[Then the cell coins all over the sky turned into fists and smashed towards Souta, and Souta also waved his fist. 】

[Kamen Rider OOO's fist collided with Cell Coin's big fist. 】

[Souta's fist, which was glowing golden, broke through the cell coin's fist fiercely.Continue towards the direction of the ancient king. 】

["Crack..." But at this moment, the three core coins on the drive on Zouta's waist were completely shattered. 】

["What?" Souta did not expect that there would be such a scene, and the energy in the body was originally vented by the driver of the belt, but now that there is no place to vent this energy, Souta's armor directly lifted the transformation , with a painful expression on his face, and at the same time, a strange purple light shone in his abdomen, and the dinosaur core coin in his body wanted to appear. 】

["..." Souta closed his eyes, and the hand he originally raised slowly dropped down, and then fell down again. Because he lost his transformation, Souta began to fall.Zongtaita looked like he had passed out.The purple light around his waist slowly disappeared.obscenity]

["Swipe..." Anku, who transformed into his true form, quickly crossed the sky and held Souta in his arms. 】

[And the ancient king in the sky integrated his body into the rhombus-shaped instrument.Then the diamond-shaped instrument slowly moved toward the city with its light shining. 】

"It's really not that simple."

"Damn it, it turns out that 800 years ago the core coins have passed their shelf life!"

"What should Souta do now? Except for some of Anku's core coins, all the other core coins have been absorbed by that weird instrument."

"What is that weird instrument? Does anyone know?"

"I don't know. I didn't see any hints before. It feels like it appeared out of thin air!"

"Does it really take Souta to become a dinosaur alliance? In such a situation, he will definitely go berserk, right?"

["What am I?" Souta, who was in a coma, slowly opened his eyes. This was a cave, but Souta didn't know why he was here.And in front of Souta was a group of alchemists who were busy. 】

【"here it is?"】

["This is the place where the Greedy Man was born." At this moment, Zongtai heard a strange yet familiar voice, and turned around to look: "Ancient King? No, you are... Mo Chen?"]

[Yes, the person who appeared behind Zongtai was Mo Chen. He had a gentle smile, wore a white researcher coat, and looked at Zongtai with a warm smile. 】

"Long time no see, Xiaoniaoyou." Mo Chen nodded slightly. 】

["Aren't you already..." Zongtai looked at Mo Chen with a surprised expression on his face, and then looked around: "Am I in a dream? Or am I already dead?"]

["It's a dream, I guess." Mo Chen smiled warmly and stood next to Zongtai, looking at a group of alchemists busy in the cave in front of them. 】

["I am already dead. In my current state, you can understand that I am an undead..." Mo Chen said with a gentle smile, and then looked at the busy alchemist in front of him and said. 】

["Little bird traveler. As you have learned before, Greeed is a collection of desires, and desires contain huge power. 800 years ago, the reason why alchemists made core coins was precisely because of the The king longs for the power to dominate the world." Following Mo Chen's lead, Zongtai and Mo Chen passed through Alchemy's body and looked at the various animals in front of them. 】

["Look, from the water to the ground, and then to the sky! Strong desire makes life evolve, which is the so-called driving force of life. And the coin that purifies this driving force can make people evolve again. In the end, I am afraid that they will step into the divine realm. It's my field." At this point, Mo Chen's tone also sighed. 】

["I have already felt that powerful force. To say it is a god is a bit exaggerated, but it is indeed a very powerful force." Zongtai clenched his fists and had some thoughts that were different from Mo Chen's. 】

["Really? It's great if you can think like this." Mo Chen agreed with Zongtai's idea: "But the fact that you can use such a powerful force is indeed enough to be called a god."]

