"Idiot, these half-baked things are indeed an obstacle for us, but they are also an obstacle for you!"

The same is true for Li Tong. For him, these things are a waste of time, but they can be used to catch fish.

But counting the time, it seems that Brother Xiao has already eaten meat, and Xiao Zizai is so kind and compassionate.

However, at this moment, Ma Xianhong roared.


237. Chapter 237 The so-called excitement

Chapter 237 The so-called excitement

Ma Xianhong always thought that after he led them through the gate, he always thought that there was nothing wrong with bringing these ordinary people into the world of aliens.

This behavior earned him a reputation.

The goal in his heart has gradually become bigger!

The new religion he created is now slowly growing.

It was all he thought about!

But now these things are broken! !

Seeing Liu Dang still fighting Feng Baobao, Li Tong on the other side rubbed his wrist.

For these guys, Li Tong was just extremely gentle, tapping their acupuncture points.

Li Tong's acupoints were said to be very powerful, and he had already tapped two people's acupuncture points in the blink of an eye.

The acupuncture points on these two people's bodies felt like they had been hit by bullets and they fell to the ground instantly, in great pain.

After all, he also worked as a root performer for a period of time.

He still has some feelings for the villagers, so he won't kill them.

Therefore, his hands were very light, but in the eyes of those people, his hands were like poisonous needles piercing into their bodies.

But compared to the useless hands and feet of the gangsters on the other side, Li Tong's methods are indeed light.

Just when several people were about to rush forward, Ma Xianhong roared again.


The sky-shaking roar behind him was also helping to increase his momentum. In an instant, the earth was cracked by the roar.

These people barely stood still and looked back in the direction of the leader.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I was wrong, it was me who was wrong!"

Ma Xianhong finally understood.

What I have created are really tourists from a different world.

Reaching heaven in one step without experiencing the pain of cultivation.

Arrogance is inevitable.

And this is because they don't know their position.

Maybe it was for them that they mistakenly thought they could break the group of people in front of them.

In the final analysis, the experience of becoming an alien is just a game.

This group of people in front of you is the boss!

They are small characters who represent justice, but how do they know?

These all really exist, and the power within them does exist.

But they simply cannot bear it or know the source and strength of this power.

Ma Xianhong knew that if this continued, all of these people would die!

No, even if you don't die, your hands and feet will be lost and you will be disabled for life!

This is a scene that Ma Xianhong does not want to see.

He will never allow such a thing to happen!

So now he still has to stop them!

Because only in this way can they understand that the real gap between them cannot be bridged!

"I take back what I said before. The conflict between me and outsiders now has nothing to do with you!"

"I was wrong before agreeing to let you get involved. You know that I don't want to be manipulated by anyone, so I won't manipulate anyone!"

"But today I sincerely implore you all to leave this place of right and wrong for the time being!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock when they heard this sentence. Is this really the case?

Li Tong looked at the people present.

Immediately I understood the thoughts and ideas in their minds.

Indeed, these villagers in Biyou Village have realized the differences between them.

Li Tong and the others are definitely not something that these villagers can beat, but Leng Touqing still stubbornly believes that they can never kill him.

This is an old-fashioned idea.

Maybe it would be more appropriate to let Xiao Zizai play at this time, and Li Tong knew that.

No matter what they do, it is absolutely impossible for these people to reach that level.

You want them to be so frightened that they won't bother you again.

Perhaps only those who have died can really make them understand, but now is not the best time.

Seeing that many villagers were already shaken, Li Tong hurriedly spoke to the side to persuade them.

"Everyone, although I have the shortest time to become a master in the village, I still want to advise you. Do you think you are sure that you can beat me? If not, then leave quickly."

The villagers may not know the strength of the other three people!

But they have heard about Li Tong's strength!

After all, he can let the leader set the location of the 13th root device for him alone.

It can be seen that the leader values ​​this person very much.

And the biggest trump card of the top-up tool is ability.

In other words, the 13th top weapon Li Tong is in front of him.

