[This girl was actually a waitress in Wagunaria before, and her name is: Maya Matsumoto. 】

[This is a very ordinary person, although she is not ordinary...because she pursues ordinaryness too much, she seems a bit extraordinary.And he is a person with a relatively low sense of existence. 】

[The Unicorn Devouring Monster grabbed a shadow of Maya Matsumoto from Maya Matsumoto, and then directly killed the shadow of Maya Matsumoto with a wave of his hand. 】

["..." Maya Matsumoto looked very scared at first, but now her eyes became dull, and then she fell to the ground. 】

["Matsumoto!" Souta and Kyogoku saw this scene just in time. Seeing this, Souta flew down from the motorcycle and rushed towards the Unicorn Desire Eater. 】

["You guy!" Souta, who was almost grinning, his eyes lit up with purple light, punched the Unicorn Desire Monster hard, and this punch directly knocked the Unicorn Desire Eater away. Got out. 】

[Purple light also appeared on Souta's body, and it seemed that the aura could not be concealed at all. 】

["What are you doing?" Kyogoku Shinya stopped next to Matsumoto Maya. Matsumoto Maya didn't seem to have any problem, but her mental state was very bad, and she seemed to be absent-minded. 】

["I just destroyed her desire." The Unicorn Desire Eater looked a little surprised when he saw the purple light coming out of Souta's body, then bowed slightly and said: "Although my creator is not You, but I was created by you, I just follow the instructions, I hope the creator will not stop me."]

["How is that possible! I will definitely stop you!" Zouta clenched his fists tightly. 】

"Creator, as expected, Souta has completely turned into a greedy person now."

"Hey, now it seems that Souta has turned into a greedy person a lot."

"If this continues, it will completely turn into a showdown between monsters."

"Ryuuji, do you think that under such circumstances, it is possible for Souta to defeat everyone? Will it become a perfect solution like W?" Aisaka Taiga said with some worry as Takasu Ryuuji watched his transformation.

Since the video appeared, almost everyone in the world has been forced to watch.Of course, based on the playback of the video, many people feel that it has nothing to do with them, and just follow it like a TV series.

"I don't know, but the result this time is probably not going to be too good." Takasu Ryuji's view on this matter is actually more pessimistic.

"I still hope there will be a better ending. After all, Souta and Anku are both very nice people." Now that he has graduated from high school and is with Takasu Ryuuji, Aisaka Taiga has a better personality than the violent character before. They have known each other a lot. Next year, they will go to study abroad for university. During this period, they will have to register their marriage first.

However, due to the video, it was delayed for a short period of time.

Of course, it's not just these two who are worried about Anku and Souta's future, almost everyone feels this way.

There is a saying that stories may require logic, but reality does not.

Because according to logic, the ending should not be good, but everyone also hopes that there will be less logic in the video.

[Zouta took out the OOO drive, took out a few core coins and put them into his own drive.However, no alliance was formed. 】

[Previously, Anku gave the coin box containing the core coins to Souta and did not take it back. There was actually a set of linking groups in it, such as a cat linking set. 】

[OOO rushed forward, Kyogoku put Maya Matsumoto aside, and after confirming that there was no problem with her body for the time being, she came over to help. 】

[However, the strength of the Unicorn Devouring Monster is extremely powerful, and his fantasy ability to grow the Devouring Monster is also full of strange things. For example, after OOO was kicked out, the ground turned into a place like syrup. OOO almost drowned in it. If Kyogoku hadn't turned into Birth and pulled OOO out, it would have been even more trouble. 】

[The Unicorn Devourer is really strong, and OOO and Birth can only barely fight him on an equal footing even if they work together. 】

["Is it the Desire Devourer created by that guy again?" Anku and the others in the room also ran out and frowned when they saw OOO and Birth dealing with the Unicorn Desire Devourer. 】

['In other words, that guy...' Such an idea came to Anku's mind. 】

["Kyogoku-senpai, please step back. I want to experiment." After Souta kicked the Unicorn Desire Eater away in front of him, he took a few steps back and shouted to Birth. 】

["I see..." Birth glanced at him in surprise, but Souta nodded, and then quickly stepped back a distance. 】

["So!" Souta took a deep breath at this time, and the dinosaur core coins inside his body lit up. Then three core coins came out directly from Souta's body. Souta stretched out his hand and grabbed the three core coins. In hand. 】

["Nani?" Anku was shocked when he saw Souta's movements in front of him. 】

[At this time, Souta had replaced the three core coins on his waist, and then inserted them into the driver on his waist one by one. 】

["Huh..." You can hear Souta taking a deep breath.While slowly taking out the O-scan ring from his waist. 】

["henshin!" Then he swung down with force. 】

["Ptera! Tricera! Tyranno! Pu·To·Tyranno, Zaurus!" The three core coins of the dinosaur appeared next to Souta, and then the three core coins merged in front of Souta and turned into a breastplate. 】

[The compound eyes this time are not purple, but dark green. 】

["Phew. I can control it in front of me." After Souta's transformation ended, he didn't roar, but took a deep breath, and seemed to have controlled the alliance. 】

["The time limit is only 1 minute!" Birth shouted while looking at the dinosaur group in front of him. 】

["Well...I know!"]