["Originally, it is very difficult to become a desire container that can accept such power. First of all, one must have a huge desire. However, no matter how big the desire is, if the container is already full, it will overflow immediately. The king's loss of control 800 years ago was Because of this." The scene here changed again, turning into a scene of the ancient king and several greedy people fighting together 800 years ago. 】

Chapter 14 The Hand You Should Hold ([-]): Coin Container

[The battle between the ancient king and several greedy people has been played at the beginning. This time the battle was played in fast forward, and it finally stopped at the second of the rampage. 】

["But, little bird Yu Zongtai, you are different." Mo Chen turned his head and focused on Zongtai.This made Zong Tai a little confused, but he still listened to Mo Chen's words. 】

["The time we met on the plane, I saw that you once had a huge desire, and you emptied it once because of helpless protection. The empty container can accept any desire, and that is, OOO container." Mo Chen said as the scene at the beginning of the video appeared, Zongtai looked very decadent. 】

[“At that time, I followed my mother to go to other countries to help those children, which made me very high-spirited. I felt that I had found my dream and my desire. I wanted to help all the children in need in the world. Because I like small things." At this point, Souta showed a yearning expression, but the expression soon disappeared. 】

["But I soon discovered that even if I had the rights of a mother, I couldn't do it. I didn't even have the ability to protect them."]

["This is the desire to be emptied. You can be said to be desperate at that time, so I am not surprised that you became Kamen Rider OOO." Mo Chen nodded, then waved his hand, and the screen changed to the dinosaur core coin again. The scene entering Souta. 】

["However, what is unexpected is that the purple dinosaur coin actually invaded this container. It was a negative loss of control that reduced everything to nothingness. At the same time, the same thing happened to Katsumi. It can be difficult to return to normal, or it can be very simple. Souta, you must have desire, it is your own desire, it is your personal desire, this desire can prevent the purple coin from getting out of control."]

["Well, I have roughly understood how to control it before." Souta nodded to show that he understood. 】

["Really?" After hearing Zongtai's words, Mo Chen showed a happy smile, and then slowly backed away: "In that case, that's fine. You are indeed stronger than that guy now."]

["Wait a minute, Mr. Mo Chen."] Ding looked at Mo Chen and was about to retreat, as if he was about to disappear. Souta immediately called out to Mo Chen: "Is there a way to save Dr. Katsumi?"]

["There's no way." Mo Chen's dissipating figure stopped, and then he shook his head expressionlessly: "This is Ji Ji's fate, and even I can't stop it. Go and defeat him."]

["He is different from you. Although he can now use the dinosaur core coins, the difference is that his desire has not disappeared. When the self-denial will was still there before, he knew his destiny, so when he was defeated by W He gave up his desires. An empty container appeared. It also allowed the dinosaur core coin to enter the body."]

[While speaking, Mo Chen's figure slowly disappeared. 】

["Wait a minute, Mr. Mo Chen..." Zongtai wanted to say something to Mo Chen, but Mo Chen's figure completely disappeared. 】

["Father, he will not always appear here." At this time, a voice almost identical to Mo Chen's voice sounded from behind Zongtai, but you knew who it was without mentioning it. After all, there was only one person who would call Mo Chen that way. Chen. 】

["Dr. Katsumi. You..." A surprised expression appeared on Souta's face. 】

["Are you surprised?" Katsuki shook his head with a smile and said: "We have used Gaia memory, and Gaia memory is the power of the earth. After use, it will indeed leave some traces. There are some traces after use. Relatively special abilities are also normal.”]

["Katsuki, is there any way we can save you?" Souta looked at Katsuki with great concern. 】

["There is no way." Katsuki shook his head: "Now I have completely disappeared. The ancient king used my body to resurrect."]

["But there is still a way to resurrect Curacao. I leave it to you to use it." Katsumi looked at Souta and said: "The one that appears outside now is the runaway form of the 'coin container'. I made it with human core coins at the time. Curacao is a container that I brought out from an organization. She was experimented on and could not survive. I gave her hope to survive."]

["But it is maintained by using human core coins. The production method of human core coins is at the lowest level of Fusa Painting Company. Using human core coins for Curacao within three days can maintain his vitality." 】

["Then you..." Souta looked at the picture in front of him, which appeared underground at Fusha Painting Company.He nodded first, and then asked worriedly. 】

["My ending was decided when I was born. So there is no need to be sad for me." But Katsumi said very calmly: "In order to save my father, I used some human core coins made from the data, and of course... There are a few useless ones. Please use them to save Curacao."]

