
"Don't you have that kind of person? The kind of person who can completely leave your back to the other person."

"Yes, just like Conan and Philip."

"Come on! This time it should be an OOO ending."

"Hopefully there will be a good ending."

"Is it a good ending?" Conan shook his head. He was not very optimistic about the so-called good ending. He knew Koizumi Anko. Koizumi Anko once said that prophecies like that are not groundless. Unless someone else can sacrifice their lives, one of Souta and Anku might...

"That's just something that will happen in the future. There is still a chance to change now, right?" Kudo Yusaku said, pushing up his glasses.


[After saying goodbye to his family, Souta left Ipami behind and rode on the motorcycle. When he put on his helmet, Souta stopped for a while and turned to look at Ipami. At this time, Ipami was still blushing, but still determined. Looking at Souta: "Little Bird Yu... Souta, you must come back."]

["I'll be back." Souta nodded.Then the locomotive was started. 】

【Moving towards the distance. 】

["Mom...you know, right?" But at this time, a conversation came out. This conversation was the previous contact between him and his mother. 】

["Well, of course...after all, you are my child, I will always watch you." Xiaoniao Youzongtai's mother, Xiaoniao Youjing's answer is also very normal. After all, Xiaoniao Youjing's identity is politician. 】

["So I will win, for the world and for my desire."]

["Souta, I regret a little. I took you to other capitals at that time. At that time, you got your dream for the future, but you also buried your dream."]

["It's okay, mother... I've already thought about it, my desires, what I want is..." There was only a simple mouth shape behind, but Xiaoniao Youjing on the other side of the phone was silent for a while. 】

["Really? Go ahead. As my proud son. Go ahead."]

[The motorcycle driver was heading in the direction of the coin container and the rampage form. As he was driving past, Anku, Mezier, Gamer, and Ufan also followed Souta on their motorcycles. 】

["Ouch!" At this moment, the seal of Kuuga on the coin's container and runaway form was released.The densely packed cell coins will turn into densely packed debris greedy people from the sky. 】

["Souta..." Anku took out the OOO drive at this time. There were cracks on the OOO drive: "Go."]

["Got it!" Souta nodded, reached out and took the drive Anku threw over, and placed it on his waist.Then a purple halo appeared in his eyes. 】

[Three dinosaur core coins emerge from Souta's body. 】

["henshin!" Souta took out the O-scanning ring and scanned the driver on his waist, then jumped up from the locomotive. The locomotive moved forward with inertia, knocking away the dense debris-devouring monsters in front, and Souta himself has completed his transformation. 】

["Ptera! Tricera! Tyranno! Pu·To·Tyranno, Zaurus!"]

[OOO, who transformed into a dinosaur team, turned his head and glanced at the four greedy people below who had joined the battle. Then he flapped the pterosaur energy wings behind him and rushed directly towards the container of coins in the sky, the rampage form. 】

["Saiya!" The pterosaur energy wings behind him spread out, and at the same time, the energy tail of the tyrannosaurus appeared on the hip. In the sky, the coin container and rampage form appeared again, and the desire-devouring monsters that Souta had fought before appeared. . 】

[However, under the powerful combination of dinosaurs, they almost wiped out a group of them with a sweep of their tails. 】

[A large area of ​​the sky was emptied out. It was obvious that these greedy people could no longer stop Souta. 】

["You're still here, why don't you accept my rule obediently?" And the ancient king appeared outside the coin's container and rampage form in the form of a greedy dinosaur, looking at Souta with great anger. 】

Chapter 17 The hand you should hold ([-])

"Very strong. Souta is really strong now."

"Just as powerful as when I first transformed."

"But the difference is that before, he went berserk, but now Souta is almost completely under control."

"You still can't be too reassured." Faced with the curious looks of the two people in front of him, Hikigaya Hachiman shook his head: "Although Souta can now control the dinosaur core coins, the problem is that Souta's drive has begun to be damaged. .”

"Yes, the Ancient King wanted to destroy the drive before. Although it was not completely destroyed, the previous use of the initial combination had already caused some damage to the drive." Yukino also nodded in agreement.

"However, there is still a turning point." As for what the turning point is, Hachiman did not say directly, but looked at the video in front of him with a somewhat profound look.It was as if he already knew the outcome.