Chapter 145 Souta’s Desire

"I can control it now. It's so awesome. It's really awesome. What do you think, Kaito?" Looking at Souta who could control the dinosaur team in the video, Nakamori Aoko excitedly patted Kuroba Kaito's shoulder next to him. He looked very excited.

"Isn't that nonsense? If you are not controlling the Dinosaur Coin, then you are being controlled by the Dinosaur Coin. We can't keep watching that kind of struggle. And if there is no progress, there will be no follow-up." Now Kuroba Kaito But I'm not in the mood to look at these things.

He was considering whether he should run away.

Because the Kamen Rider Wizard appeared in the video a few days ago.

Although I'm not 100% sure, there are several voices that I can disguise, and one of them is the wizard's voice.

And those words.

There is a great possibility, then the Kamen Rider wizard Kai is himself.

If it was really me, then I might just run away.

Because others may not know it, but Kuroba Kaito's other identity is... Kaitou Kidd.

But he is the second generation, the first generation is his father.He took over more than ten years after his father's death.It didn’t take more than a year.

If he is also a Kamen Rider in the future, then his identity will probably be exposed soon like that little detective.

"Are you starting to worry now?" Koizumi Anko suddenly looked at Kuroba Kaito and asked with a smile.

"What do I have to worry about?" Koizumi Anko in front of her is not an ordinary person. Kuroba Kaito naturally knows that. Koizumi Anko seems to know her identity, but Kuroba Kaito will not agree to it.

"Really?" Koizumi Hongzi smiled slightly, and then looked at the battle in the picture in front of her.And Koizumi Hongzi turned her hands slightly, holding several core coins in her hands.

["Can little boy Souta control it now? Does this really surprise me?" Metzl said with some surprise when he saw Souta transformed into a dinosaur unit in front of him. 】

["Souta, you're so awesome!" Gamer clapped with both hands while eating snacks. 】

[The two of them seemed very happy that Souta was under control. Anku was the only one whose expression was extremely ugly. 】

[However, if you look carefully, there is still a problem, that is, the current performance of the dinosaur alliance does appear to be much stronger than other alliances, but it is still weaker than the previous rampage. . 】

["One minute is almost up! Souta cancels the transformation and leaves it to me." Birth looked at the octopus jar floating in front of him and immediately shouted to Souta. 】

["I know." Souta quickly retreated a long distance. Even though it was not as powerful as the previous rampage, it still caused a lot of damage to the Unicorn Desire Eater.Souta immediately canceled his transformation.The body is still glowing with a strange purple light. 】

[After Souta retreated, Birth directly pushed forward and fought with the Unicorn Devourer. Souta was half-kneeling on the ground, covering his chest with one hand. Three dinosaur core coins fell from the drive. The top floated down and then merged into Souta's body.Then Souta's light became even more dazzling, and it took a while before it recovered. 】

[When facing Birth, the battle between Unicorn Devourer and Monster is not one-sided. 】

[Although Birth's melee ability is very strong, the problem is that the ability of the Unicorn Devourer is really weird. 】

[The Unicorn Devourer seized an opportunity. The Unicorn Devourer grabbed Birth's breastplate with one hand, and then Birth seemed to be controlled. He stood there and simply He stopped moving. 】

["Mr. Kyogoku." Souta was shocked when he saw Birth being caught. He immediately stood up, took out the core coin of the cat-related group, and wanted to transform, but something happened the moment he was caught. It's already started. 】

[What appeared above Kyogoku Makoto’s head was a photo. In the photo, Kyogoku Makoto held a trophy in his hand and hugged Suzuki Sonoko. 】

[It seems that the content of Kyogoku's true desire is illusory, and this illusory photo was actually taken out by the Unicorn Desire Eater and then torn apart. 】

["..." The armor on Birth's body was instantly lifted, and Kyogoku's eyes widened as he slowly knelt on the ground. 】

["What?" Souta looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. 】

"I understand, what is the ability of the Unicorn Desire Eater!"

"The ability of the Unicorn Devourer is to destroy other people's desires, right?"

"But what happens if something like desire is destroyed?"

"Losing motivation! It's like losing your soul?"

"It's no wonder that the ordinary girls before became like this."

"This is a very difficult opponent." Conan understood the power of this appetite monster better than others.

Until now, OOO's ability should require desire. If desire is destroyed by oneself, then the combat effectiveness will disappear directly. If you want to avoid it, then you can only quickly deal with the unicorn appetite monster in front of you.