["Then Curacao..." Souta could feel that Curacao's attitude towards Katsumi was different. 】

["She doesn't like me, she just has a special affection for me because I rescued her. After it's over, please tell her...it has helped me a lot. You can go there The life I want to live." Katsumi said and his figure slowly disappeared. 】

["Wait a minute..." Souta raised his arm and wanted to hold Katsumi and Katsumi to say a few words, but everything here began to become distorted. 】

"Even though they are dead, Mo Chen and Katsumi are still helping the knights."

"Yes...if Mo Chen hadn't died, he might have become a guide for all knights."

"And Keji. If Keji hadn't been possessed by the ancient king, he might have inherited Mo Chen's identity and become a guide."

"Hey, since Mr. Mo Chen in the video is dead, Mr. Mo Chen in reality cannot die. Even if it means sacrificing my life, I will protect Mr. Mo Chen."

"I think we ordinary people, let alone sacrifice our lives, just don't be tempted by those greedy people and Gaia's memory."

"Not causing them any trouble is the best way to help them."

"Yes, I think so too. Suddenly I want to see Mr. Mo Chen. Mr. Mo Chen is on a business trip to another world, and I don't know when he will come back..."

Chapter 15 The Hand You Should Hold ([-]): Inform

["The familiar ceiling." And when he opened his eyes, Souta found that he was in the lounge of Vagonalia. 】

[And my body felt like there were several people pressing on me, but it was nothing to the current Souta, but now Souta squinted his eyes, everything he saw was flickering, It's just like TV snowflakes for a while, then it turns gray and then it turns into color. 】

['...Has it almost completely become a greedy person?But Mr. Mo Chen said...' Zongtai closed his eyes, as if to calm his breath, and as if to confirm something.After a while he opened his eyes. 】

["Souta, you're awake." At this time, Metzl opened the door and looked at Souta with surprise. 】

["Well, how are you guys...? How are you doing now? How long have I been unconscious?" Souta got up from the bed, put on his glasses and asked Mezel on the side. 】

["You have been unconscious for about a day or so." At this time, the door opened, and Wu Fan and Anku walked into the room with almost the same gesture of holding hands. They looked very unhappy with each other. 】

["How are you now?" Souta rubbed his forehead and leaned against the wall. 】

["After you passed out yesterday, countless blank appetite monsters began to appear from the sky. We worked together with other knights who came over. Finally, the knight named Kuuga used a knight kick to knock the rhombus device away. It was sealed, but he said the power of the seal could only last for one day." Anku explained. 】

["Is that so?" Souta sighed slightly and nodded, then told everyone present what happened in his dream. 】

["The coin container...I see." Anku said that he understood: "In other words, now we only need to destroy the coin container, and then after all the ancient kings are eliminated, that's it."]

["That's right."]

["Wait a minute, but aren't all the core coins of the little wandering bird gone?" At this time, a voice appeared that surprised Souta: "Senior? Why are you here?"]

[In fact, it was not just Xiao Baiyang, everyone else in the store came over and looked at the situation inside. 】

["Now that something like this has happened, everyone is worried about you." Yibo stepped forward and said. 】

["That's it, of course there is no problem. I will solve the matter soon." Souta gave a thumbs up and smiled: "Even if I lose the core coin, I still have the core coin in my body."]

【"Have you overcome it?"】

["Well, although I haven't completely controlled it yet, there is no problem this time." But Souta just answered like this. 】

乵【"Then come and eat." Sato, who was wearing a chef's uniform, said: "You haven't eaten much since yesterday."]

[This meal was very harmonious. Everyone sat together and ate happily. Wu Fan actually knew Jun Sato, but it was only because Wu Fan’s residence was next door to Jun Sato. So Wu Fan and Sato Jun are neighbors. 】

[They sat around and chatted, as if the situation outside had disappeared. Sato said that Bai Yang had not grown up, Bai Yang retorted, and at the same time said that Sato actually liked Todoroki, and Todoroki said that the store manager Things, and the store manager has been eating, but he is still talking about things that Ibo has not been afraid of men recently. 】

[And Souma was teasing his daughter and trying to talk to the concubine at the same time, but the concubine ignored Souma and kept taking care of Hime, looking very strange but harmonious. 】

[Ipami is sitting next to Souta, picking up food for Souta, and Ama on the other side is feeding Anku. In Ama's words, this body belongs to his brother. Although he is very unhappy with his brother, he must Keep brother nourished. 】

[Although Mezier, Gamer and Ufan joined temporarily, they are still related to everyone, so they had a lot of fun chatting and eating together.It was also at this time that Wu Fan revealed his method of earning core coins. 】

["Open a company?" Everyone looked at each other in confusion. 】

["Yes." Wufan nodded while drinking a glass of red wine: "My desire is just to become stronger. Human beings are indeed very interesting creatures. Even if they have various desires, their desire for money is also very interesting." It's big, but it's not enough to create greedy people, so in addition to giving a fixed salary, it's enough for me to collect one to five cells per day."]

