The Zhenkong roar on the side once again let out a strong roar.

Xiao Zizai dodged frantically.

Keep moving forward in the smoke and dust, approaching the clarinet in an instant.

Likewise, when the two of them moved forward, Li Tong rushed out again and the three of them took action almost at the same time.

As for Wang Zhenqiu, after seeing the opponent using the Swallowing Beast.

He immediately changed out the godhead mask and spat out slightly, and the air flow surged in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, the Devouring Beast had absorbed the power that Wang Zhenqiu actively gave him.

He could no longer absorb the power of the two of them.

At this time, Liuhezhu also took action to separate the three of them instantly!


Feng Baobao pulled out the knife from behind!

There was a burst of sword light and flint, and the light swayed and disappeared in an instant!

At this time, Feng Baobao continued to attack.

In an instant, there was only the intertwining shadows of swords and lights in the air.

Just now Ma Xianhong stood there motionless.

At this moment, a sword light flashed suddenly.

Suddenly there was a doll next to him, and he even had a giant sword in his hand.

Feng Baobao said in surprise.

At this time, the puppet started Fu Rong's signature moves!

He sighed with one hand and moved back with the other hand. He was also wearing Udukai!

Suddenly a kind of power descended on his sword!

His whole body even flashed in the air!

The sword energy burst out. Li Tong seized the opportunity and rushed forward, holding a branch high, and then the sword energy also circulated!

A fierce sword energy blasted out!

Then a series of sword energy spread out in all directions. Li Tong and Feng Baobao were resisting and dodging at the same time.

The other people also avoided, while Wang Zhenqiu was playing with the monkey stick in his hand!

The sword energy will be separated one after another.

At this time, Ma Xianhong and Bai Ou took action at the same time!

Ma Xianhong faced Wang Zhenqiu!

As for the white puppet, it is a head-on confrontation with the clarinet!

Wang Zhenqiu performed superbly with the monkey stick, even though Ma Xianhong was using his bare hands.

But it was a fight.

The white puppet sword energy on the side was scattered, and the two attacked each other alternately!

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu did a monkey flip, the stick rolled continuously in the air, and suddenly swayed out, like a whirlwind!

Black Guan'er seized the opportunity and defeated Bai I with one blow.

Then a punch was about to be thrown, and at this time Wang Zhenqiu was also about to swing out a stick!

The clarinet has already knocked back the white puppet with one punch!

Wang Zhenqiu was stunned by the soul-shaking bell suddenly summoned by Ma Xianhong!

But in the blink of an eye, Wang Zhenqiu got rid of this sluggish state.

When going backwards.

No one noticed that a few golden rays of light suddenly flashed in his fingers, it was Millet Qianjinding!

Suddenly, Ma Xianhong was about to rush forward again.

Xiao Zizai had already struck with a palm!

The power of the Great Compassionate Palm is coming!

At this time, Ma Xianhong stepped back and was about to shake the soul bell but found that there was no movement for a long time.

When he was surprised, a sword light flashed by. Li Tong had already swung the branch towards him, and then the bell broke into two pieces.

Ma Xinhong looked at the broken magic weapon and felt confused for a moment.

Xiao Zizai said oh.

"It seems like the situation is very hopeless."

"At least the things you control are not within the protection range of the magic weapon!"

Ma Xianhong was confused and frowned at her bell.


Why didn't the soul shaking bell ring just now? !

240. Chapter 240 Acting

Chapter 240 Acting

Just look at the impact of the little bell on Wang Zhenqiu.

Xiao Zizi could see why the bell didn't ring.

It was probably Wang Zhenqiu who had just done something, so he looked at Wang Zhenqiu who was walking slowly and said.

"I don't know what you did, but thank you very much."

After hearing these words, Wang Zhenqiu's face showed the look of a sharp-mouthed monkey.

He let out a monkey laugh, and his pupils were filled with golden light.

"Can I suffer in vain?"

Wang Zhengqiu began to think of the scene just now.

That scene was really thrilling.

