"I said from the beginning not to play tricks on our brothers on the front line. Now they have a correct attitude towards us, so why bother?"

Bi Youlong spread his hands and expressed with an innocent look that none of this had anything to do with him, it was all what you asked him to do.

"Do you still need to ask? Cut the grass and roots! Leave no one behind!"

As soon as he said this, Bi Youlong immediately took the lead in applauding.

"Crack, snap."

The sound of applause was particularly harsh.

"Okay, okay, what a decision! I support you, Lao Huang, then you will sign and issue the official order!"

After Bi Youlong said this, several regional leaders on the side immediately understood.

Some of them even immediately clapped loudly and whistled to express their approval.

"We listen to the leader!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"All listen to the leader!"

Everyone's reaction was a bit overwhelming.

In an instant, Dong Huang lost his mind. He waved his hand and immediately started to shift the focus of the matter.

"This, this, this."

"How could I do this? Aren't we discussing it?"

His words were hesitant, and he obviously didn't expect that he would get burned.

"Old Huang, I already told you that I support you! Okay! Don't you agree with this order?"

"I'll go! Destroy Biyou Village! Bring the magic machine back to the company! The people involved cannot be retained without authorization. After they come back, they will be reviewed for integrity. I only need to sign this order with my name. If there is any problem, I will Bi Youlong takes full responsibility!"

"Okay! Dong Bi is responsible enough! I, Huang Boren, obey you!"

The people in charge of the district were still making wild noises.

Suddenly, the directors who were originally meeting became the two of them.

At this time, Director Zhao on the side also spoke.

"You two, there are so many lives lost in Biyou Village. I'm afraid you can't bear it alone, right?"

Director Zhao looked at Bi Youlong like this. The two had been friends for many years.

At this moment, Bi Youlong also understood what the other party meant, indeed!

Even if he is a director of the company.

He couldn't afford to take so many innocent lives.

Director Zhao looked at the other party.

The lenses refracted the light, and he spoke slowly.

"Youlong, I've been thinking about it these past few days, why did we have the idea of ​​​​wiping out Biyou Village?"

"Are you scared because of the Gu boy incident?"

The director is worthy of being a director, and his words really hit the point.

Every word of Director Zhao tugged at the heartstrings of everyone present.

They all also understood that all this was unspoken, and everything they said next would soon be deciphered.

"Indeed! Regarding Chen Duo, if we had been more decisive, I would not have lost Liao Zhong."

"But because of the consequences of Liao Zhong's excessive kindness, should our choice slide to the other extreme?"

211. Chapter 211 The company’s decision!

Chapter 211 The company’s decision!

"Should we worry about invisible destruction from now on?"

Director Zhao’s words are a possibility.

A possibility that they accidentally went astray.

But it is true. How old is the company?

In the end, each of these regional leaders died a good death, but Liao Zhong was the only one!

In the end, he was killed by his own temporary worker. Why on earth was this?

In the final analysis, it is because Liao Zhong is so kind, his kindness plus his reputation!

So much so that everything he got in exchange for it in the company was too ambiguous!

The company's handling of Chen Duo was not decisive enough!

And these are the root causes of the cholera problem!

If he could vote earlier and reject Liao Zhong's kindness, maybe he wouldn't have to die at all!

You can even survive like this with them.

The death of the regional head and company colleague.

These are the knots between the heads of each of their regions.

Even though we may not see each other for a long time, we are always in touch.

Just like the job Liao Zhong found for Lao Meng as the regional director.

It's because he has a good relationship with Hua Feng.

That’s why I recommend Lao Meng.

It is enough to show how good the relationship between these regional leaders is.

But it is precisely because of this that these people cherish each other.

The colleague who accompanied him day and night actually fell into the hands of his temporary worker one day!

This is absolutely incredible!

This is why the company is so angry and uses this to hold the temporary worker system accountable!

The ultimate reason for even asking temporary workers from the six regions to perform tasks uniformly.

Every word of Director Zhao fell on their hearts.

They also looked at Director Zhao.

What Director Bi and Huang said before could be taken as a joke.

Just listen to it as a double act.

Director Zhao is the last person!

No matter what decision is made, he has the right to veto it with one vote.

This is an underlying rule in the company. Although no one mentions it, everyone knows it.

"It is true! Liao Zhongzhi holds himself very responsible, but can we completely deny his achievements in the work of Gu children in the past few years?"

These regional leaders may not know it, but as company directors, they know it all too well.

They all saw Gu Tong's efforts and achievements.

In addition, the temporary workers in the district at that time were almost ready to retire.

That's why this gave Chen Duo the opportunity to take over.

Chen Duo’s efforts and Liao Zhong’s persistence.

What was gained was unanimous affirmation from everyone.

This is also the ultimate reason why everyone has become so hesitant and ambiguous in handling the Chen Duo matter.

No matter what happened to Chen Duo, her efforts were seen by everyone, and Liao Zhong obviously achieved the results he wanted.

If it's too extreme, it's hard to elaborate on it at all. I can only say that there are good and bad things!

"I know there is a problem. Destroying him is clean, neat and easy. Destruction is indeed an efficient method, but think about how many problems we humans have faced in history?"

"Today's world is still full of problems, because if you look back and forth, you will find that people themselves are the source of the problems. How about it? Do you want to destroy it?"

This sentence obviously elicited instinctive denial.

Who would really destroy humanity like this?

But this is indeed true!

Contradictions have always existed, but what is the real solution to the contradictions?

This is the question to be explored, which is very similar to the situation they are facing now!

It is necessary to kill all those converted artists!

It’s better to stay, but why stay?

These artists have reached this unimaginable level without any effort.

They will inevitably feel arrogant and arrogant in their hearts, and they will treat everything as child's play.

It is absolutely impossible for the company to hire such people, so how they deal with them becomes a mystery.

Furthermore, what should be done with the Divine Machine Bailian, one of the Eight Miracles?

You want to know why there were so many wars in the first place?

It’s because of this one of the eight miracles, the divine machine.

How to deal with this thing?

There is also the kind of cauldron that Ma Xianhong has mastered that can transform ordinary people into artists!

How to deal with it! ?

These are mysteries!

They all need to be untied!

All need answers!

It is something that everyone needs to resolve properly.

In what way?

What kind of behavior should be used to deal with it properly?

Obviously they didn't take these things into consideration.


Because Chen Duo's incident has wiped out all the desire in their hearts.

Thus pushed to the extreme abyss!

Seeing that the time was right, Director Zhao squinted his eyes and spoke slowly.

"What we want is stability and harmony. In fact, neither good nor evil can affect the collapse!"

"Our method is too extreme! To completely wipe out Biyou Village is too extreme! If we use this method to deal with problems, then we only need to cultivate a killer group."

After hearing this sentence, everyone understood.

In other words, these options are not advisable.

What can really be achieved is the plan that Director Zhao will propose next!

Only in this way can everything be answered in a true sense.

It seems that it is Zhao Dongneng who can analyze so many situations in a coherent manner.

Being able to tell so many complete conditions, everything that follows is the final key to answering the question!

"Based on all my descriptions above, as well as the summary of various conditions."

"I believe that Biyou Village and Xiuxian Furnace must be destroyed, and Shenji Bailian be brought back to the company. Those who have converted must not be killed. After being dismissed, they can return to their normal lives."

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