["Is there another way?" Souta looked confused, but Soma on the other side narrowed his eyes: "I see, any company with high wages should be your company."]

["I don't need human money." Wu Fan just said this. 】

[After the meal was over, everyone was cleaning up, and Souta called out to Ipami. 】

["Hey! Do you want to go to Xiaotiaoyu's house together?" Ipo showed a surprised expression, while Souta nodded: "Well, are you willing?"]

["I, I, I... of course I do." It was almost turning into a steam engine.The tone of the answer was stuttering, but he still nodded and agreed. 】

[Souta and Ipo left the store together without telling anyone else, and no one else tried to stop them from leaving. 】

[On the way back, Souta inadvertently held Ipo's arm, and then returned home. 】

["Eh! Souta's girlfriend?" The fact that Souta brought back his girlfriend can be said to have shocked the entire Xiaotiaoyou family. Everyone hurriedly packed up, and then looked at the people sitting together on the sofa. Souta and Ipami.But Souta was calm, while Yibo was almost unconscious from shyness. 】

["I have something to tell you."]

[Souta confessed to everyone in his family that he became Kamen Rider OOO, and did not hide anything, including the fact that he has now become the host of the dinosaur core coin. 】

["Did something like this happen?" As the eldest sister, Kotori Yuizhi looked calm, but the hand holding the teacup was shaking slightly, while Kotori Yuquan was very worried and was about to cry. .The third sister, Xiaoniao Yousao, also had a serious look on her face.The elementary school student's little bird swimming beside him was also very worried. 】

["Well, I didn't tell everyone about this because I was worried that everyone would be worried about me, but it's okay. The matter will be resolved soon."]

Chapter 1 The Hand You Should Hold ([-]): Start the War

["Souta!" After hearing Souta's explanation, Kotori Yuichie was silent for a long time and said: "As a family, of course we don't agree with you going to the so-called battle. But things have reached this point. Then go Bar,"】

["Sister Yichie..." After hearing what Yuichi Kotori said, everyone else looked at Yuichi Kotori in surprise, and Yuichi Kotori's expression was always serious: "But, as a family member, I only have One request. Get home safely."]

["Yes!" Souta stood up straight and nodded, while Kotori Yuichi stood up and held Souta in his arms: "I must come back."]

["Zong-chan..." The second sister Xiaotiao Youquan is a super physically incompetent person. It can be said that 'anything heavier than a pen will be fatal if you pick it up, let alone stand up and walk'.Souta has always been taking care of her. 】

["Sister Quan, I will definitely come back. I will prepare the ink and manuscript paper you want."]

["Well..." Looking at Souta's smile, although Xiaotiao Yuquan was still worried, he finally nodded. 】

["Sister Shao, when I come back, you can teach me some fighting skills." Then there is the third sister, the little bird swims in Shao, and Shao is also worried, but still smiles and nods: "Well, I will I will teach you everything I know. Don’t forget what I taught you before, and use those abilities to work hard for me.”]

["Yes!" After answering, Souta looked at his sister: "Xiaoqi, I will be back soon."]

["Well, I believe brother, and you brought Yibo back because you two are already dating?" Xiaoniao Youli didn't look very worried, but nodded and looked at Yibo curiously. 】

["That's right."]

["Zi..." After hearing Souta's admission, Kotori Yujia also looked over, and then Ippo's head really started to smoke like a steam engine. 】

【"That's right!"】

"Hahaha, this is my favorite couple."

"But what about Anku? I obviously knocked on Souta and Anku's."

"Hey, upstairs, please don't get into your head."

"Yes, it's a good thing that Souta and Ipami are lovers."

"As for Souta and Anku's relationship, I feel it's better than a couple."

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