At this moment, Erzhuang had told them that Zhang Chulan had begun to take action to destroy the self-cultivation furnace.

Everyone present has received the news from Erzhuang.

At this time, Ma Xianhong smiled, his eyes narrowed, and the golden light suddenly opened.

"I feel a little sorry for Mr. Ma!"

Look at the reactions of everyone present.

Ma Xianhong began to think, and soon, two words ran through his mind.

Purpose! !

Yes, that’s right, that’s the purpose! !

At this time, Mao Xinhong took action, and Xiao Zizi intercepted the swallowing beast's power and absorbed it.

The two just had a fight, and Bai Ou took action again.


Chen Duo is indeed brilliant, but she is extremely immature in some aspects.

It's enough to deal with two Chen Duo!

The three have already mobilized their troops!

Now this configuration......

Xiao Zizai had already fought against Bai Idu once, but he found that this puppet could actually capture.

Just when Xiao Zizai knocked the opponent away, Bai Ou jumped in the air and quickly merged into the earth.

Wang Zhenqiu slapped his face with one hand and spoke helplessly.

"Let me go, Terrain Immortal, is this the method of upgrading the root weapon owned by Wu Kehua?"

The same goes for black pipes.

"Is Ma Xianhong a hedgehog? It can sting people from anywhere."

Li Tong also made the same move and spoke.

"Indeed, it's very difficult!"

Feng Baobao looked at a few people, then stupidly imitated their appearance and spoke.

"Brother Xiao, it's okay. Go underground and fuck him!"

At this time, Ma Xianhong was already irritated. His voice was cold, his white hair hanging down, and he was wearing a Taoist robe and looked majestic.

"I'll ask you again, even if you defeat Daochang Zhao, why should you..."

241. Chapter 241 Don’t you take your god-uncle seriously?

Chapter 241: Don’t you take your god-uncle seriously?

Xiao Zizai naturally understood what Ma Xianhong meant.

Why did he have to take action against Zhao Guizhen and make Zhao Guizhen look like this?

His spine was broken and he was carried all the way.

Of course, Xiao Zizi didn't want to say it. This was a little hobby of his.

But he doesn't want to make his hobby public.

The real reason why he didn't want to say that was what the regional director behind him told him.

"I'm telling you, please don't let this matter go. We are just selling favors to the Shangqing. If we let it go, it will be a bad thing."

What the head of the joint region said, as well as what I had thought before, plus the fact that the matter is over.

What did he do with himself?

Zhang Chulan's goal has been achieved, so he doesn't want to say anything more now.

Finally, Xiao Zizai's lowered head suddenly lifted up.

Under his glasses, a flash of light flashed across his pupils, his hands slumped, and he spoke indifferently.

"because I like it."

After noticing this and seeing Xiao Zizai's indifferent attitude, Ma Xianhong confirmed one thing.

He frowned, and his brows were filled with suspicion.

"It's unmistakable. These people didn't find out about Chen Duo and chased them here at all. They definitely came prepared for Biyou Village!!"

As for what this purpose is, Ma Xianhong still has no clue. He can't figure it out. What are this group of people doing here?

At this time, the black tube also came over.

He spoke slowly as he walked.

"What's wrong? Village Chief Ma."

"You look so ugly, it's obviously us who have worked hard!"

After hearing this, Ma Xianhong gritted his teeth and thought about the tragic death of his superior Zhao Guizhen.

I also thought that the strength of this group of people was definitely more than that. Furthermore, they couldn't even detect the most basic hatred and anger in their bodies.

There is always some huge conspiracy troubling him behind this!

It was as if an invisible big hand was grabbing Ma Xianhong's neck step by step, as if it was going to do something huge to him.

"The six of you planned to use the village as your opponent from the beginning, right?"

At this time, Black Guan'er closed his eyes and spoke slowly.

"Isn't this too serious about not taking your god-uncle seriously?"

"It's 7."

As he spoke, he made a gesture.

Then at this time Feng Baobao started to cause trouble.

"It's 8, and there are two..."

