.

Thus obtaining all the Buddhist means in him!

Xiao Zizai studied under Master Xie Kong, who is a master of Buddhist teachings!

All the combat power he had at his peak combined together was not enough for 10 Xiao Zizai.

And Xiao Zizai has learned the master's true biography, which is why he really wants to understand these Buddhist methods.

But having said that, Master Jie Kong is serious and worthy of being a great master!

In order to repay the murders committed by his disciples.

He was actually willing to give up the martial arts he had practiced for so many years!

Such a person is worthy of being a role model for others. Thinking of this, he suddenly had some enlightenment in his heart.

In the end, he said nothing more.

Looking back, it seems that there is still a lot of distrust between the company and the ten of them.

You must know that it was the first time that Master Xie Kong met the disciple who was expelled from his master.

It was after the completion of this mission that the people in the company learned that Ma Xianhong had escaped and that none of the people sent by the company to escort Ma Xianhong survived.

Zhang Chulan proposed to their old director to directly reveal to the outside world that some of them were abusing these superior devices.

Ma Xianhong's character would never allow such a thing to happen, so all the temporary workers gathered back together to wait.

But no one expected that the one who had been waiting for a long time was not Ma Xianhong but Master Xie Kong who had been waiting for him first!

Then there was a conversation between Master Xie Kong and Xiao Zizai.

Li Tong looked excited when he thought of this.

Maybe this is the scene where I can face this great Buddhist master.

No, no, he should be called a Buddhist master.

The real person has always been mentioned only in Taoism.

Sure enough, after Xiao Zizai heard his master's name, and then heard about his master's words and the words "Quick Kung Fu".

He became angry in an instant. At this moment, his anger was like a surging river flowing upstream.

It quickly occupied his originally rational and analytical mind.

At this moment, she was completely buried in anger!

There was only one thought in his mind - kill!

The master had repaid the sin of killing him.

Now he is being released again! !

His natural inclination is to kill.

This cannot be changed, only suppressed.

And this method of suppression is to deal with things extremely plainly.

And I eat it regularly, so two people can replenish it!

As long as there is nothing that irritates him, he will not be like this. Now these four words of Master Xie Kong have deeply hurt him!

Then he slowly took off his headphones.

This is used by their temporary workers to communicate with each other.

Anti-hit, anti-fall, anti-fall.

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