["This form... is feasible!" Souta flicked it, and the soft pipe was held in OOO's hand. Then OOO directly wrapped it around the lost Anku who was flying in the air, and pulled it with a tug. down. 】

[And there is this blue arc above the pipe. 】

['Sure enough, from the current situation, it seems that we still need to join forces. 'Souta had been working very hard to control the current on his whip, but there was still a lot of current. 】

"Leave it to me, Zongtai-kun." Birth nodded to OOO, and OOO also understood, and directly shook off the debris-devouring monster next to him, heading towards the room inside. 】

["Are you here?" Soon Souta ran to the fourth floor. At the door of a room on the fourth floor, Souta discovered that other rooms could be entered, but this room was sealed with something like a bandage. . 】

["Saiya!" Souta took out the Holy Emblem Sword, put in a cell coin, and then swung it down towards the upper part. The black bandage was cut, but it healed quickly. 】

[But before it healed, Souta got in. 】

["This is...a lot of children." As soon as Souta came in, he saw a large number of babies. These children were well protected, and in the middle there was a weak-looking woman holding two children.He looked very doted on. 】

["Are you okay?" Souta observed worriedly. These children were well taken care of, and Souta felt relieved.But immediately Souta also noticed that something was not right about the weak woman's mood. 】

["Child..." And the woman only talked about children and the like. Souta saw the medical record card next to it, and the content on it was...]

["Did you die of accidental suffocation?" Souta was a little silent. It seemed that this woman's child had indeed died... but now was not the time to talk about that. 】

["Take these children first..."]

["Silla, boom!" Just when Souta wanted to take the children away first, the bandage against the window outside was torn apart, followed by the sound of an explosion. 】

["What?" Souta swung the soft whip in his hand to offset some of the cyclone of the explosion. However, the explosion just now was not very powerful, so everyone still seemed to have no problem.And through the contents of the explosion, Souta saw what was outside...]

["Sōma-san?" Yes, it was Soma who appeared here. He was stepping on a pile of octopus jars and holding a jar in his hand, with a worried look on his face. 】

["Hime-chan!" Souma saw a little girl next to the woman at a glance. That was his daughter, Hime-chan.He jumped down, rolled on the ground, and then headed towards Xiaoji. 】

[The mother who had her child taken away had a look of despair in her eyes. 】

["Are you here?" Souta felt that a creature was flying towards him quickly. There was no time to explain now: "Sōma-san, I ask you to protect these children."]

["Okay." After hugging his child, Soma seemed to have calmed down a lot. 】

["Then..." Souta took out an octopus core coin.Then he replaced the locust coin on the driver on his waist. 】

["Shachi! Unagi! Tako! Sha, Sha, ShaUTa!! Sha, Sha, ShaUTa!!!"]

[After the transformation, OOO is overall blue, and the compound eyes of the helmet are yellow, like fish armor.The helmet and breastplate are dark blue, while the octopus' leg armor is light blue. 】

["Can I do this?" Souta was overjoyed after he finished transforming into a water-based team, because he knew he was going to do this. 】

Chapter 139 Dinosaur alliance appears!

[The longevity-banded bird-devouring monster is holding a child in its arms. It looks very angry, and the bandages surrounding the window are also opened directly. 】

[But Souta's body, which had been prepared for a long time, suddenly turned into a puddle of water. 】

[This pool of water suddenly surged out, directly entangling the longevity-banded bird-devouring monster holding the child just outside the window, and then this pool of water entangled the longevity-banded bird-devouring monster like a slime. Living. 】

[After a while, Souta finally held the child in his arms and kicked out the Shoudai Bird Eater with a roundhouse kick.Then he breathed a sigh of relief and put the child in his arms into Soma's hand: "Mr. Soma, I'll leave this child to you."]

[After finishing speaking, Souta also jumped out and landed outside. 】

[The outside of the window is not the road, but the small pool inside the hospital, and the Shoudai Bird Eater Monster was kicked into it just now.But even if it's wet, it still looks very beautiful.This time the Devourer is indeed very beautiful. 】

["Is it because she was born from mother's love that she is very beautiful?" Zouta had already fallen to the ground at this time. He looked at the longevity bird-eating monster jumping up from the water and whispered: "However, I absolutely You are not allowed to take action against the children."]

