['Everything that follows will be difficult.Souta... can that guy be used in his current situation?This core coin. Anku leaned against a wall railing and took out three old core coins in his right hand. 】

["This is the same set from back then, right?" Suddenly Metzl and Gamel also appeared here. Metzl looked at the set of core coins in Anku's hand and showed a smile. 】

["Is this your purpose?" Anku looked at the two people who appeared, frowned slightly, and directly put away the three core coins. 】

["It's not that there aren't my core coins in it, so I don't need it." But Metzl said with a smile. There are indeed no core coins in it that are related to Metzl and Gamel. 】

["Our situation is very dangerous now." Anku also knows, but the current situation is a bit difficult for Anku to accept. 】

["The dinosaur core coin can destroy our core coin, and Souta has it in his hand." Anku's words made the two of them silent for a while, and Metzl said, "But don't forget, that guy also has it in his hand." 】

["So... won't you come with me?" Anku's face became increasingly ugly. 】

["No. Anku... From the current situation, cooperation with OOO is the most correct choice." Metzl spread his hands and still looked very calm.丠】

["So...are you going to betray me?" A red light appeared on Anku's body, and he looked like he was about to get angry. 】

["Anku, make no mistake, it's not that we want to betray you, it's you who want to betray us now." As for the red light emerging from Anku's body, the other two people looked very calm.Metzl stroked his hair with his fingers and whispered softly. 】

["Okay, Mezier, it's useless to talk to him. Anku is just such a man." A man suddenly walked out of the darkness... and this man was Wu Fan who had disappeared for a long time. 】

["It's completely useless to say this." The yellow cloth fell slowly. 】

Chapter 147 'Unable to satisfy desire'

["It's completely useless to say this." The yellow cloth fell slowly.Kazali walked over. Of course, Kazali looked very weak now. All he had left was a helmet, and his body was emitting black smoke: "That guy has been completely resurrected."]

"It's all bad. It's really possible that Anku is on the opposite side of Souta."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. They have just reunited now, not rebelled."

"You should have noticed it... No, I should say you must have noticed it too, that cloth..."

"Only when the greedy ones appear, they will show up with such a cloth. This time, neither Mezier nor Gamer showed up with such a cloth, but Anku appeared, and there was Qazali. This is represents..."

"Damn it, why is it now!"

"I still believe in Anku --- Kotori Yu Souta"

Yes, even in this situation, Souta is still willing to detail Anku. This is for no reason. It is as if he and Anku have been good partners for many years. Souta has always trusted Anku.

[The four greedy people gathered don’t know what they are doing, but they are on the other side. 】

["This is, all the data and intelligence, and...the location of all the remaining core coins." Soma looked like he had dark circles under his eyes. It was obvious that Soma had not slept well during this period. 】

"Thank you, Souma-san." Souta thanked Souma and took the brown paper bag from Souma's hand. 】

[After opening the file and looking at it for a while, Souta's expression remained unchanged. For a long time, Souta closed his eyes, and then slowly opened his eyes. Purple light flashed in his eyes: "I have decided, next... I will destroy all the core coins!"]


[As the exciting music sounded, the picture dimmed. 】

The first half of the video is over.

But everyone's discussion has now entered a fever pitch.

"It seems from the current situation that Souta and Anku are bound to be in opposing positions."

"Souta wants to destroy all core coins, and Anku wants to retrieve all his core coins. This is where the cooperation between the two ends."

"Hey, wouldn't the final outcome be that Souta destroyed all the core coins? And Anku was also destroyed by the way?"

"I don't want this to end."

"What do you think, Xiaoqi?" While everyone was having a heated discussion, Yuigahama Yui pulled Hikigaya Hachiman's sleeves in a panic, looking pleading for truth.Hikigaya Hachiman, on the other hand, supported his cheek with one hand and looked at the content on the screen: "Maybe."

"Maybe?" Hikigaya Hachiman's vague answer made even Yukinoshita Yukino a little confused: "Hikigaya, you mean there is still a turning point."

"Nothing in the world is 100%." ​​Hikigaya Hachiman changed his hand to support his chin: "Is Anku's desire really just to regain his core coin?"

"Blue sky?" Yukinoshita Yukino thought of this, the content that appeared before: "So what is Souta's purpose? He can't just want to eliminate all the core coins and then have no desire."

"Who knows." Hikigaya Hachiman replied in a mysterious tone.

"Hikigaya, since you got the Knight System, you have become more and more arrogant." Seeing such a scene, Yukinoshita Yukino narrowed his eyes and said.

