["Brother Gamel and I are coming together."]

[Gradually, everyone in the store came. Although the store was not open early in the morning, they still had to prepare things. 】

["Didi didi." At this moment, Souma's cell phone rang. Souma glanced at it, then suddenly changed, becoming very happy or excited, and ran outside to answer the phone. 】

["Who did Souma-san call just now?"]

["Is this the first time I've seen Souma with such an expression?"]

["Could it be that she is a girlfriend?"]

[Obviously Soma always had a squinted look no matter what happened before, but this time Soma looked very excited and his mood fluctuated greatly. Everyone in the store was a little curious. 】

[We had just talked a few times around each other, but Souma, who went outside to answer the phone, turned a little pale and hurriedly opened the door and came in: "Kotori Yu-kun, I need your help!"]

["Huh?" Souta showed a puzzled expression.And Soma looked really anxious. 】

["The Desire Eater Monster is starting to catch the children."]

["What!" Everyone in the store expressed astonishment.The greedy people in Anku also frowned slightly and looked over. 】

["Sōma-san, calm down. Please explain the situation clearly to me first." Souta comforted Souma, and Souma seemed to have calmed down a little. 】

["The call just now was...concubine called me. He said that Xiaoji was snatched away by a strange bird-like monster." Souma obviously still hadn't completely calmed down, and he explained quickly. . 】

["Who are Fei and Xiaoji?" Although Souta roughly understood the process of the matter, who were Fei and Xiaoji?While asking, Souta took out the canned auxiliary systems. 】

["My...girlfriend, and daughter."]

["Oh, girlfriend and daughter...eh!"]

[Everyone in Wagunaria exclaimed, and several people jumped up in fright. Even Sato looked at the anxious Souma in shock. Obviously, this information made everyone in Wagunaria Everyone was very surprised. 】

["Now is not the time to talk about this. Please take me to the scene, Masan, to see if there is anything left. Anku will give me the drive and coins." Souta reassured Souma, and then looked towards Anku. 】

Chapter 13 Souma and Princess Kondo

["..." Anku was silent for a while, but still took out his core coin, and then handed the coin box in his hand to Souta: "Don't use combination."]

["..." Zouta opened the coin box. There were indeed a lot of core coins in it, but there were no core coins that could be assembled into a combination.This made Souta feel helpless: "Anku, why? The pressure on my body is less when I use the joint group now."]

["Why are you asking so many questions?" Anku was not going to explain to Souta. Although Souta wanted to argue with Anku, Soma's mood was also a bit wrong. 】

["Sato, Mezel, you drive over to help." There are only two vending machines outside, usually used by Souta and Anku.Sato and the store manager both have cars, but the current situation seems that Souma can't go to work, so let Sato drive Souma there, and Souma doesn't have a car.As for Metzler going together. 】

[The store manager remembers that Metzler treated the children who came to the store very well. 】

[Considering that the next thing was the child, I asked Metzl to go with him. 】

[Although the store manager has always been like a mascot and always competes with Anku for food, she is actually very concerned about everyone in the store. There are some people in the kitchen, although Sato and Soma are both Without it, progress would be much slower.But Souma's matter is still more important. 】

["Really, why did Mezier come over too!" Anku was obviously a little unhappy.He glanced at the silver car behind him. The car was driven by Sato. 】

["This is the store manager's choice!" Souta replied. 】

[Soon the motorcycle arrived at the Wagonalia branch.Souta and Anku had just parked their motorcycles, but Sato's car hadn't parked yet. Souma opened the door and got out of the car, and quickly ran into the store. 】

["Guest, what are you doing?" Although he was stopped for a moment, Soma couldn't care less and ran directly in. 】

[Souta and Sato looked at each other, and immediately went in to help. After Anku and Metzl got out of the car, they did not go in, but observed the situation around them: "The Devouring Monster... is still nearby .”]

[Souta’s side, because Souta had helped Shindo Yuta before, and Sato actually knew a chef in this restaurant named Adachi Masahiro, and I heard that the two were in the same club before.And they are all from the music club.We are still friends now, so we still keep in touch. 】

["Get out." There was a crying voice, and Souma was kicked out from a place in the back that was supposed to be the lounge, but Souma still looked worried. 】

[When Zongta saw this, he immediately went up to mediate the situation, and then he understood what had happened. 】

[The person whose child was snatched away is called Princess Kondo, and her daughter’s name is Kondo Hime. 】

[The relationship between her and Souma is a bit strange. Now she resists talking to Souma. However, she called Souma before. Apparently she still remembers Souma. 】

[The detailed situation is that when she came here to work with her child, the child was snatched away by a strange bird as soon as she entered Vagonalia. 】

[It's that simple. 】

["Devouring monsters are born from human desire." Souta calmed himself down. Suddenly Souta covered his temples, rubbed his forehead, and then continued: "If it's just destruction or something like that, Then it will be destroyed in a single game, and if Xiaoji is taken away, it means that the other party's desire is not destruction. In other words, there should be no problem with Xiaoji's safety now."]

