[At the same time, a ghost face and black sound waves also appeared on Kamado Tanjiro's forehead. 】

[Then blue flames burst out from Tanjiro Kamado's body.This flame grew bigger and bigger, and finally directly wrapped Kamado Tanjiro's entire body in it. 】

【ring! 】

["Drink!" With a soft cry, a red gauntlet appeared from the flames and flicked away the entire flames, revealing what was underneath. 】

【ghost! 】

[The overall armor is blue-purple, with the devil's symbol on the top of the head, and the edges of the mask and wrists are red.There is a small diamond-shaped metal piece forming an armor that looks like a small vest. 】

【Hanggui! 】

Chapter 91 Xiangguihong!

["Is it Kamen Rider again?" Seeing such a scene, Anku cut his body with some discomfort, then stood up with his body propped up. 】

[In front of me, three Kamen Riders are facing off against four enemies. 】

[Blue and green parrot-eating monsters, lion jellyfish-eating monsters, and a ghost named 'Xiankai'! 】

["Who are you?" OOO looked a little surprised as he looked at Hibiki after his transformation. 】

["My name is Kamado Tanjiro, the current 'Hibiki'" Hibiki took two steps forward, stood side by side with OOO, and at the same time took out two sound sticks behind his back. 】

["Hibiki? So, senior Hibiki, let's fight together." OOO didn't have much time to chat with Hibiki now, so they looked at the four enemies in front of them together. 】

[Of course there is Accel opposite! 】

["Boom!" The first one to move was Hibiki, who quickly hit Hattori's drum with his palm. 】

[Several wind blades attacked all around. Seeing such a scene, everyone started to move. Accel pulled Daisuke Kosaka beside him and escaped the attack. 】

[As for OOO, he also stepped back a certain distance, picked Anku up, and then stepped back a certain distance.Dodged the attack of the wind blade. 】

[Compared to Accel and OOO going to save people and then retreating, Hibiki rushed directly towards Hibiki. In the middle, he made a weird twist to avoid the attack of the wind blade, and appeared in front of Hibiki, and then The drum stick in his hand hit Hibiki's body. 】

[The drum stick in Hibiki's hand is red as a whole, and above it is a red gem-like head. And when he beat it down, red flames lit up on the drum stick, which instantly knocked Hibiki back. small distance. 】

["Sing..." At this time, the two parrot-eating monsters discovered that the existence that gave birth to their desires was attacked, so they immediately launched an attack on the ringing ghost, spitting out two flames from their mouths.He headed towards Hibiki, but Hibiki did not dodge, but crossed the drum sticks in his hands to block the two flames. 】

[After the flames exploded, the flames spread on Hibiki's body for a while, and then disappeared. The Hibiki who was attacked seemed to be intact. 】

["Leave these two appetite monsters to me." OOO put Anku in the police car at this time, and asked Daisuke Kosaka to drive the car away, but not too far away. After that, OOO flew directly into the police car. The two parrot-devouring monsters opened and headed towards the sky. 】

[And the target of the Lion Jellyfish Devourer was not Hibiki, but passed in the direction of the police car. Obviously his target was Anku. 】

[But Accel is here in the police car. 】

[The battlefield turns into three. 】

["Drink!" Hibiki's strength seemed to be unfathomable. His two drumsticks hit Hibiki's body hard, especially avoiding the drum in Hibiki's abdomen. 】

["My vampire technique is not just that simple." After being pushed back a long distance, Hibiki looked very angry and stood up straight. 】

["As expected, the body of the former 'Twelve Ghost Moon·Last String Land' is indeed very strong." Hibiki also retreated a distance.The attack effect of the drum stick in his hand just now was actually not very good. 】

["However, the 'King of Ghosts, Ghost Dancer Muzan' has been completely solved as early as the Taisho era. You ghosts and us ghost hunters should have withdrawn from the stage of history long ago." Hibiki said. Thick red smoke emitted from his body, which looked like a flame. 】

["Although Lord Onibatsuji Mumei has died, his will will never disappear. We will live with his will." After hearing Hibiki's words, Hibiki said angrily, and then his hands were like It beat towards the drum in the abdomen like a phantom. 】