If he hadn't reacted in time, he might have been seriously injured. Then he picked up the bell on the ground.

It's still a bit risky to bully a small number of people with a large number of people.

Even if you don't understand the efficacy of this magic weapon, the appearance makes it worth the risk to try to crack it.

Although there is not much left of the millet, it is enough to fix the bell tongue on the inside of the bell.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhenqiu began to imitate a monkey, scratching his head and laughing.

What have you been looking at?

Xiao Zizai was confused, but didn't say anything.

Then Wang Zhenqiu looked up and saw the gangster, Brother Xiao, and Brother Li Tong who had been putting pressure on Ma Xianhong from the front.

They all knew that there was a small chance of breaking Ma Xianhong's protection, so they chose a magic weapon that had a high chance of success.

Bao'er is usually a heavenly soldier, but it's not easy to do it.

Lao Meng also handled the situation very calmly. I haven't encountered such smooth cooperation in a long time.

Although my previous partner was also great, that guy's head was so hot that he went crazy...

Thinking of this, he also stood in his own position.

At this time, Ma Xianhong, who was surrounded by seven people, was stunned for a moment.

He felt a strange feeling, a strong strange feeling?

Wrapping his whole body.

Although it feels strange, it is really hard to explain why I can't feel anything on these seven people.


I can't feel anything from these people. Their mental state is extremely stable. Why?

Li Tong also saw that something was wrong with Ma Xianhong's state, and he understood it.

He actually knew it very well at this time.

The company's final goal is not Ma Xianhong.

In other words, the goal from beginning to end was not Ma Xianhong!

But it is the simplest self-cultivation stove and Biyou Village.

As long as the cultivation furnace is destroyed, Biyou Village will be dismantled.

In this case, Yiren's red line can be stabilized within the company's boundaries.

Everything can proceed as envisioned by the company's development.

Just like dismantling the new religion

And there are a lot of things that have to be removed, and only if such a good thing happens will everything not become chaotic.

Li Tong suddenly became excited when he thought of this. Next, he had to see what Village Chief Ma would do when he was angry.

Just in this way, we can get a glimpse of more of his magical skills.

In the bushes on the side, the wild wolf was grinning with bones. Lao Meng sighed, then gently put his hand on the wild wolf's head and stroked him.

"Quiet, quiet, this type is not suitable for us to be tough."

After hearing this sentence, the wild wolf obviously became quieter, but the wolfish nature was hard to get rid of, and he still grinned.

At this moment, everyone's headphones recalled the voices of the two heroes.

Due to Li Tong's intervention, they also informed Er Zhuang of Li Tong's situation!

Er Zhuang nodded. This trip to Biyou Village can be said to have been fruitful for Er Zhuang.

When her soul returned to her body, she was surprised to find that her body was gradually repairing!

And although it is said that it has only been repaired a little bit, it is extremely rare!

So her father specifically told Erzhuang to observe everyone on this trip to Biyou Village no matter what!

See if you can find anyone who can help Erzhuang repair his body.

Likewise, all of these things must be thoroughly investigated.

This was the situation now, and she had begun to understand that the person who could help her recover was most likely one of these so-called root masters or people from other villages.

In other words, she is someone hiding in the dark. So far, her body has not shown any strange condition.

In other words, such a recovery would not do her any harm.

If possible, no one would want to face them with a normal attitude.

In fact, for Er Zhuang, she also investigated Li Tong carefully.

The final result is that Li Tong is just a very powerful person.

Li Tong has not mastered anything related to the investigation of the art of the soul so far.

But how could she know that Li Tong realized it just after spying on his innate abilities.

In fact, Li Tong said that he himself was not aware of the ability he had comprehended, which could invisibly repair Er Zhuang's body.

This is just one of the peak abilities of Chu Yang God that Li Tong realized. The final state of Chu Yang God is called the nourishment of all things!

As the name suggests, anyone who has seen the Yang God can be restored to a certain extent.

This is the case for Erzhuang, if she is allowed to stay with Li Tong for a long time.

All her problems will naturally recover!

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