"Try to arrest Ma Xianhong and 12 Shanggenqi, but the lives of the frontline comrades are given priority. If they resist, they can be killed! Gu boy Chen Duo will be dealt with the same as Shanggenqi, everyone will vote!"

Director Zhao’s words truly touched people’s hearts.

Speaking out the feelings of these regional leaders, they were just laughing at it before.

That’s why I clapped and whistled at the same time.The boardroom of the huge company was as noisy as a vegetable market.

Now they all understand that Director Zhao's words combine the needs of frontline comrades.

At the same time, they also made decisions on the issues they were concerned about, the ideas and suggestions they put forward.

Furthermore, it also stipulates what the core goal of this mission is and what should be done.

Everything has been planned, and their temporary workers will naturally follow these plans.

"You agree with me, raise your hands!"

After a quick glance, the district leaders all agreed.

The company's board of directors, except for the previous directors Huang and Bi, all agreed.

The two of them still adhere to the original theory, and the extreme plan is just that the minority obeys the majority.

at this moment.

10: 2!

Apparently Director Zhao’s plan was approved!

Not long after, the company's order was quickly conveyed to the temporary workers.

At this moment, a group of people in the company were sitting together and began to think carefully about how to deal with Ma Xianhong and his self-cultivation furnace.

212. Chapter 212 is about to break out!

Chapter 212 It's on the verge of fire!

"If we want Ma Xianhong not to notice that the self-cultivation furnace is destroyed, we must disintegrate his will and distract his thinking in many ways!"

"Ma Xianhong's self-cultivation stove is in a secluded place at the east end of the village."

"Chen Duo was placed in a secluded area at the east end of the village. This location can be exploited. We must attack quickly when we take action."

At this moment, they were sitting cross-legged together.

Clarinet is the one with the most combat experience, and he also understands the fundamental origin of these things.

Moreover, he sees things clearly and analyzes things more smoothly.

So he looked at the group of people in front of him, pointed at the simple map of Biyou Village and began to analyze it briefly.

"Zhang Chulan, your mission is to keep him steady over the stove."

"Use Chen Duo's west end as the starting point to feint attack, but actually focus on the upper root weapon. Don't irritate Chen Duo."

"Based on my observations and Lao Meng's report over there, her position towards the village is actually very ambiguous."

"And by pretending to attack Chen, we set the first trap on the horse's spirit."

"While Ma hasn't realized the seriousness of the matter, we must solve the problem of the root implements and villagers in the village as quickly as possible!"

"After this will be the easiest stage, as the rooters gather, we will start destroying the village while solving them. This will inevitably anger Ma Xianhong and make him lose his mind."

"It makes Ma unable to judge Zhang Chulan's problems clearly and rationally, and creates conditions for Zhang Churan to take the opportunity to stay."

Wang Zhenqiu on the side also began to join in the analysis.

"The next step will be our most difficult stage. We will face the double pressure from the remaining strength in the village and Ma Xianhong."

Lao Meng also spoke.

"In principle, we must protect those vulnerable villagers from casualties."

"Ma Xinhong, right? Give me a hammer. When the baby dies in his sleep, I'll go over there and beat him to death at night!"

Feng Baobao spoke eloquently while nibbling on the sweet and juicy corn.

After hearing this, the clarinet immediately became unhappy that I had kept talking for so long.

Is that all you said?

Can you do me a favor?

And this is not the safest solution.

Everything is done according to the company's requirements.

"Zhang Chulan, take care of this for me!"

Zhang Chulan turned his head and looked at Feng Baobao with a dull expression.

"Sister Bao'er, I don't want you to give me advice."

Later, the clarinet also realized that Feng Baobao had simple thoughts, so he summed it up.

"Bao'er, if you think things are troublesome, just remember, after you take action, knock people, set fire to them, and avoid Ma Xianhong."

"When are you going to hit him?"

"When you see him, run away. When we get to the center of the village, we'll hammer him together!"

"Got it, got it!"

"At this point we'd better have cleared out the tillers and villagers. If not, you're just asking for luck."

"I can't fathom the creation of a divine machine. Is there any mechanism that can do it? Ma Xianhong might know it once I destroy it."


"So you have to wait until we officially confront the horses before taking action!"

"It's best if the five of us can deal with him smoothly. If not, we will show our cards at the appropriate time."

"And you, who are dealing with the stove, are the third trap on his mind. The three parties work together to break him mentally!"

