[Rhino-elephant alliance or gravity alliance! 】

[Rhino, gorilla, and elephant, these three animals that look very thick and powerful are naturally formed into a combination of thick armor. The color of the helmet is white, with a tall horn in the middle. , and below the single horn is a hollow rhombus with a red gem in the middle between the eyebrows, and the compound eyes are red. 】

[The breastplate is still a set with very strong and thick hands and gloves, and with the thick leg armor, it looks very defensive. 】

["Ah!" OOO roared after the transformation, and this roar seemed to have an attack effect, at least making the owl flying in the sky stagger. 】

["Ah!" The roar was not over yet. It even seemed to be more intense. At the same time, it also used the same operation as the gorilla beating its own chest. 】

["Dong dong dong..." The sound of beating is more exciting than the sound of drums, but it is more than just exciting. It carries a powerful shock wave and directly shakes the owl in the sky. Come down. 】

[The shaken Owl Devourer is not far away, but nearby. OOO stopped his movements, stepped forward and punched him away.The Owl Desire Monster was knocked away, but before it landed, OOO raised his hand, and a gravitational force emerged from his hand, directly sucking the Owl Desire Monster back. 】

[The punch flew out again, and then it was sucked back in, punched out, and sucked back in. 】

[After repeating this action many times, the body of the Owl Devourer was already swaying, and it obviously looked confused. A lot of cell coins fell on the ground. 】

["Scanning·Charge" took out the O-scanning ring from his waist and scanned the drive. 】

[The swaying Owl Devourer was surrounded by rubble on the ground, which directly squeezed the Owl Devourer together, and then moved towards OOO. 】

[And OOO also lowered his head and made fists with both hands: "saiya!"]

[The sharp corners on the fists and helmet lit up and directly exploded the moved Owl Devourer. 】

["Huh..." After the battle was over, OOO pulled out the core coin from his waist and returned the rhino and gorilla core coins to Gamel: "Thank you Gamel."]

["Okay, I helped." Gamel clapped happily, and Souta started to collect the cell coins on the ground, and gave some of them to Gamel, who absorbed a little bit. , he put the others away and planned to leave them to Mezier. 】

[Anku looked dissatisfied, but he didn't have too many theories, but turned around and prepared to leave. 】

["Wait a minute, Anku!" Souta was the first to stop Anku.His hand grabbed Anku's right hand, and there was a pause like an electric current. Then Souta immediately let go of his hand: "Anku, why is there an electric current in your hand?"]

["..." And Anku glanced at his right hand. Just when Souta touched his right hand that had transformed into its true form, a trace of electricity flashed.Purple current. 】

["Anku, why didn't you give me a coin?" Souta was curious about why he was electrocuted, but ignored it. Instead, he looked at Anku in front of him with curiosity and helplessness. 】

["..." Anku didn't want to answer, but stretched out his hand and looked at Souta: "Give me the drive."]

["Tell me why first." Souta looked at Anku. Anku was silent and prepared to grab it directly.But Souta and Anku looked at each other, and finally Souta chose to hand over the drive in his hand to Anku. 】

["Anku..." When Souta wanted to say something else, Anku turned around and left. 】

["Anku...are you angry?" Gamer, who was very happy holding the cell coin, walked to Souta's side, scratched his head and asked curiously. 】

["...No, he was just thinking about something." Souta shook his head. 】

[Anku ignored Souta, and Souta did not continue to ask questions. It seemed as if the conflict just now had disappeared. 】

[But there was indeed a gap between the two. 】

[Souta and Gamel continued to go shopping. 】

["Has that guy Zouta's body mutated?" Anku did not return to the store. Instead, he found a nearby tall building and looked around at the situation from a high place. 】

["I must get back my core coin quickly. Otherwise, if this continues..." Anku is observing the surrounding environment here, trying to find the location of his body. 】

[After watching for a while, Anku raised his right hand again and changed back to his original right hand. If you look closely, you can see that there are some burnt black spots on Anku's right hand. Obviously, the purple arc just now did some damage to Anku. . 】

[After watching for a long time, Anku took out his mobile phone and dialed a certain number. 】

["Your intelligence is very strong, I need your help... Souma Hiroyuki!"]

[On the other side of the phone is Souma. 】

[Souma didn't seem to be at work, but outside. He looked a little surprised when he answered the phone: "Anku-kun, you actually asked me for help. Well, what information do you want? Let's talk about it first. I don’t know the information about the core coins.”]

["I don't need information about core coins now. I need information about dinosaur core coins. Ancient books and the like are also fine, I can interpret them."]