["We don't need a king like you!" Souta was not afraid at all when facing the ancient king. 】

[Roaring at the Ancient King, Souta took out the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus, and then fought with the Ancient King in the sky. During the battle, the driver on the belt continued to crack. 】

["Hey, Anku, Souta will be in trouble if this goes on." Below, after casually repelling the crumb greedy ones, Metzl looked up at the battle in the sky and said with some worry. 】

["It doesn't matter, the drive can still be maintained." And Anku waved his hand, and flames were released from Anku's hand. 】

"It would be nice if there was a third drive." Wu Fan said helplessly.At this time, Kyogoku Shin also joined the battle, and of course Koshimi Nanatsuki, who was wearing a belt, also came. 】

[Although Koshimi Nanatsuki cannot transform, she still joins the battle with a coin rifle. 】

["The driver was made in a way that even Mo Chen didn't have. Katsumi should have made it himself at that time." Koshimizu Nanatsuki explained, and then helped Metzl eliminate the Debris Eater monster coming from behind. 】

[Although the strength of the Debris Devouring Monsters is not strong, the key point is that there are too many of them.They are densely packed almost on the streets. 】

["Then let's try this." Kyogoku touched his abdomen and began to add cell coins to his belt.Koshizui Nanatsuki on the side saw this and approached Kyogoku Makoto, and began to frantically put in cell coins. 】

[I don’t know how many were invested. Wu Fan and others also discovered that Kyogoku was really doing something special, so they came to help protect him. 】

["Then let's do it!" Kyogoku finally felt that he was almost done, so he twisted the knob on the driver at his waist. 】


["CLAWs·Sasori (chela system·giant scorpion)" All the previous armor components became a giant mechanical scorpion only three meters long. The mechanical scorpion began to attack the enemies in front. 】

["Drink!" Suddenly a huge boulder came over. Everyone looked over and saw other people in the store coming over. 】

["Why are you here?" Anku looked very dissatisfied. 】

["We can still deal with the crumb-eating monster." The store manager who took the lead said coldly, twisting the mace in his hand. 】

[Others in the store, Todoroki Yachiyo's swordsmanship is pretty good, and he has no problem facing one or two Debris Eaters. Although Sato Jun looks like a bad guy, in fact Sato Jun himself doesn't know how to fight. But he was worried about Todoroki Yachiyo, so he stayed beside Yachiyo to help. 】

[Souma didn’t come over, but still, Souma still had to protect his daughter and child, and he wasn’t the kind of person who knew how to fight. 】

[While Bai Yang helped those who had not completely evacuated, Yibo was even more ruthless. He directly grabbed rocks on the ground and threw them at them. It can be said that he had the strongest fighting ability among the few. 】

["It's true." Anku was very dissatisfied with the appearance of this group of people, but he didn't say anything.The battle continues. 】

[And the battle in the sky is still going on. 】

[The arms of Souta and the Ancient King collided, and both of them were knocked away for a distance, and then they quickly approached with fists or kicked their feet together.It seems to be comparable. 】

["How is it possible that you can completely control the dinosaur core coin?" And the ancient king understood that although these few attacks seemed to be the same, the Souta in front of him was obviously more powerful. 】

[This is impossible. How strong the dinosaur core coin is, the ancient king who owns it knows best. Even if there are more than four dinosaur core coins in his body, he will go berserk. 】

[But now Souta has eight dinosaur core coins in his body, how could he not go berserk? 】

["That's because I control my desires." Souta roared and attacked the ancient king again in the exploration hole. His fists and the holy emblem Tyrannosaurus in his hand were swung towards the ancient king. . 】

[The ancient king was able to withstand it at first, but now he can no longer bear it. He is retreating steadily after being attacked by Souta. 】

["Ouch!" Souta let out a roar when he saw this, and then five more dinosaur core coins emerged from his body. Souta put all five dinosaur core coins into the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus in his hand. .Then a twist turns it into gun mode. 】

["Ptera! Tricera! Tyranno! Kill!"]

["Saiya!" The muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at the Ancient King, and then the trigger was pulled. A powerful purple beam attack with a diameter of three to four meters spurted out from the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus. 】

[It hit the Ancient King's body directly, and pushed the Ancient King's coin-containing container in the direction of the berserk form. 】

[Of course, the power of this attack was too strong, and Souta himself was blown and pushed quickly backwards, but Souta instigated his energy wings and wanted to fly directly towards the ancient king. 】

["How is that possible!" The Ancient King opened his hands, and a purple light shield emerged from them to withstand the attack of the energy cannon, but even so, cracks appeared on the purple light shield. 】

["Nothing is impossible! This is human..." Souta tried his best to flap the wings on his back, and the cracks in the drive on his waist became more and more serious. It seemed that Souta was out of breath, but even so Souta roared: " This is the human will.”]

["Crash..." The cell coins in Zouta's body spurted out directly from the circular armor on his chest, and were submerged in the light of the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus. 】


Chapter 18 The Hand You Should Hold ([-]) Cracked Coin

["How is it possible!" Added the energy of Cell Coin.The barrier in front of the ancient king was cracking rapidly and could no longer be maintained.The huge restraint pushed the ancient king directly towards the coin's container and rampage form, and soon the ancient king's body hit the coin's container and rampage form. 】

["Saiya!" Souta increased his output. The drive on his waist was covered with cracks, and it looked like it would shatter into pieces in the next second. 】

["Boom!" With a loud noise, the coin's container and rampage form in the sky exploded directly, and all the core coins and cell coins fell like rain. 】

[And Souta's own strength also consumed a lot, and he fell directly, landing in front of everyone, and then automatically canceled the transformation. 】