["Shangsu Drumming" Countless sharp blades exploded from Xiangkai's body in all directions. This power was very terrifying.The removal range was very wide, and the removal was very powerful, and the entire ground was dug out for a large distance. 】

[And the thick red smoke coming from the body looked like a Hibiki ghost with flames around the body. The thick smoke on the body disappeared, and then suddenly started to move. He put the drum stick in his left hand back behind his back, and then Holding the remaining right drum stick in both hands, flames came out of the drum stick, forming an energy sword. 】

[And the Hibiki itself started to... dance, like the kind of dance used by priests, while waving the long sword in his hand. 】

[The strange thing is that I can't see what's going on, but there is no attack at all in the underground area of ​​Xianggui.The ground was intact. After jumping for a while, the energy sword in Hibiki's hand burst out with flames like an ink painting. 】

["God of Fire Kagura: Round Dance!" The body rotated in a circle, and the sword in his hand actually bounced the wind blade away, and then the flames on the long sword in his hand also hit Hibiki's body. 】

[But Hibiki was also very strong. He suddenly retreated a distance, but his hands were still cut off by the fire god Kagura with this move. His hands fell to the ground, and black blood spurted out like a fountain. And out. 】

[But after the blood fell on the ground, it turned into black mist and slowly dissipated, and the arm that fell on the ground also turned into black mist and dissipated. 】

["Is it actually the breath of the sun?" Seeing such a scene, Xiangkai looked very shocked, with fear in his tone, and while he was speaking, his hands had actually grown again. 】

【Hanggui! 】

["Huh..." While Xiangkai was shocked, Xianggui waved his hand at this time, and red mist continued to appear on his body. With a flick of his hand, his entire body turned red. 】

【red! 】

[Kamen Rider Hibiki Red! 】

[Hibiki changed into this form, and his speed suddenly increased, and then he swung the flaming sword in his hand and attacked Hibiki. 】

[And this time the target is the opponent's neck. 】

["Kagura, the God of Fire·Bone-Scorching Sun!"]

【Tear! 】

[Xiankai’s head was cut open and fell down. 】

[After Hsikai's head fell off, the rest of his body also slowly fell backwards, but the body that fell to the ground began to expand suddenly, and then became three or four meters tall. A headless monster. 】

["Have you started to go berserk?" Xiang Guihong was not surprised when he saw Xiangkai like this in front of him, but took out another drum hammer from behind. 】

Chapter 92 Restraint!

["Is this the Desire Devourer?" Accel, on the other hand, kicked the lion jellyfish Desire Devourer in the abdomen. Although a lot of cell coins were kicked out, it also slid back a certain distance. 】

["How did the Smiling Tiger get here?" With these words in his mouth, Accel quickly retreated a distance.Because the lion jellyfish has a strange appetite and attacks like a small jellyfish. 】

["Engine·Maximum·Drive!" Inserting the engine memory into the engine blade in his hand, Accel pointed the engine blade in his hand at these small jellyfish, and then released an A-shaped energy attack. 】

[After the attack was over, Accel held the engine blade in his backhand, then took out the driver from his waist, jumped up and transformed into a motorcycle. 】

[Because of the explosion of energy and small jellyfish, the Lion Jellyfish Devourer also covered his eyes, but in the flames, the Accel motorcycle mode suddenly broke through the entire flame, and then like a phantom, quickly He bumped into the body of the lion jellyfish, and at the same time, he hit the lion jellyfish's body with a quick movement.Or the sword blade cuts across the opponent's body. 】

[After several consecutive hits, the Lion Jellyfish Devourer rolled directly on the ground several times, and a large number of cell coins fell on the ground. 】

["That's it." Accel dropped the engine blade in his hand, and then twisted the handle of the driver on his waist.The motorcycle engine sounds. Accel's body bent slightly. 】

【"Accel! Maximum Drive"】

[The Lion Jellyfish Devourer had just stood up when he saw a Knight Kick coming into his eyes. 】

["Boom!" An explosion sounded, and the Lion Jellyfish Devourer exploded directly.Core coins dropped all over the place. 】

[Anku, who was in the police car, covered his right hand, and then took out an eagle jar from his arms: "Bring me those coins."]