["Well... yes, and actually I also have clues to the intelligence." Soma chuckled. The place he is now seems to be a restaurant, but it is not inside, but outside. He is hiding I looked at the situation inside the store in a relatively remote place while answering the phone. 】

["Leave it to you." Anku nodded and was about to hang up the phone. 】

["Wait, Anku-kun." Suddenly Soma called out to Anku and said, "Anku-kun, I want to ask you something."]

【"What is your desire now?"】

["My... desire..." Anku was silent for a while. The first thing that came to his mind was the beautiful blue sky, then he thought of the scene when Souta handed him his glasses, and finally he thought of his core coin. 】

["Oh, boring question, of course, get back my core coins and become stronger!"]

Chapter 134 Anku’s past

["Oh, boring question, of course, get back my core coins and become stronger!"]

["Ah haha, is that really the answer?" Souma chuckled as he hung up the phone, and then his eyes returned to the place he was looking at. That place... was also a Wagunaria? 】

[But yes, as I said before, Wagunaria is a chain store.And the people who appeared in Wagunaria were surprisingly Shindo Yuta and his friends who had appeared before.But it was obvious that Soma's eyes were not on them, but on a girl or woman with fluffy blond hair and brown pupils. 】

['...' After watching for a while, Soma turned and left. 】

["Hey, after Mr. Mo Chen died, I had to come by myself if I wanted to see it." Sighing helplessly, Xiangma said to himself, then he took out a notebook and started flipping through it. Looked up. 】

["..." After Souma left, the girl who was looked at by Souma also set her eyes on the place where Souma was hiding just now.His eyes looked a little complicated. 】

["Miss Fei, Xiaoji is crying."]


[Back in the store, Souta was still busy, and Gamel handed a few core coins to Mezier like a treasure.At the same time, he told Mezier what happened before. 】

["Is that so? Gamel is really a good boy." Metzl praised Gamel, then looked at Souta who was busy, and hesitated for a while. 】

["You and Anku had a conflict?" Souta and Ipo entered the warehouse. While checking the quantity of goods in the warehouse, Metzl stood at the door. Metzl, who had always been wearing JK clothing before, now changed Wagunaria's uniform looks quite unique.She asked curiously while leaning against the wall, while Baiyang also followed Mezel and looked around.Obviously curious too. 】

["It's not a conflict. I know Anku is doing it for my own good. I don't know what the purple core coin is, but it should be very dangerous. But in order to protect others, I must fight ." Souta clenched his fist and said seriously. 】

["Purple core coin? What is that?" Metzl frowned slightly and looked at Souta. 】

["..." Zouta briefly explained his previous transformation. 】

["Impossible." Metzl shook his head directly: "This is impossible. The alchemists back then only created a few of us. Wait...could it be that one?"]

["That one?" Zouta asked curiously.He could actually feel the existence of the core coin in his body, but he was unable to use the power within it. 】

["After we were born, in order to find the missing core coin, we did go back to the place where we were created. In fact, it had been almost destroyed there. Later, I learned about the alchemists from Anku. There was also a rebellion, and some of them took some things and ran away. Maybe what was taken away was...the sixth set of core coins?"]

["Speaking of which, Anku was also a partner with you back then. Why did he later..." It seems that Metzl doesn't know much about the sixth set of core coins. Now Souta wants to know more about Anku and Mei. Zir and the others are also partners, right?Why do you feel like you are turning against each other now? 】

["He..." Metzl recalled. 】

[When Metzler and the others found Anku, Anku was staying on a mountain. He didn’t do anything. He just stood under the mountain and looked at the situation below. After being recruited by Metzler and the others, Anku It is also the kind of existence that contributes relatively little. 】

[Anku even feels a little out of place with them. 】

[But despite this, Anku was very powerful in the process of entering the castle of the king in 800. 】

[But Anku suddenly disappeared later and disappeared for a while. When he found the king later, he had a final battle in the place where they were created. During the battle, Anku... betrayed them. 】

["In other words, you don't know what's going on?" Souta probably understood the story, but what exactly happened back then is still unclear to this day. 】

[Anku is still on the roof now. He is watching the situation everywhere from the roof. 】

【He still wants to find his body. 】

['As long as you help me accomplish my goals, I can return the core coins to you, Anku... By the way...']

The screen ends here.

The first half is over.

The 10-minute cutscene content, this time the content played has a somewhat stream-of-consciousness feel.

It's a pink knight.Well, it’s the magenta knight showing off his cool fighting skills.

And his opponents are very strange. From grunge, venerables, ghosts and the like, they are all very strong anyway, and there are some special monsters that have never appeared before.

Then in the middle of the video, something very strange appeared. The magenta knight actually turned into another knight.

Kuuga, Yajituo, 555, Hibiki and some knights I have never seen before.