[After hearing Souta’s words, everyone present felt a sense of fear. 】

["Where was Ji-chan taken to? Now that's a question." Souta held his chin in thought.Everyone is thinking about it too. 】

["In the hospital." Xiangma took out several mobile phones and looked like he was checking some information. His eyes were a little red and he said: "Of all the hospitals in the city, there are many hospitals where children have been lost. , but one of them has completely lost contact."]

["Hospital? Souma-san, I'll leave this place to you. Don't worry, I will definitely bring Ji-chan back." Souta nodded and looked at Souma seriously, but then smiled and said: "Remember to let me Take Xiao Ji with you."]

["Please, Kotori Yu!" Of course Souma also knew that Souta wanted to lighten the atmosphere, but Souma was not in that mood at all now.He was still looking at other phones, as if he was still collecting intelligence. 】

["Yes." Souta nodded and immediately went outside, but when he just arrived outside, Souta also paused, while Anku and the others also looked around: "Devouring monster?"]

["..." After hearing Souta's words, Anku and Metzl both looked at Souta. Anku's expression had a hint of gloom, while Metzl was surprised. 】

["Where is it!" Zouta discovered the location of the Desire Monster faster than the other two, and directly took out the OOO drive and inserted the core coin. 】


[Because there is no combination, not even a bird-type coin, the transformation ends with incomplete combinations such as lion, gorilla, and locust. 】

[OOO Soared directly from the ground to the sky. Souta jumped into the sky and soon saw a devourer in the distance holding a baby gently in his arms and fluttering his wings as he prepared to leave. 】

[There was a child in the other party's arms. OOO did not dare to step forward to continue the attack. Instead, he looked at the other party. However, the Devouring Monster also noticed OOO. He protected the child in his arms with one hand, and then directly directed it with the other hand. A flick. 】

[The super long cloak behind his back flicked, and several powerful flame bombs were thrown out. These flame bombs came directly towards OOO. OOO didn't fly up, but jumped up, so he could only take out the Holy Emblem Slasher. The sword struck away the flame bullets. 】

[But there is nothing that can be done. All that can be done is to drop it and watch the child being snatched away. 】

["Damn it!" OOO fell to the ground, smashed his fist on the ground, his blue compound eyes shook for a moment, and turned purple. This situation made Anku on the side clenched his right hand that turned into his real body, and became alert. He looked at the OOO in front of him, but the next second his blue compound eyes turned back to the blue of the lion's helmet.Seeing such a scene, Anku breathed a sigh of relief. 】

["Anku, I need different core coins!"]

Chapter 137 No Desire

"The one just now is going to use the dinosaur core coin."

"What's going to happen next? This time the Desire Eater is trying to catch children, so Souta won't attack casually."

"With Souta's strength, this Desire Devouring Monster should be easy to solve, but the other party captured a child. If this continues. I'm afraid that Souta will use the dinosaur combination at one time and then fight, and the result will be..."

"Although I don't want to say it, this time the Desire Devourer is so beautiful. It is indeed the longevity bird that is called the 'Forest Fairy'."

"But in Meimei, the other party's identity is also a desire-devouring monster."

"I'm still worried about whether Souta will use dinosaur coins. In these videos, he has actually hinted... No, it can be said that he has made it clear that something unexpected happened to his body."

"He can use it." And this answer was given by Hikigaya Hachiman. At noon, he was still sitting on the chair in the service department. In front of him, he held a flip phone, which was obviously a transformation of 555. Body weapon.

"Xiaoqi? Why are you so sure?" One of the two girls in front of Hikigaya Hachiman was Yuigahama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Because, he is that kind of person." Hikigaya Hachiman held his chin up and looked at the content of the video, showing a nostalgic expression: "He is a truly desireless man with overwhelming desires. .”

A picture emerged in Hikigaya Hachiman's mind. The picture was very blurry, only the blood on the ground, and the image of Soutaima lying on the ground, clutching a cracked eagle core coin.

"He is a very strong man!" Hikigaya Hachiman concluded.

Such an action made the two girls in front of them look puzzled, but Hikigaya Hachiman didn't say anything. Instead, he chuckled and shook his head, and then continued to look at the content on the screen.

["You can't make a move, and it's useless to join forces with you." Anku also saw that Souta had no intention of fighting, so he refused directly: "You want to save that human cub, right?"]

["If we can control that alliance." Souta had already released his transformation at this time. 】

[At this time, Souta remembered the purple combination that Bai Yang and Yibo had told him before. 】

[That is, about the dinosaur alliance, Souta has no impression of how powerful the dinosaur alliance is. In other words, after the transformation, Souta has no memory at all, but Souta's own form is very strong, and it seems to have Freezing ability. 】

[If it can be controlled, there may be a way to save the child. 】

["Don't even think about it." After hearing Souta's soliloquy, Anku suddenly exploded. Of course, this refers to emotions. He said directly to Souta: "If you have If you think so, then return the drive to me."]