["Chirp!" The eagle jar flew out, quickly holding the cell coin on the ground and falling back into Anku's arm, but only one eagle jar was still slightly slower.Seeing this, Daisuke Kosaka also got out of the car and went to help pick up the cell coins. 】

[But Kasumigaoka, who had been silent and motionless on the side, saw Anku's uncomfortable look, but some pictures appeared in his mind, and the pictures were in the style of flashback. 】

[To put it simply, it was some things that Mo Chen and she encountered a long time ago when they were in the student union. 】

【'Don't sit still and wait for death when things happen. '】

['Sometimes, if you can help, just do it. You can understand it as a kind heart, or you can understand it as a good karma.In the future, when you have to trouble others with something, you won't feel too much psychological pressure. '】

[I don’t know what happened. Kasumigaoka opened the door. It is relatively safe here now. Kasumigaoka helped grab a lot of core coins and handed them to Anku.Anku glanced at Kasumigaoka in surprise, but didn't say anything. 】

[But the scene is in the sky. In the sky, the battle between OOO and two appetite-devouring monsters is rather embarrassing. 】

["The flames of the bird-type linkage group are very powerful, but the bird-type linkage group is also suitable for flames. Sure enough, each linkage group still has a restraining effect." The bird spinner on the left hand blocked the two parrot-devouring monsters. Fire attack, but the bird-linked group was still pushed back for a while. 】

["By the way, Anku gave it to me." After flying around for a while, OOO took out the octopus core coin and replaced it with the vulture core coin. 】

["Taka! Kujaku! Tako!" The feet turned into light blue armor with many holes on it, which looked like the style inside the tentacles of an octopus. 】

["Drink!" After becoming like this OOO, the outer armor on both feet suddenly spread out like the tentacles of an octopus. 】

["The combination of fire and water elements? It is indeed a bit uncomfortable." Not every core coin can form a perfect combination. In addition to the combination of the same attributes, the three most common are eagle, tiger, and locust. Stable and comfortable, the burden on the body is minimal. 】

[As for the fire-type bird-type and water-type sea-type linkage groups, the conflict is quite obvious, especially since Souta had just used the bird-type linkage group, and he was already very tired, so he suddenly changed to an octopus coin. 】

[The tired body carried the new core coin, which made Souta's body even more uncomfortable. 】

[The leg armor on both feet unfolded and swept like an octopus's tentacles, deflecting the parrot's flame bullets away. 】

["Saiya!" Flying under control, the octopus tentacles on OOO's legs extended out, grabbing the blue parrot eater at once, and then OOO opened the box of the bird spinner in his hand, and then took out the waist There are octopus coins among them, as well as tiger and eagle coins.Then use the O scan ring to cross it. 】

【"Taka! Tora! Tako! Scanning·Charge!"】

[A number of three-color energy bombs were fired from the Hawk Sparrow Spinner. These energy bombs directly hit the blue Parrot Devourer and exploded it directly. 】

[After the attack ended, OOO's back was attacked by the green parrot's Devouring Monster, but OOO who was attacked also endured the pain in his back. 】

[OOO's octopus legs have suction. The cell coins erupted from the blue parrot that was just destroyed were thrown by OOO and went directly towards the side of the police car below. 】

[Obviously the purpose of OOO is to hand over these core coins to Anku. 】

[After doing this, OOO suddenly turned around, and the octopus tentacles directly knocked it away.Then OOO looked at the green parrot that was thrown away by him. 】

["Let's borrow the moves used by senior Faiz before." Looking at the green parrot, OOO flapped the wings behind his back and flew high, and then the octopus tentacles merged and formed like an electric drill. The green parrot devoured the monster's body. 】

[Then it shot out from the sky and aimed at the body of the green parrot, and then the whole body began to spin, like an electric drill. 】

[This attack indeed looks very similar to the previous attack method of Faiz's crimson electric drill. 】



