[The collision between fist and fist will cause the air to vibrate, as if the space will be broken by the attack of such a fist. 】

["Zong is too strong now." Wufan and Anku took Mezier and Gamel away with one hand and retreated a distance.Wu Fan saw the scene in front of him and nodded in agreement. 】

["He is stronger than that guy." Ufan separated some cell coins from his body and gave them to Mezier and Gamel, allowing the two to recover from the black gas state.Upon seeing this, Metzl looked at Souta and said to Anku behind him: "Anku, I have to say, the partner you found this time is really strong."]

["He is the person I chose." Anku also showed a proud expression at this time. 】

["saiya!" As OOO, the two fighting methods are somewhat different. The ancient king's fighting method is to use sharp claws and holy emblems to slash swords, while Souta's attack method also has sharp claws but also has weird beating.The ancient king's sensitivity was still insufficient.Souta, who was in the sky, stepped down hard. 】

[The ancient king turned over to avoid the attack, but Souta, who was on the ground, swept his legs and tripped the ancient king to the ground. Then Souta's claws popped out of his hand and stabbed the ancient king.The ancient king tried to block his chest with both hands.But in fact Souta's goal is the driver around his waist. 】

["Damn it." Just when Souta's tiger claw was about to hit the ancient king's belt, suddenly the ancient king roared loudly, and purple light burst out from the belt, and inside Souta's body, there were densely packed cells and coins. The eight wrapped dinosaur core coins shone slightly, but were quickly covered up by the cell coins. 】

[But even so, Souta still paused for a moment, and when the ancient king saw this, he exerted force on his feet and slid out, heading directly towards Anku and Wu Fan in the distance. 】

["I won't let you succeed." Upon seeing this, Souta wanted to go over and stop the ancient king, but as soon as the ancient king stretched out his hand, a powerful cyclone was sucked directly towards the two of them. 】

["Scanning Charge" Souta directly took out his O-scanning ring, then jumped up and launched a powerful knight kick directly towards the ancient king. 】

["Crack..." Just when Zouta jumped up, the cracks on the drive became larger and larger, and at the same time, cracks appeared on the coins inside the drive.This caused Souta's body to pause for only a second. 】

["Even the original coin can't hold up the coin in Souta's body now?" Anku was a little surprised when he saw such a scene, but there was no time to surprise him. 】

Chapter 11 The cat greedy Kazali is completely destroyed

["Come here." The ancient king raised his arm towards Anku and Wufan. Countless cell coins were quickly absorbed by the powerful suction force.Under this strange force, the bodies of Anku and Wufan were rapidly collapsing, and the core coins in their bodies were rapidly being absorbed.A strange golden light emerged from Anku's body. 】

[These golden rays are the rays of the previous core coins, and in this ray of light, Anku's core coins were not absorbed. At the same time, one hand grabbed Ufan, as well as other Mezier and Gamer. The core coin of consciousness.But this golden light quickly disappeared. 】

[Originally, these powers were just a little bit left by Anku when he protected these original coins. Now they have naturally disappeared. Part of Anku's core coins has also been absorbed, and almost all of them have been absorbed. 】

["saiya!" At this moment, Souta's attack finally came down. 】

[Souta just jumped up high, and three energy circles with golden edges in the middle, red, yellow, and green energy appeared under his feet. When Souta fell, all three energy circles were injected into Souta's body. . 】

亴 [hit the ancient king hard and directly in the back. 】

["Ah!" The ancient king let out a scream and was kicked out. After breaking some trees and cliff walls, the ancient king fell to the ground. Then his armor was lifted and he lay on the ground. , life or death is uncertain. 】

["Anku, Wu Fan, Mezier, Gamel, are you okay?" Souta was slightly relieved when he saw the ancient king who had fallen to the ground and released his transformation, and then immediately ran to Anku's side. , Anku was a little pale after absorbing several core coins, and Wufan and the others couldn't even maintain their own bodies. 】

["I will give you cell coins right away." Upon seeing this, Souta did not cancel the transformation, but stretched out his arm, and the cell coins fell from Souta's hand, allowing the three of them to return to their physical condition. 】

["Finally! These powers belong to me." Just when Souta returned to the state of the four of them, Kazali, who had been hiding when Souta appeared, also appeared at this time. He stood beside the ancient king and made a sound laughing out loud. 】

["I want to thank you, Little Bird Traveler." Kazali smiled and looked at the ancient king on the ground: "Now my core coins and your core coins all belong to me."]

"I'm going, but it's the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole that's behind me again!"

"Isn't this Kazali too good at seducing?"

"Isn't Kazali's purpose just for this moment?"

"I'm still very curious. If Kazali is for this moment, he should cooperate more with Souta, right? In this case, the chance of taking action is still very possible."

"Yes, those of us who knew that the core coin was originally in Anku's possession were those of us who saw the video, as well as the dead Mo Chen, and even Wu Fan probably only found out when Anku asked for the cell coin. Yes. Can Khazali guess this?"