["Okay, that's just what I thought." Zouta took action.Of course I have to try to control the dinosaur grouping so that they don't go berserk and can be used by myself, but I don't have that much time now. 】

[But what combinations can be used now? 】

[The cat contact group is indeed very fast.Moreover, the Devouring Monster can fly, and it is very likely to hurt the child, which is very difficult to handle. 】

[Insect-type linkage group... No, the insect-type linkage group is still short of one stag beetle coin.And even if it is an insect type, there is a disadvantage, that is, although you can clone, the damage caused by the clone is not high. You can try to use the clone to sneak attack, and then take the opportunity to take back the child, but the opponent will still fly. 】

[Bird-related group?It's not very good. Although the bird-linked unit can fly, the power of the flames will hurt the child. 】

[What about gravity grouping?Gravity can indeed control the Devouring Monster flying in the sky, but if it is caught using gravity, it will also hurt the child. 】

[I made various assumptions in my mind, but Souta never figured out how to deal with it. 】

["Use my core coins, OOO!" At this time, Mezier on the side said: "If you use my core coins, you might still have a chance."]

[While speaking, Metzl took out an electric eel core coin from his body, and Metzl's entire expression became a little pale. 】

["...Thank you Mezel." Because the box Anku gave before did contain killer whale and octopus core coins, so Souta had a new set of core coins. 】

"Mezel, you can rest here for a while. I'll be back as soon as I go." Souta thanked Mezel again, then got on his motorcycle and hurried over according to the location provided by Souma. 】

["He is really a troublesome guy." Anku looked dissatisfied, but he did not refuse but glanced at Mezier: "You will regret it Mezier."]

["Really?" Although Mezier's face was a little pale, he showed a smile: "Now I suddenly feel that Anku, you have really good vision. Souta is stronger than that guy back then." 】

["There's still a lot left to be done." Anku turned the vending machine into a motorcycle.He rode up and left these words. 】

["Is there still a lot left?" Metzl looked at Anku who was chasing Souta and showed a smile: "Although the strength is still a little short, Souta's strength is not only in terms of strength. It is also more spiritual. Powerful.”]

["Huh?" Just when Metzl was about to go inside to see what was going on, Soma opened the door and came out. 】

["It's useless if you go in your human body." Without asking, Metzl knew what the other party wanted to do and said. 】

["But I have to go, do what a father must do." Soma said, got into Sato's car and drove away. 】

["Father...?" Metzl looked at Soma who was leaving. He didn't try to stop him, he just looked at him like this...]

["Mr. Kyogoku?" When Souta arrived at the hospital, he looked with some surprise at Kyogoku Makoto, who was also riding a motorcycle from the other side. 】

["Just call me A-Zhen. I received the information from Mr. Souma. So I came here." Kyogoku-Zhen explained briefly, then took out a backpack from the back of the car and put it on his back. 】

[No need to ask, when the backpack was picked up, the clattering sound showed that it contained cell coins. 】

Chapter 138 ShaUTa Combo (Water System Combo)

[Souta, Kyogoku, and Anku slowly walked into the hospital. 】

[This hospital does look quite old. The white paint on the walls is peeling off, and the lights inside seem to be broken. Even in the daytime, it looks very gloomy. It looks like something out of a horror movie. There are often scenes in it. 】

["There are still people in the room." After entering the third floor, Kyogoku moved his ears and said to Souta next to him. 】

["Yes." Souta nodded, opened the door, and found that there was indeed a person in the room, probably a patient, who looked like he was directly covered by a huge feather. 】

""He's still alive, we just put him to sleep." Anku took one look and explained directly, which made the two of them breathe a sigh of relief. 】

[After walking out of the room and walking into the distance, a light at the front of the road turned on and then dimmed. It was really like a ghost movie, but when it turned on and off for the second time , Souta and Kyogoku were both startled. There seemed to be a child there just now. 】

["It's him!" Of course this was for two people, but Anku on one side recognized who the other person was at a glance. 】

[The lights dim again, then light up again.The true form of Lost Anku appeared. 】

["What!" Souta and Kyogoku made fighting gestures. 】

[After the flashing light came on again, a large number of debris-eating monsters appeared in the entire alleyway. 】

["Souta-kun, leave this to me. You go and save those children." Kyogoku, who twisted his wrist and took off his glasses, slowly lowered his body without directly transforming. , but said directly to Souta on the side. 】

["Well, I'll leave the matter of losing Anku to you as well. Thank you." Souta nodded, but did not directly transform. 】

["Hey." Anku was obviously very unhappy that Souta did not help him eliminate the lost Anku, but went to save people first. 】

[But Souta and Kyogoku had already rushed forward at this time. 】

[Kyogoku’s fighting and fist strength are very strong, and an ordinary debris-devouring monster can be knocked away with almost one punch. 】

[While fighting, he headed towards Lost Anku, and Lost Anku opened his wings at this time, preparing to fly towards Anku. Upon seeing this, the two of them already had drives on their waists. 】



["Shachi! Unagi! Batta!" Souta did not immediately turn into a water-based team, but instead turned into a team of killer whales, electric eels, and locusts. 】

[In this form, there is a soft pipe on the back of OOO's breastplate hands connected to his shoulder armor. 】

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