[With a wave of his hand, two soft whips appeared in Souta's hands again. Souta waved the soft whips in his hands and directly grabbed the feet of the flying longevity bird eating monster, and then pulled it hard and gave it to him. Pulled off. 】

[The longevity bird-devouring monster that was suddenly pulled down rolled on the ground and looked at Souta. Apparently he also understood that if Souta was not dealt with, he would not be able to escape or do anything. He could only defeat the one in front of him first. Souta. 】

["Saiya!" But Souta didn't waste too much nonsense at this time and rushed forward. 】

[The longevity-belted bird-devouring monster is very beautiful and very powerful. 】

[There are many ways to attack. For example, it can be used as a cloak on the back to release weird flame attacks, and it can also be extended directly through it to wrap Souta directly.And also very agile. 】

[But he also has weaknesses, such as his poor melee ability and poor defense. 】

[And the water-based link that Souta has transformed into now doesn't have many abilities. It probably has the inherent ability to liquefy the body, and the eel whip on his hand can send out electric shocks.The legs can be expanded into eight long legs to absorb items and attack. 】

[But just right, these abilities are very capable of restraining the longevity-banded bird-devouring monster in front of me. 】

[During the battle, the flames of the Shoudai Bird Eater were unable to make a big impact on Souta, and the entanglement of the cloak collar directly turned into water to avoid the attack. 】

["Scanning Charge" once escaped the entanglement of the Skeptic Bird Devouring Monster. This time Souta turned into water and passed through the Skeptic Bird's body. The whole body was submerged in the water. The Skeptic Bird Devouring Monster turned around. when.The water in the entire pool was boiling.Then this sound effect came from it. 】

[Then two eels suddenly emerged from the water, and the bird-eating monster couldn't hold it back.Being directly locked, Souta's voice and shadow suddenly emerged from it, and the leg armor turned into eight legs, and then turned into the shape of a drill, and directly impacted.It penetrated the entire body of the longevity belt bird eating desire monster at once. 】

["Boom!" The sound of explosion sounded.Cell coins exploded all over the floor. 】

["Huh..." After a slight sigh of relief, two sonic booms sounded in the sky, and Lost Anku and Birth were chasing and fighting in the sky. 】

["Anku, give me the coins!" Souta's form does not have any ability to fly.He could only look up at Anku on the roof. 】

["..." Anku on the roof looked at Souta below, silent. Looking at Anku's Desire Devouring Monster in the sky, Souta made a desperate move: "Hurry up." 】

[Apparently Kyogoku is not very good at using the Birth Armor.At least it's not suitable for flying, so Lost Anku moved around in the air and was attacked by fire bombs. Although most of them were evaded by the limit. 】

[But this kind of evasion still had no effect, and soon a fire attack hit Birth. Birth fell downwards like a falling airplane, while Lost Anku headed directly in the direction of Anku. 】

["Mr. Kyogoku!" Souta glanced at the fallen Birth, but it seemed that there should be no problem with the Birth, so he immediately turned to look at Anku aside. At this time, Anku was determined to move towards Anku. library in the past.With his current strength, Anku is definitely no match for Lost Anku. 】

["Anku!" Looking at the lost Anku who was getting closer and closer, the dinosaur coin inside Souta's body lit up.Then the green compound eyes lit up with purple light, and then three dinosaur coins emerged from the body. 】

["Ptera! Tricera! Tyranno! Pu·To·Tyranno, Zaurus!"]

["Nani!" Anku above, his arms have returned to their original form, and energy wings have appeared on his back. He is ready to face the lost Anku directly in front of him. However, after seeing Souta below, he has transformed into a dinosaur unit, His expression changed. 】

["Ah!" After the dinosaur alliance roared, they roared like wild beasts and suddenly jumped into the air from the ground, causing the ground to crack open. 】

[Then the wings of a pterosaur appeared behind him. 】

["Shocked!" Lost Anku's target has always been Anku, so he didn't notice OOO on the ground. At this time, he was punched away by the Dinosaur Alliance. 】

["Souta..." Anku shouted while looking at the dinosaur group floating in front of him. 】

["..." The Dinosaur Alliance slowly turned its head and glanced at Anku. Anku's whole body felt like it was frozen.The Dinosaur Alliance just glanced at Anku and did not attack. Instead, they rushed directly towards the lost Anku who landed on the ground. 】

(Group number:

blue 2

Free 0 0

fee 8

Group 2 2)

["Ouch!" The dinosaur unit that landed on the ground directly smashed a large network of cracks on the ground, and there was also a large area of ​​sand and dust, and the roar of the dinosaur unit was heard from the sand. 】

[Lost Anku looked around warily.But before he made a fighting gesture, the purple eyes of the Dinosaur Alliance first appeared in the sand, and then he suddenly appeared in front of Lost Anku, already holding the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus ax form in his hand . 】

Chapter 140 The destroyed core coin!

"Anku..." Souta looked at Anku who was unwilling to give the cell coin to him in the screen. Souta knew why.

But under such circumstances, Anku would be really in danger if he didn't go up.

Even now, Souta will go up there.

"Speaking of which, what are the scenes that appear in my mind?" As the video played, many memories appeared in Zouta's mind.These memories were very vague at first, but as the video played, they became clearer.

Zouta and his family did not hide this matter. Zouta wanted to hide it, but one night Zouta woke up from a dream where the sky was filled with monsters.