Before he finished speaking, Black Guan'er turned around and yelled at Feng Baobao in embarrassment.

"Shut up and don't argue with me!"

After hearing these words from the two of them, Ma Xianhong kept his face downcast.

At this moment, he had some guesses, but it was still difficult to be sure.

By this time, Black Guan'er and the others had received the exact news.

Zhang Chulan starts to destroy the self-cultivation furnace, then everything can continue.

Then Black Guan'er stepped forward and raised his head.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then he began to analyze each word.

"Anyway, everything is clear now. Everyone here is here to deal with the village."

"Now that all the upper-level tools have been resolved, the so-called villagers have also been dismissed."

"So, if the six of us are dealing with you, what is your good uncle dealing with?"

This sentence suddenly flashed through Ma Xianhong's mind like thunder!

Cold sweat instantly spread all over my forehead!

His pupils shrank, and he thought of a possibility, no!

It should be said that he has identified a possibility!

Finally, he turned around and ran away, but Qianyi moved his whole body.

As soon as Ma Xianhong moved, Li Tong and the other six hurriedly followed behind.

There is only one purpose, to hold Ma Xianhong back!

Let Zhang Chulan completely destroy the self-cultivation furnace!

Although the self-cultivation furnace has begun to be destroyed, they believe that Ma Xianhong attaches great importance to the self-cultivation furnace.

There will definitely be some backup arrangements, so the most important goal now is to hold Ma Xianhong back!

This ensures that the Slimming Furnace can be completely destroyed!

The company's order was to destroy the self-cultivation furnace, so they could only follow this order.

After seeing them marching, Lao Meng turned around and ran quickly.

Ma Xianhong, who was running on the road at this moment, had a ferocious face and looked extremely angry.

Just like their previous plan, Ma Xianhong has been led into the trap step by step.

He has three huge ropes around his neck and is about to be completely "broken"

However, Zhang Chulan lived up to expectations at this time. When they were fighting, Erzhuang sent him a message nearby.

Then Zhang Churan swung the hammer he was carrying.

The power of the golden light spell spreads all over, and it hits the door of the self-cultivation furnace with a hammer!

The door burst open with one blow!

A few more blows followed.

At this moment, he experienced the joy of a small hammer of 40 and a big hammer of 80!

Just when Zhang Chulan was furious with the self-cultivation furnace.

Here they have caught up with Ma Xianhong, and then six people deal with one person.

They began to fight with each other, and Black Guan'er took the lead in rushing forward.

Ma Xianhong was knocked away with one punch, but Ma Xianhong quickly retreated.

But still keep the focus.

His eyes were red, and anger had filled his body. It was not that he had never thought that Zhang Chulan would destroy the self-cultivation furnace.

But he absolutely couldn't believe that his so-called godfather would dare to do this!

You must know that he attaches great importance to the self-cultivation furnace!

Naturally, a lot of protection measures have been arranged!

The reason for building the self-cultivation in that secluded place.

Moreover, such a large palace was built not because it was precious, but because the protection methods were comprehensive enough.

On top of the self-cultivation stove, all the empty shells are like flowers!

There are even black puppets arranged by oneself.

Therefore, under the combination of the two conditions, Zhang Chulan's behavior was no different in Ma Xianhong's eyes, so he was seeking death.

Zhang Chulan, if you are seeking death yourself, there is nothing I can do!

Just after Zhang Churan smashed the hammer twice, the ceiling suddenly fell.

Immediately afterwards, countless flowers began to jump down from the ceiling, like rain.

Falling densely on the ground.

They all looked at Zhang Chulan.

At this moment, this group of Ruhua rushed towards him.

Although Zhang Chulan resisted with all his strength and knocked away a few of them, this group of fierce and unknowing Ruhuas still rushed over.

Zhang Chulan must be buried alive through the sea of ​​​​people.

But Zhang Chulan also has a method, a small thunder hammer.

Then he hit him with one hammer after another, and finally his body turned into a whirlwind.

Knocking all these flowers to pieces one after another, but still.

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