[The three dinosaur core coins on the driver on the waist directly entered Souta's body.Souta himself looked as if he had emerged from water, covered in sweat. 】

["Anku...I succeeded." Looking at Anku, Souta smiled tiredly. 】

["Well...well done!" Anku also showed a smile.Just as he was about to walk over and help Souta, something happened at this moment. 】

["Hahahaha!" Crazy laughter resounded in the sky.Souta and Anku were startled and looked up. 】

["Taka! Tora! Batta! Ta·To·Ba, TaToBa, Ta·To·Ba!" The sound effect of OOO's transformation sounded first, but the effect was not the crisp male voice before, but the sound effect of the ancient king. There was a bit of a hoarse and crazy sound like some smoking guns. 】

[And it’s not over yet. 】

["Taka! Kujaku! Condor!" Three bird-type link groups floated up from the ground and flew toward the center of the explosion. They merged together to form a circular pattern that was either a bird or a bird-type link group. Breastplate-like. 】

["Kuwagata! Kamakiri! Batta!" The three core coins of the Insect Alliance also flew into the sky, forming the breastplate of the Insect Alliance. 】

["Lion! Tora! Cheetah!" The same goes for the cat-related group. 】

["Shachi! Unagi! Tako!" The same goes for the water-based team. 】

["Sai! Gorilla! Zou!" Finally, there is the gravity combination. 】

[Then these combinations formed five circular energy patterns surrounding the explosion flames, and then suddenly submerged into the flames, and the flames seemed to be absorbed, and a figure fell from the sky. 】

[It landed not far from Souta. 】

[The scarlet compound eyes and the eagle armor helmet on the head are not conspicuously red, but have a brownish-red feeling, and the helmet is full of cracks. The gauntlet on the right hand is the armor of the cat-related group, and the one on the left is insect armor. It is armor-based. The right leg armor is gravity-linked and the left leg is water-linked. 】

[The pauldrons on the shoulders have sharp and long angles.There are silver and yellow lines on the sharp corners on the right side, blue and green lines on the left shoulder, and red lines under the helmet. 】

[The circular armor on the chest has a vortex-like pattern on it, and there are five greedy heads on it, and they seem to be absorbed by the central vortex and surround it in the middle of the vortex. 】

"I want to thank you, Kotori Yusouta." The ancient king's voice was no longer the self-denying voice before, but turned into a low, smoky voice with a hint of hoarseness. 】

"I'll go, isn't this dead?"

"Is this ancient king a cockroach? In this case, is it still or?"

"This armor... feels like a stitch monster."

"Yes, it looks very strong, but isn't it just the accessories of five armors put together?"

"Why is Anku's helmet like that?"

"Is it because of the explosion just now?"

"I don't know, but although it looks like a suture monster, if it is really the fusion of the power of five greedy people, then the strength is self-evident."

"Souta's drive is almost completely shattered. What should we do next?"

"It hasn't completely cracked. There is another time, which means there is a possibility of it. The real last battle."

"Don't worry, everything has been solved before. Souta will be fine now."

["You guy." Anku looked at the situation in front of him and was very angry, clenching his fists. 】

["Isn't it over yet?" Souta stopped his tired body from shaking due to fatigue, and then three dinosaur core coins emerged from his body. 】

["No, the output power of the dinosaur core coin is too strong, the belt will not be able to hold it up." Among the greedy people who gathered around, Wu Fan saw such a scene and directly stopped Souta's movements. 】

["..." Upon seeing this, Souta glanced at the drive that was almost completely broken, and gritted his teeth. 】

["...Souta! Go on." At this time, Anku clenched his right hand, and then his expression became firm. He shouted to Souta. With a wave of his right hand, two core coins flew towards Souta. , and then another core coin flew out of Anku's hand. 】

[Anku originally had only three core coins left in his body, and one of them was the core coin of his will. Now Anku has donated all the core coins of his will. 】

[Without Anku's support, Yamada collapsed on the ground, his right arm flashed, and some cell coins fell to the ground. 】

["Zizi..." He stretched out his hand to catch the three core coins thrown by Anku. In the sight of Zongtai's eyes, there were snowflakes like TVs, and sometimes they were black and white, sometimes they were in color, and the rating was very high. Quick, most of the time it's black and white, or it's snowflakes, only for a moment it's in color.This shows how serious Souta's greed is. 】

[In Souta's eyes, only in color can one see the very obvious cracks on the eagle coin with Anku's will attached to it.And it is intact in other states. 】

["Really? Anku..." Souta didn't know if he saw it, but he knew that now Anku had taken out all the core coins of his will, which meant that Anku was also ready. 】

["Since we are ready to go, let's go together." After putting the core coins of Peacock and Vulture into the driver on his waist, Souta looked at the eagle coin in his hand and nodded seriously, then inserted it into his waist among the drives. 】


Chapter 19 The hand you should hold ([-]): Loss of bird connection group

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