"Eight-door transport!!"

At that moment, a small black hole suddenly appeared behind these flowers.

There are exactly 8 black holes.

Corresponds to the position of door 8!

Then an extremely powerful attraction arose in these eight gates, sucking all the things into it.


Despite this, there were still a few Ruhua reaching out and grabbing the ground!

At this time, the king was not used to it either.

His hair was blown around.

Then he suddenly rushed out with a handsome figure.

The whole person is like a tiger constantly piercing through these flowers.

Wherever he goes, he is like a flower, but he still has the slightest ability to resist.

Their movements seemed to be slowed down, and at this time Wang Ye was really charging like a tiger down the mountain.

Jin Yong, who looked at the broken flowers, frowned without any reaction.

"It's certain that the scope of his special method should be open, no! I have to treat it as if it has been opened before I can possibly compete with him!"

However, at this moment Wang Ye suddenly turned red and his hair was flying.

But his speed slowed down.

Not just him.

The same thing happened to the Ruhua who approached him, and they all slowed down.

Wang Ye's hand stood in front of him with two fingers together.

It seemed like there was some weird magnetic field around him that slowed them all down.

"Appeared! The method used to immobilize the leader and the root weapon!"

At this time, Wang was strolling among them.

These slowed-down Ruhua didn't have any resistance to him even before they were slowed down.

Same now!

The king also said that these flowers can be said to be devastating.

"It's strange. If I were to immobilize the soldiers, my next reaction would definitely be to attack the coach immediately!"

"Forget it, no matter what, the next step is to measure the actual scope of his methods!"

Then he started to use his Qi to control those flowers!

"Ruhua, retreat!"

Ruhua, who was about to pounce on Wang Ye, now stepped back!

Seeing this scene again, Wang Ye's hair was disheveled and he smiled softly.

"Haha, this old man is still a naughty guy!"

The king has no intention of letting these flowers go.

He also knows what Jin Yong is thinking, is it to see the scope of his abilities?

Just show it to him!

Finally he put his fingers together to his lips.

A few words slowly came out of his mouth, and fire began to burst out of his hands, illuminating half of his cheeks.

Between the interplay of light and shadow, the handsome and extraordinary face is full of calmness.

Calm and unrestrained, and a bit indifferent!

"Li Zi, purgatory!!"

Then bursts of sparks suddenly began to appear from the soles of Wang Ye's feet!

Finally, a blazing heat gradually spread!

A scorching fire invaded all around!

235. Chapter 235 Ma Xianhong’s weapon refining method!

The fire was blazing.Scorching heat.

Burning everything nearby.

All the land within a few meters of Wang Ye instantly turned into coke!

Everything turned into carbon dust!

However, just after the monstrous fire dissipated, Jin Yong's maid puppet stood there.

Although the clothes all over his body were burned and extremely charred, there was still no trace of damage.

"Your big thing is pretty good."

When Jin Yong heard this, he stretched out his hand as a compliment and said.

"The leader specially used high-temperature resistant materials to make these flowers!"

At this moment, Jin Yong suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Because he saw the flowers floating in front of Wang Ye!

He couldn't help but feel shocked!

Just now when the flames were raging into the sky, he thought he had lost contact with those flowers.

But now these flowers have appeared again. What is going on?

The king also walked slowly towards the three flowers, but when he put his hand on them slightly, the flowers were out of control.

Falling from the air, Jin Yong, who had just landed aside, clearly felt that the feelings controlled by his Qi were back!

what happened?

These flowers were not attacked by the fire just now.

These flowers are all controlled by me with my Qi.

If they are imprisoned by other forces, I should feel resistance if I try to manipulate them.

But in fact it doesn’t, it’s like a frozen flower, as if it doesn’t exist at all!

Jin Yong didn't know that this was the characteristic of Luan Jin Tuo!

It’s not about slowing down time.

Instead, these people are put into another dimension of time, just like the conveyor belt is moved to another conveyor belt.

Of course there won't be any feelings.

While Jin Yong was guessing, Wang Ye had already caught Ruhua and pulled off his hairband.

He tied his own hair and then looked at Jin Yong with his eyes closed.


As for the other side.

Li Tong quickly dodged the siege of Liuhe Pearl.

His physical skills are superior and his strength is naturally superior.

While dodging quickly, another stone popped out, angering Ma Xianhong.

Although it did no harm, it made Ma Xianfeng angry!

Immediately afterwards, Li Tong suddenly faced Liuhe Zhu's front and rear attacks, and his body jumped suddenly.

After a standard cartwheel in the air, he dodged everything.

However, as soon as he landed, the swallowing beast in the distance had already begun to absorb power.

As he expected, Li Tong deliberately used a flaw to send his energy out.

Pretend that you don't know that this thing can absorb people's power.

Then Zhenkonghou on the side suddenly let out a roar.

He immediately sent Li Tong flying out.

At this time, Ma Xianhong walked over slowly.

"I admit that you are very powerful, but fighting and not fighting, running and not running away, this kind of behavior is equivalent to taking your own life as a child's play!"

Li Tong complained helplessly in his heart, but he had already told Feng Baobao on the way just now.

Ask her to come here in advance.

With Feng Baobao's character, he is still waiting in the middle of the village.

"Don't say anything? No matter what you think, I will deal with you and the others in the company!"

Just when Ma Xianhong was about to take action, one of his men flew over.

The men were beaten.

Ma Xian looked back angrily.

Only then did I realize that the old man in the company had already taken off his coat.

He looked fierce, and even through his clothes, you could see the muscles on his body showing.

At the same time, the other party's tilted head looked very disdainful.

"You don't need to clean them up one by one, aren't they all here?"

At this time, another subordinate was knocked away.

And several people were beaten and flew backwards.

Wang Zhenqiu had already run over quickly using his godhead mask.

The god summoned by Wang Zhenqiu’s godhead mask is Nezha!

Three heads and six arms, a hot wheel on his feet, a circle of heaven and earth in his hand, Hun Tian Ling?

The moment he rushed over, Black Guan'er also rushed over knowingly.

The two men attacked at the same time, but Ma Xianhong already had a plan in mind.

He has already driven the Devouring Beast to start absorbing the Qi from the two people!

The moment the two people realized that their power was being extracted, they retreated crazily.

The two of them had already arrived at Li Tong's side, and Black Guan'er was staring at the magical weapon at the same time.

"It's a bit troublesome, will that magic weapon absorb the opponent's Qi?"

"Brother Li, have you ever been injured?"

Wang Zhenqiu used a dramatic tone when he spoke, so it sounded a bit charming.

Li Tong is not as dull and old-fashioned as Feng Baobao, who would say things like getting to the place before taking action.

He shook his head.

"It's nothing."

But it's true. With Li Tong's methods, Ma Xianhong's magical weapons can all be broken with just one move!

But he didn't want to refresh Ma Xianhong's knowledge, let alone interrupt the company's actions and overly show off his strength!

Li Tong had already tried it just now, and he was fully capable of causing all of Ma Xianhong's magical weapons to break from the inside.

It’s better to do less things like refreshing your cognition.

Low profile is the best protective color.

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