"On the contrary, I think that this guy Kazali is just for power... No, it should be said that he is just for the core coins!"

"Is it different from core coins when it comes to power?"

"Of course there is. You see, Wu Fan said before that what he wanted was powerful power. Then he simply disappeared and didn't know what to do. But when he appeared again, even if Without the core coins, the body has recovered very strongly. It should be because he is very similar to the current Souta and has absorbed a large number of cell coins. Kazari can definitely use this method."

"It seems...yeah!"

"But although the ancient king is powerful, it seems that it is too easy to solve now, right?"

"It's too easy to solve? Please think about it. Now Souta has 1000 million cell coins in his body, and he used the original core coins to defeat the ancient king. Do you think the ancient king is weak?"

["Originally, I didn't think you could defeat this guy. After all, I know very well how powerful this guy is, but I didn't expect you to actually send me such a big gift." And Kazali's desire Of course, needless to say, it is the core coin. 】

[He wants core coins. He doesn’t know how strong he can become with all the core coins, but he has always had the idea of ​​​​absorbing all the core coins from the beginning of the fusion of Mezel and Gamel. . 】

[Even though he was caught by the ancient king and almost died, Kazali did not give up this desire.When he first cooperated with Souta, it was just a letter of approval.Because he had approached the Ancient King from the very beginning, trying to see if he could get his core coins back.The ancient king spared him. 】

[But Kazali didn’t expect that Zouta was so powerful. 】

["Kazali, you guy." Although Anku had already guessed that Kazali might betray, so he asked Kyogoku and the others to come over to help, but the current situation also made Anku very unhappy, but it was just Just unhappy. 】

[How could it be so easy to absorb all the core coins?And now Souta still has a strong fighting ability. 】

["Crash..." The sound of stacked cell coins sounded. A large number of cell coins emerged from the ancient king's body, and his body was also fading away, and it looked like it was about to turn into a puddle of cell coins. 】

["I will accept my core coins and your core coins." Kazali did not hesitate when he saw this, and directly reached out to pick up the core coins. 】

["Pfft..." At this moment, a lavender strange hand suddenly appeared from the pool of cell coins that the ancient king had transformed into, piercing through Kazali's body, and then snatched Kazali away. Li grabbed the only core coin left in his body in his hand. 】

["I said, animals have to look like animals, kitten..." A weirdo who was obviously a dinosaur greedy man slowly appeared from the cell, but unlike Souta Greedy Man, this dinosaur greedy man Most of the body of the hunter is blue-purple, the shoulder armor is very large, and there is also this blue-purple cloak. 】

["Crack!" A crisp sound sounded, and the tiger core coin with Kazali's will directly turned into pieces in the hands of the dinosaur greedy: "If you are more obedient, then it may be useful."]

[The cat-type greedy Kazali is completely dead. 】

Chapter 12 The Ancient King’s Last Resort

["Isn't it over yet?" Souta looked at the dinosaur greedy who stood up and made a fighting gesture. 】

["Of course it's not over." The dinosaur greedy man, the ancient king, looked at Souta in front of him. Because he was a greedy man, he couldn't see his expression clearly, and his tone also sounded a little indifferent. 】

["You are indeed very powerful because you can use the power that I couldn't use back then." The ancient king said in a very cold tone at this time: "Then from now on, I will not be merciful."]

["What?" Zouta frowned under his armor. According to the words of the ancient king, does the other party have any other tricks?Even in his current state of dinosaur greed, Souta didn't think he would lose. 】

["I will let my soldiers kill all the adults in this world! The children left behind will be my future subjects." The next words of the ancient king shocked Souta. . 】

["Curaçao..." The Ancient King shouted, and Curacao slowly walked towards the Ancient King from inside the house. 】

["Dedicate everything you have to me." As soon as the ancient king raised his hand, the light on Curacao's chest lit up, and a human core coin emerged from Curacao's body. Curacao fell directly to the on the ground. 】

["Then, from now on. My army will continue to invade this world, Kamen Rider... Haha. Just work hard." The ancient king threw the human core coin in his hand into the sky, and the human core coin It disappeared directly into the clouds in the sky. 】

["What is that?" Nanatsuki Koshimizu, who had just woken up from a coma, looked at the situation in front of him, somewhat confused about what was happening, but black shadows began to slowly appear on the white clouds in the sky. 】

[Then a huge instrument slowly descended from the clouds. It was a strange black diamond-shaped device. At this time, the Ancient King flew directly towards the sky. 】

["Damn it!" Souta's body flexed slightly when he saw this, and then he exerted force with both feet. His whole body was like a cannonball chasing the ancient king in the sky, and the cracks on the core coin around his waist became more and more serious. many. 】

[The picture stays on, with the ancient dynasty heading towards the rhombus-shaped instrument in the sky, and Souta chasing after it. 】

【Continue tomorrow·Preview! 】

["There are many blank appetite monsters appearing now. If it is based on our combat power, if the core coins are still there, maybe..." Surrounded in the lounge of Vagunaria, Souta closed his eyes and looked As if unconscious. 】

["In addition to the core coins of our own will, we only have the dinosaur core coins in Souta's body, and..." Metzl focused on Anku, and Anku was silent for a while: "Then get ready to make a decision."]