With absolute strength, Ma Xianhong is willing to pour resources into him.

How could these people be defeated?

Perhaps it is under such double persuasion that many people have wavered in their minds.

But at this moment, Liu Dang spoke again.

"Master! I'm sorry, Master, I understand your kindness. Just because I understand what you mean, Master, it's even more unreasonable to run away now."

Liu Dang suddenly laughed and spoke with some self-deprecation.

"Actually, it's strange to say that. Compared to others, I have been in the village for the shortest time. To be honest, I will continue to stay here and work with them for my own selfish reasons."

"Not long ago, I was an ordinary person locked outside the alien wall. By chance, I peeked into the scenery inside the wall. Inside the wall is a realm that I never dared to dream of."

"But I myself was not allowed to enter. It was you who led me into the high wall. Needless to say, I am grateful to you for my admiration. I will stay today not just to repay my kindness."

"I consider myself a person born for fighting. Today is my first battle as an alien. I am not only fighting for the village, for Chen Duo, and for the leader, but today I am also fighting for myself!"

"It is true that the strength of these people is far from what I am now, but that is not the reason for me to quit!"

"Even if you will fail, even if you will be injured, you must not be afraid! Stand tall and face your opponent's fist!"

"Exhaust yourself to the last bit of strength and keep fighting with your opponent. Don't let this rare battle leave any regrets! This is my dignity as a fighter!"

Li Tong glanced at Liu Dang.

Then, many things came to mind.

Speak the truth?

If Liu Dang were placed elsewhere, he would definitely be an out-and-out loyal man.

Especially after allowing him to master supernatural powers since he was a child, he is even more heroic among the strangers.

It's different from Zhang Chulan's group of grandsons who only know how to play dirty tricks.

But it's a pity that he doesn't have the talent to practice.

These are all achieved in one step, and that sense of reality has been lost. Where are the other things?

But what he said was not unreasonable.

But Li Tong knew what would happen next.

Then he looked at the people around him?

Their atmosphere has been completely ignited by Liu Bang, and Li Tong is ready.

No matter how excited you are now, you will soon be vomiting miserably.

238. Chapter 238 The great benefactor, carrying the true backbone in his hand

Chapter 238 The great benefactor, the benefactor, returns to his true form in his hand

Not only Li Tong, but also Feng Baobao and the others were temporarily stunned.

In fact, Feng Baobao doesn't care, after all, she can control the intensity best.

In addition, the two people in the company seemed a bit difficult to deal with, especially the black tube.

At this moment, his face was gloomy, and under his long hair, his pupils were glowing slightly red.

Coupled with this inexplicable aura, he really looked like a savage.

Some of the people on the side had already thrown their masks on the ground.

They seemed to be filled with righteous indignation, as if each of them wanted to take action and sacrifice their lives for the righteousness.

At this moment, each of them was determined to do something for the leader and Master Chen Duo!

"Even if the person in charge will be held accountable by the board of directors, we can't control them. We will destroy them!!"

Black Guan'er's face was grim. What bothered him the most was these miscellaneous fish baits and dog-skin plasters.

If they are allowed to continue like this, how will the mission proceed?

How to proceed?

So getting rid of them now is the best option!

Li Tong had this attitude from beginning to end.

After all, in the end, he didn't gain anything from this operation.

I'm just doing a favor this time, any other good things.

Anyway, I have some feelings for these people.

At best, it's just a simple matter of dealing with the people in the company, and forget about the rest.

Then Li Tong looked in the direction of Wang Zhenqiu, as early as when they met just now.

The familiar system prompt sounded in Li Tong's ears.

[Congratulations to the host for understanding the Godhead Mask!The host has been automatically upgraded to godhead! 】

The reason why Li Tong was stunned for a moment just now.

Just go and see the power of Godhead.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was really shocked when I saw it.

To put it bluntly, the godhead mask is an ancient method of sacrifice, which is used to attract the gods by promoting excellence.

But Li Tong’s divine personality is different!

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