"I have a hunch that the final boss will definitely be Kazari."

"It's too miserable for OOO to be alone now. Even with Birth, I feel it's quite miserable."

"But are there other knights? For example, this Hibiki, and the previous Yajituo. Even if these two are very busy, isn't there still a 555?"

"You can only see it like this. But these ghosts are here and so on."

"Hibiki, isn't this name just 'Ghost'?"

"Use the power of ghosts to deal with ghosts?"

"But does it seem like there is such a monster that can eat people in the world now?"

["Ghost?" Returning to Wagunaria, Ipo and Torah took out the medical kit and gave Souta and Anku a brief treatment after they woke up. Hattori Heiji and Anku both said There was a doubtful voice. 】

["Well, actually before the Taisho era, ghosts were eating humans under the leadership of the ghost king, Demon Slayer Corps. At that time, a team called the 'Demon Slayer Corps' was organized to deal with him." The answer was naturally Tanjiro Kamado. . 】

[However, the current Kamado Tanjiro has not released his transformation, and he still looks like a Hibiki ghost. Then he looked at Hattori Heiji with some embarrassment: "Um, Officer Hattori, can you give me your school bag? I need to change my clothes, wait. Continue the explanation below.”]

["Change clothes?" Hattori Heiji was a little confused, but he still brought Kamado Tanjiro's clothes.Kamado Tanjiro nodded and said: "Well, when you use the power of ghosts, your clothes will be burned clean by the ghost fire. Although there is a secret technique, I haven't learned that secret technique yet. Using it now..." 】

["..." Everyone was a little embarrassed. Kamado Tanjiro went to change clothes and came out and continued to explain. 】

["But during the Taisho era, the ghost dance Tsuji Mumei gained strange powers. In the past, the most effective way to deal with ghosts was to cut off the head or bask in the sun, and there was a kind of flower that could restrain it. But that changed later. If Unless you use the power of ghosts, you cannot completely destroy the opponent."]

Chapter 94 'The Desire Called Love'

["At that time, in order to deal with the new power of Onimbutsuji Muzan, everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to also study the opponent's power, and then the 'ghosts' were born. The power used is from the same source, that is, Hibiki. Moreover, the power of Hibiki runs in the family. My elder is the Hibiki who defeated Oniitsuji Muzan back then."]

["After the tragic death of Onimbutsujimu, most of the other ghosts were eliminated, but some ghosts began to mysteriously resurrect half a year ago. But fortunately, the places where they revived were all on our mountain side, so the ghosts left before Some of the descendants of the Demon Slayers who came down began to regain the power of "ghosts". This time I went down the mountain because Matsuemon sensed the presence of ghosts in the city. In addition, I also had some personal matters to see Miss Todoroki, so I went down. coming."】

[While talking, Kamado Tanjiro opened the window, and the crow outside, Tennoji Matsuemon, flew in and landed directly on Tanjiro's head. 】

["Crow?" Hattori Heiji obviously doesn't have a good sense of crows.When Tanjiro saw this, he explained: "This is a crow."]

["Idiot, idiot!" Tennoji Matsuemon shouted to Hattori Heiji, and then grabbed Tanjiro's hair: "Go back, go back, there is a ghost in the mountains again."]

["I understand, I'll be back soon." Tanjiro nodded, then looked at Hattori Heiji: "Then Officer Hattori, can I leave first?"]

["..." Hattori Heiji didn't care what Tennoji Matsuemon called him, but took out a business card and handed it to Tanjiro: "In the future, if such a situation occurs in the urban area, you can contact me first."]

["Oh. Okay!" Tanjiro nodded, and then prepared to leave, but not long after leaving the house, Tanjiro ran out again: "Sister Todoroki!"]

["Huh?" Todoroki Yachiyo was just helping to get the medicine. He was a little surprised to see Tanjiro running back, and then saw Tanjiro taking out a red envelope: "Well, I will be engaged to Kanako in a while. , please be sure to come when the time comes."]

["Todoroki..." And it was a coincidence that Jun Sato was just about to come in from the outside, but when he saw Tanjiro handing the red envelope to Todoroki Yachiyo, he was stunned for a moment, then turned and left. 】

["Pfft!" When Souma saw this scene, he covered his mouth. He looked like he wanted to laugh but he covered his mouth to hold back. 】

[After Tanjiro left, Hattori Heiji looked at Souta: "I probably understand what happened on your side. You can also contact the Special Cases Division directly in the future."]