["Don't we need dinosaurs?" Gamer asked curiously. 】

["Souta has too many cell coins in his body. Originally, the dinosaur core coins were at risk of going wild. If they were really used, then..."]

["Will it be like 800 years ago?"]

[The preview screen appears in Vagonaria again. This time there are many people here. Even Soma's girlfriend, concubine and daughter Hime are also here. Everyone seems to be enjoying the dinner together. 】

[The other one is at Souta's house, with Souta and Ipami. 】

[And the last sentence when the screen went completely black was a very gentle tone that Anku had never used before: "I really made the right bet by choosing you!"]

The screen all disappeared.

Everyone was left in a lively discussion, except...

"What's going on with this feeling?" Xiaoniao Youzong left too early today.

Souta considers himself to be the kind of person who is relatively calm and is quick to recognize his own feelings.

For example, the picture foretells that he will like that violent girl in Ibo.

Souta is actually very shy about this. Although he keeps beating himself, he still has a good impression of Ipo who repented every time. After all, Ipo is indeed a very cute girl.

If you say you won't hit anyone.

So Souta planned that if Ipami could stop hitting people, they would indeed be able to date.

But now Zongtai is confused about another thing.

That's the weird feeling I have for Anku.The kind of worry that is like a best friend.

Souta used to think that the content in the video was just the content of the future. Even if he was a knight of this second theme, he could accept it calmly and try his best to avoid all the tragedies that appeared in it.

Even if he can't do it himself, he can still seek help from Mo Chen.

Because Mo Chen is still alive now, or if that doesn't work, he can go find Phillip. Phillip has the Earth Library and can know a lot of things and change his future.

But how did this feeling come about?

It was as if he had really experienced so many things.

But Souta can 100% say that he has never experienced such a thing.

So Souta left early. He planned to go home first and sort out his chaotic thoughts.

"Sometimes, even if you forget it in your memory, your body will also forget it, but after seeing your own experience, you will still feel a sense of resonance, right?"

"Click..." A voice taking pictures sounded.

"Who is it?" Souta subconsciously made the same fighting gesture as in the video.

"Kadoya Shi?" But soon Souta saw a man leaning under a telephone pole on his way home, holding a sundae in one hand and eating a pink one in the other. Take pictures of yourself with your camera.

As for this young man in a suit, Souta had seen it in the video before.

Which mysterious existence is it: Kadoya Shi.

"Ding dong, you guessed it right." And Kado Yashi was eating the sundae, looking at Souta in front of him with a pair of black eyes, as if he was inspecting him.

"What do you want to see me for?" In the video, Kadoyashi acted like he didn't know which side he was on, but Souta still let down some of his guard. What was Kadoyashi doing to see him now? Woolen cloth?

"How should I put it..." After taking a bite of the sundae, Kadashi raised his hand slightly: "Come for a walk with me."

The dimensional barrier appeared next to Kadayaji, which was the road in front of Souta.

"Huh?" Souta looked at Kadashi in front of him with a confused face, and then looked at the mercury-like screen in front of him.

"How about it? Do you have the courage to come with me? Let's talk about it first. If we come together, maybe there will be chaos in the future."

Chapter 13 The hand you should hold ([-])

The little bird Yu Souta is missing.

This was something that spread during the night.

Many people were a little surprised, or worried.

Because Zongtai's mood fluctuated greatly today, everyone in the school knew about it.

So a large-scale search for people began.

Finally, the Metropolitan Police also called in other knights, and even Kato Megumi.

However, Kato Megumi understood something after searching for a while, and just told everyone not to be anxious. When Conan came over and asked about it, he said there was no need to be anxious.

Under the words of the Miko of the Earth and Kamen Rider W, everyone felt relieved.

But everyone is still a little worried about the plot the next day.

The trailer made everyone a little worried.

Many people think that this ending may be a good one, because Anku's words at the end are reassuring.

But more people think this is a flag.

Anyway, it was in this noisy atmosphere that the next day's video started.

【"The hand that should be held"】

[The logo this time does not use the title of desire like the previous one, and the lines on the text are also different from the previous dinosaurs, but Anku's lines, and red feathers. 】

["Damn it!" The scene immediately continued from yesterday's scene. Souta's fist was heading towards the sky, gathering yellow light: "Saiya!"]

["Incompetent act!" The ancient king's body floated in front of the rhombus-shaped instrument. Seeing Souta rushing over, he raised his hand and the core coin followed the ancient king's body towards the rhombus-shaped device in the sky. After injecting the six core coins of the five kinds of greed in the ancient king, the entire diamond-shaped device lit up with five colors of light, and at the same time endless cell coins emerged from it. 】

[At the same time, core coin patterns appeared on the five corners of the rhombus-shaped instrument. 】

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