In the true sense, natural disasters and man-made disasters are not an exaggeration.

That's why companies go to great lengths to make these things, even though they've always done it.

But one thing was ignored from beginning to end.

That is Chen Duo's growth.

Her character!

The company has always called Chen Duo Gutong!

To them, Chen Duo is just a tool!

But Liao Zhong always regarded Chen Duo as a human being.

But he ignored that Chen Duo was a girl now and what she wanted in her heart.

No one can know.

A bunch of gangsters in the bunker.

The calm, deep and lonely environment in a bunker.

Coupled with the coldness of the company and Liao Zhong's warm-hearted attitude, in comparison.

No one knows what Chen Duo wants, even Chen Duo himself will doubt himself at some point.

This is what is called the nature of mind.

If only they could understand Chen Duo's character as soon as possible.

I understood Chen Duo’s true inner thoughts earlier.

Maybe all disasters could be avoided. Thinking of this, Li Tong looked up.

"It doesn't seem to be enough to convince me if I just go shopping once."

After hearing this, Chen Duo also began to think carefully, maybe she really needed something, or who she was living for.

This question made the two of them think about it for a long time in silence, but in the end they had no answer.

"How about this, if you can agree to my three conditions, then I can guarantee that after your original Gu is removed, I will no longer interfere with your life, and at the same time, no one in the company will be able to find you, how about that?"

After hearing this, Chen Duo nodded. After all, what the other party said was just a condition. Let's see how it goes first.

"The first condition is that I want you to live for yourself from now on and stop worrying about the person in charge of the region."

"You can miss him and mourn him in your heart, but you can't let him go no matter what."

Chen Duo thought about it after hearing this. She had indeed had this idea.

But it seemed to dissipate quickly.

Maybe she could really live for herself. After thinking about this, Chen Duo still didn't say much.

This question was too serious, and she could only nod silently.

"The second condition is that I will give you a new identity, but the premise is that you must hide in the market. Can you do this?"

Chen Duo nodded.

"The last condition is, if there is nothing urgent, don't expose your Qi in front of anyone!"

Chen Duo was stunned when he heard this.

What does it mean?

Once your original Gu is removed, you will never have any power anymore. What does the other party mean?

"It's okay, it's okay, just say if you can agree."

Chen Duo nodded.

Li Tong nodded after seeing this reaction, and the next words were a real battle in Biyou Village.

Now that everything is ready, all we have to do is wait.

"Okay, people from the company will come to you when the time comes. I want you to agree to their company's request and then wait there. I will remove your poison first."

"As for after removing the poison, I want you to just follow me."

"You can get a brand new identity in a month at most and in three days at least."

Hearing this, Chen Duo nodded.

Li Tong sighed, and then looked at the moonlight outside the window.

Counting the time, it seems that the official battle in Biyou Village will begin tomorrow.

At that time, all the beautiful things in this village will be destroyed.

This looks really pitiful.

But Li Tong didn't think too much.

After all, it was a matter of time.

Maybe he will be able to fully experience Qu Tong's power by then.

At that time, he can also take a good look at the true strength of Turtle Flying Style!

When the time comes, he also wants to see how far his turtle-fly flow can be slowed down?

If Wang Daozhang slowed down by 50 times, he would have lost an unknown amount of life. If he could try it by 100 times, what would it be like?

But then Li Tong looked at Chen Duo.

These are all things for later. How to get Chen Duo’s identity?

without arousing suspicion from the company.

In other words, Chen Duo should obtain Chen Duo's formal identity through the company.

At that time, I will have to interview the directors of the company.

Li Tong understood that if he wanted Chen Duo to escape unscathed, it was impossible for him to circumvent the company's line!

So he had to go to the company no matter what.

Let’s talk about those things then. Now let’s take a good rest and wait for the big battle tomorrow night!

210. Chapter 210 Temporary workers in the region gather!

Chapter 210 Temporary workers in the region gather!

Early in the morning on the 2nd day.

Board of Directors.

Among the skyscrapers, the floor-to-ceiling windows reflect a lot of light, and the entire lobby has an unobstructed view.

The elevator door opened slowly, and Xu Si had his hands in his pockets without a cigarette in his mouth.

After all, we are meeting with the directors on the board of directors about when they should smoke and when they should not smoke.

He still has a sense of proportion.

As soon as he entered, he heard that the other two regional leaders were complimenting each other.

He was just about to say something when the elevator door for prevention also opened, and the person in charge of Central China District came up.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Xu Si stretched out his hand, but the other party just glanced at Xu Si and continued to go in.

As some of their temporary workers said, anyone who can become the person in charge of the Central China District can just go there.

It is normal for such a person to be arrogant.

Several people on the side looked at him and finally spoke.

"When everyone is here, go in."

As several people pushed open the door, they saw the board of directors.

Among the six directors on the board of directors, Director Zhao is sitting in the chair.

Do three and two positions on each side.

"Uncle Zhao."

"Uncle Zhao."

"Director Zhao."

Their identities are also revealed individually.

The short stature is already an older man with a kind face and a kind face in the Mediterranean. He is Hua Feng, the person in charge of the Northwest Region.

His temporary worker is Lao Meng.

The other man is tall and big.

She has side bangs, a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, small eyes, big ears and an open mouth.

It looks very harmonious.

Here is Hao Yi, the person in charge of the Southwest Region.

That is, Wang Zhenqiu’s boss.

A tall, thin, middle-aged man wearing a shirt, his hair has almost fallen out.

The cheeks are somewhat thin, the bones are distinct, and the eyes are asymmetrical.

This is the person in charge of the Ludong Region. Xiao Zizai’s immediate boss often gives him dirty food!

Wearing a green hat and a pair of round glasses, the man in his 50s has almost lost all his teeth, a special mark on his mouth that only the elderly have.

He is the person in charge of the Northeast Region, that is, Gao Lian, the biological father of the two temporary workers in the Northeast Region who has always been shown in a virtual image!

She has white hair and looks arrogant and bohemian. She is also the only female regional leader among the many regional leaders present.

Ren Fei, the eldest lady in Luzhong who has a very prominent family status and is often ridiculed by temporary workers as a clarinet supervisor!

Finally, there is Xu Si with newly dyed pink hair, wearing a black suit and tie, freshly shaved, and a cigarette between his lips!

He is also the boss of Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan.

The six people had just sat down.

Suddenly, there was a sharp contrast between the six directors and the six regional leaders.

There are several chairs separated in the middle. This is a gap that their leaders and directors cannot cross, and it also represents a prominent position.

"Sixth, what do you people mean by this?"

As soon as they came in, Director Huang threw the documents in his hand on the table, stood up, slapped the table and spoke indignantly.

"The matter has been made so clear, what are you waiting for?"

"Do it! You don't need to ask for permission!!"

Director Su, the only female director on the side, also took the information and opened his mouth.

"Exactly! Aren't these temporary workers a bit unnecessary?"

At this time, Bi Youlong looked at the two people. He was the only director who had retreated from the front line.

In other words, he is the only director on the board of directors who has slowly climbed up step by step by relying on his hard work on the front line!

He naturally understands the hard work of the soldiers on the front line, so he thinks of them to a large extent.

This time, he also watched these two people being dissatisfied with the demands made by the comrades on the front line.

This is how to ridicule those who are fighting openly and secretly.

"That's right, they should take action directly. If it's done, they say our leadership is good. If it's done, it's because they acted without authorization and didn't understand our intentions!"

"Bi Dong, what do you mean?"

Hearing these words, Huang Dongfei opposite him was about to explode with anger.


Bi Youlong sneered.

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