Contrary to what they thought, Ma Xianhong was now so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Cold sweat broke out on his face.

"So fast, their speed is so fast, and they are even faster. This is the first time I have seen such a reaction among those who have encountered me, a swallowing beast!"

How did Ma Xianhong know that the three of them were faster than the other!

You know, in Chen Duo's film, all the temporary workers in Biyou Village are the protagonists, and only Zhang Chulan is a supporting role.

"Why don't you see any other root implements? Chen Duo? Where is Chen Duo?"

Ma Xianhong's lungs are about to explode now!

Why did he start a war with the people in the company?

He would understand if the other superior organs were not there.

But where did Chen Duo go?

Is this little girl so ungrateful?

At this time, the men next to Ma Xianhong had started shouting with indignation.

He wanted to follow the leader, but suddenly a wolf roar came from the bushes, and then countless wild wolves flew out.

The appearance of this wild wolf was so sudden that almost half of everyone fell down.

Among the temporary workers, the only one who can use Qi to communicate with animals is biologist Lao Meng.

Just when a wolf was about to pounce on the little Kalami, Liu Dang in the distance had already used the power of his air-splitting palm!

He felt this power and was shocked in his heart.

Is this the power of Splitting the Sky Palm?too strong!

At this time, Liu Dang rushed over and was about to attack Li Tong, but Li Tong easily dodged.

When the last kick was about to hit, Wang Zhenqiu called out to stop him.

"Brother Li, please be merciful, this man has no magic weapon."

Li Tong didn't know the instructions in the company, so they could only repeat them.

Li Tong could only pretend to be entering for the first time and nodded.

236. Chapter 236 A group of tourists from a different world

Chapter 236 A group of tourists from a different world

"Didn't you agree to do it in the center of the village?"

Feng Baobao was a little angry as he spoke.

They agreed to wait in the center of the village, but now they found that almost everyone had come, and she was the only one left.

"Miss Bao, don't be pedantic."

"If we encounter it here, we can just take action."

The black man on the side was also a little embarrassed. Feng Baobao was so simple, but he ended up deceiving others.

But it really depends on the situation.

At this time, Ma Xianhong had a suspicion in his mind. Could it be that during the time he was chasing them, all the superiors were wiped out?

At this moment, Wang Zhengqiu had already taken action with the red tassel gun.

However, Ma Xianhong had already determined that the red tassel gun had been sucked into it by the swallowing beast when it approached.

After all, please ask God to come forward.

He just used his own power to become a god.

This is what is called transforming one's body into a god, and these weapons are also made of energy!

Just as the Devouring Beast was absorbing these powers, a black shadow suddenly rushed over.

Ma Xianhong had already sensed it.

His eyes widened and he quickly dodged.

As for Black Guan'er, he has already caught the opponent and raised his other hand high.

The power that had been accumulated for a long time suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

When this power was accumulated, it was sucked into it by the Devouring Beast.

However, Black Guan'er'er did not take the next step, but quickly backed away as if he had succeeded.

As for the group of people who were chasing the gangster just now, they rushed over. Before Ma Xianhong could finish speaking, he was directly hit by his own men.

"Get out of the way!"

Ma Xianhong finally pushed his way through the crowd and looked back.

The clarinet has appeared at an extremely fast speed, and wherever it goes, people fall down.

"It's roughly clear. That thing can't absorb other people's Qi from a long distance. The closer the distance, the stronger the suction force."

Now at this time, another person rushed over. Black Guan'er looked back and gave him an elbow. The person fell to the ground but got up again.

Under Black Guan'er's long hair, his eyes were extremely cold.

"It's lighter again."

The company's order is to injure but not kill, but for them this is a matter of strength control.

These annoying flies will actually affect them a lot.

"You all get out of the way!"

"These people are not something you can handle!"

Ma Xian Hongfei was about to explode with anger.

What is this scenario?

Don't these people know their own strength?

The people in the company are having a hard time dealing with it themselves, so why do they still want to cause trouble?

"Master, you don't have to worry about us."

"Are these people experts in the alien world?"


"I will not leave the leader alone!"

At this moment, a scream came, and everyone looked up.

The screams lasted for a long time, causing birds to fly from the woods.

I saw that the man who was about to step forward again just now had one of his legs and arms disabled by the black pipe!

As for Feng Baobao and Wang Zhenqiu, they both looked at Black Guan'er.

Wang Zhenqiu couldn't help but remind him in a dramatic way.

"Mr. Black Pipe, remember the order!"

"No killing is allowed, but I didn't say no killing is allowed!"

"Brother Li, Bao'er, Qiu'er, if we continue to let them hang around like dog-skin plasters, let alone deal with Ma Xianhong, we may make mistakes ourselves. We don't have to kill them, but we must make them suffer and remember them for a lifetime. It hurts, can you do it?"

Under the moonlight, Black Guan'er's face was gloomy. These people had already angered him.

Feng Baobao made an OK gesture and then faced Liu Dang head-on.

As for Li Tong, he went with the gangsters to deal with the miscellaneous soldiers.

"Good job!"

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu sighed.

Then he put his hands on his face.

The godhead mask can be removed.

In the final analysis, this so-called godhead mask is just a transformation of one's own power.

A burst of blue light flickered.

All the three heads and six arms on Wang Zhenqiu's body, including the Hot Wheels, Hundian Ling, and the Red Tassel Spear, all turned into a ball of light in his hands.

"I'm just naturally witty and love to make pranks. It's really not in line with my personality to make people miserable!"

Since we want to take action seriously, Nezha's divine position cannot be used, but another divine position can be considered.

"Don't be afraid of them, let's go! Destroy them!"


Everyone rushed forward after seeing this scene.

Ma Xianhong had already shouted frantically for them to come back.

How can you do this! ?

Come back soon! !

These people are definitely not something you can handle! !

However, just after shouting one word, something suddenly dawned on Ma Xianhong's heart.

Why are they so excited?

Why are you so arrogant?

Facing such an opponent who is almost at the same level as himself, are you still like this, moving forward bravely? ?

"Ma Xianhong, haven't you realized what the problem is? It doesn't matter to us. It doesn't matter to the so-called Thirteen Supreme Powers, just like you who practice the Divine Machine and Hundred Refinements."

"Anyone who becomes a different person through cultivation must have crossed a painful road that is unbearable for ordinary people, and every step on the road will be engraved in their hearts many years later."

when speaking.

Wang Zhengqiu's divine mask has been put on again.

A stick has begun to transform into his hand.

Then follow the dance of the body.

The stick pulsed around the body.

The whole body looks like a monkey, but when his body is beating.

A mysterious force suddenly descended on him.

"Grow your muscles and bones. If you don't grit your teeth and persevere, you will want to give up every second."

"To temper one's mind, the interior is so boring and irritable that it even makes people miss the pain in their bones and muscles!"

"These people you created have never experienced it. You did let them reach the sky in one step, but the consequence of that step is the realism of zombies."

"Pick lightly."


“Everything is gained easily without the pain of adapting to reality.”

"What you created is not a human being, but a group of tourists and gamers who mistakenly entered the alien world!"

At this moment, Wang Zhengqiu had already grasped the stick.

In a flash, his special mask also appeared on his face - Sun Wukong!

With the advent of Sun Wukong's godhead.

The stick in Wang Zhenqiu's hand has become very long.

In a flash, all these people flew into the sky.

After they fell, Ma Xianhong could only passively catch them all.

At this time, Black Guan'er pinched another person, also losing an arm.

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