"That's just because I figured it out..." Hikigaya Hachiman chuckled, and then said in a very small voice, "As long as you are still here."

【'Unable to satisfy desire'】

[This time, the text in the picture is still dinosaur-like, but compared to the previous one-third, two-thirds of the content is now dinosaur paintings, and it is still slowly extending. 】

["When I saw the core coin for the first time, I thought it was a product of genius." This time, no picture appeared on the screen first, but a person's voice appeared on the black screen. 】

["Gathered the power of animals and used the souls of animals." The picture slowly appeared on a large crucible with strange colors, and the pictures that appeared inside were Anku and Zouta. 】

[Then the screen slowly moved away to reveal the person next to him. 】

[The woman wearing a very weird outfit, with red hair and red eyes, looked very beautiful. She flipped her long hair: "The chosen one? She is really cute." ..”]

[This woman is clearly Koizumi Hongzi. 】

["The ability to use the soul is taboo, but... for us red magicians, it is relatively simple." Leaving the cauldron, Koizumi Anko looked at the messy room, pointing her fingers slightly, various items As if it had come alive, the neat piles were put aside. 】

["Then, the person of destiny... no, it should be said that he is a person who has exceeded the limit. Let me see your determination." Koizumi Hongzi waved a box and flew it in front of Koizumi Hongzi, and slowly opened it There are actually more than a dozen core coins inside. 】

[If these core coins are added to the core coins that appeared before, almost everyone’s core coins are here. 】

["However, the resurrection of the ancient king... does make it a bit difficult for me, so I'll ask that man... forget it. I'm not used to acting with a man who uses a magic ring." Koizumi Anko whispered and closed the box. got up. 】

"Magic... magician? Is Mr. Koizumi a magician?"

Everyone in Kuroba Kaito's class was surprised.

Who is Koizumi Hongzi?

She is a famous school beauty in Ekoda High School, with an arrogant personality, and is also very beautiful.

It was even said that there was no one in the entire Ekoda High School who did not fall in love with her... There was only one person.

'Your identity is exposed. 'Kuroba Kaito looked at Koizumi Anko and smiled. He was worried that he would be exposed. He didn't expect that the first person to be exposed would be Koizumi Anko.

And Koizumi Anko is actually a magician?

At this moment, everyone in the classroom was shocked. Seeing this, Koizumi Hongzi flipped up her hair helplessly: "Oh, it seems that my identity can't be hidden."

Chapter 148 The Rampant Lost Anku

[Koizumi Anko waved slightly, and a crystal ball flew in front of Koizumi Anko: "Then, let me see...a showdown between dinosaurs."]

[In the crystal screen, the scene inside Vagonaria appears. 】

["Senior sister, leave these to me." He reached out to help take the box in Bai Yang's hand with one hand. 】

["Little Youniao, your power has become so great." Xiao Baiyang said with some surprise as he saw Zongtai holding several boxes in his hand. 】

["Maybe it's because I'm very strong now." Yuer Souta said with a smile. 】

["But, Xiaotiao Yu, is it really okay not to go to Anku?" Yibo, who was also holding a lot of things, asked with some worry: "It's been several days since he left."]

["..." Souta was silent for a while and then said: "It doesn't matter."]

["But you..." Ipami has been looking at Souta. Because she likes Souta, she observes it very carefully. Souta has always regarded Anku as a partner. Is it really okay to just ignore the current situation? ? 】

["Hey!" Just when Souta was about to say something, a scream suddenly came from outside.Souta threw the two things down and ran outside. 】

["Bird-type Desire Eater?" Souta looked at the Vulture Devourer with black wings that looked like a vulture in front of him. Souta's expression was a little silent.But then Souta rushed forward and kicked the vulture away from the face of a woman. 】

["It's okay, you leave first." After letting the girl leave first, Zouta looked at the vulture eating monster. 】

["Who is your creator!" Souta asked while taking out the OOO drive. 】

["Anku..." The Vulture Devourer looked a little afraid of Souta. He took a few steps back but lowered his body into a fighting posture. 】

["Really?" After Zouta replied, he took out three core coins and put them into his belt. 】


[The current OOO combat power is very strong, and it is naturally easy to deal with such a lust-devouring monster.Even if the used ones are not connected. 】

"Souta's strength is so terrifying now!"

"Yes, it was very troublesome to deal with the previous Desire Eaters, but now Souta can be said to be a one-sided deal."