["Okay, I understand." These Soutai did not refuse. 】

['...' On this side, Anku looked very ugly.The picture just stayed on Anku's face. 】

There is still a 10-minute break in between.

Then continue with the next round of playback.

【'Desire Named Love'】

[The snowflakes fell slowly and it started to snow.The outside of Vagonalia was still very lively with people coming and going, and Anku was still hiding in the attic, closing his eyes and concentrating. 】

[Although a lot of core coins were robbed, the main thing is that his own core coins were not robbed, so in fact, the problem itself is not big.But being robbed of the core coins like this made Anku very unhappy. 】

[After a while, the window was knocked. Anku opened his eyes and saw an eagle jar flying over. He opened the window and the eagle jar flew in. He shook his head at Anku and then turned into a jar. fell on the table. 】

["Damn it. Still haven't found it?" Upon seeing this, Anku went out directly. Because of Souta's need, there was always a vending machine outside. He took out an eagle jar from the vending machine, and Anku let it fly again. Go out and put the jar back into the vending machine. 】

[Anku is constantly searching for where his body is, but the result is never there, which makes Anku very angry. 】

[Pushing the door open and entering the lounge, Anku found Jun Sato, who was leaning against the window and smoking.Anku glanced at Jun Sato, then returned to his seat, preparing to close his eyes and rest. 】

[Although Anku and other people in the store are considered acquaintances, Anku does not like to communicate with other people. Surprisingly, the only ones who chat with Anku are Yamada and Bai Yang. Others will only chat with Anku. Say hello or something.But there wasn’t that much chatting. 】

["Anku-kun, can you feel desire?" But this time Sato Jun asked.Anku opened his eyes and looked at Jun Sato, with a disdainful smile on his lips: "Do you want me to see your desires?"]

["..." Jun Sato did not refute or admit, he just smoked. 】

["You don't even have to look at it with the ability of a greedy person, I can feel your desire." And Anku smiled contemptuously, looking at Jun Sato in front of him: "You like that Todoroki Yachiyo, right?"]

["Do I still like her now?" Jun Sato asked at this time. 】

[Okay, Jun Sato is indeed a little confused.The most important thing is the reason why Kamado Tanjiro appeared a few days ago. At that time, Sato Jun saw Kamado Tanjiro handing his invitation to Todoroki Yachiyo. 】

[And Todoroki Yachiyo's expression also looked relatively happy, so Jun Sato thought that Tanjiro might have a special relationship with Yachiyo.The most important thing is that he asked the store manager before what the relationship between the two was, and the store manager replied that they were childhood sweethearts. 】

[In conjunction with that scene, Jun Sato naturally thought that the two might be together, which made Jun Sato have the idea of ​​quitting. After all, he had always had a crush, but he still couldn't forget it. 】

["So humans are really boring. Go grab what you like instead of smoking cigarettes here. If you want to know the answer, then ask." Anku closed his eyes and continued to relax. . 】

["Just go and ask?" Jun Sato put the cigarette butt in the ashtray and extinguished it, then walked out: "Want to have ice cream?"]

["Eat!" Anku suddenly opened his eyes when he heard that Bing Qilin was eating. 】

[After dark, the store is getting ready to close. 】

["Speaking of which, Christmas is coming." Souta wiped the table and looked at Bai Yang: "Senior Vagonaria, are you offering any discounts?"]

["Sister Xingzi!" After hearing Souta's question, Bai Yang looked at the store manager. 】

["Christmas...festival...gifts...dinner..." she muttered a few words to herself, and the store manager's eyes became a little brighter. She looked at Souta and said, "Let's do it!"]