So far, the Unicorn Devourer has only used that special ability on Birth, why not use it on OOO?

Is it because there are dinosaur coins in OOO's body?

But something doesn't feel right. If it's just because of the dinosaur coins, then only OOO can defeat the Unicorn Devourer in front of him.

"No, it's dangerous..." Just when Conan was thinking this, the picture that appeared in the video made Conan's eyes widen.

[Souta took out the cat contact group and wanted to go up and rescue Kyogoku.The Unicorn Devourer appeared in front of Souta and grabbed Souta's collar with one hand. 】

[Zouta was completely deadlocked. 】

["Let me see your desires." The Unicorn Desire Eater looked at the situation in front of him and smiled. 】

["Damn it!" Anku, Mezier, and Gamel saw such a scene, and they all turned back to their original bodies, and all their attacks were directed at the Unicorn Devouring Monster, which only had feet. One step on the ground. 】

[A colorful air flow flew away all the energy bombs that were attacking. Then he raised his hand, and a mist began to appear in Souta's mind... Then this mist actually got bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger. The bigger. 】

[In the fog that is still growing...the shadow of the earth actually appears. 】

Chapter 14 Greedy People Gather

["What? How is it possible...Stop, stop quickly." The Unicorn Devourer, which had always looked very elegant, looked at the sky, which was almost covered by the fog, and slowly slowed down in the fog. He looked like the earth was slowly forming, and his tone was very anxious and fearful, and he immediately stopped using his abilities. 】

[At the same time, the Unicorn Devourer also looks very scared. 】

"Hey hey hey! If this is not a joke, isn't Souta's desire for small things?"

"Desire is desire, and preference is preference. Although these things are inseparable, it does not mean that desire is preference."

"Oh my God. What desire is this? The whole world?"

"No wonder the content of this clip is called 'no (?)' desire. This is no longer desire, this is overwhelming desire!"

"Wait a minute...no desire, overwhelming desire. Dinosaur alliance."

"No wonder. The Dinosaur Alliance would choose Souta. Such desire is too terrifying."

"Huh..." After seeing the content in the video, Conan breathed a sigh of relief.Philip on the side looked at such a scene and touched his chin: "It is also because of this that Souta's adaptability to dinosaur coins will increase, and the degree of danger will continue to increase."

["Huh..." After losing the control of the Unicorn Devouring Monster, Souta looked a little tired and lowered his head. Then he suddenly raised his head, his eyes had turned into a strange purple, and he clenched his fist with his left hand. He waved it out fiercely. 】

[When the fist was waved out, cell coins lit up on the left hand. There were still a lot of them, forming a purple arm. The punch hit the Unicorn Devouring Monster hard. 】

[This punch directly knocked the entire Unicorn Devouring Monster away.The power of this punch was extremely strong. The body of the Unicorn Devouring Monster was constantly trembling. But Souta's attack was not over yet. He exerted force on his feet and accelerated directly to appear in front of the Unicorn Devouring Monster. Then he punched Swing it down hard. 】

[One punch, two punches! 】

["Saiya!" He roared, purple light gathered on his left hand, and then the third punch hit the body of the Unicorn Devourer, and the Unicorn Devourer was instantly shattered. Cracked.Turned into a cell coin. 】

["Souta?" Anku carefully looked at Souta squatting on the ground in front of him. Souta's fists were still emitting purple light. 】

[And the torn photo or human form slowly returned to its original state, and then entered the owner's body. 】

["I'm fine." Souta, who was breathing heavily, finally calmed down and stood up. The strange arm on his left hand slowly dissipated, and the purple light in his eyes also disappeared. 】

["What did you do?" Anku stepped forward and looked at Souta in front of him, his red eyes and black eyes with a little purple light looking at each other. 】

["I just did what I should do." Souta looked at Anku in front of him and said: "Anku...I decided that I will face my desires directly next."]

["Really..." Anku took a few steps back, then looked at Souta in front of him, his eyes changed...]

["Then, goodbye!" After Anku left a word, he retreated and left. 】

"It's over. I feel like there's a huge gap between Anku and Souta."

"It seems that now Souta wants to start his own plan."

"Plan? Actually, I'm very curious about what the plan is, and what exactly is Souta's desire?"

"At least it seems to be a very powerful and powerful desire now. Didn't you see that what the Unicorn Desire Monster transformed into is so powerful?"

To be honest, almost everyone watching the video was shocked by the huge desire that appeared before.

And the next progress is really extraordinary, the progress is too fast.

But at this moment, everyone could indeed feel that there was a huge problem between Zouta and Anku.

[Anku disappeared, and Souta brought Maya Matsumoto and Shin Kyogoku back to the store. Although they seemed to have recovered a lot, they still had many problems and looked a little distracted. 】

[The red cloth slowly fell from the sky, and Anku appeared...in a dark space, which looked like a warehouse. 】

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