The eldest sister, the second sister, and the third sister discovered it immediately, and Souta spoke directly at that time.

Finally, my mother came back and took her to the hospital for serious research.

Zongtai had been thinking about what to do. He originally planned to ask Mo Chen yesterday, but Mo Chen was on a business trip and was not at home, so Zongtai could only hide it in his own mind.

Moreover, Souta also asked Conan vaguely.

Conan didn't feel that way.

The knights who appeared in other videos showed no such signs.

No... I should say except Hikigaya Hachiman.

All the knights who appeared in the video, with the help of Conan and Philip, used the special group chat developed by Mo Chen. Of course, in order not to be monitored, their mobile phones were also specially made.

Souta asked in the group before, and everyone else said that they did not have this problem, but Hikigaya Hachiman did not show up.Souta planned to go find Hikigaya Hachiman tonight.

["Ouch!" The Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus in the hands of the Dinosaur Alliance left a purple knife mark on Anku's body. 】

[Lost Anku is very strong, but it is no match for the dinosaur alliance, even though the current dinosaur alliance is attacking randomly like wild beasts. 】

["Souta. Don't destroy this world." Anku also ran over, and Kyogoku Shin, who was covered in water vapor, also walked over. It seemed that he was not seriously injured, but his transformation had been released. . 】

["Are you running away again?" Looking at the explosion in front of him, Kyogoku didn't take off the driver from his waist. Seeing this, he took out another cell coin from his backpack and was about to transform. Anku on the side saw this. He directly stopped Kyogoku's real action: "Do you want to die?"]

["Souta is very powerful in his current state. With your blue-breaking armor, he is no match for you... Wait! What are you going to do, Souta!" While Anku was talking to Kyogoku, I discovered that something was wrong with the dinosaur grouping in front of me, or that something was very wrong. 】

[It turns out that the dinosaur alliance in the battle used very violent means to directly grab a vulture core coin from Lost Anku's body.Then.仛..]

["No!" Anku watched helplessly as the dinosaurs united, looked at the core coin in his hand, then grabbed it and threw it into the sky, waving down the holy emblem Tyrannosaurus in his hand. 】


[The vulture core coin slowly fell down and was cut directly in the middle. 】

[After the vulture core coin was cut in half, it fell to the ground, and finally turned white, slowly turning into an empty shell. 】

["Ouch!" The screen stays on the roaring dinosaur combination. 】

["Kazali, you guy!" On the other side, Kazali's figure appeared in front of Mezer. 】

【Continue tomorrow·Preview! 】

["Why did you destroy my core coin!" Anku pinched Souta's collar with his eyes a little red. 】

["The power of the dinosaur core coin is not only the destruction of the core coin." Soma walked over with a serious expression, holding his daughter in his arms. 】

["Our situation is very dangerous now." Mezier, Gamer and Anku stood together. 】

["Aren't you coming with me?" Anku looked even more ugly. 】

["No. Anku... From the current situation, cooperation with OOO is the most correct choice."]

["Are you going to betray me?"]

["Anku, make no mistake, it's not that we want to betray you, it's you who want to betray us now."]

["Okay, Mezier, it's useless to talk to him. Anku is just such a man." A man suddenly walked out of the darkness.This man is obviously someone I haven't seen for many years... Wu Fan. 】

["It's completely useless to say this." Kazali also came over, but Kazali looked very weak at this time, with only a helmet left, and black smoke kept emitting from his body: "That guy, has completely Resurrected."】

["...Have you actually become Greedy to this extent? Souta..." The right hand turned into Anku's true form, and the person in front of Anku was...Souta?Souta's left hand has turned into a lavender monster arm. 】

["No matter what happens to my body, I have already risked my life..." Souta looked at his arms, and then looked at Anku in front of him with a serious expression: "I must stop you. Because... you are my partner! ”]

The picture stopped here.

But everyone will understand if this continues.

It seems that the time for the decisive battle is coming soon.

This made everyone look forward to it even more.

After dark...

"Why do we have to meet here? It feels so strange..." Outside a gymnasium, Souta met Hikigaya Hachiman.Souta asked curiously, it was a little far away from both of their homes.

Souta asked his family to drive over, but because Hikigaya Hachiman said it was best to come alone.

Hikigaya Hachiman came here on a motorcycle.

"Because this is the place where you died in battle... Souta." Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the place in front of him with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes: "This is the place where you died trying to save a child."

"Death..." Souta looked here, his head suddenly shook slightly, his whole body bent down, and he covered his head: "What! These memories... these memories. What's going on."


"..." Looking at Souta who covered his head, Hikigaya Hachiman did not support him, but looked at the stadium in front of him: "It really makes me miss, guarding here for several months." ..three months...or four months? '

"But this time...Absolutely! Absolutely!" The clenched fist made a crunching sound.

Chapter 141 'No (?) Desire'

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