Li Tong thought for a moment after hearing this, and then said.

"I do have a friend who is also very powerful. You should have heard of his name. People in the circle call him Mountain-Suppressing Tiger, and he also promised me."

"He will not stop us in this operation and will stay with us. He is also a warlock. He knows that Ma Xianhong has a low life and always says that he cannot bear big things. These are not important. If he can help If we do it, we can get twice the result with half the effort.”

The clarinet who heard this sentence couldn't help but complain.

"It's meaningless for warlocks and the others to talk like this, but if your friend is really capable, he can indeed join us, and the company will also register him."

At this moment, Xiao Zizai, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"That friend of yours is called Li Tong, right?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Chulan turned around in surprise.

"Brother Xiao, do you know?"

Under Xiao Zizai's glasses, a pair of faint red pupils were revealed, emitting a terrifying and strange light.

If you observe these carefully, you can also find that his fingers are trembling slightly.

"I know, his strength is indeed good, better than mine."

Such a sentence, the clarinet, Wang Zhenqiu and Lao Meng understood it instantly.

Xiao Zizi means that the other party can participate in this operation.

"In that case, let him join. As for this plan, just talk to him about it when the time comes. But it is important to note that our plan this time must be thorough. The person who will talk to him then will be Zhang Chulan. , you just have to choose a secluded place to talk, and you can't be disturbed by others."

Zhang Chulan nodded when he heard this.

"Then everyone, let's wait for an opportunity to act together!"

"Everyone must remember that no matter what, you must not fail to follow the mission. After this mission is over, the company will hold our temporary worker system accountable."

"If it is completed well, the temporary work will not be cancelled. You don't want to leave your boss and go to the board of directors, right?"

"To put it bluntly, the old antiques on the board of directors really don't seem to regard us as human beings, so let's complete this mission well."

Everyone has their own reasons for completing this mission, so they will naturally try their best.

At this time, Xiao Zizai received the message from his person in charge. After reading it carefully, he nodded. From this point of view, he could be unscrupulous.

It just so happened that the anger he had been holding back in the previous battle could now be released.

"Remember your respective tasks, especially Bao'er! You must do what I say. If you encounter Ma Xianhong head-on, run away quickly, destroy the village at the same time, and lure him to the center of the village before we start the war!"

"There must be absolutely no hesitation in starting this war, and we must try our best to complete it. This will be our opportunity to truly end this mission so far!"

After the clarinet finished speaking, his expression suddenly became excited and he looked at everyone present.

"I wish this mission a complete success!"

Looking at the clarinet's outstretched hand, several people immediately understood it, although some said it was boring.

But he still put his hand up honestly.

Several people looked at each other and smiled, then pressed their hands at the same time.

"I wish this mission a complete success!"

And now the battle in Biyou Village is about to break out!

213. Chapter 213 Everyone is in place

Chapter 213


The village still has typical Miao architecture.

The lights are brightly lit at the moment, but some people have already gone to bed.

Tonight, something extremely shocking will happen in such a huge Biyou Village!

"Do it tonight!"

"You are not allowed to kill those who converted. The difficulty has increased! Brother Xiao is going to be disappointed! Gah!"

Wang Zhenqiu quickly pretended to be innocent and said something.

"As long as Chen Duo doesn't flee to a densely populated area, don't interfere!"

"The entire operation starts with Lao Xiao's mission!"

Seeing several people starting to formulate tasks, Zhang Churan stared at the screen and thought to himself.

"Thank you, Liao Zhong!"

"You watered this poisonous flower with your own blood, I will make good use of it!"

On the other hand, Xiao Zizai had already received the information and could take action. Then he quickly asked Er Zhuang for Zhao Guizhen's contact information.

By the way, Zhao Guizhen's position was also located.

Everything is ready now!

The time has also come to 8 o'clock!

At the east end of the village, inside the new self-cultivation stove built by Ma Xianhong.

This was after Zhuge Qing used magic to drive the cultivation furnace.

Ma Xianhong didn't eat or drink here, and built the latest self-cultivation furnace overnight!

He has been staying here these past few days and has not gone out to take care of things in the village because it is too important!

A clear shout suddenly came from the entire east end room.

"Village Chief Mada, have you finished this?"

Zhang Chulan put his hands in his pockets and walked over slowly.

Seeing this, Ma Xianhong closed the reactor in her hand.

After debugging the last few parts, there was a slight smile on his face and joy in his voice.

"It's almost there, we still have to do the final test."

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