But he did become something else.

In the last 2 minutes of the video, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared.

Mo Chen.

Mo Chen was sitting in front of a plowing fire, looking like he was in the middle of ruins.The pink knight seemed to have said something to Mo Chen, and Mo Chen transformed directly after being surprised.

The battle between the two seemed very long, but the video was cut and matched with a banging BGM. The final result was that Mo Chen lost.

"This is... Menya Shi. Is this what happened now?" Xiao Ai asked with some worry.

"No, Xiaochen told us that he met Kadoya Shi when he went to the small world next to us before, and they did fight. At that time, Xiaochen lost, and he told me." Conan explained. .

"That's it." Xiao Ai said she understood.

【"Children's Desire"】

[After the title appeared, the screen slowly dimmed. 】

[Anku returned to the store. It was already dark and the store doors were closed, but the back door was still open. Entering from the back, Mezier and Gamer both looked like they were asleep, but when Anku came in When I opened my eyes. 】

[Only Souta appears to be asleep on the sofa bed. 】

[Both Gamer and Mezier opened their eyes and took a look. After realizing that it was Anku, they did not speak and continued to close their eyes. There was a note on the table. 】

Chapter 135 The snatched baby!

['There are popsicles left for you in the refrigerator! '】

[This is the content of the note. Anku took a look at it and put the note away. Anku walked to the refrigerator outside. There were several popsicles in the refrigerator, the same ones Anku had eaten before. 】

[Anku took out one of them and put it into his mouth. He took out the coin box and looked at the core coins inside. Anku was silent for a while, and did not take it out, but put it in again. Put it away. 】

["I thought you were going to be like Kazali." Just at this moment, Mezier's voice rang. She came from behind, passed Anku's side, reached out and took out another one from the refrigerator. I took a bite of the egg tart and said, "The taste..."]

["Metzl." Anku looked at Metzl and did not ask anything. Instead, he leaned against the closet and ate popsicles: "That guy has been hiding in a gloomy corner. He wants to become stronger. What does he use? All means are possible.”]

【"how about you?"】

["I just want to become stronger, strong enough to fly freely under the blue sky."]


[The conversation between the two men ends here. 】

[At the same time, in a certain hospital, a mother... lost her child.Devastated. 】

["..." And a child-like figure appeared next to the mother. He looked at the mother in front of him: "This kind of desire... is very suitable for giving birth to the Devouring Monster."]

[A cell coin was thrown into the opponent's forehead, and a mummy-like blank Devouring Monster crawled out. The first thing he did when he crawled out was that many black bandages emerged from his body, directly transforming the entire room. It became a place like a bird's nest.Then the Blank Desire Eater walked outside. 】

[After about 10 minutes, screams rang out, followed by a small explosion-like sound. The two children were carried into the room and handed over to the woman. 】

[And the crying woman seemed to be controlled, holding the child, her eyes full of tenderness, and then the entire body of the Devouring Monster began to glow with black light, and the mummy bandage outside shattered and became a complete The body-devouring monster. 】

[It is obviously a kind of bird. The head is dark blue and slightly brown. There is a white human face in the open mouth. It is human-shaped.The color of the inside of the body is warm white, while the outside has pinkish feathers. The tail feathers of the bird behind it gradually turn from red to purple, forming a shape similar to a cloak and are very long, twice as long as the entire height. Long, looks very beautiful and noble. 】

【'Shou belt bird eating monster'】

["..." Lost Anku looked at the appearance of the longevity bird-devouring monster, showing a smile, and then the cell coins in his body rolled, turned into a greedy one, and then flew away from here. 】

[The cry of the baby echoed in this small hospital, but no one noticed it, and the lights in some places were even dimmed. 】

[And the only thing left is the cry of the baby. 】

[The sun rises slowly. 】

["I'm here." Soma was on duty today. When he arrived at Wagunaria, he was blocked by Anku: "So, did you find anything?"]

["Wow, you scared me." Souma had just turned around to change his shoes, and was suddenly startled by Anku who appeared behind him. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest: "Anku-kun, don't be so scary. , almost scared me to death.”]

["So?" Anku didn't care whether he would scare him to death or something. Instead, he looked at Souma and wanted to get an answer from Souma. 】

["We almost have a clue. We may receive relevant information in the afternoon." Souma explained while changing his shoes and then asked: "By the way, where is Kotori Yu-kun?"]

["Go home and cook." After Anku got what he wanted to know, he looked very bored, then turned around and left.But he still answered Souma's words. 】

["Kotori Yu-kun is still a good boy." Souma chuckled. 】

["I'm here, good morning everyone."]

【"Good morning, Little Baiyang."】

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