"It's not just one-sided, I think there is also an idea from Souta." Conan touched his chin, his glasses slightly reflecting: "This time he has fully accepted that he will become a greedy person. Then he His thoughts should also change.”

"Yes, Souta used to be more restrained when fighting, but now he has no thought of restraint at all. And the power of those attacks...is it really the core coin in his body that is doing it?"

"It's going to be very, very bad if this continues." Yusaku Kudo was a little surprised when he saw this scene: "If this continues, the boy named Kotori Yu may embark on a not-so-good path."

["Saiya!" stepped on the body of the Vulture Devouring Monster, and the body of the Vulture Devouring Monster exploded, leaving cell coins on the ground. 】

[After giving the cell coins to Merzel and Gamel in the store, Souta originally planned to continue busy, but soon a bird jar flew over and stopped in front of Souta. 】

["..." Souta looked at the bird jar in front of him, asked for leave from the store manager, and then went out. 】

[It was at the place where the two met before. Anku was standing there, eating a popsicle with a popsicle in his hand.Then Zongtai also came over and bought two popsicles on the roadside: "This is for these few days."]

"You must have lost your sense of taste too." Although winter has passed, the weather is not very hot, but Souta bites into the popsicles as if he were eating bread. 】

["Absolutely." Souta said and raised his left hand. A coin lit up on his left hand, and then turned into a purple monster arm. 】

["...Have you actually Greeded to this extent? Souta..." Anku, whose right hand also turned into his true form, looked at Souta in front of him and was silent for a while. 】

["..." Souta looked at his arms in silence. Suddenly Souta and Anku turned around violently, swung out their left and right fists, and a bursting fireball was directly destroyed by the two of them. . 】

[Lost Anku appeared not far away. He looked at Souta and Anku in front of him, mainly focusing on Anku's body. 】

["Running away?" Anku looked at the lost Anku in front of him and understood at a glance that the lost Anku in front of him was not in a normal state at this time. 】

["Anku, give me coins." Souta looked at the lost Anku in front of him, then turned to look at Anku: "I want TaToBa."]

["..." Anku was silent for a while, and then directly threw out an eagle coin. The eagle coin slowly fell from the sky and was caught by Souta. At this time, the other two core coins It had already been inserted into the belt by Souta. 】


["Taka! Tora! Batta! Ta·To·Ba, TaToBa, Ta·To·Ba!"]

["..." After the transformation, Souta turned his head slightly and glanced at Anku next to him, then waved his hand and the Holy Emblem Sword appeared in his hand, and rushed directly towards the lost Anku. 】

[And Anku, who was in the back, looked at the battle between Lost Anku and OOO with a complicated expression. 】

["Saiya!" After going berserk, Lost Anku was very strong, but OOO pulled it from the ground strangely at this time. In this state, he actually took out the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus. 】

[Anku's expression did not change after seeing such a scene, but something was obviously wrong in his eyes. 】

[The appearance of the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus can be said to be a direct crushing attack, and after going berserk, Lost Anku also lost his will and could only attack randomly. 】

["Crash..." Just when Souta kicked Lost Anku away, suddenly a purple coin flew from a distance, and it looked like a tyrannosaurus on it. 】

[The coin sank directly into Souta's body, which caused Souta to stop the attack he was about to continue. He covered his chest in pain or discomfort. 】


Chapter 149 The transformation of the ancient king!

[After a dinosaur coin entered Souta's body, Souta looked in pain, and purple lines slowly appeared on his green compound eyes. 】

["..." He shook his head vigorously. It was obvious that Souta wanted to wake himself up, but Lost Anku would not give Souta time to react, and he fought with Souta Mataro. 】

"Damn it, where is that guy?" Anku looked around and soon saw a man in white clothes.The Great Way of Self-denial... No, he should be called the Ancient King. 】

["Several words are missing, Anku!" The ancient king stood in the distance and looked at the situation in front of him. When he saw Anku finding him, he said. 】

[The sound was not loud, but it reached Anku’s ears. 】

["What exactly do you want to do?" Anku's eyes were very scary.But the ancient king still looked calm and calm: "What to do? Probably conquer the world."]

["How about, do you want to join me as before? You can continue everything I promised you back then."]

【"However, I refuse!"】

[Anku refused without any hesitation this time. 】

["Really? It's really a pity." The ancient king smiled lightly and stopped talking. 】

"What on earth were the ancient kings thinking? I still find it strange."

"Now I'm also a little confused. If it's just to conquer the world, why do you need to invest dinosaur core coins in Souta?"

"Who knows?"

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