Chapter 95 Desire for Money

["Little bird tour, you go and buy some Christmas clothes and Christmas trees. When the business is over, everyone can have dinner together. Anku, you can also help." Returned to the lounge at the back. Inside, the apricot store manager announced what was going to happen at Christmas time. 】

["Why do you want me to go with you?" Anku replied very dissatisfied at this time. 】

["Well, Anku-kun, it is a festival after all, and during festivals, there are gifts." Souma said, stepping forward and whispering a few words in Anku's ear, which surprised Anku. He glanced at Souma, who looked at Anku with a smile. 】

[Anku stopped refuting, but fell silent. 】

[After everything was busy, everyone got off work. There was still a short distance before Christmas, so there was no rush. 】

["Mo Chen really gave me a problem." After getting off work, Xiangma pulled up his dark blue scarf and scratched his head, while walking out of Vagonalia, but when he walked out, He turned around and glanced at this ordinary-looking little restaurant and sighed. 】

["Even my intelligence network can get really not much information." While complaining, Soma left in the distance, and soon got into a black car and left. 】

["Boom..." On this side, Sato Jun is waiting. 】

[Waiting for Todoroki Yachiyo and the store manager to get off work, when Todoroki finally came out, he called out to each other, and the store manager said that Sato Jun asked Soutara to stop him. 】

["I said before that we would go out for a drink together...after Christmas night..." Jun Sato stumbled a bit when he said these words, but finally finished: "...together?"]

["Hey! Okay!" Todoroki Yachiyo seemed very happy to agree, and Jun Sato breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. 】

[It started snowing before Christmas even started. 】

["Christmas? What is that?" On the other side, in the abandoned bar, Gamer looked at Mezel curiously.Metzl showed a gentle expression and reached out to rub Gamel's head: "It's a human holiday. Give your friends a gift that they like."]

["A gift from a friend?" Gamer nodded, then raised his right hand and said cutely: "I have a friend, and I want to give him a gift."]

["Friend?" After hearing Gamel's words, Metzl glanced at Gamel in surprise. 】

["I'm sorry, Mezier. Before you came back, I went out to look for you. At that time, I met two friends who were playing together." Gamer said with some embarrassment. 】

[Then some memories appeared in Gamer's mind. It turned out that when Mezier was injured and taken away by Bai Yang, Gamer also went out to look for him very worriedly, and then ran into the small forest. 】

[In the end, I met three people, one was his wife, and the other... was Yamada? 】

[Yamada originally had a playful personality, and the wife was very young, looking like she was in her 40s or [-]s, and was very gentle. In addition, Yamada was also lost at that time. 】

[In the end, the three of them got to know each other. Gamer was the kind of cute and silly little boy, so...]

[The three of them became friends.Recently, Yamada occasionally plays with Gamel after get off work. 】

["Friends? Then let's go buy some gifts or something." As for Gamel making friends with humans, Metzl didn't resist. 】

[At this moment Wu Fan walked in, holding a grog bag in his hand. There was wine and some snacks in the grog bag. He glanced at the three of them: "You actually became friends with humans?"]

["Human beings in this era are much more interesting than humans back then." Metzl chuckled, and Wu Fan did not refute this sentence, but took out a stack of yen: "This is the era. money.”]

["Ufan, you said that about us before, but you didn't expect that you actually used human banknotes?" Metzl looked at the cash next to Ufan and sneered. 】

["I just found that every era has to use different methods to deal with humans." Wu Fan said, reaching out and taking out the cash, running through it with his fingers.Then Wu Fan looked at the two of them: "By the way, have you found Kazali?"]

["That guy disappeared somewhere." Both of them shook their heads. 】

["Leave the matter of the cell coin to me, and you will be responsible for catching Kazali back to me. Mezier, your core coin is in his hand." Ufan said this, squeezed hard in his hand, and directly took the other A can of beer was crushed in one hand. 】

["What about Anku?" At this time, Gamer asked curiously. 】

["Anku and OOO have no conflicts with us, don't worry, and Anku's core coins are also missing. If we use his core coins to exchange our core coins with him, do you think he will agree? ?”]

["The assistance of Anku and OOO is just to get back his core coins. Although there is help from OOO, if the three of us are together, I think even Anku should think about it carefully. Wait until we get it back. After getting the core coin." After saying this, Wu Fan's expression showed a smile, which looked a little scary. 】

["But, we don't know where our own core coins are, and we don't know where Anku's core coins are either?" Gamer asked curiously after hearing this. 】

["We have lamented before, human beings' technological progress is really strong." Wu Fan supported his cheek with one hand and took out a core coin from his arms. 】

[It’s actually a Peacock Core Coin: “And human desires can also be used for many things in addition to making core coins, and many people’s desire for money is sometimes heavier than our desire for core coins. ”]

["Money?" Metzl and Gamer looked at each other. Although they had begun to understand human beings, Metzl knew more about medical treatment and liked to read romance movies and novels.I don’t know much about technology. 】

[Not to mention the simple Gamel, he just likes to watch animations and funny things, and he doesn’t know much about these technologies. 】

["I'm looking forward to it now. When I meet Anku and Kazali, their expressions will be shocked." After saying this, Wufan transformed into his true form. 】

[And now Wufan's body armor has been completely restored. 】

The little girl Pinocchio in Chapter 9

["Anku, what did Souma say to you yesterday?" Because they were arranged, Souta and Anku took to the streets together at noon. 】

["He said he could help me find another core coin, which will be a Christmas gift when the time comes."]