Chapter 93 Sound Strike·Fire Flame Continuous Strike

[Without his head, Hibiki still attacks Hibiki. 】

[Facing such a ghost that has no will and only attacks, Hibiki still seems to be very aggressive. After dodging the attack, he found an opportunity. Hibiki took out a round ring with three magatama on his waist. The object then rolled into the vicinity of Hibiki's abdomen and placed the round object in his hand on the opponent's abdomen. 】

[The entire Hattori lit up with a purple light, and then the entire circular thing in the light suddenly became a lot larger. Seeing this, Hibiki turned the sound stick in his hand, and fire burst out from it. 】

["Sound Strike·Fire Flame Continuous Beat" The sound strike sticks hit the Sound Strike·Fire Flame Drum continuously, very rhythmically, and with the beating, cracks began to appear on Hibiki's body. 】

["Drink!" With the last hammer blow, Hsikai's body shattered into pieces. 】

["Boom!" The sound of explosion sounded, and Xianggui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it.Then with a touch of his hand, he hid his helmet and placed the sound stick behind his own back. 】

[Then he squatted down, and some manuscripts appeared in the exploded Hirokai's body, and at the same time, the head that fell to the side also disappeared: "How could I..."]

["The aura of ghosts is so sad." Tanjiro Kamado knelt on the ground, stretched out his hand to put all the manuscripts together, and then saw the picture in a trance. 】

['In the Taisho era, Hibiki was a writer. He liked to play drums when he was alive. He felt uneasy because what he wrote was not taken seriously. After becoming a ghost, he still worked hard to create, but in the end he was ridiculed and ridiculed by the editor. After trampling on his own manuscript paper, he killed the opponent with the vampire technique. '】

['Later, as the King of Ghosts, Oniitsuji Muzan!After being defeated by the Hibiki ghosts and others in the Taisho era, all the remaining ghosts hid in the mountains and forests until modern times, when the sleeping Hibiki accidentally entered a truck and entered the city. '】

['After regaining some human consciousness, he wanted to continue writing novels, but a hundred years later, he had no chance at all, and because no one read it, he seemed very painful. In the end, Kazali unblocked his desire. '】

["I just want to write something...why no one reads it." Hsikai said sadly before dying. 】

["You killed someone, I must kill you. But I will finish reading your novel, because it represents your feelings, and I will finish reading it." Tanjiro Kamado collected all the manuscripts and whispered softly said. 】

["..." After hearing Kamado Tanjiro's words, Hibiki dissipated almost half of his face. His eyes slowly widened and finally turned into ashes and disappeared completely, but he left a very light thank you: "Thank you. .”]

["Huh, that's the end of it." Kamado Tanjiro picked up all the documents on the ground, and then took a deep breath. 】

["The matter is not over yet, right? Mr. Kamado Tanjiro, please come with me." At this time, Hattori Heiji, who had released his transformation, came over and looked at Kamado Tanjiro in front of him.He took out his police officer ID card! 】

["Hey!" Kamado Tanjiro glanced at the people in front of him in confusion.At this time, OOO also fell from the sky to the ground. Seeing such a scene, he took a step forward, released his transformation and walked between the two people: "Wait a minute, wait a minute. The two Hibiki seniors are just here to help. ..”]

[Come on, Souta, who used the bird-linked combination, and Souta, who used the octopus-linked combination, shook and fell unconscious. 】

[Fortunately, Hattori Heiji and Kamado Tanjiro supported Souta together. 】

"The consequences of the bird-linked group are a bit serious, right?"

"It should be said that the side effects of the joint team are very serious. Every time I use Souta, I will fall into a coma. It looks so miserable."

"Hey, this can't continue like this. I don't know what will happen to Souta. Now so many core coins have been robbed. Only the basic form and the bird-type combination are left."

"The key is that the current Desire Monsters have become much stronger. You see, the Desire Monsters with two attributes fused together appear. It looks very weird."

"It feels a little disgusting, the lion's jellyfish eating monster."

"It has been divided into three camps now, OOO and Anku, then Kazali and Lost Anku, and finally Wufan and Shuimei."

"Who is Shui Mei?"

"It's Mezel. Now I feel that Shui Mei and the others should be good people. After all, you can see that they haven't appeared since they were rescued by the junior girls."

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