["A gift. I don't know what to give." After hearing Anku's words, Souta scratched his head, but then complained: "Souma-san's intelligence is really great, it seems that everything You seem to know. But what if some of Anku’s core coins are broken?”]

["The core coins will not be damaged that easily." Anku replied like this. 】

[While the two were shopping, there were two eyes in the sky watching them all the time, and Anku actually didn't feel it at all. 】

[Until the two of them just came out of a store, an attack like lightning fell on the ground. Anku pushed Souta away, and the two of them evaded the attack together. 】

["Is it the Devouring Monster?" Souta, who landed on the ground, looked around for the attack, but Anku looked left and right: "This energy wave is indeed the Devouring Monster, but I can't sense it."]

["Huh?" Souta was a little confused, but soon discovered that this attack did not seem to be intended to attack him, but was accidentally dropped. Moreover, the power of this attack was not strong, because an attack had just landed on someone else. On the person's body, the person was only numb for a moment, and then his head looked like an explosion, but his body seemed fine. 】

["So cute!" Hearing such a voice, Anku and Souta looked at each other and rushed over immediately. 】

[There is a crowd in front, and inside the crowd, there is a strange little guy, who looks like a cat, but has a small light on his head like a monkfish in the sea, and there are also fins on his back. 】

["Devouring monster?" Souta looked at Anku next to him in confusion, and Anku also looked surprised: "It is indeed a devouring monster."]

[Why is Zouta so confused? That is, although the appetite-devouring monsters that appeared before all have animal appearances, they all look very scary, or ferocious, but the appetite-devouring monster in front of him is very... Lian's cuteness has a kind of cuteness that makes people want to pity her at a glance. 】

[However, since Anku knew that the one coming was the Desire Eater, Souta naturally started to evacuate the crowd, and then prepared to have a good chat with the Desire Devourer, but after everyone dispersed, this one looked like It was an appetite monster composed of a cat and a monkfish. The coin flashed and then turned back into a cute little girl. 】

[She has short brown watermelon hair with several bows on it, her eyes are brown-red, and she is wearing a cute little skirt. She scratched her head in distress: "It's true, she's out of control again."]

["Little sister, are you okay?" Zouta stepped forward and asked worriedly. 】

["I'm already pregnant now, so I'm not a little sister." The little girl looked at Souta angrily, pouting, and she really didn't look like that at all. : "My name is Pinocchio, what about you?"]

["Kotori Yu Souta..." Souta replied in confusion, and then looked surprised: "What!?"]

["Can you please not be so loud? Because of that weirdo's appearance, my ears are super sensitive now." The little girl named Pinocchio said helplessly as she covered her ears. 】

["I'm sorry." Souta immediately apologized upon seeing this. 】

[After a brief chat, Souta and Anku returned to Wagonalia with the little girl who called herself Pinocchio.Pinocchio also explained his situation. 】

["Are you saying that a cell coin was thrown into you by a man with yellow hair and a hat some time ago?" Zouta asked in surprise.And Pinocchio, who had just taken a sundae and ate happily, nodded and said: "Well, that strange guy threw a strange coin to me while the doctor was not around, and sometimes I would become That weird look."]

["It's Kazari." Anku's expression on the side was very ugly. His eyes were on Pinocchio: "He is experimenting with what kind of appetite-eating monster can be created by combining the two core coins." 】

["But using such a young child for experiments, that guy Kazari." Souta seemed to be very angry. Of course, he ignored Pinocchio next to him and said, "I'm 18 years old." 】

["That guy Kazari, he actually got to this point." And Anku looked a little angry and punched the table with his fist, and at the same time glanced at Pinocchio. 】

["The minds of human cubs are not mature, so it is almost impossible to use the desires of human cubs to create appetite monsters. But this little girl, although her body is that of a human cub, her desires are quite different. Fixed two."]

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